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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I'm still not liking Marilyn, I think she's being very selfish and not considering anyone else in this, she's just interested in what she wants.Sorry but I refuse to accept Nicole just came out with "Why don't you adopt the baby?", it must have come from her and it's a bit unfair when Nicole's emotions are probably all over the place.Sid can be a bit too nice for his own good at times, despite his reservations he'll probably go along with it.Marilyn not being able to have children, maybe, seems like new information, I suspect it's a fertility problem because of chemotherapy rather than it actually being bad for her health and women her age have children quite often.(She's, what, early 40s?Not too old these days.)I actually think Nicole is showing a bit now, she's been wearing loose clothes most of the week and there seems to be a bit of a bump.The "four months" figure seems a bit off, it should be at least five probably six and Sid seemed to imply on Tuesday she was past the cut off date for an abortion.

Well, Romeo and Ruby show why they'd make a good couple:They're both as bad as each other, judging Xavier and April's relationship by their own low standards and throwing a spanner into it. Although I guess Xavier was the one to kiss Summer, so it's not entirely their fault.But just because Ruby bounces from guy to guy, doesn't mean that's what Xavier should.

Loved the stuff with VJ and Dexter, they could have a decent older brother relationship growing there if they follow through on it.The idea of Dexter being bullied at school seemed a bit left field(does anyone still get bullied in Year 12?)and at one point I genuinely thought it was going to turn out to be a set-up and he'd got a friend to pretend to hassle them for VJ's benefit.It was very funny though so I'll let it pass.

I do remember Marilyn had problems conceiving the first time round, because of fibroids, she also had a miscarriage before having Dylan, plus her chemo could have an effect on her becoming pregnant again. Don't suppose we will ever find out who brought the subject of adoption up. It's not a forgone conclusion that Marilyn will adopt either. :wink: At least she had the grace to apologise to Sid about not discussing it with him. Dex and Indie both took the news quite well, Dex especially seemed pretty chuffed with the idea. Hard to tell with pregnancies, every woman is different so Nicole could be four months and I did notice a small bump last night. Some don't show for months, then all of a sudden whoosh, there it is. As for the cut off date for abortion, don't know what the criteria is in Australia so couldn't possibly comment.

Hope you are not suggesting Xavier should or shouldn't be bouncing from guy to guy, unless you know something the rest of us don't. :lol::wink:

He did suddenly seem to get over April pretty quick considering how much he was bleating on about her earlier on in the day. Liked April's casual 'hello'. Why do P'sTB think they are being clever by just showing peoples feet when it is going to be pretty obvious that it is going to be someone we know. I'm guessing April left with her mums blessing otherwise we would have heard all about it via Bianca, unless Bianca is now persona non grata as far as Joanna is concerned and has it taken her three weeks to get back?

Ruby certainly didn't look happy when Romeo was getting up close and personal with Indie (who is still his girlfriend). :offtopic: Certainly showed it was their winter by the way the girls where wrapped up on blankets once the sun went down.

Are Liam and Bianca staying out there or going back to his flat or somewhere else in town?

I liked Dex and VJ together as well, although it seem at one point he was putting the fear of God into VJ. I suppose you can bullied at any stage, weren't Trey and before him Ric both bullies in year 11/12? The thought went through my mind that maybe the fight was a set up and once VJ had gone the other guy would get off and he and Dex would laugh about it. Good advice though about keeping quite about reading the Bible. At the risk of getting lambasted VJ should be careful about who he talks to on FaceBook, just because it is a religious group he is talking to doesn't mean they are all good people.

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I think they have too given that they once got them back together when they hadn't actually broken up.
Really? :lol: When was that? When Robert was here the first time and he showed Charlie those photos that made her have doubts?

I think it was last year, I seem to remember they got back together while Hugo was in hiding, when they went on that date and saw someone driving about near Martha's place and then went back to hers and slept together, then they had that conversation the next morning when she said she wanted to be with him.Then a few weeks later, after he admitted to letting Hugo and Martha go so she wouldn't be blamed, they go down the beach and have a "I love you"/"I love you too"/"Great, let's get back together" conversation.And left us all going "But...you are together!"

Wow these multiple quote things are really fiddly! I just spent what felt like forever trying to work out how to get that right. Anyhoo...

No that was just that Charlie went back to see Michael although it wasn't Michael, because she didn't want to make a mistake by getting back together with Angelo again. They were together yes but Charlie was having second thoughts after they slept together because of the way things ended up last time. But then she went to see the therapist and realised that she really did want to be with Angelo again so that's what she told him and it was all cute and awesome!! :wub: The bit when Angelo told Charlie he was still in love with her (as per my sig :wink:) was just a bit of a shock for Angiepants™ when Charlie told him the same because he didn't think she felt that way about him at all. They were together but Angelo was just surprised bless him when Charlie told him that she's in love with him too. And so begins their blissful forever time being together leading to Marriage etc. :wub: Or so I thought... :angry:

Anyway I hope that's cleared things up for you.

Well, Romeo and Ruby show why they'd make a good couple:They're both as bad as each other, judging Xavier and April's relationship by their own low standards and throwing a spanner into it.
Hear hear!!

