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Wow, wow, wow, I've loved the end of 2010.

Not posted in aaageeees though...

First of all, blah to April leaving... .__. That's my favourite character gone... again. I thought she was going to be around a while, not half a year or however long it's been. Hopefully she comes back... maybe? I really hope so. Although I did find her attempts to break Bianca and Vittorio up rather OTT at times, she was an amazing character, she made me like Xavier and they were my favourite HAA couple. Plus, I find her very cute, which is an added bonus. (if I was ever going to have a crush on a HAA actress, twould be here. =P)

Bianca and Liam... about time! I hated Vittorio, Bianca made me like Liam (see? Scott sisters made me come to like two characters) and they're a great couple. I wasn't too keen on their ending tbh, seemed a bit... strange, I guess. And rushed? Maybe that's just my opinion. But I hope that they didn't actually leave the show, a bit confusing to who's going to be returning and who's not. As long as Vittorio and the Scott's mother (hate her) are gone.

Robertson! He's my second favourite character, he is just plain awesome. HAA really should make him a permanent cast member. And I really hope Elijah doesn't come back. Leah and Robertson have to end up together... I mean, if they're going to bring Elijah back (hope not), what was the point of Robertson/Leah? Surely we've seen Leah have a failed romance way too many times... but yeah, even if almost everyone in Summer Bay hates Robertson, he's just doing his job. He'd probably get along with everyone if the murder hadn't happened.

Romeo/Indigo/Ruby. Okay, I'm gonna add a new least favourite pairing. Ruby and Romeo?! No! Ruby's absolutely plummeted in my character ranking, she's so annoying now! She used to be one of my favourites, but she just needs to leave now. I was definitely backing Charlie in their ridiculous argument. Romeo and Indigo belong together, I like them together, if Ruby dates Romeo then I'm going to start disliking Romeo. I still don't understand why Romeo doesn't just call himself Todd, by the way.

Dexter...... Dexter, Dexter, Dexter... I started off despising him, but my opinion is now improving. Now he's stopped liking Marilyn and he's not quite so jerkish/obnoxious now, he's alright. I actually like him and Graves, even if Graves is quite a bit older.

Angelo and Charlie. I really think Charlie is treating Angelo unfairly, and I'm kind of tired of their relationship now. I like them both separately, but Angelo should have given up long ago. I preferred Charlie when she was with Roman.

Sid and Marilyn... I'm not really sure what to make of that storyline... I'm glad Marilyn survived, and I really like Sid and Marilyn together... but I guess it dragged a bit for me. As for the thing with Colleen that's now started, just UGGGH! I hope it's over soon. Ugh.

Gina and John. Hooray, they're married! John has risen a lot in my rankings seeing as he used to be a least favourite. He seems to have changed from the obnoxious jerk he was, and become more of a father-figure to Xavier, which I find awesome. I found the keeping their relationship secret from everyone stupid, nor do I really understand why they did it to start with.

And finally... the Penn Graham murder. Since Graves mentioned about Shandi... i was wondering what the point of her was. I think that it was Will and Shandi that killed Penn. I doubt they'd make it Alf as that would be too obvious. Then again... they made the people smuggling storyline in 09 really obvious as it ended up Hugo...

But yeaaah.... I can only promise to try to try to try to try to post here more often. =p

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After a couple more episodes, things all - temporarily probably - settled suspiciously near to a rather ideal outcome on all fronts.

They salvaged a better than expected resolution from the thankfully ended saga of Bianca and her wedding - that the likeable Gina and John wed instead. Wasn't it around a week ago that Gina told John not to mention marriage?! I'll always love Sonia Todd - "Police Rescue" was an early favourite series. Nice to have all the cast together too.

So April's been carted back to Europe. That was a shock, sorry to those who like her, I wouldn't miss her, but I'd guess she'll be back soon anyway.

I look forward to discovering whether Alf is guilty or not - surely not? but what's the knife about? - and if he will be found guilty or not.

