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I thought Ruby was an idiot about the party. She was so negative coming in to the house that no wonder Charlie assumed she had failed. How did Ruby know it was a failure party anyway? A party is a party, it could have been a success party instead. I think Charlie was just reacting to Ruby acting as if she'd failed, she could have gone either way. At least Ruby had a mother who cared enough to set up a party. The name of her driving school: Drive Em Home wasn't it? Honestly! :lol:

Dex is getting even stranger. Good for Graves telling him about his trying to make up for his absent mother, we all realised that ages ago :rolleyes: Perhaps he'll come to his senses now?

My theory about Who Killed Penn. Shandi had some reason for wanting him dead and she persuaded Will to help her, so it was them. Dun dun DUR! :lol:

It was funny with Xavier's chat with Gina- who was the parent there?

Ruby coming in and pretending she had failed is an old trick. She was a bit over sensitive about the 'fail' party, Charlie could have phrased it better though. Maybe just said 'never mind, I've prepared this whichever way it went, either to cheer you up or celebrate'. They seem to have got over their misunderstanding from last time, now it's happened again!

Well, Graves isn't a detective for nothing. :wink: Certainly hit a nerve though didn't it?

As for Penn and murder of, see my earlier post. Alf could be protecting Will (or thinks he is). How late at night could that talk between Alf and Roo have been? He wondered why she was up so late, so how come she didn't ask him the same thing?

I thought it was only if a patient had been in a mental hospital or under a psychariscitist that information couldn't be divulged even after they were dead. :unsure: Mind, Sid didn't hold back on his opinion of him did he?

Poor John I felt sorry for him, all ready to propose (again) and Gina puts a dampener on it before he gets the chance. Just as well I suppose or she would have walked off again. Well done Colleen being discreet for once and leaving them alone. He and Xavier do get on a lot better, he even confided that he had bought a ring, liked his line 'you're not going to hug me again are you?'

Lovely mum/son chat between Gina and Xavier, not sure who was the more embarrassed about the fact Gina was visiting John in a hotel room for booty calls. He had a good point though about whether she would put up with it if it was the other way round and was waiting for John to make a decision about their future.

On the subject of Roo,Gina and the money, isn't the money effectively Xavier's? Once Gina has decided if she is going to give Roo the money how is she going to get it from Xavier, she will have to tell him something.

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Bit of a comedown after a few good episodes really.It felt like most of the important scenes were missing.Ruby was a bit of a madam towards Charlie at the start and, while I'm glad they did make up, I'm not sure what made her suddenly change her mind when she'd been holding onto the grudge since, presumably, the previous day.I think it was a case of her being "precious" rather than a loser, at least this time round.Did like the brief chat between her and Nicole as well.

Talking of losers, oh look, here's Will.Started the episode okay but then seemed to forget all his responsibilities and start acting like he's still eighteen again, getting drunk, smashing up the house and coming close to accidentally injuring Lily.So much for "Whatever I do, I gotta do it for her." Presumably we'll find out the reason next episode.I did actually wonder who he was talking to on the phone before Gypsy picked up, almost sounded like it could be Joel or Natalie but does that mean she's back home?Irene seemed to have a few screws loose, acting as though Will was both getting back with Gypsy and staying in Summer Bay:Did she really think Gypsy would up sticks and move down there?Regarding the ongoing debate of whether Alf's covering for Will, I did wonder about his awkwardness when he heard Will might be sticking around but I think now that was because he knew he didn't have a job for him.Nice to see VJ and Lily actually talk after their "significant looks" before he went away, although they did just come across as friends rather than anything else.

Marilyn's plan was slightly insane:Most people wait until after they die before giving everything away.Again, I could see Sid's point of view and pretty much agreed with it but he presented it in completely the wrong way and put her back up.Then went along with it anyway.Not sure if the random "Nicole's unhappy" bit was the result of a cut scene or what.I have wondered about the complete non-reaction from her to Penn's death(her ex-boyfriend, after all)but I'm not sure if it was meant to be about that or not.

I do actually believe Roo, despite her odd habits of carrying the remains of credit cards about and constant "I'll pay...Oh, I haven't got any money with me, funny that" act.But I still wanted Gina to refuse to help her, for completely different reasons.Astonishingly, this plotline's been limping along for nearly two years now, ever since Xavier, Ruby and Freya stumbled across Hugo's secret dive, and I really wish they'd put it to bed.The show seems to keep changing its mind over when and why the Austins are in danger but Gina's got two other sons to think about and being dragged back into Hugo's world, however indirectly, can't be good for them.

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Yes, I was mystified as to why Nicole was looking so unhappy that Sid and Marilyn had to step in. Maybe she was upset at Marilyn giving her stuff away. You are right Red it must have been a cut scene. I like the relationship between Sid and Nicole, he's like cross between dad and ex boyfriend :wink:

I was going to say about the Liam/ Vittorio/ tool conversation. Liam used to be the biggest tool in H&A, now give him his perfect storyline i.e the one with Bianca, and he shines! Perhaps its a question of finding the perfect storyline for each character and they will do well.

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Yes, I was mystified as to why Nicole was looking so unhappy that Sid and Marilyn had to step in. Maybe she was upset at Marilyn giving her stuff away. You are right Red it must have been a cut scene.

Good point, Miranda, I didn't think of that:It did occur to me at the time that Nicole didn't know about Marilyn's "end date" before whereas she seemed to be in the know when she was talking to Sid, so maybe they were supposed to have told her.