Although I guess Xavier was the one to kiss Summer, so it's not entirely their fault.But
I guess so but see you can't say that without saying "but" either. I was gonna say: But if Ruby hadn't put the idea in Xavier's head in the first place of finding another girl and Romeo hadn't effectively encouraged her and Xavier too for that matter then Xav. wouldn't have kissed Summer (or any other girl) would he?

I don't really have much to say about today's ep. except for John saying maybe April hooked up with someone else. That's not at all positive or helpful. Ugh sometimes I really hate this man. He was really rude about Bianca on her Wedding day too. He always gets away with it too and he never feels guilty ever.

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I suppose you can bullied at any stage, weren't Trey and before him Ric both bullies in year 11/12?

Probably, although they both picked on younger kids.The bullying seemed to stop when I was at school once it got to the point when I was older than all the bullies...

Alf's episode count this week:Four.First week of the year and Morag, a non-regular, also gets four. Dexter was only in one while Gina was in two but only spoke in one of them.

I actually really loved John in that episode, I like that even though he and Xavier are basically friends now he's still got that snarky side to him and can't get worked up about a teen romance.I was glad that Liam and Bianca seemed to understand what Xavier did instead of wanting him to stay away from April.They're still completely sweet together, even when at odds, I loved that hand holding on the beach.It's pretty obvious there's more to April's unhappiness than seeing Xavier with another girl, something obviously happened in Europe so maybe her sojourn wasn't a complete waste of time after all, even if Joanna did seem to forget about it very quickly.Can't quite get used to Bianca's new affable quasi-bohemian persona after six months of her being a selfish princess, I keep expecting the facade to drop at any moment.

They're obviously trying their best to make us feel sorry for Will by showing he feels really bad about what he's done but I'm sorry, I don't, not one bit.In fact I don't think I've felt sorry for him once since he's been back.Maybe if there turns out to be a good reason for his actions but I think it's as simple as it appears to be:He's scared of going to jail and being taken away from Lily, even though he comes across as a pretty poor father and she'd be better off with Irene or Gypsy.Robertson playing the Devil on his shoulder doesn't really make me like him either.At least Morag seems to be more like her old self.Loved Alf's delight at catching a fish in the middle of everything.

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It has been a long time since I have posted in here but I have a few comments.

- I never noticed how beautiful the actress playing Bianca is. One hell of a natural beauty!

- While watching H&A with my 'rents for the first time in months my Dad turned to me and said Romeo looked very much like the character who was shot years ago (Noah). I just looked at him with my jaw on the floor because 1) he actually remembered a character other than Sally or Alf or Morag and 2) he is bloody right. I never noticed it before. My reply was that he would probably end up dead in a few years then.

- I love Morag. Bitchy!Morag, caring!Morag and anything in between. But I still miss those moments in 04/05 when she had rockin' chemistry with Josie & Peter. Lets hope this year they bring in a character that has that spark with her.

- There is zero chemistry with Charlie and any other male character on the show. I still think they missed the boat by putting her back with men. Joey may have been a dud but I still believe that Charlie has more chemistry with women than men.

- I really like John Palmer. He is quite sweet now but still has that stern mode (and snarky) that keeps the character from changing completely.

- All last year I loved the moments between older and younger characters, Nicole & Alf being my favourite. I really hope they keep going with those moments because I believe that is what keeps soaps grounded.

Okay, I'm done :wink: !

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Agree with you there Red there is definitely something else going on with April. You don't think perhaps she may have caught Joanne and Vittorio together :wink: do you?

Perhaps this is the real Bianca and not the persona she first portrayed when she first arrived in the bay. She seems more relaxed now then she ever did before.

Maybe what Lily said about being honest (or something like that) made Will decide to go on the run, then telling Morag he had lied about Alf? It does involve Shandi

who it turns out wasn't Shandi

which could make my theory

that she was related to one of the guys involved with Penn

right. Plus she and Will did know each other before. To make things even more confused

the real Shandi turns up.

It all unravels this week in spectacular fashion when (hopefully) all will be explained what really happened that night.

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YEEES APRIL IS BACK!!! But darn you, Xavier, why did you have to kiss Summer? Why can't they randomly put her with Romeo instead of Ruby, which seems likely. Anything to get rid of Rubeo. Or Roby. Romy. Rumeo. Rubbisho. Whatever. But I'm really glad my favourite character is back, she's so different to the rest of the teenagers. I just hope they do something different and keep them together without them having sex or April getting pregnant. That'd be fairly out of character for her, I think.

Typical motherly Leah, but yeah, I'm not sure how VJ even got on Facebook... Too bad Leah didn't check the rules and realise it's 13s and above only, that would've got her banning him. I'm warming to Dex more and more now, and the VJ/Dex scenes were great. As for the bullying at that age thing... coming from someone who would be a year 12 if I lived in Australia, yes... bullying does still happen in that year. And if you think about it, Tony got bullied by John, and they're middle-aged. :P

I really got annoyed at how hypocritical Romeo was with Xavier when saying to stop moping around. Coming from the guy who spent weeks on weeks getting over Annie cause he was oh so in love with her? How can he turn around and say that to Xavier when April didn't actually have a choice about leaving? Annie did, and chose to leave. Plus Xavier's right, if you're texting someone every day and then suddenly they don't reply for three weeks... I know I'd be worrying a lot. Romeo's an idiot. Ruby's not a good friend, so shut up Romeo. I'm tempted to put Romeo 2nd from last on my character ranking just for that episode.

