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That was certainly a first seeing Robert looking unsure of himself. Liked that scene of him and Leah when he motioned her to keep the fact she liked seeing his vulnerable side. I don't suppose you could really blame him for suspecting the real Shandie was involved with Daria especially as they knew each other. It was so obvious that guy at the caravan park knew Daria was there the moment he asked Angelo if he was police. Great tackle there BTW Charlie. I guess once Lily had rung VJ, Will found out and that is why they moved on so suddenly. Perhaps she wanted VJ to tell Leah and then obviously the police where they were because she wanted her dad to do the right thing. As an aside everyone keeps having a pop at Will for being a bad father, but Gypsy must have felt he was an OK dad to leave Lily with him when she left.

I can understand John's reluctance to meet with Shandie after last time. Glad that Gina decided to intervene and arrange the meeting. She was a nice girl and hope she does keep in contact with John. As John said if she hadn't he would have always wondered.

I've been trying to remember who arrived in the bay first, was it 'Shandie' or Will? If it was Will did he then contact 'Shandie' to let her know he was there or the other way round? I have another (yes another one) theory perhaps Penn went to attack Daria and Will stabbed him defending her. The sequins, as you said Red, could have been there ages and nothing to do with it.

So who is this Rene guy April was getting all those emails from? She did deny rather quickly (too quickly imo) when Romeo asked if she had met anyone while she was away. It also seemed rather odd that the first thing she asked at Irene's was could she use the internet. It must be awkward in a such a small space for Bianca and Liam to get, um, together. :blush: Had to smile at April's 'walks' to give them time together. Guessing Bianca was going to suggest April go to Irene's before April mentioned it herself.

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Daria was around before Will.I doubt that they knew each other before and I'm starting to doubt my "Penn set up his own murder" theory again, I seem to go on and off it quite a bit.(Maybe he really was a completely ineffective villain...)It's becoming increasing likely that Will or Daria killed Penn and the other one knows about it but I've no idea which or why.

I think we don't find out until next week...

I did think that maybe Lily wanted the police to find them but, assuming the text VJ got at the Diner was the one with their address, why didn't he just tell Robertson when he asked him?I find it very odd that the continuity announcer keeps referring to Robertson as Columbo;he might have been like that in his first stint but since he's been back and especially this year he's come across more like a Heartbeat sergeant(jumping to the obvious but incorrect solution and having his subordinates solve the mystery)or even a less violent Gene Hunt (bending or breaking the rules to convict someone he's convinced is guilty).His snarkiness was a bit hit and miss in that episode but I didn't really mind it because his target was Daria, who I don't really like that much, and he seems to have got Charlie back onside now.I'm disappointed that Graves seems to have disappeared between seasons though, she seemed more on the ball than Robertson at the end.

Getting increasingly worried about Xavier and April.Xavier seems to have regressed a bit, seeming rather petulant and checking April's phone.And being so dumb he doesn't know Rene is a guy's name. (Felt like most of their scenes were removed at random as well, John tells him to do something nice for her then he tells Romeo about the great night they just had, giving the clear impression that we've missed something.)But I'm even more worried about April:Her feelings for Xavier don't seem to have changed but it's very obvious she's mixed up in something.Not sure if we were meant to think she'd been lying about Rene's age at the end or not, he was hardly ancient but he did seem a fair bit older than her.(Bit convenient that, having communicated in French up to now, they suddenly start speaking English when we need to understand them.)

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As Daria said herself she was in the bay before Will so that was my question answered. So the sequins did belong to her as well, that blows the idea they were nothing to do with it out of the water. So she was the type to wear sequins after all. Perhaps her hippie chick look is also a blind, probably to fit in with her plan to con John. She was definitely there though as she knew it was a fishing knife that was used and now she wants a lawyer!! I still like my Daria was related to one of Penn's victims theory and took Will along as back up. Wouldn't somewhere like The Sands have CCTV and if so why haven't the police looked at the footage of the night concerned? You're right Graves does seem to have disappeared and it looks like Charlie is back on the case.

I think from looking at the preview those missing chemicals have something to do with what April is into with Rene. Whatever it is doesn't look good. Rene may not seem old to us, but to someone April's age he would be. I know when I was her age even someone in their thirties seemed ancient. She said he had worked for her dad for ages so would hardly be a youngster.