Hi comfan93, I found this week motivated me to post for the first time in a while too! Of course I agree with everything you say about Robert - apart from that Sid may have narrowly edged ahead if I had to choose a favourite character. And as you nicely put it, people's looks are an added bonus. :D

Lastly, but most importantly, Marilyn lives. I sure got seriously worried there! I won't breathe easy quite yet, because she might still decide to go searching for the meaning of life in Asia or something. I'm surprised it was resolved so fast after nine months of the "end date" (which confused me as to which was the last day too) looming. Considering she was underwater for at least two minutes+, she seems pretty lucky to be unscathed, thought the writers (if not the medical professionals) would keep her in hospital for a week for some extra drama. But what followed was an interesting, more original route than a drawn out hospital stay, with her disappointment at not seeing what she'd anticipated when she died. I like the direction they've spun off to, reversing both characters, with her losing faith, and Sid now believing he was wrong.

I think his dive was filmed more than once, seeing it from two angles, the position of him entering the water relative to the pier is slightly different in each. Nitpicking certainly, not complaining about it, just curious about such things! I hope the water temperature was okay, with them both jumping in - it's not always hot, even in Australia?! I agree with Ryan's post that the woman, although in an extreme situation, seemed unnaturally stupid to forget about her completely.

As H&Alover said, I also noted her lack of makeup in hospital, and thought how beautiful Emily is underneath it all.

Colleen's DVD, and Dex attempting to retrieve it, was another brilliant moment. While I can understand her feelings (love "Miss Thingy"!), I regret to admit to giggling at Marilyn's confession. :blush:

It seems, hopefully, that Emily will be around a while. Would be good for Sid to be the focus of storylines as well now, see more of his hospital work, and see him in more light moments at times too, after an understandably heavy six months since he returned. Love them both.

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To answer your question first Red as regards Romeo and Indi, perhaps she does indeed pass her HSC and goes off to uni therefore effectively 'abandoning' Romeo!!! I was also wondering about the sudden wedding of John and Gina thought what happened to banns being read and a licence? Nice touch of Xavier though to let them have the Mad Max car to drive away in and for them to pass Liam and Bianca.

Is April really 17, I thought she was younger? :unsure: April fans

she does come back this week.

Apparently six weeks have passed when between last Friday and today.

Are they really going to leave two teenagers on their own at the Caravan Park, especially as Nicole is pregnant? OK they are both adults at 18, but expecting them to run a business, keep up with any repairs etc is pushing it! There is a shock announcement regarding Nicole's pregnancy btw!! :o Thanks for the explanation as to how long it was since Nicole and Penn were an actual couple, H&A do jump weeks sometimes so you do tend to lose track of time. I'm sure Nicole has used protection Slade, but accidents happen.

This week 'a loved resident dies', but when you find out who it is you'll think huh? :confused:

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Interesting episode, I suppose.

The Bianca/Liam stuff was rather boring.

And it just clicked with me about Nicole. I suppose they can get away with her not showing before the sudden 6 week break (I swear she's lost weight by the way. She looked really thin on that beach scene with Ruby a couple of weeks ago.) I don't recall seeing her at the funeral of Ross or anything, so I imagine that she'll have started showing by now? I'm no pregnancy expert. But seeing as it was already a few months since she was with Penn, and then another 1 1/2 months now, surely, surely she'll be showing.

Romeo and Ruby started already, appearing out of absolutely nowhere in 2 episodes. At least, I didn't notice any of it before Friday. Already hating it. I can see Romeo dropping quickly down my character rankings.

As for Ross dying... I'd predicted it anyway from previews and stuff, so no surprise for me. Hate Ruby even more though after her mini fight with Charlie. I really, really hate Ruby. Seriously. I liked the Charlie/Angelo part, though.

I'm glad Morag's back at least.

I do feel sorry for Robertson, though. It's a shame he wasn't already around the bay before Penn's murder, so he maybe wouldn't be hated by everyone. It'd be more interesting if he was already around, actually, to see everyone's reactions to someone they know and perhaps see as a friend investigating the murder and targeting Alf and Will.

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So the first episode of 2011 we return with a new intro. Interestingly they went forward 6 weeks. The last time I can recall them actually mentioning how far forward the episode was, was in 2003. It was reminiscent of Jack's funeral a couple of years ago but it felt odd not having Miles around.

I was hoping that the it was Colleen's who was killed off but given the current situation it's very easy to see why Ross was chosen. That being said I'm glad Morag's back and I didn't mind her being cold as I saw that initially as some sort of coping mechanism. I'm glad she didn't stand for what Charlie said regardless of whether Charlie was right. Charlie's too quick to judge people. To me it's obvious Alf didn't kill Penn but regardless I'm not sure Morag moving in with Alf was reason enough to grant him bail although I like the way she wants to be there for her brother in spite of the circumstances. One thing I'm already not liking about this storyline is what looks like friction appearing between Morag and Irene. I like it when those two get on.

