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Quite agree about Ruby being a right little madam last night. :angry: I thought she was really horrible to Dex blaming him for everything. Dex may have taken the car, but she didn't know he had 'borrowed' it at first. I think him only being grounded for two weeks when she has been grounded for a month didn't help. Dex seemed very pleased with it though. :cool:

Lovely little talk Marilyn had with him, her not being family meant she was able to see it from a different perspective.

Charlie absolutely did the right thing, just what any other parent would do, in fact, come to think of it, Ross would have done exactly the same thing. She was out of order having a go at Angelo, especially in his place of work in front of his customers. What reason would he have to look in Ruby's room to see if she was there anyway? That could be seen completely the wrong way. Can't blame Ruby for asking Angelo to have a word with Charlie, won't be the first time a teenager has played one parent (or in Angelo's case parent figure) against the other. Do think Charlie overreacted to his input, she can't have it both ways.

As usual Charlie may be not always be on the ball in her private life, but she is very sharp professionally. She is in a tricky position as you say Red, considering she already knows about the money, which I am guessing Roo doesn't know.

That little talk they had later was very laden with innuendo, nothing as much was said, but both knew what the other was talking about. What was the point though of Roo making Charlie a mug of tea when she didn't even drink it!!! :rolleyes: Alf was sure to go with it, not because of Hugo but for Martha. I'm sure it must have been my ears, but I thought the voice over lady said 'Alf was in for a big sock'!! :lol:

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I loved that scene when Irene, Alf and John were discussing Joanna and Vittorio while they were discussing them! Very witty and well done. Especially when Vittorio said 'its like studying the habits of a primitive tribe' or whatever it was! Joanna thought Irene was eating out of her hand- I just thought 'you haven't assessed Irene very well then!' I think that's the only scene Vittorio has seemed human and likeable.

I thought Charlie was out of order ruining Ruby's 'informal.' You can't ruin your daughter's party like that. She should have seen her from the distance, gone home and told her off later. Perhaps let Ruby know she had seen her, but not make a big scene like that, she will remember it for the rest of her life. However, I suppose Ruby will have her formal next year :unsure:

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I’ve still been watching this and quite enjoying it but I haven’t really had time to post lately. Firstly I was disappointed with the way the storyline with Penn ended. It was an anti-climax and I was hoping for a massive showdown with Alf to finish it off. I’m still finding Robertson annoying but am kind of getting used to how he’s acting know. I’m not sure what it is about Leah that makes him hold her in such high regard. Perhaps there is something he finds endearing about the whole way she’s brought VJ up by herself and manages to run her own business. I’m actually finding Graves more annoying than Robertson. She’s clearly an intelligent woman but at times seems redundant and pointless. Notwithstanding the professional cap I feel for the most part she doesn’t seem to display any emotion. I remember when she was apologising to Dexter about using him that didn’t feel genuine because for the most part she seems robotic.

I don’t blame Irene for not trusting Joanna. I don’t like the woman. She seems arrogant and doesn’t come across as all that nice. I don’t like the way she warned Liam off Bianca even though it was understandable. If she could tell in such a short amount of time that Liam was in love with her daughter then it would make sense she suspects the feelings could be mutual. I’m actually glad Liam and Bianca went off to talk about things and I was also glad Romeo and Nicole made him see sense. He tried running away from his problems before and it didn’t work. April seems to have gone out of her way to ensure that Liam and Bianca are in a situation where they can engage properly about their relationship but I can’t make up my mind whether she’s doing it because she wants Bianca to be happy or because she wants to save Bianca from Vitorio because she doesn’t want her sister marrying him. In spite of that I’ve actually quite enjoyed some of the resulting scenes such as April’s music lessons with Liam and Xavier getting John to throw Vitorio a bucks party and John agreeing only because there were financial incentives.

Still not liking Will especially after some of his behaviour as of late but I did feel sorry for him when Robertson was using Lily for his investigation. I thought that was low but I suppose he was just doing what needs to be done. ATM I don’t really care who killed Penn but it will be interesting to find out exactly what happened and the circumstances leading to his death. I’m really not sure about this whole money laundering thing. I respect John for being prepared to risk going to jail but I really think he should think about what he’s getting into. If Charlie sussed something out that quickly the relevant authorities are bound to put two and two together if they were to go through with it. I still thought it was nice of Charlie to give Roo a friendly warning.

Starting to find Ruby annoying again such as the way she reacted when Charlie threw her a party for what she thought was Ruby failing her driving test and also the stuff with Dexter but I agreed with an earlier remark that she looked hot in a bikini (I’d forgotten how hot). I have to say thought Charlie has been just as irritating especially during the whole stuff with Angelo. She complains that she wanted him to participate more with Ruby then when he did she complained again and wanted him to stay out of it and no doubt when he gets home she will blame him for not telling her about Ruby turning up at the formal after being grounded despite ordering him not to get involved previously. I did find that scene when Charlie came in to see Angelo, saw Ruby, practically dragged her out and thereby humiliating her quite amusing. I always think the best thing about scenes like that is the reactions and facial expressions of some of the other characters who have witnessed the whole thing.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three, as his epic unbroken run comes to an end.Sid was in four.

