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Did actually rather enjoy the Liam/Bianca stuff.
Yeah they were actually going through some proper issues and just living yesterday as opposed to just being in to quote April: "Happy couple land". So they're actually gonna stay living there huh? Interesting. So do they get to make up their own address then? I liked the scene they had on the beach the most yesterday! :wub: Liam was a bit dense in not seeing what B was wearing earlier on though. :rolleyes: I think Liam and Bianca have potential! At the start of the season I was pretty miffed that I didn't have the choice to make about Changelo being my favourite ship still and Liam and Bianca being second because Charlie and Angelo had broken up but now I'm liking Bianca and Liam better (not than Changelo I hasten to add but than I did at the start of the year), albeit by default but I'm adjusting so it's O.K. :)

But it's nice to see a return of the neurotic Bianca,
That's funny!! But yeah it was kinda nice/fun!
I was a bit annoyed with Bianca, expecting Liam to pick up all her clues. He was busy and stressed FFS. She was acting like a teenager, expecting constant sex and excitement when people have other things to do.
That's a good point. I think she was just worried. But yeah life and getting on with properly living it does have to happen in a new, full on relationship like this at some stage and I think Liam and Bianca have reached that point now. Which I've gotta say I think is good!
Praise the lord, Neurotic Bianca is back, I was worried they'd turned her into another boring character. Good to see she's still got that 'edge'.
I didn't think she was boring but yeah good to see she still has her 'edge'!

Seems to be a bit of a nice friendship building between Leah, Bianca and Charlie.
Yeah I enjoyed their scenes too and the one with Leah and B as well! I'd like to see more scenes of these guys just hanging out more and giving each other advice/just chatting! It was great to see them all dressed up and looking lovely at Angelo's too!

Good to see that Angelo and Charlie are getting on so well too.
Yeah I liked their scenes yesterday! Nice change from how they were at the start of the year. It still really sucks that they're broken up and I don't think I'll ever be O.K. with that but yes for their situation as it as now it was good to see them getting along yesterday! I liked the scene in the diner and how Angiepants™ kinda had his arm around Charlie and also how Charlie went to see if he was alright later on. *sigh* Just like old times :cryingsmiley:. I didn't know that Angelo's was in such trouble though. As far as I knew Angelo was being a good manager and the restaurant was doing well and he was enjoying running it. Maybe while he was trying to work things out with Charlie during the 6 weeks Angelo let things slip a little and Alf wasn't around to keep things running smoothly either I don't think was he? But I hope things pick up for Angiepants™ because he worked soooooo hard to get Angelo's up and running in the first place so it would be a real shame if it doesn't work out in the long run.

Not too sure what to make of the River Boys.For most of the episode, despite Charlie and Angelo insisting they were trouble,
Yeah can't say as I was impressed. I wasn't looking forward to them coming from the promos so yeah. Was interesting to hear Charlie's police intel. though. And some things too of how Angelo dealt with them when he was on the force as well.

I've taken to fastforwarding through the Marilyn/Nicole/Sid bits, it's just annoying me too much.
Yeah I was going to yesterday but couldn't quite bring myself to. I don't really know why...
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just trying work out whare the UK are up to so you just got the river boys?

Yes project they have just arrived! As from today we're on episode 5234. Admittedly they don't mean much to us over here.

I couldn't believe that was Miles! :huh: I thought they had done the old head transplant job on us by replacing the actor and everyone was supposed to know who he was when he walked in. Did seem a bit random that he got hit over the head, hadn't even joined in with the fight, just got whacked for standing there. From what I have read on the Aussie site The River Boys were hyped up before they even appeared, as we don't know who they are I suppose we can look at them more objectively without any prior prejudice. As you said Red they did just seem to be over boisterous, though it was supposed to be a singles night and they didn't seem to be mixing much even though there weren't that many single ladies there. It didn't start well when one of them recognised Angelo as the cop who had booked him some time before.

Wisely Bianca kept well away, even though she was trying to make Liam jealous. Her little talk with Leah earlier was quite amusing. :D:wink: OMG!!! they actually went to bed and just slept. She certainly wasn't that subtle when he came back and all he wanted was a cup of camomile tea!!:P Still he got the message at the end, hope Colleen didn't go for one of her nighttime walks!!!!

Nicole must feel that everyone is on her case, especially with Morag telling Sid and Marilyn they can only talk to Nicole with her there, which I can see the sense of, as she hasn't got any agenda and would be the voice of unbiased reason. But pity she didn't get to Nicole and tell her first, I don't think she would have reacted the way she did. Good idea for her to go and visit her mum, hopefully she won't be on her case as well, considering she was about the same age when she had Nicole. Admittedly she had her parents to take over, whereas I can't really see her being of much use. If only it was as simple as Sid and Marilyn going the conventional route (having a baby of their own), but that of course isn't possible. If Nicole does decide in the end either to keep the baby have him/her adopted the legal way, there is nothing to stop them adopting as Sid told Marilyn.

