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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Well, so much seemed have happened and also not a lot. Bianca and Liam seem fine at the moment, but what about when they get back into the real world, school, living back in the bay etc?

So Indi did pass her HSC and is going to uni, did she have any doubts about leaving Romeo behind, apparently not!

Not sure why Ruby was blaming Charlie from stopping her going to see Ross and Morag, from what we saw she changed her mind. Ross must have gone downhill pretty fast, because there was never a mention of him getting worse, explained I suppose by Charlie saying she never rang to see how he was. I was wondering why Ross was being buried in the bay or was that just a memorial service? I was wondering about the random people at the service as well, guess Indy and Romeo where there for Ruby, but the others? Robertson being there didn't go down too well, considering it was him who arrested Ross for Grant's murder, but I think he still admired him for his past reputation. It's good to see Morag again though, Charlie never knew the 'old' Morag so wouldn't understand that is how she is, that scene where we saw her breaking down does prove she is struggling to hold on. When that dam breaks it will be in spectacular fashion. It's only her battling for Alf that is keeping her going.

Were Marilyn and Nicole in the city for the whole six weeks? Would that have been visiting her mum and Roman? I don't imagine her mum would have been overjoyed at the news, she was about the same age when she had Nicole. From what was said when they got back Sid obviously knew she was pregnant. Everyone was going on about it being Penn's baby, but, um, excuse me it is Nicole's baby too!!! Alf seemed genuinely pleased for her and as for Morag banging on about what happens when she goes to uni, don't some uni's have creche facilities? Good talk between Charlie and Ruby about Nicole and her decision to have him/her. You're right Red, Grant was a lot worse than Penn, at least that was a relationship not rape! Assuming it wasn't too late when Charlie acknowledged she was pregnant (meaning being in denial) she could have chosen to abort Ruby. Sid is going to be in for a shock by what Nicole has decided to do. :wink: Considering Morag was there when Nicole told Alf I don't see how her reasoning that could be a reason why Alf killed Penn. Anyone could see that was the first time he knew about it. As for her thinking it could be Nicole herself, how was she supposed to have got him out of the hotel by herself (unless she's suggesting she got Alf to help her)?

Was a surprise that Angelo broke it off with Charlie and not the other way round.

I was surprised Irene is willing to believe Alf is a killer and Will had nothing to do with it. She's known Alf for years, even before Will arrived and I think Morag pointed out Alf stuck by her when she was accused of murder. Will is obviously feeling guilty about something, but why would he protect Shandi, her hardly knew her (or did he?) Could she have been related to one of the guys that Penn assaulted/killed and she finally tracked him down?

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Pregnancy is one storyline that they haven't explored with Nicole, and in a interview she said it's a storyline she would not be happy with, and would end up leaving. I'm guessing she is ok with it, because of the way the storyline will go. She will be gone by this time next year, I bet.

This has made to start thinking who else will be gone! Here's hoping Ruby! They have got to do something right with her to make me like her, and then I might not mind her sticking around.

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I thought Alf hitting Will in yesterday’s episode was unbelievable stupid. Lucky for him there’s no way in hell Will is going to report him. Another thing I didn’t like was him hitting Will in front of Lilly. She shouldn’t have had to witness that.

Really not liking Ruby at present and I’m almost back to the point how I felt about her during the stuff with Grant. The girl is just so self-centred. I thought Charlie made an excellent point regarding Nicole. One which was virtually impossible to refute.

Not really liking Morag’s attitude towards Nicole. Fine she wants to do everything in her power to get Alf off but I don’t like the way she’s planning to use her as effectively a scapegoat. When she started questioning her aggressively as Romeo intervened it was obvious it was a practice session. I don’t think Nicole should keep the baby but again didn’t like Morag’s remarks. They used to live together and Morag got on pretty well with Roman. Maybe Morag was trying to be brutally honest for Nicole’s own good i.e. the cruel to be kind factor.

I thought Alf was really harsh with John in the surf club but have to admit it was really funny seeing him go into one like that and he did sort of redeem himself afterwards.

Found it really funny when VJ stuck up for Robertson and Leah asked him if Robertson paid him to do that. I also quite liked Robertson’s reaction when Leah told him. Leah’s still reluctant to get involved romantically presumably because of Alf and the rest of Summer Bay.

I’m glad Marilyn’s OK because I don’t mind her now but why does it feel like she’s talked Nicole out of having an abortion for her own selfish reasons.

