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That's the joy of parenthood folks! There is no right or wrong, you just muddle through doing your best. Its easy for us to look coldly at the scenes (myself included) and say who should have done what, but as I say, there is no right or wrong, there's no parental manual to consult.

The scenes with Charlie and Ruby made me cry, I hope I never get to that stage with my daughter (although I'm sure there will be arguments over parties and boys in future). Because when it comes down to it, Charlie and Ruby do love each other and don't want to hurt each other. I think thats why Charlie 'gave in' and didn't stand firm: she doesn't want to alienate her daughter forever, she has to negotiate. She thought the same as me: she should have been more restrained at the party and not caused a scene, because she didn't really want to hurt her daughter. Despite wanting to be in control, she does need the back up of Angelo, another adult. Quite surprising Angelo is keeping out of it, he's usually so bossy!

I liked all these scenes with Bianca and co, I like the love triangle. I can't understand why Bianca is marrying Vittorio though. He really hurt her, why does she think he won't do it again? I don't think Liam has hurt her and he's not the man Joanna thinks he is, he's grown out of being the rock star, surely. I like all this relationship stuff. Its another mother/daughter thing. Joanna is trying to help Bianca (as well as being able to say she is the mother in law of a prince) and help her avoid her own mistakes.

In fact the whole episode was a mother/ daughter relationship fest, I can see why it might not appeal to male viewers.

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I'm guessing there was more than just a kiss between Liam and Bianca the night of the informal. :wink: Bianca does love Liam, just too scared to follow her heart. Just because Joanna's marriage to a singer fell apart doesn't mean Bianca's wouldn't. Is he April's dad too or was it her second husband? I could understand her not wanting Bianca going the same way she did if she was more likable and the way she told Irene to shut up was out of order, who's house is she staying in!! Don't blame Bianca blowing up at both April and Joanna both telling her what to do. It's the Aussie finale this week so there will be bound to be a dramatic ending to the week!!

Glad that Charlie and Ruby had that talk, though there are bound to be more clashes in the future. Charlie was right she is new at being a mum, in the past it would have been left to Ross, his first wife and now Morag to lay down the law while Charlie would have been the one Ruby went to to moan at. Ruby seemed more likable by the end of that episode and did concede she had been in the wrong.

Good to see that girly chat between Ruby and Nicole haven't seen one of those for a while. If you are wondering what Nicole could have meant by asking Ruby if she would be there for her all is revealed by the end of the week. Though the time line of what is revealed is confusing me. :confused:

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I couldn't help thinking Joanna had a point when she was talking to Bianca about Liam not being able to provide for her, she does seem quite high maintenance ....and Liam seems the type to like an easy life, wonder how long he'll last with bi-polar Bianca?

Ruby continues to irritate me, she should go and help Elijah in Africa it would give her a new perspective on life she's such an airhead.

My money's still on Will being the murderer as he's not a regular cast member - and that roid rage! :-0

I'm guessing there was more than just a kiss between Liam and Bianca the night of the informal. :wink: Bianca does love Liam, just too scared to follow her heart. Just because Joanna's marriage to a singer fell apart doesn't mean Bianca's wouldn't. Is he April's dad too or was it her second husband? I could understand her not wanting Bianca going the same way she did if she was more likable and the way she told Irene to shut up was out of order, who's house is she staying in!! Don't blame Bianca blowing up at both April and Joanna both telling her what to do. It's the Aussie finale this week so there will be bound to be a dramatic ending to the week!!

Glad that Charlie and Ruby had that talk, though there are bound to be more clashes in the future. Charlie was right she is new at being a mum, in the past it would have been left to Ross, his first wife and now Morag to lay down the law while Charlie would have been the one Ruby went to to moan at. Ruby seemed more likable by the end of that episode and did concede she had been in the wrong.

Good to see that girly chat between Ruby and Nicole haven't seen one of those for a while. If you are wondering what Nicole could have meant by asking Ruby if she would be there for her all is revealed by the end of the week. Though the time line of what is revealed is confusing me. :confused:

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I think April was right to be irritating to Bianca, it is obvious that she is in love with Liam. If it wasnt true, Bianca wouldnt be getting so annoyed at April for implying it but she is which indicates that she is hiding how she feels. She loves Liam and she is lying to herself. Joanna is one annoying person, I cant describe how much she winds me up, she needs to stop hounding Bianca or she will lose her.

That was hilarious - April coming to the shower with Liam on her tshirt. I laughed out loud!!

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Charlie was right she is new at being a mum, in the past it would have been left to Ross, his first wife and now Morag to lay down the law while Charlie would have been the one Ruby went to to moan at.

You know, I've never been convinced by this argument:It's logical but it doesn't really fit in with the way their relationship was portrayed during 2008 and 2009.Charlie always seems to have had a parental attitude towards Ruby or at least an attitude of "I'm an adult and you're not":Remember her blowing up when Ruby turned up with Pat or trying to ban her from seeing Xavier after they got drunk together?