Old trick that using English so us viewers can understand when it is necessary to the plot. Perhaps something happened in between them having a kiss and him arriving home. :unsure:

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Awesome couple of episodes. Glad-ish that Xavier and April are back to "normal". Though I'm wondering who this Rene guy is. He didn't look exactly 'old' as April had described him to Xavier... but the conversation at the end of today isn't exactly one that sounds like she's cheating on Xavier. Something else going on, methinks. And from the preview at the end of the episode, I think I can get the general idea of what it is.

Robertson... I'm either looking forward to or not to the case being over. If he stays, looking forward to seeing more of him not being harsh detective. If he leaves, then darn it, no Leah/Robert. -_- It was nice to see the Robert/Leah scene on the bench, him realising he's not always right and if I got the right idea, wondering if everyone he's arrested before were the actual culprits? Or did I get the wrong idea there?

As for Daria... seems my suspicion was right. I still think Will was involved somehow, and I'm starting to think that she's covering for Will... maybe Penn did attack them, Will stabbed him, but doesn't want to get arrested because of Lily? That's what I'm thinking... I mean... if it was Daria that killed him, why would Will protect her and even accuse Alf over her? I suppose she could be blackmailing him with something.

I'm really hoping Shandi returns somehow. It'd be disappointing for her to just be used in a couple of episodes just for the case, it'd be interesting to see a friendship of some sort between her and Xavier, seeing as they're step-siblings. I don't know... I just hope she makes some return.

I think it would have been nice to see some scene of VJ starting high school. I did like the other scene between them, despite it seeming fairly random amongst all the murder drama.

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Re: Angelo. When Charlie came round, I was sure he had a woman hiding somewhere. I hope he has. He needs a bit of fun and to escape from Sergeant Buckton for a while.
Why does he need to get away from "Sergeant Buckton"? I think they make the perfect team. :wub: They always support each other and that's why they're my favourite ship atm! I really hope they get back together and then that's it - they'll just be happy and in a strong, healthy etc. relationship just the way it should be! They deserve it!

He didn't look exactly 'old' as April had described him to Xavier...
Um hmm that was a bit of a shock.
but the conversation at the end of today isn't exactly one that sounds like she's cheating on Xavier.
Yeah you're right there.

Robertson... If he stays, looking forward to seeing more of him not being harsh detective.
Yeah me too! I really like Robbie's more human side! :D

If he leaves, then darn it, no Leah/Robert. -_-
I know right. I'd really love to see their relationship really develop this time around and be really cool! :wub:

and if I got the right idea, wondering if everyone he's arrested before were the actual culprits? Or did I get the wrong idea there?
Er I think that's kinda what he was thinking yeah.

Rene may not seem old to us, but to someone April's age he would be.
Really? Even someone savvy like April? He was only what in his late 20's or something. That's like saying April think's Bianca and Liam are really old and I don't think she does does she?

I swear half the time April's not even speaking French you know. I speak French fairly fluently and I don't know what she was saying to Rene when she said goodbye to him when Xavier arrived. I even rewound a couple of times to try and understand but it wasn't anything I was able to understand and I've noticed this in the past too. Often it just sounds like gobbledegook - like 'Oh well no one'll understand. Just say this Rhiannon'. Well I know. I'm onto you guys.

I hope April's O.K. though and with Xavier too. The last thing I need is another one of my ships going south. :(

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Quite a bit going on there! Wondered a while ago if Bianca and April had different fathers as it was never actually mentioned. Could his sudden interest in April be because she is now old enough to be of use to him, or am I being cynical? :unsure: Just how stupid was that leaving those chemicals sitting around on the table at Irene's, I thought she was supposed to be intelligent!!! :closedeyes::huh: Wonder if Bianca put two and two together when Gina told her and Liam about the missing chemicals?

I got the feeling initially that she wanted to keep Xavier out of it, but has now changed her mind now she may need his help.

Although I could see Sid's point in asking all those questions of Nicole, as usual his method was rather heavy handed. He being a doctor would of course know the problems women can have if they decide to have children later on and find they have trouble conceiving. He was in a way being the devil's advocate, asking the difficult questions that perhaps, knowing Marilyn, would avoid as, bless her, she does tend to look on the positive side. There could be a huge problem as they aren't going to have a formal adoption, Nicole could change her mind and legally Marilyn wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

It was nice that Romeo was there for her, and the bump was really noticeable when she was walking down to the beach. Such a shame he had to blow out Ruby when she was expecting him to turn up for their lesson. :wink::P Very sweet of him to keep her secret (about the adoption) from Indie, even though he had to give her a really lame excuse why he ducked out of the tutoring.

