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It was Xavier who said to April about the dangers of mixing the chemicals wasn't it? Then he goes and pours the whole lot down a domestic sink!!! :wacko::rolleyes: What decided Liam to get his mate in IT to find out if any students had been looking up how to use the stolen chemicals anyway? As you say Red if none of the students knew about the chemicals why was Xavier looking them up? I feel sorry for April in a way, deciding to take such drastic action to get her dad to take notice of her, wonder how much of it was Rene's idea?

I'm with you Red as regards Nicole still not being sure about what she wants to do. Even at the end when she agreed to sign the contract she didn't look completely sure. What Alf said to her about if she was convinced she was doing the right thing they wouldn't have been having that conversation. See what you mean about Charlie speaking to her, but then Charlie's situation was different (it was rape) and she didn't connect with Ruby for years. Wonder if Marilyn and Sid are getting the contract drawn up by a lawyer or is it something they will be putting together themselves?

I don't think Ruby was coming on to Romeo when she kissed him, he looked more affected by it than she did. Yes please, could I have some tiramisu, my favourite Italian dessert. Did Indi know Romeo was going to be cooking her dinner? Indi snores! :lol:

Such a surprise seeing Robert in casual clothes, beginning to think he was welded into that suit!! You're right Miranda he did come on too strong, but at least he was understanding about Leah still having feelings about Elijah.

BTW Loved Dex's David Attenborough impression when he was filming Indi. :lol:

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I think Indi did actually say Romeo was cooking her dinner when she and Nicole were at the party. And I get that Charlie was raped and Nicole wasn't but I'm thinking more about the fact that Charlie gave her child up because she didn't feel able to look after her(and she was a lot younger than Nic at the time...)and arguably came to regret it.

Anyway...and hmm.Not sure how likely it is April would spontaneously recover consciousness in a room full of toxic fumes.I'll give her points because she did seem to be trying to get help for Xavier: Bianca did seem to get him out of the room very easily but April was probably weakened at the time, even though she didn't seem to make any effort to help him herself before bailing to make a phone call.(Ah, telephones that lock up.If she'd just had to dial a number she might have been okay...) Obviously Xavier being the worse affected is to put the maximum amount of guilt on April(and also to stop him telling his side of the story).But I'm not too happy about her letting him be blamed for something that's her fault, even if she hasn't actually lied.Not too happy with Gina either.I can see her point of view since the circumstantial evidence does point to Xavier being to blame for everything but yet again she seems to be thinking the worst of him when he was actually trying to do the right thing.John seemed a lot more willing to give him the benefit of the doubt than her.

As for Alf, I can accept the "wanting to go backpacking" thing, although he does seem a bit old for it. But the whole thing felt a bit odd, with the way he and Irene were sitting there chatting cheerily about it when Morag was clearly upset and I wanted her and Alf to have a proper conversation.(She even said he wasn't replacable to her and he didn't seem to pick up on it.)In the end, it took Colleen to talk to her, which made up for her curious assumption that a visibly burned April was drunk earlier in the episode.

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I must have missed that Red.

OK I get that April wouldn't have been able to drag Xavier out as she was weakened by the fumes of the chemicals (and Bianca had a job herself) but why did she have to stagger all the way to the beach? Was the caravan park suddenly deserted and there wasn't anyone to ask for help? Handy that Colleen just happened to be jogging by, why though did she assume April had been drinking when Charlie couldn't smell any alcohol? Also Colleen turned her over so how come she didn't suffer any burns (or Bianca) but Charlie did?

I suppose that as it had been Xavier looking up the chemicals on the net Gina would think it was him who had stolen them, but hadn't he already told her it wasn't him?

April fesses up tonight that it was her that stole them and gets the full force of Gina's anger.

So Alf is leaving today, he certainly arranged everything pretty damn quick, visa's, jabs, money etc! :huh: Not that odd nowadays for older people to have their own 'gap year'. I did like Morag's chuckle when he told her. :lol: He said to Colleen he was going to tell everyone at the Barbie, yet as soon as she was gone he told Morag and then Irene. We all know Morag's big show of trying to dissuade him is a front don't we? Alf ought to know Morag by now (at least I hope so) and realise her attitude is to hide her true feelings. I can't wait to see her working at the bait shop! :lol: Although she said she would be on her own I'm sure Colleen will help out in her own indominatable way.