Anyway:I liked that episode a lot better.When I saw the promo at the end of the previous episode, I thought April was going to carry on being annoying.But her turning up at the hens' party with the t-shirt of Liam and chewing on a toothpick was genuine laugh out loud funny and made me like her again.I did wonder if she was starting to have doubts when Bianca actually seemed relaxed and happy with Vittorio.(But then she was drunk.)I kinda agree with PW above and I'm still not convinced Bianca's in love with Liam or at least not in "get married and live happily ever after" love.I think he probably feels like that about her but while I think she feels more for him than she does for Vittorio, I also think Joanna's probably right that it'd burn itself out pretty quickly.The hens' night attendees seem a bit random:Fair enough, she lives with Irene, works with Gina and has been fairly friendly with Charlie but I can't remember Bianca ever talking to Leah or Roo.(Well, she might have asked Leah for a coffee once...)But the girls getting drunk was rather amusing, especially Roo and Gina's little toast and Bianca and Charlie's crazy dancing.But Leah and Robertson?No, Leah.Don't do that to VJ.The kid's confused enough as it is without being presented with another "uncle" who'll be gone in a few weeks.

Loved both the scenes between Sid and Indigo:Their argument near the start was genuinely funny and I liked the little father/daughter chat between them at the Diner, Sid really is getting good at this whole parenting thing.(Anyone else think Indi's leather outfit was pretty hot, by the way..?)Presumably Marilyn's "end date" is the next day, I thought it was that day to start with.Sid was nicely supportive of her.And about three months after he got the job, we finally see Romeo working as a life guard!They'll be showing April working at Angelo's next!His decision to throw his exams so he can stay at school with Indigo was incredibly dumb:For a start, he doesn't know she's failed and why couldn't he pass his exams but defer uni until she can go with him?So, looks like that's Romeo and possibly Indigo repeating Year 12 next year...

Again, the show seemed to carry on past the obvious cliffhangers.Either of the penultimate two scenes(Leah kissing Robertson or Romeo telling Indigo he messed up his exams)would have made a better ending than a shot of Marilyn and Sid sitting in the front room looking awkward...(Actually, they looked like they thought someone had already shouted "Cut!")

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Charlie was right she is new at being a mum, in the past it would have been left to Ross, his first wife and now Morag to lay down the law while Charlie would have been the one Ruby went to to moan at.

nd about three months after he got the job, we finally see Romeo working as a life guard!They'll be showing April working at Angelo's next!His decision to throw his exams so he can stay at school with Indigo was incredibly dumb:For a start, he doesn't know she's failed and why couldn't he pass his exams but defer uni until she can go with him?So, looks like that's Romeo and possibly Indigo repeating Year 12 next year...

I'd forgotten all about him getting his life guards job back! I thought that was incredibly insulting to Indi when he told her he had failed his HSC exams deliberately, no wonder she stormed off!! :angry: It's as if he has already decided she's failed after all that build up Sid had given her. As you say Red he could easily defer uni if she has failed. Nice chat between her and Sid with him saying what ever happens he is behind her. Mind you why is she so uptight, Nicole had to retake Year 12 and after her initial panic settled down to it without any problem.

Hen's party was good, nice mix of people. Well done Colleen for mentioning having children before she's even married!! Did I detect a change in Gina's attitude to John when she and Roo were toasting him, as in 'it might not be so bad to marry him after all?' Good for you April, subtlety is obviously not in her vocabulary.

Leah seemed to have done a u turn where Robertson is concerned, what happened to them cooling it for a while? Mind you I remember the last time she kissed someone (Roman) when she was drunk, at least she didn't throw up over him. :D

Same here Red, I thought that day was Marilyn's last day, now it looks like it is today. Can't really blame Sid forgetting, what with everything else that is going on. From the promo it looks like Marilyn's exit could be more dramatic than just her fading away. I remember posting way back when it was first talked about it could be something like a car accident and nothing to do with her cancer. :wink: But then you should never try and second guess what they are going to do in soaps.

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This whole "Romeo's failed his exams" thing does feel a bit like an excuse to keep him around next year and I'm left wondering why they couldn't come up with something better.Like passing his exams but defering for a year, especially if he's not sure what he wants to do.(It's not even like Year 12's going to be empty next year if Ruby, Xavier, April and Dexter are all gonna be there.)Curiously similar to Charlie assuming Ruby would fail her driving test, only a bit more permanent.Liam's chat with him about it was rather good and so was the girlie chat between Nicole and Indigo.Suddenly Nic's the level-headed one around here.Who'd have thought it?

The Marilyn storyline was a bit hit and miss.Dexter was brilliant as ever, loved the little scene of him making breakfast and scraping the burnt bits off the toast and his brief phone chat with Ruby.But Marilyn and Sid are still having the same conversation:Has she really not got the message that he doesn't believe in psychics yet?The near miss with the car kind of reminded me of the first episode of Vic and Bob's Randall and Hopkirk where Marty kept having near misses(including an almost identically shot near collision with a range rover).Her eventual fate left me thinking firstly that the unnamed mother didn't really seem to make any effort to make sure Marilyn was all right(although that is understandably in the circumstances)and secondly that Sid seemed to make a pretty big leap of logic that she was still in the water.