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It is feeling very much like a new team's come in for the new year and decided they're going to do things differently.Hence Charlie and Angelo getting broken up in a casual and even callous manner, after they and Ruby seemed to have been set up as a family unit.Forgot to mention that I'm glad that Nicole and Indigo are going to uni, the first time we've had a uni storyline in a while.(By the way, forgot to mention, there was a similar gap of several weeks between 2004 and 2005.)One thing I've noticed is they seem to be trying to move Colleen beyond the "nasty old woman" character and she's actually become one of the most sensible characters around over these three episodes:Her lecture to Alf after his argument with John was spot on and her make-up with Marilyn wasn't too bad.Shame Morag and Marilyn's first meeting in nearly 22 years was just skipped over.Same with VJ starting high school, which amounted to him wandering around in SBH uniform a bit.

Unfortunately, I find I'm utterly disgusted with Marilyn.At times, the woman does seem to be a crazed baby snatcher:I seem to remember her trying to pull the same trick on Chloe when she was pregnant.I get that her biological clock went off a long time ago and her own disastrous attempts at motherhood weren't entirely her fault but she seems to be taking advantage of a vulnerable teenager to me.Maybe I'm misjudging her and it was Nicole's idea but I doubt it.I can't see Nicole going through with the adoption and I'm hoping she changes her mind sooner rather than later.I've got a lot of respect for Nicole at the moment, her regression to jumping into bed with Penn is starting to feel like a careless plot device to bring in this storyline, I think she's got a lot of maturity and maybe I'm being naive but with the right support I think she'd actually be a better mother than Marilyn.Has to be said too, Sid apologising to Marilyn and not Nicole was an odd moment.

In two minds about the way Morag behaved.I think her idea actually had merit, focusing on alternative suspects, but she went about it in completely the wrong way.If she'd explained what she was going to do and asked Nicole if she'd been willing to go along with it, she might have said yes. Instead she attacked her and then said "And I'll do the same in court" and got everyone's backs up, although Romeo was somewhat ineffectual and I was surprised Alf let it go on so long.Didn't like the way Alf jumped down John's throat in such a petty manner but I like that he apologised afterwards and seemed to put so much trust in him:Who'd have imagined John would ever be viewed as Alf's replacement?Have to admit, frankly I don't care that Alf punched Will in front of Lily, I think it's got past that point, she needs to stop looking at him through rose-tinted glasses.I don't think Will's trying to protect Shandi as such, I think it's more a case that he'd be in a lot more trouble if the truth came out.(If he helped dispose of the body or something.)

They're trying to make us like Robertson, by having him be nice to Leah or have VJ mouth platitudes (apparently because he's found God:it'd be nice to have a less cliched portrayal of Christianity, which Elijah was come to think of it-and what was with Leah's sub-90s scare mongering about the Internet?).But it's a bit difficult when people are still suffering because of his actions.I can't decide if he's a bad police officer or a lazy one and maybe I'm being hard on him but it's hard to shake the feeling that, instead of doing a thorough investigation, he just pinned it on the most likely suspect and congratulated himself on another result.

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Wow, things seem to moved on in a short space of time. I agree about Charley and Angelo, when did they split up? Charley can be like a little princess sometimes but I thought they'd sorted out their differences. And then Nicole pregnant, she seems too sensible to get into that situation and don't they have sex education in Summer Bay? It sets a poor example to watching teens. And poor Sid being emotionally blackmailed over accepting spawn of satan by Marilyn. Crikey!

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I'm quite sure they do have sex education in Summer Bay, but as I have posted before, Nicole may well have been on the pill and Penn actually may have used contraception, but the pill isn't 100% safe and accidents do happen with condoms.

Going by the preview Sid is not a happy bunny with Marilyn's decision to adopt Nicole's baby. She ought to have discussed it with him first and Dex and Indie (although she will be off to uni).

I guess Morag was playing devils advocate when she was questioning Nicole as she said after that they are the type of questions the prosecution will ask if she appears as a witness, if Alf changes his mind about allowing her to. How far gone is she btw she still doesn't seem to be showing much? I couldn't see the point of Morag asking Sid when he knew Nicole was pregnant, apart from the fact he couldn't tell her she may not have gone to him she may have gone to the city.

Poor John, there he was doing his best as he said after being through in at the deep end at a moment's notice and gets it big time from Alf. Colleen had one of her moments of talking sense when she took him to task about it and he did have the grace to apologise to John later. Sensible for him to accept he may not be around and ask John to look after the surf club 'in case' the worse happens.

Leah never seems to realise VJ is a much more mature lad than she gives him credit for. I know he didn't come to the conclusion he did on his own, but he still thought it out himself. Btw in England you have to be at least 13 to open a FaceBook account, is it different in Australia?