I wondered about Charlie and Angelo at the start of the episode when they weren't standing together during the wake. When Angelo was speaking with Leah and he mentioned Charlie didn't ask him to do the food it occurred to me that they weren't together. I wonder if Ross's death was the final nail in the coffin but I'm sure the cause of the break-up will be revealed.

The writers aren't doing Ruby any favours. Yet again, she lashes out at Charlie and storms off. I guess I should feel more sympathetic towards her given the circumstances but I'm just so over her acting like this. And so begins her plan to woo Romeo away from Indy. Indy obviously cares about her as she went after Ruby when she had her mini tantrum. I can so see Ruby wanting to spend more time with Romeo to help deal with Ross's death (as part of her plan), out of guilt Romeo will support her regardless of his relationship with Indy, Indy will feel frustrated but will be unable to say anything because she will appear to lack compassion and that will form a rift between her and Romeo.

I agree the stuff with Bianca and Liam was like watching paint dry.

Nicole used to be one of my favorite characters but personally I can't see the point of her anymore and can't seem to get into this pregnancy storyline.

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I think the problem with a six week jump like this is that you have to be ready for the answers to the questions you posed.I remember them doing something similar between 1998 and 1999 and it just left us wondering what had happened and not finding out.To be fair, they did mention Ross was ill a few months back but it just comes out of nowhere, maybe if we'd actually had Charlie and Ruby dealing with it on screen it would make more sense and Ruby's prima donna moment when she had a go at Charlie, who seems to be getting it from all sides at the moment, might have been a bit more understandable.It just feels like a cheap plot device because they want Morag back and Ross was too much of an incovenience.Didn't help that the guests at his funeral seemed completely random:Gina, John, Romeo and Indigo never even met Ross.

Romeo and Indigo are suddenly best friends with Ruby but to be fair that sort of thing happens quite a bit on the show these days.To be fair, I don't think Ruby was scheming to get her claws into Romeo at all, she had far too many other things on her mind and they just seemed like three friends.Ironic if a bit predictable that Indi's now going off to uni and Romeo's stuck at school.Although I guess it's her fault for constantly moaning about him going off to uni and meeting new girls:Now he's going to be stuck at Summer Bay High with other girls.(Well, one in particular.)As for Angelo and Charlie splitting up...Really, what the heck?Okay, things weren't that good between them last time they spoke to each other but what happened?Mind you, for a couple who aren't a couple they're definitely acting like a couple.If it wasn't for Liam and Bianca telling us, I wouldn't know they'd split up.(Nice to hear they went to Europe to see Liam's son by the way, nice bit of continuity.)Sounds like Angelo's living on his own in that house:Are Charlie and Ruby back living with Leah?It annoys me that they've done this and I've lost track now of how many times the writers have broken them up.I think they have too given that they once got them back together when they hadn't actually broken up.

Yes, April's 17, obviously, she was in Year 11, she'll be in Year 12 if she comes back, she's the same age as Xavier, Ruby and Dexter.I think Nicole's pregnancy storyline could be really good but the stuff that's coming up in the near future doesn't seem so good:It really needs Miles back to support her because I don't trust anyone else to look out for her, the "shock announcement" sounds appalling and I'm hoping it's just a one episode idea rather than an ongoing plotline.I'm not sure why anyone would think Nicole never uses birth control, she's only had one pregnancy scare and one actual pregnancy in nearly three years as far as I can remember.

Really didn't like Morag in the first half of the episode, it felt like it was 1989 again and she'd turned back into a super-bitch.I was relieved when she apologised to Charlie because it made her seem like more of a human being.Not liking Robertson either and I think the whole "He's only doing his job/I did what I had to do" argument is a bit weak.Firstly he's a bully and secondly he's not actually very good at his job:He got Will into that interview room convinced Alf was the killer and bullied him until he told him what he wanted to hear, regardless of whether it was the truth.I can actually see Graves or Charlie solving the case without him because they've got their heads screwed on more.And I'm really, really not liking Irene at the moment:They've ruined Will beyond repair and they're on the verge of doing the same to her.It was pretty obvious at the end of last year that Irene thought the sun shone out of Will's backside and couldn't face the fact one of her foster kids had grown up to be a lowlife.But she's taking it to extremes by insisting he's telling the truth and Alf's a murderer, when she's known Alf a lot longer and when he's practically been a second father to Will.I never thought I'd be cheering Colleen on against Irene but that's exactly what I was doing in that episode.