Miles is back next week anyway.


Why does Cornelia have to have such a bright hair colour, it would be a lot better if it was toned down a bit. Way back when when she was in Sons And Daughters it was darker and suited her better.

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Poor old Xave, he didn't deserve that! I hope April finds her conscience and tells the truth!

I agree that Colleen was being dense not seeing April was obviously burnt, not drunk. Yes, I wondered how Colleen wasn't burnt as Charlie was.

Come along now, Alf doesn't need jabs, he must be immune to everything by now :lol::wink: I think its a good idea him going off backpacking, he would surely be able to handle anything.

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More rubbish science today! What chemistry teacher leaves the chemy lab unlocked, with extremely dangerous chemicals lying around (ones no school here would use for experiments). Why didn't the lab technician clear them away? But then soaps don't do health & safety - wouldn't get a good storey otherwise. Doubt that April would have recovered that quickly! And why didn't Sid send Xavier to the city hospital in the waiting helicopter after his breathing had stopped!

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By the way, did anyone else think the ambulance person said Xavier was sixteen when he was brought in?Hopefully that's a blip we can attribute to her not getting the details right:He was seventeen a year ago and if he was sixteen now he'd only be fourteen or fifteen when he slept with Ruby!

Really not too keen on Gina at the moment.I can understand why she's doing what she's doing but it's all a bit cold.She spent last episode going "It's all Xavier's fault" and even here she's left wondering if he's behind everything.Can't help thinking her attitude towards April is partly the result of guilt.Again, John seemed warmer towards Xavier than her.Glad Xavier didn't join in with hating April, he took responsibility for his own part in things, and I doubt he'd be happy about Gina's fairly bonkers "You will never see him again".(Short of leaving town, hard to tell how she's going to enforce that one.)Xavier suddenly being all right mere minutes after being at death's door seemed unlikely but I'm glad he's okay so I'll buy it.Fair play to April for owning up although she did seem to wallow in self-pity a fair bit.I did think it was cruel of Bianca to phone her father, despite her "I thought he'd act like a father" attitude I think she knew exactly what would happen and was trying to give April a wake up call.Which she probably needed but I still didn't think it was Bianca's place and didn't really like her at that point.Not too happy about the whole "It's up to the school [ie Gina] to press charges" thing, I can see Gina deciding not to pursue it when she calms down but, although I sympathise with her, what April's done is very serious and shouldn't just be brushed under the carpet.

Surprisingly early exit for Alf, he barely had time to say goodbye.Not liking Marilyn at the moment either.Her "contract" seemed to be more about controlling Nicole than working out a satisfactory arrangement, when Nicole's clearly a scared young girl looking for a way out and Marilyn's taking advantage of that.I really didn't like the way she went to Leah and tried to get her to talk Nicole round.Nicole is not a surrogate and Marilyn has no right to treat her like one.I'm glad Morag's in Nicole's corner, even if she doesn't want her there.There's been a bit too much of characters like Alf and Romeo, who seem to think Nicole's doing the wrong thing, backing off because it's her decision when she's got Marilyn in her ear going "Go on, give me the baby, you know you want to."It's about time someone spoke up for the other side of things.

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You're right Red it's bonkers, though how many parents have said in soaps you not to see him/her again' when they live in a small town and go to the same school!!! It was nice to see John standing up for him, you could be right about Gina's reaction towards April. Partly relief he wasn't responsible and partly guilt thinking it was him. He did seem to recover pretty quick, as they all seem to do in soaps, unless there are going to be lasting effects. In answer to your question Brian as to why Sid didn't get him transferred when he stopped breathing, I'm no medical expert but wouldn't that have been more dangerous. And as he got him breathing again and he started to recover I suppose he thought it was unnecessary.