I didn't really have an ounce of sympathy for Ruby in this episode.Charlie's assessment of her seems pretty much spot on:She's completely self-centred and only interested in getting her own way. I didn't mind Angelo keeping quiet about her being at the party, Charlie did tell him to stay out of it after all, but I wasn't too happy with the way he basically tried to help Ruby by ushering Charlie out of the way before she saw her.Presumably we're meant to think Charlie was wrong to try and drag Ruby out of there but frankly I don't see what else she could have done.Ruby had repeatedly openly defied her and it was clear simple words wouldn't have any affect on her, Charlie backing down would have sent out completely the wrong message.It's all right to say she shouldn't have humiliated Ruby in public and ruined her night but the bottom line is Ruby shouldn't have gone.

Nicole seems to have got over that blip while she was infatuated with Penn and turned back into a sensible and mature character.She seems as tired with her selfish best friend as I am, given her pointed remarks about Ruby being at the Diner when grounded and the way she just seemed to give up on her when she turned up at the informal.And I liked the way she was with Liam too, it seemed she wanted him to come simply because she thought he'd enjoy it, whereas I found Romeo's abrupt attitude rather childish and annoying.Oh-and Nicole actually says that Romeo's like a brother to her which should hopefully put an end to all the claims they should be a couple.(Seriously, she was never like this with Aden.)Didn't really care about Liam and Bianca kissing at the end, I don't really care about Bianca or Vittorio so not bothered about how it affects them.I do like Liam and want him to be happy and I'm glad he had the courage to tell her he loved her.When they walked up to each other at the informal, I almost thought they were going to kiss there and then.Not sure why Nicole was giving a speech, because she's the oldest?

The intercut between John not realising Vittorio was onto him and Joanna not realising Irene was onto her was nicely done, I agree.Loved the bit of Alf and Irene sitting there watching the youngsters (and not so youngsters)get down to the dancing like two parents, it summed up their characters perfectly.

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All I meant was that there were better ways of Charlie dealing with Ruby. To drag her kicking and screaming out of a big party like that was undignified and a way to make her daughter never forgive her and possibly hate her, giving her ammunition in the future: 'My mum dragged me out of the most important party of my life, I'll never forget that and I'll never forgive her, she's unreasonable'. Groundings aren't so memorable but still a punishment.

I think Charlie should have gone in to the party, made sure Ruby had seen her, given her a Look, then left, waiting to pick her up at the end of the night. Therefore all evening Ruby would have been thinking 'oh no, what's going to happen when I get home?' Charlie would have ruined her night in a sensible way, with no undignified behaviour. Then she could have handed out punishment to Ruby when they got home, by which time Ruby would probably have worried about it so much she would be in a jelly state and Charlie would have planned a suitable punishment.

I hope I can remember this when my daughter starts going to parties and proms!! :wink:

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I do get your point but it's hard to shake the feeling that I'd probably have done the same thing as Charlie...I don't really think that giving Ruby a really severe glare would really have been effective, even with the implied threat of a lecture when she got home.However much she worried about it, she'd still have basically got her own way.No doubt Ruby will play the victim and Charlie will be left looking like the villain of the piece but Ruby ruined her night all by herself, first by sneaking out in the first place and second by practically throwing a tantrum when Charlie told her to go home.In the cold light of day, although I understand 100% why she reacted like that, maybe Charlie stood have just stood her ground and insisted Ruby go home rather than trying to physically force her.After all, when Angelo stepped in and told Ruby to go home, she did realise she wasn't going to win that one and leave.But I'm not going to condemn her for a normal human reaction.Grounding may be a punishment but only when the child actually respects it instead of just doing whatever she wants.

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Can see both your points of view Miranda and Red. I'm not a parent myself, but isn't the advice always if you give an ultimatum like grounding, you don't give in because then it looks like you can always be got around. So in that respect Charlie was correct in not giving in to Ruby's demands. As for Charlie trying to physically drag Ruby out of the dance maybe that was wrong, Angelo did a lot better by just quietly telling her to go home. Perhaps Charlie should have asked Angelo to get Ruby outside, tore her off a strip then took her home. Then that is only my opinion, I guess TPTB had their reason for dealing it with that way.

Actually Charlie acted like a true parent, I said in an earlier post Ross would have dealt with it the same way, though I think Ruby probably would have talked him round. Angelo will probably get an ear bashing too when he gets home, poor guy can't do it right either way.

I liked those scenes with Vittorio, Joanna, John and Irene as well. Joanna certainly doesn't know 'our' Irene does she. Mind Vittorio was pretty quick in sussing out what John is up to and letting him think he hasn't cottoned on. Perhaps Joanna and Vittorio should get together instead, they seem to have more in common (dare I use that word when referring to them) than Vittorio and Bianca.

