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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Colleen was only in one(although she was credited on Monday and Friday for no appearance).

I'm glad Nicole didn't have an abortion because that would have been a complete anti-climax.("I'm pregnant!And, er, now I'm not.")And the fact that the, as far as I remember, only character on the show to have an abortion proceeded to hit the bottle, get involved with a bad boy and become a pole dancer, by which point everyone had forgotten what the storyline was meant to be about, doesn't exactly fill me with confidence about the way they could handle it.But...It might actually be better than this.I hate Marilyn.Seriously.I was disgusted with her throughout the entire episode.She's completely selfish, she doesn't care about anything but what she wants and she treats Sid appallingly. And yet it feels like we're supposed to love her and cheer the fact that she's got her own way.Why did Indi have a go at Nicole instead of her?Why didn't they just leave her dead if this is what they kept her alive for?How could someone who responds to people disagreeing with her by throwing a tantrum and going off in a sulk possibly be considered a good mother?She's more immature than Nicole, despite being over twice her age.Heck, she's more immature than Ruby, which I'd have thought was an impossibility.

Talking of which, glad they admitted Nicole was 19 the other day.It's felt at times like they've been trying to keep as young as possible.And younger.

Well, Will hasn't got very far if he's capable of popping back in the middle of the night and robbing Irene.Which she didn't seem to mind, given she didn't mention it when she saw him.At least the scales seem to have fallen from her eyes a bit and she had the sense to make sure Lily was looked after.And we're probably meant to assume she let the police know where he is, so she's not willing to let Alf go down for his sake.Georgie Watson, who we really don't see enough of these days, pointing a gun at him:Very satisfying.

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Nevermind, at least April is up to something more interesting, I guess now she's joining the activists she's going to start wearing black and camo and start smoking Gauloise :-)

Listen carefully, I shall say zis only once! Well, she is French....

And then give-in rather easily.

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I thought Dex and Indie (once she had got over her initial strop) acted very mature regarding the adoption. Was it because it was Nic's baby she got so huffy, whereas if it had been a strangers, she would have been OK? I think if it does happen (remember anything can happen in soaps) they will make a great older brother and sister. Considering Ruby wasn't in the loop, at least I don't think she has been, as to the adoption she never uttered a word when Indie apologised to Nicole. I would have thought she would have wanted to know all the ends and outs. Once again wise words from Sid and this time he put his argument (of that's the right word) much better. Marilyn did at least investigate the possibility of having a child herself which sadly didn't go in her favour.

My thoughts exactly Red, Will can't have been that far away for him to get to Irene's and back to that barn in one night. Irene obviously put two and two together very quickly and not a word said about him stealing money from her!! Probably more concerned about Lily. We saw Irene phoning the police to tell them, but not really sure Georgie why had to pull a gun, did they expect him to be armed? As you said in an earlier post the truth is finally revealed tomorrow.

It was indeed Will who stabbed Penn who had stolen Alf's knife, don't know if the reason why is revealed, maybe we will never know that. Penn goes to attack Daria with the knife and Will must take it off him. Though why he would for someone he has only just met(?) is a mystery, unless he did know her before.

No episode on Thursday (due to footie) but TWO on Friday!!!

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I caught up with all of last week over the weekend so here are a few of my thoughts:

I quite liked the interview between Robertson, Charlie & Daria, there were a few amusing comments.

Romeo, Indi & Ruby.. really don't like the direction this seems to be heading.

April. Hmm. I guess it's nice to see a different sort of storyline instead of relationship drama. I did wonder why on earth you would just leave those chemicals sitting on the dining table for a while though. :lol:

Hate Marilyn at the moment. I thought that was a rare returning character that hadn't been ruined BUT.. no. She's all but gone for me. She's coming across as a right maniac lately over this adoption thing. I did like the Walker family interaction at times though.

Speaking of ruined characters. Oh dear Will, hopefully in my old age I'll forget you ever returned.

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To be fair, I don't think it's as much a case of Marilyn being ruined as that being what she was actually like:From the mid-90s onwards she was very baby obsessed, deliberately getting pregnant even though she'd been told she couldn't carry a child to term and, having had an operation to sort it, insisting she and Don had a baby even though he felt he'd already done that and didn't want to go there again.She was extremely jealous when Chloe was pregnant, full on "How can a teenager get pregnant when I can't?I'd be a much better mother!" stuff.Which is pretty much how she is with Nicole under the guise of "helping" her.(And yet Rachel's the one with the reputation...

No episode on Thursday (due to footie) but TWO on Friday!!!

There actually is an episode at lunchtime, it just doesn't get repeated until the double bill Friday evening.

Anyway...I did actually really enjoy that episode.I thought the final resolution was completely believable.I wasn't expecting Will to have actually killed Penn himself but it was basically self-defence.And Daria's involvement made sense given what we know about her.Ironically, Penn was a lot more of a threat in that sequence than he was during his entire time on the show.(Let's face it, the most damage he managed to do was getting Ruby drunk.)Presumably he would have killed Alf, or at least tried to, if Will hadn't been there.It's interesting that Will actually seemed like his old self in those scenes, much as he did in his first few scenes before he got mixed up with Daria, suggesting the self-centred coward he's become is a result of that incident.Pretty much the only mistake he made was listening to Daria, if he'd gone to the police first off he'd be a lot better off.As it is, he probably is going to jail, if not for murder then for some lesser offence.