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So, bit more on the River Boys.I'm wondering if the clue's in the credits here:Darryl/Call-me-Brax-even-though-we're-all-called-Braxton-so-it's-just-confusing and Casey are listed as regulars while Heath's listed as guest cast.So I'm wondering if Heath is the real hardcase(especially if he hit Miles over the head with a bottle for...um)and the other two are going to turn out to be all right deep down. Whilst it would be a stretch to call Brax likable, he did seem fairly personable in his dealings with Angelo, especially their last scene, and he does seem to have some brains to back up the machismo.Casey doesn't seem too comfortable with that sort of stuff, he noticably hung back when Brax and Heath were intimidating Romeo, but he does seem to have a high opinion of his family from what he said when they were alone.But the writers seem to be trying a bit too hard to make a bunch of B-list-at-best thugs seem a credible threat.I've a hard time seeing why Romeo and Ruby would be intimidated by them fighting each other by the beach(and in a vaguely homo-erotic fashion too).Just walk away and leave them to it, I say.

Nice to see Miles on top form after his "Who's that guy?Oh, hang on, is that Miles?" return.Not too sure about his new look yet but he's still the same character so I'll buy it.Bit disappointed in Angelo: His petulance towards Charlie was irritating but understandable, he's in danger of losing his business from the damage and the bad publicity.But I wasn't happy about him going around and trying to get Miles not to press charges and I'm glad Miles stuck to his guns.It felt like Angelo had an agenda of his own but I'm not sure what, was he actually scared by Brax's implied threat to stick around and cause trouble if the matter wasn't dropped?I think Angelo will probably accept the vodka offer and in his position I might too, although it'll probably cause him trouble down the track.Nice to see Georgie kicking bottom breaking up the riot, hopefully we're going to get a few more glimpses of her this year, I think that's three in as many weeks.Their "Arrest a couple of guys then drive off leaving a baying mob behind" policy was a bit odd but probably realistic.

Romeo and Indigo have got "Doomed" written all over them.Romeo turning up to find Indi with her friends was a bit cringe-inducing and her asking him to wait was a bit awkward but would have been okay if she hadn't been wrong.But leaving him sat there chatting to her brother for several hours?Oh boy.By the way, isn't the idea of Dex watching videos of his sister making out with her boyfriend ever so slightly creepy?

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Wow, Miles has come back from Africa a new man :lol: No wonder he was so evasive with Leah I guess he knew the rev had booked his flight back to the bay. But bad things always happen to those who return - don't do it Elijah stay away!

@Red Ranger 1 I think Romeo blew it with Indie when he flunked his exams - there's being sweet and there's being dumb and that was dumb...as I'm sure he now realises.

I think the River Boys would make a good boy band, I guess they're supposed to be like the rough and ready Maroubra surfers though.

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@Red Ranger 1 I think Romeo blew it with Indie when he flunked his exams - there's being sweet and there's being dumb and that was dumb...as I'm sure he now realises.

Good point, guess he has got himself to blame really.Kind of ironic that all Indi's paranoia about him going off to uni and meeting new people and them drifting apart has kind of happened in reverse.

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It does look like Casey is the least bad member of the Braxton clan and perhaps feels he ought to stand up for his bigger brothers even if he isn't in to all their posturing. For a gang of guys who must normally drift around Casey joining SBH must mean they are hanging around for a while. Though having said that Lily was enrolled and then went even before she started!!!

I could be totally wrong but I have a feeling there is more to Romeo's hostility towards Casey than Indi ignoring him and Heath hitting Miles. Does he know more about them than we know, perhaps he has run across them before?

Not too sure about Angelo maybe accepting Brax's offer of cheap booze, as you say Red there will definitely be trouble down the line if he does, first cheap booze then....? Can't believe he actually tried to bribe Miles into withdrawing his complaint! Actually I'm on Angelo's side in respect to Charlie, wasn't it Charlie who was encouraging him to have the singles night and now because it went pear shaped is blaming him!!

I think it is Mile's beard that is throwing me, not sure if it really suits him. Wonder if anyone has filled him in on the latest news, Penn dead, Nicole pregnant, Alf having a gap year? At least now he is back it will help Morag with the caravan park.

I felt sorry for Romeo when he went round there on Ruby's advice and Indi ignored him for the whole evening. On that point obviously she has now started at uni, so shouldn't Nicole also have started instead of popping off to the city?