I do think Marilyn is being very selfish, decisions like that can't be made from just one side. And expecting Sid to just go along with it is just stupid. I'm hoping Sid eventually agrees, don't want them to break up.

I admit I'm not really liking Robertson as a detective as much as last time. I still find him awesome, but I think he genuinely believes Alf is the killer... and I don't think so. Unless he's doing the same as last time and pretending to focus on the "main suspect" but in the end knew it was someone else (Targeting Charlie for killing Grant, when it turned out to be Ross.) I'm just not really liking his methods this time, by using Lily to get at Will.

As for Will... I'm kind of hoping he is the killer just to get him arrested and off the show. Enough said. Poor Lily.

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Go, Charlie!And go, Morag!A brilliant episode for both of them.(Although...Charlie really found Morag on a road in the middle of nowhere by coincidence?)I love how they both stood up to Robertson, who really is sticking his head in the sand and insisting on going for the easiest answer. Only it's not so easy anymore.Irene does at least have the courage to admit that she's got this badly wrong and betrayed one of her oldest friends, so if she manages to pull herself out of this hole I'll like her again.Alf manages to get a few digs in at Robertson as well.I really was not expecting "Shandi" to be a fake, be interesting to know what it was all about.And that little scene between Charlie and Angelo:Seriously, I have to keep reminding myself they're not a couple because it makes no sense and they act around each other the way they always have done.Nice scene between Charlie and Bianca as well, good to see their friendship being used.

Bianca was portrayed a lot more realistically in that episode, instead of the perfect blissful human being they were trying to make her into last week.She was still good-natured but also flawed and had a couple of moments when she was bordering on neurotic, most notably when Liam drenched her notes.April's constant "Going for a walk" refrain was funny too.It probably is best she give Liam and Bianca some space at the moment and I'd like to see them build more of a relationship between her and Irene.But seriously, are Liam and Bianca going to live in a tent indefinitely?I think they need to find somewhere a bit more permanent...

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Okay, even I now agree Robertson is being stupid. It's okay, I still find you awesome. But seriously, someone needs to just hit him on the head to make him see sense... though then they'd get charged with assault on a police officer.

Sooo... Shandi Palmer is really not Shandi. At last, Robertson seemed to see sense at the end of the episode. Just curious to know what hold ex-Shandi had on Will. ...And I wonder if Miles would be in Will's position if Will hadn't showed up?

Yay for April moving in with Irene. I'd quite like her to be like an older sister to Lily, that'd be rather awesome. If she doesn't die from Will's stupidness, at least.

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So... its all kicking off Prue (I don't expect anyone to get that reference BTW)

I wonder if the false Shandi- what was her name? will turn out to be the woman Will had an affair with and they were pretending they didn't know each other.

I think tomorrow will be the big climax!

Re: Angelo. When Charlie came round, I was sure he had a woman hiding somewhere. I hope he has. He needs a bit of fun and to escape from Sergeant Buckton for a while.

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Despite his brief moment of humility, I'm not sure Robertson's learned anything from this.He's still being nice to Leah and then being nasty to everyone else and hasn't really earned the right to be making quirky comments about Daria's name again.When they were chatting to Real Shandi at the start and he kept attacking her and accusing her when she obviously hadn't done anything, I felt like "Just shut up and let Charlie handle it!She's doing a much better job than you!"Then he was abrupt with Irene and maybe VJ wouldn't have delayed for so long if he was more approachable. Loved Charlie and Angelo teaming up to catch Daria, I like that they still seem to work well together and there doesn't seem to be any animosity there.Guessing Lily texted VJ behind Will's back:She probably didn't tell him to tell the police otherwise he would have told Robertson when he asked him, so I'm wondering if maybe she asked him to meet her, if she gave such detailed information?

I have actually been wondering if maybe Penn actually hired Daria to murder him in order to frame Alf and we're back on the "suicide like Sam" idea:For someone who made so many threats and seemed capable of so much more, he didn't actually seem to do a lot of damage until he died.Maybe Daria stole the fishing knife from the caravan park so it'd be traced back to Alf?(Not sure where the sequins fit in though, they'd be unlikely to be connected to Alf and Daria doesn't seem the type to wear them.)Doubt Miles would be in this situation if Will hadn't turned up(although maybe she went out with him so she could get close to Alf?), despite a willigness to lie for Alf I doubt he'd be up for covering up a death whatever Daria said or did.I suspect she rang Will after she'd done it and asked him to help her dispose of the body.

Glad that John and Shandi had a chance to talk, she seemed quite nice and I can't help hoping that she will get back in touch in future.VJ and Dexter had another nice scene together:VJ doesn't need friends his own age, he's got Dex.

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