Loved Charlie's pointed "You're not the only person who owe Alf an apology", ostensibly to Will but mostly to Robertson.(He did completely squirm.)Shame we didn't actually hear what he said to Alf, I hope we'll get a lot more than that.Whilst I wasn't happy about Colleen letting her mouth run away in front of Lily, once more she made some good points and actually seemed to come out on top with Irene.

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To be fair, I don't think it's as much a case of Marilyn being ruined as that being what she was actually like:From the mid-90s onwards she was very baby obsessed, deliberately getting pregnant even though she'd been told she couldn't carry a child to term and, having had an operation to sort it, insisting she and Don had a baby even though he felt he'd already done that and didn't want to go there again.She was extremely jealous when Chloe was pregnant, full on "How can a teenager get pregnant when I can't?I'd be a much better mother!" stuff.Which is pretty much how she is with Nicole under the guise of "helping" her.(And yet Rachel's the one with the reputation...

Thanks for that, I did wonder a little but was having a few years off from watching the show around then so not too hot on all the background. Either way, she's getting on my wick!

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Well that certainly blew a few of our theories out of the water! I'm more inclined to believe Will when he said he wanted to phone the police and Daria talked him out of it rather than her version. Definitely self-defence in my book (Penn really would have killed him), as long as Daria backs him up in that respect. Perhaps Penn's idea was either to kill Alf or have Alf kill him in self-defence (notice he still kept having those headaches) so it could be he knew he didn't have long to live anyway. :unsure: Presumably they must have taken the body down the back stairs to avoid being seen.

Loved Charlie's pointed "You're not the only person who owe Alf an apology", ostensibly to Will but mostly to Robertson.(He did completely squirm.)

I liked that as well, together with that sidewards glance at him. :wink:

Yes, Colleen did nearly blow it again, but when she says she won't say anything she does normally mean it. She was right Irene should explain everything to Lily before she hears it from others or overhears people gossiping. Going by the preview I hope Will does relent and let Lily see him, surely they could take the handcuffs off just while she is there?

I know there are lunchtime editions Red, I was thinking about those of us who either can't/don't watch those ones.

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Hmm, where to start with that one?Will was being a complete coward refusing to see Lily, he doesn't seem to have done anything that's in her best interests since he's been back.Sadly, I didn't enjoy Alf giving him a talking to as much as I thought I would have done from the promo because there was a fair bit in the episode that annoyed me...but more on that later.It's a shame that after all the kerfuffle we barely saw any of Will's chat with Lily, I'd rather have seen that than endless "I want to see Dad"/"I'm sorry, you can't"/"You're lying, I hate you!" conversations.Although it was nice to see Georgie getting a bit more to do than on Monday.(Heck, Irene even called her "love".)If that's the end of Lily, then I'm surprised, I really thought they were setting it up to form a new young teenager age group around her and VJ and I'm not sure what the point of enrolling her at Summer Bay High was.I'm kind of glad she's going back to Gypsy though, at one point I thought they were going to make her out to be the villain of the piece to keep Will and Lily around.

Morag and Colleen's bickering was quite good, they're probably never going to be best friends and it wasn't actually a case of one being right and the other being wrong, they both made good points.I thought it was a bit soon for Alf to praise Irene so unconditionally, it's only two weeks since he was declaring he'd never forgive her.I could sort of accept him going to see her but I'd rather he'd said something like "I'm disappointed you thought I'd do that but I can understand why you wouldn't want to think bad of Will" rather than the frankly meaningless "You were right to support Will, even though you were wrong, and I'm proud to have you as a friend, even though you haven't been much of a friend lately."Not too happy about the antagonism between Alf and John, it feels a bit forced, although admittedly John's ideas don't sound that good, despite Morag supporting them.

Oh dear, more Marilyn.I really didn't like the way she wouldn't let Nicole have a minute's peace despite the whole "We won't pressure you" thing, arranging to meet her when they were seeing her that evening anyway and expecting her to just turn round and agree with her, then hanging around her the whole time at the party and sending Sid after her.The whole thing shouldn't be anything to do with Marilyn, I don't know why she insists on forcing her way into it.I did like Sid's chat with Nicole, he was actually genuinely supportive and recognised what was important.I'm beginning to think he's too good for Marilyn.

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Agree there Red, after all that angst with Lily, it did seem they cut that scene with her and Will short. She gets that stubbornness from someone though. So is Lily being taken to Gypsy, despite Irene insisting she come and get her? Did like that little kiss she gave VJ though. :wub: Someone else I guess we will never hear from or about again.

I like Colleen's and Morag's bickering, they are completely different characters, like all the Stuarts. They both have Alf's interests at heart though. As an aside, although both John and Gina were invited we only saw John with nary a mention of where Gina was. Alf didn't exactly look overjoyed at seeing John there did he? I think John could have kept his mouth shut about his big plans for the Surf Club while he was there, he did stir it all up when Alf had been willing to let it ride. Hope John isn't regressing back into his old ways. John is a business man who wants to bring the club into the 21st century and make them money, but can kind of see Alf's point about not kicking all of the old members out, you should have a balance between younger guys and the old ones. Both will have good ideas of how to improve the club. From the preview it looks like John's idea of charging for the car park after three hours backfires on him!!:D:P

Actually I thought it was a good idea of Marilyn and Sid talking to Nicole before the party where there would be less chance of being interrupted (e.g. Colleen), sorry Colleen. That was a lovely talk between her and Sid who actually said all the right things. That it is her choice and she shouldn't think of anyone else, him, Marilyn or even herself, just the baby. Now if he can just keep Marilyn from hassling her hopefully it will all work out OK for everyone.

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