On Nicole I think I've sussed why she feels she ought to give up the baby. She's scared she will turn out like her mum who was about the same age as she was when she had Nicole. Nicole's grandparents brought her up with little or no input from Natalie. Whether it was because he couldn't be bothered or wasn't allowed to I can't remember. The thing is Nicole isn't her mum, she is a person in her own right and is nothing like her mum, indeed nothing like the person she was when she first came to the Bay. If she had fallen pregnant then then she definitely wouldn't have been mum material, but she has matured into a level headed caring young woman. With the right help from all around her I think she could cope very well.

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Can't believe he actually tried to bribe Miles into withdrawing his complaint!
That's what it was? I never saw that. I thought Angelo was just being a good concerned friend to Miles.

Actually I'm on Angelo's side, wasn't it Charlie who was encouraging him to have the singles night and now because it went pear shaped is blaming him!!
Not as far as I'm aware no. It was Angelo's idea to have the Singles Night because Angelo's desperately needed it. I was pretty disappointed that their getting along well from the previous day didn't continue the next day but what can you do.

Was it me or did Angiepants™ also say yesterday that all his glasses and plates etc. are broken? Were there really that many people there that all the glasses needed to be out? And what about the plates - nobody was eating. Have I just made a mistake there? :unsure:

I think TPTB are trying too hard to make Angelo's fail

given Luke Jacobz is leaving.

Not too sure about Angelo maybe accepting Brax's offer of cheap booze, as you say there will definitely be trouble down the line if he does.
No I'm not liking this idea either. I know desperate times call for desperate measures and all but I can really see this ending badly. :(

I really don't like the River Boys being around either. I think they should just bog off back to Mangrove River and then we can go back to focussing on all the good characters that we already know and appreciate. :)

ETA: Does anyone know what RSL stands for? Brax said something to Angelo yesterday about Angelo's not looking like an RSL restaurant or words to that effect. I don't know what that means.

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Help! Can someone tell me what Brax said to Romeo on the beach? My hopeless digital reception struck again. Brax said: Wait! to Romeo, then there was a load of interference, and he said: I knew you'd understand. UNDERSTAND WHAT?!? it was all static! :lol:

So why was Romeo eyeing Casey so much and beating him up? I sense a change in the slash universe approaching :P

I was amazed to see Romeo actually doing something and acting like a teenager, flouncing around and being violent. He's usually unnaturally sensible and thoughtful.

I like Miles's new look, he looks far more grown up :)

It was nice to see him and Leah fussing aroiund again, they are a good pair of friends.

Angiepants hahahaha!

The River Boys don't seem that interesting to me, however half naked young men wrestling for no apparent reason isn't unwelcome!

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ETA: Does anyone know what RSL stands for? Brax said something to Angelo yesterday about Angelo's not looking like an RSL restaurant or words to that effect. I don't know what that means.

The Returned Services League(or something similar, I think they keep changing it).It's basically the Australian equivalent of the British Legion.I agree that I didn't really see Angelo as bribing Miles, although I see how it could be interpreted like that.I think it was a kind of subtle thing in that he gave him the bottle of wine to soften him up before trying to convince him not to press charges.

Help! Can someone tell me what Brax said to Romeo on the beach? My hopeless digital reception struck again. Brax said: Wait! to Romeo, then there was a load of interference, and he said: I knew you'd understand. UNDERSTAND WHAT?!? it was all static! :lol:

Wow, did you have like two minutes of interference or something?He said words to the effect that if Miles remembered who hit him, he should go to Brax and he'd sort it out rather than getting the police involved.

Alf's episode count this week:Two.Colleen and Leah were in four.

Hmm.The River Boys continue to be rather uninteresting, even when attacking Dex.They're actually coming across as dull and interchangable and it might be better to just focus on the main ones rather than dragging in a bunch of glorified extras to act as heavys.They're meant to come from Mangrove River, for anyone who hasn't picked up on that(so what they're doing in Summer Bay I've no idea and the show seems a bit confused about whether people in town already know them or not...).Odd that a few weeks ago John was implying it was a quiet town.Or maybe he just meant they're all losers?

Casey is an interesting character, if not particularly likable.And he does come across as very gay, although I doubt the writers will pick up on it.He does seem to be trying to distance himself from the gang but he's still pretty aggro.Gina was annoyingly inconsiderate in getting Miles to mentor him when he's just been attacked by his brother.Romeo actually looks more like he's planning on joining the River Boys rather than being a good influence on Casey, from the way he was joking with the guys who attacked Dex.(Nice touch to have that little scene between Dexter and VJ, by the way:Even his Year 7 mate is too busy for him.)The Romeo/Indigo relationship really needs to be put down, all they seem to do is argue and make up.Was there any reason for Ruby and Indi to be wandering around outside the bait shop?

Disappointed to hear Elijah's coming back.Not that I've anything against him but his relationship with Leah really has run its course and I wish they wouldn't keep bringing it up.

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