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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think the mum's behaviour was normal re: forgetting Marilyn. When I was a baby, my mum locked me in her car by accident. A man came up to help and broke in to get me out. Later the man came up to my mum saying 'how are you now?' She had no idea who he was! She hadn't noticed him, she had only seen me, her baby, trapped in the car. I think I'd be the same if it was my baby.

Going back to an earlier episode. Why are Bianca and Charlie suddenly such good friends? Have I missed something? Why did Bianca say (at her hen lunch) something like 'thank god you're here, I couldn't get through this without you.' to Charlie? Or was she talking to someone else?

My husband said 'maybe Charlie is going back to being a lesbian.' Wouldn't that be a good twist in the Liam/Bianca/ Vittorio story? Bianca doesn't marry either man, she runs off with Charlie instead! :lol:

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Going back to an earlier episode. Why are Bianca and Charlie suddenly such good friends? Have I missed something? Why did Bianca say (at her hen lunch) something like 'thank god you're here, I couldn't get through this without you.' to Charlie? Or was she talking to someone else?

Hmm, I wondered this too. Yet another friendship where we're meant to fill in the blanks, I guess.

The Marilyn storyline was rather cheesy. :lol: Also Sid helping the baby and then rushing off to dive in after Marilyn was somewhat unrealistic, but Summer Bay doctors are always superheroes so I'm not going to worry too much about it.

Romeo & Indi are yawntastic lately, what a stupid plan of Romeos. I don't feel this has a happy ending on the horizon.

I just love Dexter lately, he's back to being his quirky self without going all creepy on us. Don't do that again, Dex.

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Going back to an earlier episode. Why are Bianca and Charlie suddenly such good friends? Have I missed something? Why did Bianca say (at her hen lunch) something like 'thank god you're here, I couldn't get through this without you.' to Charlie? Or was she talking to someone else?

Bianca and Charlie did run into each other at Angelo's and spend the night chatting when she first came in and have spoken to each other...once since then.I guess she's the closest thing to a friend Bianca's got in the Bay.And possibly anywhere.

I thought Ruby's interpretation of the prediction was that Liam was the hero, who'd made the sacrifice by letting Bianca have what she claimed she wants.And maybe she's abandoned him?

I suspect Sid hid the DVDs because he didn't want Marilyn sending people messages from beyond the grave when she was still this side of it.Which, it turns out, was a good move, shame it didn't occur to her.Sid blaming himself was a bit illogical, if he believes in the prediction now then it would have happened whether he wanted it to or not.Marilyn suddenly not believing it also feels a bit strange.I guess "She died but not in any meaningful sense" was the obvious get-out for the prediction, don't know why I didn't think of it before.Dexter's "I hear it was a really nice dog" to Colleen after she heard Marilyn's message was my highlight of the episode.

I think Will and Robertson are pretty much tying for the people I hate most at the moment.I'm not sure if Robertson's a really good detective or a really bad detective but either way I think he's basically just bullied Will into making a false statement.(And from Graves' expression, I think she knows that too:Robertson was almost certainly lying about finding Alf's blood on the apron.)I can't decide if Robertson knows he's done that but he's hoping it'll bring the truth out or if he's so focused on Alf being guilty he's blind to the truth.There is, I suppose, a remote possibility that Will was telling the truth but from his reaction I think he knows exactly what the apron is and probably hid it there himself.And he's basically just lied to get himself off the hook, which really is hard to defend.

By the way, background note for long-term fans:That episode had the wrong credits for the UK showing(they seem to have used Monday's cast list by mistake)but I checked the Australian copy and they used the right one.Except...Doctor Young, who's always been called Derek in the past, is credited as "Dr.Joel Young".Really hope that's a temporary blip...

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Aha, the secret of Charlie and Bianca's friendship is revealed, thanks to our Sherlock Ranger here! I think a Charlie/Bianca relationship would drag in loads of viewers, mainly male :lol:

I liked the way Dex tried to rush to Marilyn's aid by stealing the DVD.

I also liked Marilyn's beautiful handwriting on the DVD envelopes- calligraphy or what!?

So she did die technically. If she hadn't met Sid, he wouldn't have saved her and she probably wouldn't have returned, and also she didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel etc. etc. so she wasn't 'meant' to die today. Like Sally after her stabbing. Philosophical thoughts. :huh:

Tomorrow... the big climax dun dun DUR!

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Sid blaming himself for Marilyn being where she was was a bit unnecessary, she could have gone anywhere in the bay. She did 'die' briefly, I don't know how long you have to be 'dead' to see the other side, but perhaps a few moments isn't long enough? :unsure: BTW I think she looks much more attractive actually without all that makeup, but I suppose that is how her character is supposed to be. She'll feel a bit lost now she hasn't got her faith, it's helped her so much in the past. Hopefully Sid will help her through it.

Dear Dex, he was so sweet, the way he gave Sid a hug, then went to retrieve the DVD. Of course Marilyn got the full force of Colleen's anger, her little Lancey must have been lead astray by her. :wink:

You could be right about Ruby's prediction Red, does make more sense. It did appear that Bianca had abandoned him.

What on earth has made Will implicate Alf in Penn's murder? What hold does Shandi (still think she is involved) have over him that he would turn in someone he has known for years? Not quite sure why Alf and Roo were checking the inventory, something like the apron would hardly be on it, it would be something they would use, not sell. Could Alf have found it and hid it thinking it had something to do with Will? Naturally, there would be Alf's blood and fish blood on it, as Will said you tend to cut yourself when gutting fish. Is it Robertson's method to push someone enough for them to confess, then the real murderer steps forward. If I remember it worked last time with Grant's murder. Will did at first say he wasn't saying Alf had killed Penn, then when asked again said he thought he had.

Certainly going to be an action packed episode tonight, like most soap weddings nothing will be going smoothly.

Just had a thought, if Bianca dumps Vittorio at the altar, it doesn't automatically follow she will fall into Liam's arms. She may have decided (at last) that although Vittorio isn't the one, Liam isn't either (or at least not yet).

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Wow, it certainly was an action packed 'finale'. So Bianca did choose Liam in a The Graduate moment, btw her dress looked lovely, well done Nicole. Liked their getaway, she must have a thing about two wheeled vehicles! Everyone looked so lovely, including the guys. Gina certainly stunned John by 'telling' everyone via John they were getting married. Who would have thought Romeo would hit anyone let alone Vittorio. Poor Joanna, she won't get to be mother-in-law to a price after all. Unfair to blame April, Bianca does have a mind of her own, which she finally made up the right way in the end.

I do hope Ruby isn't thinking of splitting Romeo and Indie up, that would be so wrong.

So Nicole is pregnant with Penn's child, which brings me to my question earlier on re the timeline, how far gone is she, it seems months ago that she was last with him, if you see what I mean. :wink::unsure: Could anyone enlighten me how long ago it was?

Alf seemed to know why Robertson was there (why they couldn't wait until Alf was home I don't know, I can't see Alf doing a runner). Also from the look between him and Will he knew who dobbed him in, something we have to wait to find out what had gone on between them I guess. At least a bit of good news (in a way) Morag will be back. :D

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