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6 weeks have meant to of gone past, but nothing seems to of moved on much really.

They love bringing back oldies and ruining there characters and at this moment in time they are doing this very well for Will. I will always love Irene, but I hate the position they have put her in. It just doesn't seem right her being at loggerheads with the likes of Alf, Colleen and Morag.

Charlie and Angelo ... what a load of old ... seriously how many times do they want to break them up. The last time Angelo went a bit stalkerish on Charlie, but now he couldn't give a monkey's. Charlie and Ruby back living with Leah, I wander how long that lasts. I can't see them leaving Angelo in that house on his own for long. Wander where he will end up? Why not put him in the caravan park house aswell? Another room could just appear?

RUBY ... just do one! Your not everyone's cup of tea these days. And its only going to get worse.

Aww, at Bianca and Liam. I'm liking the lifestyle they are leading at the mo, but I fear we are going to go through another Angelo/Charlie in the near future.

Love Morag being back, I felt quite sad when she was crying. I loved the music playing in the background.

Love the new opening, shame there isn't any credits. Oh, and the closing credits I like too.

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I agree that for a six week gap not a lot seems to have happened.A bunch of plotlines seem to have sprung up out of nowhere, notably this Charlie/Angelo thing which is leaving me scratching my head and wondering what I'm supposed to have missed.Alf's apparently spent the gap in jail, Nicole's spent the gap...somewhere(the city?)and hasn't told anyone she's pregnant.Oh-and Irene's decided Alf's a murderer, which might make more sense if we'd actually seen the conversations.

Found it very hard to like a lot of the characters in that episode:I think I was down to Alf and Nicole, possibly Charlie and Angelo, Lily and, incredibly, Colleen.It was nice that Charlie and Angelo managed to be civil when you could tell they were hurting underneath and really wished they could be together.Nice that Ruby and Angelo had a scene together, there does seem to be an almost father/daughter vibe between them.Ruby obviously wants them back together but she needs to stop interfering in other people's lives and being such a selfish cow towards Charlie.And, indeed, Nicole: Giving her a present for the baby is a poor apology for the way she treated her before.(And three cheers for Charlie basically telling her "Hey, your dad was a bad guy too, maybe even worse than Penn, certainly did worse to me, do you think I should have got rid of you?"Someone should remind her she was gushing like a thirteen-year-old back when Nicole slept with Penn as well.)I really felt for Nicole, who seemed to get it in the neck from Morag and Sid as well.The only one who was genuinely supportive of her was Alf and he got it from his "I've got no maternal instincts" sister as well.I love that Nicole stood her ground, I think with Miles and Alf to support her she could actually be a good mother.

I'm really not liking the stance Irene has taken.As she said herself, she was accused of murder herself and Alf and the rest of the town supported her 100%.Yet she finds it easier to condemn Alf than accept that Will dropped him in it to save his own worthless neck.(Although...now it seems Will was telling the truth about seeing Alf with blood on his hands?So, what exactly has he lied about, except maybe thinking Alf killed Penn because he probably knows exactly what happened?)I was glad that Alf had a go at her at the end as well as punching Will, they've both treated him appallingly after everything he's done for them in the past.

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I loved the scene between Ruby and Angelo yesterday. I'm pleased that Angelo has finally seen sense and split up with Charlie, he's been her lap dog for too long. Remember when he fell out of a tree spying on her? That was ridiculous. Now he may be free to find another love...

I was surprised but impressed with Sid. Usually doctors prefer pregnancy to abortion but he seemed to have sensible views about young people being unable to look after babies.

I suppose pregnancy was the only way they could take Nicole, she's done everything else. I like her relationship with Sid, they've managed that well, he is like her ex boyfriend.

God knows how this is going to end with Will and Alf. I think that what happened was, Penn met Will and Shandi somewhere, Penn did something to Shandi and she and Will killed him. I don't think Alf had anything to do wiht it.

But who knows, it'll probably turn out to be Colleen as the murderer :lol:

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