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Can anyone tell me something. I have just received by email the Home & Away Newsletter for 24th January 2011. The first picture is of Indi comforting Ruby at a funeral. Obviously what's happening in the Aussie soap this week, along with Bianca's wedding. Spoils it a bit, but does anyone know who dies? I thought at first it was Marilyn, but then the comforting would be the other way round, wouldn't it?

The wedding is the season finale and the funeral opened the 2011 season today in Australia - which air in the UK on 4th and 7th February respectively.

It's Ross Buckton's funeral

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That was one of those episodes where I find myself looking at Bianca and thinking "Liam, you could do a lot better."I just couldn't see any warmth from her towards him at all(or indeed anyone else). Mind you, now we've met her mother I guess we know where she gets it from:She seemed even more cold, aloof and arrogant if anything, despite her initially pleasant demeanour.I've been trying not to comment on the show's two TARDISes recently but it is getting ridiculous:Before Marilyn moved out, you had six people living at the four bedroom caravan park house and now we've got six living at Irene's four bedroom house.A few odd half-revelations about the Scott family history, it sounds like Bianca was the one who came up with the idea of moving to Australia and either she invited April or April invited herself, against Joanna's wishes.I guess April must get her personality from her father since she's the only Scott female who I don't find irritating.

Elsewhere, Gina refuses to have a school formal on the grounds that it's always a disaster.At first I thought it was a nice bit of self-referential continuity, then I remembered that last year's formal, the only one Gina's actually been involved in, wasn't a disaster at all.In fact, I'm not sure there've been that many that are disasters, aside from the "everyone nearly burnt to death" year.Worst that's happened apart from that is Aden stealing a few fuses or Shelley throwing a glass of wine over Angie, just normal party hijinks.Not sure if Marilyn's "end date" is common knowledge or not, maybe it's just the two households that know, I couldn't tell if she wanted to tell Leah and Colleen she was dying or just tell them about her "giving all her stuff" away plan.Paying the bond for the informal formal is actually probably a better idea, she could probably afford it even if she wasn't dying. Although we still don't know when the end date actually is, if Marilyn's expecting this to be the last time she sees people it must be very soon.

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Not a lot to say about that episode, most of the plotlines were just crawling along at snails pace.My favourite parts were Xavier's babbling to Bianca, Xavier and John indulging in some mutual scheming, the Lily and VJ stuff and the little byplay between April and Bianca when Bianca acknowledges she's been outmanoeuvred.Oh and Roo's confusion at who Liam is and what the conversation had to do with him was a nice touch.

Otherwise, the Bianca/Vittorio/Liam stuff continues to drag on, now with added Joanna irritant. Robertson continues to hang around making innuendos and not actually doing anything.Will continues to make you wonder why Irene thinks he's a good dad.Leah understandably objects to VJ ringing Africa all the time but takes a while to cotton on that having yet another man in his life, and one of the old ones at that, isn't really what he needs right now.Sadly it comes a little too late.Would it really be that easy for two whatever-they're-meant-to-be-year-olds to go to Africa?

Oh and the year long mystery, which is now well past its sellby date, rears its ugly head.I was kind of hoping that Xavier and John would add a touch of sanity to the proceedings but no, they're plotting and scheming with the rest of them.I'm really hoping there's going to be a twist to this, other than Roo running off with the money.Anything other than "Martha and Hugo got the profits from the people smuggling and lived happily ever after."

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That was one of those episodes where I find myself looking at Bianca and thinking "Liam, you could do a lot better."I just couldn't see any warmth from her towards him at all(or indeed anyone else). Mind you, now we've met her mother I guess we know where she gets it from:She seemed even more cold, aloof and arrogant if anything, despite her initially pleasant demeanour.I've been trying not to comment on the show's two TARDISes recently but it is getting ridiculous:Before Marilyn moved out, you had six people living at the four bedroom caravan park house and now we've got six living at Irene's four bedroom house.A few odd half-revelations about the Scott family history, it sounds like Bianca was the one who came up with the idea of moving to Australia and either she invited April or April invited herself, against Joanna's wishes.I guess April must get her personality from her father since she's the only Scott female who I don't find irritating.

We're two minds but with one thought Red regarding Joanna!! Bianca does seem though to have settled in the bay very well. I also thought the same about April taking after her dad. Wonder if that is why Joanna and he are divorced because she is such a snob and social climber and he is more laid back? She had a bloody nerve just expecting to stay at Irene's without a bye or leave!! :angry: Thought The Sands would have been more to her taste anyway. It did cross my mind, does she want Bianca to marry Vittorio for Bianca or herself? I can see her now boasting to her friends that her daughter is married to a prince!!