I guess Bianca thought she was doing the right thing, because, as Liam pointed out she is April's sister not her parent!!! I don't think she intended it to work out the way it did, but Bianca seems to be a better parent than he is!!! Maybe it is time for April to stop trying to get her fathers attention and concentrate on the family she already has.

Alf's departure did seem rather rushed, as usual, but I suppose his farewell do did get interrupted yesterday.

Leah had good advice for Marilyn, even though her situation was completely different, she was carrying Sally's child (using Sally's egg and Flynn's sperm if I remember correctly)? So the paying for medical expenses would have been totally legal (as is it here). All the points she mentioned about what would happen after the birth, visitation rights, up dates, photos etc. were very valid, though I did notice Marilyn never mentioned any of those to Nicole. It did all seem to be in Marilyn's favour. Sid at least realised it should be a proper document drawn up by a solicitor, not just something Marilyn had cobbled together. Is our favourite solicitor going to the one to do it? If Marilyn isn't careful Nicole will decide to have the baby adopted by strangers, at least she wouldn't have them on her back all the time!! Sorry Sid, you haven't been bugging Nicole all the time, you've stayed in the background and only put your twopennth in when asked.

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I'd actually prefer it if Nicole did let her baby be adopted by strangers, at least then I'd be convinced she was serious about it.At the moment, as Morag recognised, she's going for an awkward halfway house which is going to cause more problems than it solves;she wants the baby but is too scared to admit it so she's accepting Marilyn's offer so she can keep an eye on it without having to take responsibility.The whole thing has disaster written all over it and Marilyn's too blind to see just how much trouble she's causing, Sid's even admitted that he's only going along with it to make Marilyn happy.

Did actually rather enjoy the Liam/Bianca stuff.Some of Liam's behaviour was a bit bizarre, especially his "See you in the morning" when they sleep together.But it's nice to see a return of the neurotic Bianca, I can never quite believe it when they try and make her too calm and collected, and the latter scenes had me in stitches.Seems to be a bit of a nice friendship building between Leah, Bianca and Charlie.Good to see that Angelo and Charlie are getting on so well too.

Not too sure what to make of the River Boys.For most of the episode, despite Charlie and Angelo insisting they were trouble, they just seemed to be a bit boisterous and it was mostly played for laughs.But then things turned nasty in the final scene and...I try not to comment on the promos because they're generally misleading but I'm getting nasty flashbacks of when Johnny Cooper and his gang took a wrong turning on the way to the New York Bronx and ended up in a sleepy coastal town and I'm hoping the storyline's not going to get taken too far or go on too long.Also...did anyone recognise the guy being knocked unconscious at the end?I mean, I knew who it was because I'd read about it beforehand but he looked completely different and didn't speak so it was hard to tell. Although the promo did make it a lot clearer.(It was Miles, for anyone who's still wondering.Nice to have him back, be even nicer if he could stay conscious for more than four seconds.)

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Yes, I wondered who the 'old chap' who was knocked unconscious at the end, tehn I realised it was MILES! I thought he looked middle aged then in the 'next time on Home and Away...' bit, he looked really nice with his new style. The messy hair was really getting boring, he looks much better now.

Poor Nicole, what a state she is in, I feel so sorry for her.

It occurred to me that Sid likes much younger women, that is why he is with Marilyn, the child woman :huh:

I was a bit annoyed with Bianca, expecting Liam to pick up all her clues. He was busy and stressed FFS. She was acting like a teenager, expecting constant sex and excitement when people have other things to do.

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Ooh I like the look of NewMiles. I only knew it was him from seeing a promo video a while back when someone on here pointed out it was him. It was a bit of a poor effort at a 'look who's back' style return because it really wasn't clear who it was. I thought at first it was some random punter who'd turned up for the singles evening. Not sure how this River Boys thing is going to go, I hope it's not going to feature too many cheesy villains.

I've taken to fastforwarding through the Marilyn/Nicole/Sid bits, it's just annoying me too much.

Praise the lord, Neurotic Bianca is back, I was worried they'd turned her into another boring character. Good to see she's still got that 'edge'.

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