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Hmm.Maybe I'm being hard on her and maybe it doesn't help that I don't like Marilyn at the best of times.But I am really, really not liking her at the moment, I think she's being very selfish and only thinking about what she wants.She doesn't seem to care about Nicole at all, she just wants to get her hands on the baby.I really hated the way that, when Sid was questioning Nicole, she kept jumping in and not letting Nicole think for herself, putting words into her mouth.And maybe it's just me because I get the feeling I'm not meant to see her like that, I'm meant to see her as a warm and caring person who deserves to get what she wants.Instead I'm left thinking that Nicole was confused and scared, not wanting to have an abortion but not feeling able to be a mother, and, instead of being a supportive friend and helping her find the strength to be a mother which I am 100% sure she has, Marilyn took advantage of the situation and gave Nicole what appeared to be an easy way out but which is just making a messy situation even messier.I was actually looking forward to this storyline but instead of being about Nicole like it should be, it's all about Marilyn and what she wants.When Nicole said "I can't think of anyone who'd be a better mother than Marilyn", all I thought was "Girl, look in the mirror and you'll see someone."

I liked Sid, except for that brief moment when he snapped at Dexter who hadn't really done anything. And I loved the sibling banter between Dexter and Indigo, with him being far too speculative about their dad's sexual habits and her squirming("Don't you have something useful to do...like go to school!").

Nice to finally have confirmation that April and Bianca are half-sisters, it's been mentioned in non-canon since they first turned up but never actually stated on screen.Trying my best to give April and maybe her father the benefit of the doubt, I think it's a case of April being fired up and wanting to do something "radical" even though she's not entirely sure what.She may well have just taken the chemicals on impulse, although I'm not sure how Rene fits in.Back to really liking Xavier, he really was a sweetie in that episode, loved his interaction with April once again and his attempts to support her wholeheartedly.(They need a name.Xapril?) And his attempts to puncture Romeo's po-faced attitude("It could be worse, I could be still at school while my girlfriend's at uni...Too soon?")were brilliant.Seriously, those two could not be more gay if they tried.Twisting each other's nipples?!"Go and put a shirt on"?!

I'm kind of giving Ruby the benefit of the doubt as well.She obviously likes Romeo and enjoys spending time with him but I haven't actually seen her do anything to try and split him and Indi up or damage their relationship.Bit up and down with Romeo, he seemed rather moody at the start but, oddly, he did perk up a bit when he and Ruby together.I probably would have enjoyed him supporting Nic a bit more if I wasn't extremely frustrated with that storyline.Not sure what to make of him "standing Ruby up".If he genuinely did lose track of time, fair enough.But I wasn't happy about the way he turned his phone off when she, quite reasonably, texted him to ask where he was. Whether he remembered she was waiting for him before that or suddenly remembered then, he should have done her the courtesy of letting her know he couldn't make it.

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Romeo was acting pretty oddly in that episode. Why didn't he just say to Indi that Nicole was feeling emotional about the baby and needed help? He is like her brother in a way. Maybe he feared Indi and Ruby would rush round to comfort her and end up finding out? It was a bit odd.

I think the Charlie/ Angelo relationship has run its course, sadly. I used to be a big fan of them, but I think they need refreshing. Perhaps a love triangle with someone else? But there isn't much hope.

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Romeo was acting pretty oddly in that episode. Why didn't he just say to Indi that Nicole was feeling emotional about the baby and needed help? He is like her brother in a way. Maybe he feared Indi and Ruby would rush round to comfort her and end up finding out? It was a bit odd.

I think the Charlie/ Angelo relationship has run its course, sadly. I used to be a big fan of them, but I think they need refreshing. Perhaps a love triangle with someone else? But there isn't much hope.

Yeah, that was a bit weird, he can be a bit odd at times. I wonder if Indie will take a year out and stay in the bay?...unlikely if involves working at the diner.

The Marilyn/Nicole baby thing sets my teeth on edge. Yet another teenage pregnancy storyline and with emotionally five year old Marilyn involved in it, and here's me thinking her sell by date was real! I think Sid is handling it pretty well, he snapped at Dex but that was understandable given the pressure. He must know Marilyn would be a nightmare mother. I think Nicole should have had a termination, it would have made a change since soaps never seem to do this option, they often rely on a miscarriage as a more acceptable solution. And what does Roman think, she never mentions her dad once.

Nevermind, at least April is up to something more interesting, I guess now she's joining the activists she's going to start wearing black and camo and start smoking Gauloise :-)

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