There was enough electricity between Bianca and Liam at the dance to power all of the bay!!

There are big shocks coming next week and not just what we have seen in the trailer either. :o

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I really didn't like that episode.I seem to be liking and caring about Bianca less and less with every episode.Seriously, Liam, just leave her alone, she's not worth it.She's insisting she's going to marry a man she clearly doesn't love for reasons that I just don't fathom:Is she really as shallow as Vittorio and Joanna seem to think she is?Or is she just scared?Vittorio and Joanna are very much cut from the same cloth and should probably hook up:She isn't interested in anything but what he can provide and he doesn't have anything to offer except what she's interested in.And April...oh dear.She began to step over the mark and become an irritant last week when she childishly branded Liam a "coward" but she's almost unbearable for a far too big chunk of this episode.I'm glad she had a go at Joanna and at Bianca and refused to be a part of the farce of a wedding.But her insistence that Bianca's in love with Liam when frankly I haven't seen much evidence of that is incredibly wearing and her having a go at Nicole for making Bianca's wedding dress was totally out of line.

And that's before we get onto Charlie and Ruby.Seriously, Charlie was a much worse parent in this episode than in the previous one.She says she shouldn't apologise to Ruby because Ruby was in the one, then goes and does exactly that because Ruby's threatening to leave.As I feared, we were left with Charlie made out to be in the wrong and Ruby made out to be the victim:Fair enough, she apologised, but only after Charlie had done so and only after she realised things wouldn't have worked out with Jackson anyway.And the moral of all this:Charlie decides she shouldn't give Ruby a punishment that's going to stop her doing what she wants.Isn't that the whole point?!As often seems to be the case on the show these days, instead of resolving the issues between them, they sidestep them and go for a pat "touching reunion" which comes across as shallow and meaningless.

Kind of ironic that in an episode full of irritating females, the only two male regulars on show-Liam and Angelo-were among the most likeable:Angelo may have had his faults in the previous episode but I thought he was spot on in his handling of the situation here, especially his last chat with Charlie, and sadly he's coming across as more and more of an outsider.The only other characters I liked were Irene and Nicole, partly because they were peripheral to proceedings.I really liked Nicole's chat with Liam and she handled things well with Ruby and especially April, although I do wish she'd give up on Ruby who's starting to drag her down.

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I really didn't like that episode.I seem to be liking and caring about Bianca less and less with every episode.Seriously, Liam, just leave her alone, she's not worth it.She's insisting she's going to marry a man she clearly doesn't love for reasons that I just don't fathom:Is she really as shallow as Vittorio and Joanna seem to think she is?Or is she just scared?Vittorio and Joanna are very much cut from the same cloth and should probably hook up:She isn't interested in anything but what he can provide and he doesn't have anything to offer except what she's interested in.And April...oh dear.She began to step over the mark and become an irritant last week when she childishly branded Liam a "coward" but she's almost unbearable for a far too big chunk of this episode.I'm glad she had a go at Joanna and at Bianca and refused to be a part of the farce of a wedding.But her insistence that Bianca's in love with Liam when frankly I haven't seen much evidence of that is incredibly wearing and her having a go at Nicole for making Bianca's wedding dress was totally out of line.

And that's before we get onto Charlie and Ruby.Seriously, Charlie was a much worse parent in this episode than in the previous one.She says she shouldn't apologise to Ruby because Ruby was in the one, then goes and does exactly that because Ruby's threatening to leave.As I feared, we were left with Charlie made out to be in the wrong and Ruby made out to be the victim:Fair enough, she apologised, but only after Charlie had done so and only after she realised things wouldn't have worked out with Jackson anyway.And the moral of all this:Charlie decides she shouldn't give Ruby a punishment that's going to stop her doing what she wants.Isn't that the whole point?!As often seems to be the case on the show these days, instead of resolving the issues between them, they sidestep them and go for a pat "touching reunion" which comes across as shallow and meaningless.

Don't agree Red Ranger. I liked April today - she got the guts to say what is obvious, even without Xavier's help. Where was he today? Bianca is going to go with her heart, just like her mum and be with the man she wants. And you don't see much evidence of that???? Look again!

As for Charlie, she's making the best of being a lone parent - no male help there. Angelo is afraid to do anything. I'm glad Ruby was sensible enough to come back - perhaps they'll make a better go of it now.

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I think April was right to be irritating to Bianca, it is obvious that she is in love with Liam. If it wasnt true, Bianca wouldnt be getting so annoyed at April for implying it but she is which indicates that she is hiding how she feels. She loves Liam and she is lying to herself. Joanna is one annoying person, I cant describe how much she winds me up, she needs to stop hounding Bianca or she will lose her.

I hate Charlie and Ruby, they annoy me more each passing second, I can never get who is wrong and who is right. It just confuses me.

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