I suppose Gina could have been referring to the fact that at most Formals kids have smuggled drink in and she doesn't want that happening again. As an aside I guess Martin isn't returning though nothing has been said to that effect. Anyway back to the Informal, you can put money on the fact that something will happen. Clever idea of April's to get Vittorio out of the way, can't see it being his sort of thing anyway. Trust John to see it as a way of getting Vittorio sponsoring his projects. :D

Xavier would just like to see the back of the money, even though it is going back to Hugo. I have a feeling though it won't be all plain sailing.

I felt sorry for Robertson when Leah told him they would have to cool it for a while, though I can why she did it. VJ obviously hasn't thought it all the way through, sure getting hold of Leah's credit card and booking the flight will be easy, they may find a problem when they get to the airport and the airline find they're on their own. Going by what happens this week, it doesn't look like that get that far anyway.

Had to smile at Colleen angling for an invite to the wedding, first with April, then Vittorio.

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I thought VJ and Lily's storyline was going to be a cautionary tale about accepting lifts from strangers. Which I guess it was, although it was slightly undermined by the fact the stranger actually seemed to have their best interests at heart.At least they had the sense to duck and cover.Graves was probably spot on about Robertson only muscling in on the case because Leah was involved.It was Graves who solved it anyway, giving Robertson an opportunity to informally interview a minor without notifying her guardian.

Marilyn, Marilyn, Marilyn.Her trying desperately to think of something nice to say about Colleen was mildly amusing but she can't spend the rest of her life running back to the overcrowded caravan park house every time Sid doesn't agree with her.Especially if the rest of her life is only going to be about a week.

So...Ruby basically asked Nicole out on a date?I presume she wasn't being entirely serious but it's probably launched a couple of femslash fics.(Or is that just me?)What is it with the Walker kids, breaking the law for Ruby despite barely having exchanged a word with her?At least Ruby didn't actually put Dexter up to it, although she didn't exactly say no.And they did spark off each other quite well.I think Ruby did actually have more than one offer, it sounded like, believe it or not, she was actually being choosy.For anyone who missed that subtle bit of foreshadowing, Jackson was the guy briefly seen chatting to Romeo and Indigo on Monday.

CURS:Why was that clip of Dexter and Graves in there?It had nothing to do with the episode.

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I don't think 'Gary the car driver' had the kids' best interests at heart. He seemed misguided/ stupid to me- lying to the police etc. 'swing by his place to pick something up' eh? Hm... I suppose they couldn't go too far into the 'don't accept lifts from strangers' warning, or kids watching would have nightmares.

Aha, now I know who Jackson is. I wondered why he had a speaking part the other day....

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First off, in the 'previously on Home And Away' we saw Ruby and Nicole chatting in the Diner about the road trip, now did I blink and miss that or did we just see a truncated version of it (Monday?) when Charlie came in and Ruby still being in a strop with her walked off?

I'm not convinced Gary was being totally up front either. If he made the call why not just tell the police he had two kids with him who looked as if they had run away? Guess we will never know the outcome of that. BTW what was with his remark about he'd be glad if someone picked up his kids (if he had any of course), I don't think I would be.

Good instincts there Graves! Pretty sure what Robertson was doing by questioning Lily is legal, no wonder Will wasn't happy. Also as you said Red, she was on the button about Robertson doing it as it was VJ.

Perhaps, Brian, Ruby's problem was she was trying too hard. Guys pick up on those type of things as do girls/women. Didn't Dex say they would have to get the car back by dawn, it certainly looked later than that even allowing for the fact it is their summer. Perhaps Red, the clip of Dexter had to do with the fact he feels he is an outsider as he doesn't have many (if any) mates and Ruby asking him out, kind of, gave him a chance of fitting in.

Perhaps Marilyn was thinking that if she had stayed the night her and Sid may say things they would regret (again).

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Not finding much to like about Ruby at the moment, she's coming across as increasingly self-centred. Not too happy about the way she blamed everything on Dex:It may have been him that took the car but she did know about it.At least Angelo seemed to see through the lie but unfortunately he then fell for Ruby's doe-eyed act.I think Charlie was being pretty fair where Ruby was concerned but I wasn't too keen on her attitude towards Angelo, first by having a go at him for not knowing where Ruby was and then deciding she doesn't want him taking responsibility for Ruby if he doesn't agree with her. While I didn't agree with him agreeing to help Ruby, he should be entitled to express his opinion if they're supposed to be a family.

Charlie shows a surprising amount of detective work in working out Roo's after the people smuggling money pretty quickly.Technically she should report her suspicions but given how deep she and Angelo are involved in this thing already I guess she has to be a bit hands off.Not a surprise that Alf's willing to go along with it, he's always going to want to help Martha no matter what mess she's got herself into.

Dexter celebrating being grounded was the episode's best comedy highlight.Shame his euphoria didn't last very long although what Marilyn said to him was right.Glad she apologised to Sid, shame it resulted in him backing down as usual.

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