It's frustrating that you get episodes where Ruby is almost completely unlikeable and then you get episodes like this one where she's written perfectly.Jackson randomly popping up at her house, presumably after a bit of fun, felt like a cheap plot device because they couldn't think of another way for her to get the video footage but the scene was nicely played.I'm glad Liam didn't go along with her plan because he's absolutely right, sabotaging Bianca's relationship in an underhand manner isn't going to help anyone.But Ruby was well-intentioned so I won't fault her for that and her confrontation with Bianca was spot-on(once you get past the fact that, as with Romeo a couple of weeks ago, no-one would actually behave like that).The Liam/Bianca beach scene was nice too, Bianca showed a bit of vulnerability and I got the impression that she really doesn't like the person she's chosen to be.

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Ruby continues to irritate me, she should go and help Elijah in Africa it would give her a new perspective on life she's such an airhead.

Great idea! :)

That episode was scary! That poor baby! If Marilyn has to die, I bet that is the way she'd want to go, saving a tiny baby's life. What was the mother thinking, putting the pram so close to the edge? But the times I've done stupid things then looked back and thought 'that could have really gone wrong!' rrrrr... makes me shiver....

Indi and Romeo are getting so boring now. Why don't they just enjoy their relationship instead of agonising over it all the time...

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a few thoughts:

1 Absolutely thrilled that Robert returned. Very much hope he can somehow stay, or at least visit now and then (and that dull Elijah remains in the depths of Africa for a very long time). He's a huge asset to the show, although the dialogue seems not quite as snappily quotable as before, and he's being almost rude to various suspects. Will Leah retreat from him again, given that she'd been drinking before the kiss, or did the drink help her put any worries aside?

2 Very pleased to have Indi and Dex brought back too, in contrast to the irritating Bianca-Liam-Vittorio trio. Add April to the second group as well.

3 Love the occasional use of Tarot cards to divulge the tiniest of hints of future plots. And I like the nifty twist with Ruby finding her predicted true love is for other people.

4 Marilyn.


Like Sid, I never believed Mitzy's Prediction for a second. Or really believed that Marilyn was brought back to die - in spite of the initial scenes giving her a year to live, which though more worryingly conceivable than a psychic prediction, I conveniently forgot about during the periods it wasn't mentioned a lot.


An earlier post here - *IF* Marilyn has an "exit" coming up, is that not a massive spoiler in a UK topic? - has suddenly slammed home the very real possibility that she may actually go (and then would presumably die unless Sid is off too.). Have I simply refused to even consider it until now because she's a favourite (of mine, and of many people, I'm sure)? I can hardly complain they haven't warned us(!), but in a faintly similar way to Marilyn herself just realising that no matter all her preparation, she doesn't want to die, I'm nowhere near prepared to lose her. She's one of the earliest characters still around, a long history definitely counts for something. Plus, Sid and her have been the stars of the show for the last year, a pleasure to watch.

I sooo don't want her to leave, might start praying along with him this week... (mind, if Dr. Sid were to start praying, things would be dire.) This story has been something different, interesting, however if there's to be a tragic end (ugh, feel squeamish just considering the unhappy prospect of deathbed goodbye scenes between them - and I'm surprised to feel so strongly, congratulations to all concerned), I don't think I'll look back on it very fondly. :(

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Romeo and Indi - won't he feel a bit more than silly if she passes her HSC? He couldn't expect her to defer going to uni for a year would he? I can't see Sid being happy with it if it is just because she wants to stay with Romeo. It does make sense now he has told her there was more than just wanting to be with her. He has just found a kind of family with Miles, Alf, Nicole and his friends after being on his own for so long. By going to uni he would have to start all over again.

Ruby does have her good points, occasionally, she could just have easily put that video footage around herself. So if I've got this right she is the hero (or heroine) by helping someone (Liam) who has just been abandoned. Jackson was a dipstick if he thought Ruby would just pick up with him again, though I think the 'old' Ruby probably would have. She actually acted quite mature for her by showing Liam the footage and he must have been tempted. Liked her rant at Bianca, she does know Liam pretty well and the line about Bianca being lucky having someone loving her that much not to chose to have that footage shown to all and sundry.

I agree Red, Marilyn and Sid always seem to round and round in circles with this end date story. He really is hopeless at expressing himself. I'm sure he wasn't just humouring her all these weeks, it came out all wrong (again). What was the point of him hiding Marilyn's DVD's? I was wrong about her being hit by a car then.

I kept wondering about the mystery mum. although as you say Red, her first concern would have been her baby. It was almost an after thought that she mentioned the lady who jumped in. I think the pram would have been OK if that boat hadn't caused that swell and moved the pier, though it would have helped if mum had had the brake on. Perhaps it was instinct that made Sid realise it was Maz, sometimes you just 'know'. How long was it between Maz going under and Sid reaching her, soon enough for her to be revived without any permanent damage? Do hope so, fingers crossed.

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