According to the Aussie thread

Elijah returns to the bay, that'll be interesting.

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Oh, Ruby and Romeo are definitely heading for something! Looking lovingly at each other, complimenting each other....

Typical Xavier, snogging another girl, then April turning up :rolleyes:

I think Sid is being unreasonable expecting Marilyn to actually go through pregnancy etc. when it could jeopardise her life after her cancer, and she is around 40. It would be better for her health if she adopted Nicole's baby :unsure:

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I think they have too given that they once got them back together when they hadn't actually broken up.
Really? :lol: When was that? When Robert was here the first time and he showed Charlie those photos that made her have doubts?

I liked the stuff with Dex and VJ today! Good to see Dexter interacting with someone else for a change and looking out for Veej!

The stuff at B and Liam's was cool too!

RUBY ... just do one!
Hehe LOVE it Dalby!! Because...

Bad point: Ruby setting Summer and Xavier up. Romeo said to her: "You know you're a good friend?" NO Romeo. How is setting up your friend with another girl when his current relationship may well still exist being a good friend? And I mean Xavier certainly didn't want things to be over with April did he. Seriously Ruby does my head in soooooooooooo much. I mean it's no surprise that she just doesn't get how relationships are supposed to work (just look at her history and atm.) but to... I don't know... put that "knowledge" if you can call it that onto somebody else's relationship and screw them up is just the worst. I HATE Ruby. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Very glad that April's back though!! Hope she doesn't dump Xavier now after making that silly mistake.

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I loved Dexter and VJ. great combo.

It seems to me there is a lot of friendship and family closeness occuring already and we are only a couple of days into the 2011 season, I like it.

All the teens together, awesome. That's been awhile. Ruby was hellish as usual. Oh why did April have to turn up at that point? mmm Xavier!!! :D

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I think they have too given that they once got them back together when they hadn't actually broken up.
Really? :lol: When was that? When Robert was here the first time and he showed Charlie those photos that made her have doubts?

I think it was last year, I seem to remember they got back together while Hugo was in hiding, when they went on that date and saw someone driving about near Martha's place and then went back to hers and slept together, then they had that conversation the next morning when she said she wanted to be with him.Then a few weeks later, after he admitted to letting Hugo and Martha go so she wouldn't be blamed, they go down the beach and have a "I love you"/"I love you too"/"Great, let's get back together" conversation.And left us all going "But...you are together!"

I'm still not liking Marilyn, I think she's being very selfish and not considering anyone else in this, she's just interested in what she wants.Sorry but I refuse to accept Nicole just came out with "Why don't you adopt the baby?", it must have come from her and it's a bit unfair when Nicole's emotions are probably all over the place.Sid can be a bit too nice for his own good at times, despite his reservations he'll probably go along with it.Marilyn not being able to have children, maybe, seems like new information, I suspect it's a fertility problem because of chemotherapy rather than it actually being bad for her health and women her age have children quite often.(She's, what, early 40s?Not too old these days.)I actually think Nicole is showing a bit now, she's been wearing loose clothes most of the week and there seems to be a bit of a bump.The "four months" figure seems a bit off, it should be at least five probably six and Sid seemed to imply on Tuesday she was past the cut off date for an abortion.

Well, Romeo and Ruby show why they'd make a good couple:They're both as bad as each other, judging Xavier and April's relationship by their own low standards and throwing a spanner into it. Although I guess Xavier was the one to kiss Summer, so it's not entirely their fault.But just because Ruby bounces from guy to guy, doesn't mean that's what Xavier should.And just because Romeo spent months mooning over a girl who dumped him after a few weeks(and still is, judging by the fact he brought it up yet again), doesn't mean Xavier should just give up on April when she didn't even leave willingly.My "two weeks" prediction for April turning up again turns out to be a bit on the lean side, although her timing could have been better...Really hope they get over this quickly, they're my favourite couple at the moment and I'm hoping they didn't send April to Europe purely in order to break them up.As someone said a while back, after spending most of 2009 loathing Xavier, suddenly since he's been with April and started getting on well with John he's become one of my favourites. Summer seemed nice, if a bit dim, and nice to have someone remember Liam's meant to be a famous rock star.

Loved the stuff with VJ and Dexter, they could have a decent older brother relationship growing there if they follow through on it.The idea of Dexter being bullied at school seemed a bit left field(does anyone still get bullied in Year 12?)and at one point I genuinely thought it was going to turn out to be a set-up and he'd got a friend to pretend to hassle them for VJ's benefit.It was very funny though so I'll let it pass.

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