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Just how many times is Roo going to use that line, before someone twigs (apart from Gina that is)? I guess Gina is feeling torn between wanting to help Hugo, still against her better judgement and not trusting Roo to do the right thing. Shame there is no other way of making sure the money does indeed get to him and Martha. Very Miss Marple of Gina BTW, though how she managed to put two and two together and decide to check out Roo's business just by picking up a torn up credit card is a stretch. :unsure:

I would have thought Leah would have realised by now that indeed VJ is not an idiot but is in fact a very smart lad! His comment about being hurt I think referred to the fact she didn't trust him to understand. There's nothing to stop him keeping in contact with Elijah and even visiting him, perhaps with Miles. I have a feeling he would have taken the news a lot better if she had told him a lot sooner. Perhaps he and Lily were discussing parents and their failings. :D

Perhaps Marilyn wants to give people the choice of what they would like rather than having them just be left something they may not feel reminds them of Marilyn. Sid did have a point in his rather cack handed way, what if she doesn't die, would she want the stuff back? That was certainly a strange little scene between Sid and Nicole, nothing specific was said,perhaps you're Red and Miranda it could have looked odd because of a cut scene and that's why it appeared not to make any sense.

How come Alf never made any comment about why Will was sitting there getting absolutely smashed, and then proceeded to tell him he had lost his job? Timing Alf, timing. What was all this, I'm guessing, not contacting Gypsy unless it was an emergency about, certainly seems a turn around going by what Will was telling Irene earlier.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the eleventh week running.In fact, episode counts have gone completely bonkers.Roo was also in five, for the second week running, and has appeared in every episode since she got back.Gina was in four, as was Robertson, the second time a non-regular has broken the three episode limit this year.And Nicole, Angelo and Indigo were only in one each.Is it because it's nearly finale week?!

Are we seriously meant to like Will?And if so, why?It all seems dependent on his history and the fact Irene seems to be blind to his faults.All of which falls down when we're expected to see Gypsy as the villain of the piece because she left Will for reasons that remain a bit unclear.Would any court really give Lily to a drunken, violent loser?If Gypsy and "they"(her family presumably)really do want Lily to live with them and it's not just Will being paranoid, then she'd be better off there.And Irene supporting him out of blind loyalty doesn't really make me a fan of hers.

Robertson, who's had a fairly good week so far, is back to being smug and annoying and hurling petty insults and accusations around.And he calls that progress?Leah calling him on it is interesting because she's possibly the one person whose opinion he actually cares about.Leah chatting him up in front of VJ, who's clearly still missing Elijah, wasn't really the best move, the kid's been shunted from father figure to father figure, he doesn't need another one back in his life.As for Roo...I'm pretty much convinced she's not trying to steal the money but she is clearly up to something.And given her comments here and in the previous episode, I think it's something to do with the bait shop.No idea what though...

So...now Indi knows about Marilyn's "end date"?It really does seem like there was a cut scene where it became common knowledge.Or maybe a cut episode.Other than that weird continuity blip, I did rather like the Walkers' scenes.Indigo and Dexter's conversation were quite good.And Dexter referring to himself as Oedipal was great.

I'd forgotten that Friday's trailer went from "Here's everything that happens next episode" to "Here's everything that happens next week."Really hoping we lose them soon but I've a worrying feeling they might be here to stay.

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Are we seriously meant to like Will?And if so, why?It all seems dependent on his history and the fact Irene seems to be blind to his faults.All of which falls down when we're expected to see Gypsy as the villain of the piece because she left Will for reasons that remain a bit unclear.Would any court really give Lily to a drunken, violent loser?If Gypsy and "they"(her family presumably)really do want Lily to live with them and it's not just Will being paranoid, then she'd be better off there.And Irene supporting him out of blind loyalty doesn't really make me a fan of hers.

One thing that's impressed me with this storyline is how quickly they've managed to make me go from thinking of Will as one of my favourite past characters to absolutely despising him for the pathetic loser he's showing himself to be. <_< Uugh. Make it stop.

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Robertson certainly knows how to push people's buttons doesn't he? I think he is upset about annoying Leah though, he really does like her. Would Morag be allowed to represent Alf if he is charged with murder, he is a family member so wouldn't there be a conflict of interest? :unsure: She can advise him I think before anything like that happens.

Perhaps, as I think has been mentioned before, that Alf may be getting in a lot of appearances before he disappears for five/six months.

Although Irene may be right that it was Gypsy that walked out on Will and Lily and that may go in Will's favour, his current behaviour certainly won't. He does need a distraction so even if he is not getting paid his working at the bait shop could be a good idea.

It does look like Sid must have mentioned Marilyn's 'end date' with them, possibly off screen? I don't think Marilyn saw herself as a replacement mother at all and it was a good talk she and Indie had which cleared things up. Good brother/sister chat between Dex and Indie too.

Has Roo got an alternative motive for urging Alf not to give up on the bait shop? I don't suppose it was a big money earner in the first place imo. Do hope Gina has made the right decision in letting her the money, now all she has to do is to tell Xavier and persuade him!

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Has Roo got an alternative motive for urging Alf not to give up on the bait shop? I don't suppose it was a big money earner in the first place imo. Do hope Gina has made the right decision in letting her the money, now all she has to do is to tell Xavier and persuade him!

Gina is a fool letting Roo have that money, especially after she found out that she's broke. That money will never reach Hugo, unless Gina takes it herself. Xavier should say no.

Can anyone tell me something. I have just received by email the Home & Away Newsletter for 24th January 2011. The first picture is of Indi comforting Ruby at a funeral. Obviously what's happening in the Aussie soap this week, along with Bianca's wedding. Spoils it a bit, but does anyone know who dies? I thought at first it was Marilyn, but then the comforting would be the other way round, wouldn't it?

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