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Gina was annoyingly inconsiderate in getting Miles to mentor him when he's just been attacked by his brother.

Agree with you, RR1. Hated Gina during that episode. She must have known that Miles had been attacked by Csey's brother, since he had to ask for another day off. She also undermined him during the incident between Miles and Casey in the corridor. She didn't give Miles a chance to handle the situation, just jumped in and sent Casey to her office, then told Miles off where any student could overhear them.

I'm still trying to decide about Miles' new look, I liked his curly hair, it added to his quirkiness, although he does look tidier and more like a teacher now. As long as his character stays the same and he still gets all the best one-liners, I can live with it!

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Help! Can someone tell me what Brax said to Romeo on the beach? My hopeless digital reception struck again. Brax said: Wait! to Romeo, then there was a load of interference, and he said: I knew you'd understand. UNDERSTAND WHAT?!? it was all static! :lol:

Wow, did you have like two minutes of interference or something?He said words to the effect that if Miles remembered who hit him, he should go to Brax and he'd sort it out rather than getting the police involved.

Thanks, Red, I knew you'd know. Annoyingly, the scene played normally in fast forward/ rewind but obviously I couldn't hear what they were saying!

Hmm.The River Boys continue to be rather uninteresting, even when attacking Dex.They're actually coming across as dull and interchangable.

Casey is an interesting character, if not particularly likable. And he does come across as very gay.

Gina was annoyingly inconsiderate in getting Miles to mentor him when he's just been attacked by his brother.Romeo actually looks more like he's planning on joining the River Boys rather than being a good influence on Casey, from the way he was joking with the guys who attacked Dex.

Disappointed to hear Elijah's coming back.Not that I've anything against him but his relationship with Leah really has run its course and I wish they wouldn't keep bringing it up.

Basically, I agree with all Red said!

Casey definitely seems to be Romeo's new 'at school girlfriend' :lol: to replace Indi, and Romeo is definitely going off the rails fast.

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Angiepants hahahaha!
That's Angiepants™ actually. :P I came up with it myself. You like? It was while he was doing all the stuff in getting the restaurant all up and running. You're actually the first person who's ever commented on that actually! The story is: It was towards the end of July last year and I was just finishing up at a summer camp that I help at for 4 days in the first week of the summer holidays. I was thinking what I'd do once I got home - watch "Home and Away" and I had a thought out loud (but quietly) to myself: "Gotta see what Angiepants is doing". Hence my nickname for Angelo came about! :D I actually forgot what I'd said earlier for a few hours/ a day but then I remembered and yeah that's it really. Do you think it's a bit cheesey? But I like calling him that, it's fun and he's my favourite and just yeah I enjoy Angiepants™!! Anyhoo...

I think it was a kind of subtle thing in that he gave him the bottle of wine to soften him up before trying to convince him not to press charges.
Oh I think maybe I could go with that. Like Angelo just thought it might help if he gave Miles the wine beforehand. Like he was still looking out for Miles but he thought giving him the wine might help. Alright.

Casey is my new favourite character you guys!!!!! He called Ruby a skank!! That made my episode!!!! :lol: I think more people should call her names more often!!!!!! I had a little celebration then - "I take it all back. The River Boys are great! They can stay!!" I was clapping and everything! They were actually O.K. in this eppy actually! I particularly enjoyed the part when Colleen saw Casey and freaked out - come on Colleen he's just a kid all by himself. It was the fact that she ran more than anything that got me! :lol: Then she ran away up by the others and they started sort of jeering at her. I was like 'well you walked straight into that didn't you.' :rolleyes: I quite liked how Casey picked up the rubbish too when the other guys just chucked iot out of the car. TPTB are really making it obvious that Casey's diferent to his brothers and their friends aren't they? I wonder where the Braxtons' parents are...

Yeah I'm just kinda taking each eppy as it comes atm. really. One ep. Charlie and Angelo are getting on then the next they're kind of not. One ep. the River Boys are being all new and taking over then the next they're kinda funny. I just don't know what it's gonna be like from one eppy to the next atm.

The Returned Services League(or something similar, I think they keep changing it).It's basically the Australian equivalent of the British Legion.
Ah thanks! So Brax kind of meant "I wasn't expecting this to be much" but when Angelo said: "Well it is attached to a Surf Club" he meant that it was gonna be good and look modern and sophisticated etc. because it's attached to an already established business. Is that right do you think? Like he wasn't just taking offence, he was trying to kind of back it up with facts. Right? I'm a little confused.

(so what they're doing in Summer Bay I've no idea
Yeah I've kind of just accepted it now but I'm sure the next time they do something bad and unwanted/unwelcome I'll be like "Get out". So I don't really know.

Disappointed to hear Elijah's coming back.Not that I've anything against him but his relationship with Leah really has run its course and I wish they wouldn't keep bringing it up.
I know it's sooooooo depressing. Leah got all excited thinking that Elijah might be coming back for her too. I fast forwarded that actually! Get over him Leah. He didn't think your Wedding was important enough to stick around for. What does that say about him? He's not worth it. It upsets me because I like Leah. She's cool. Like she's sorted and she knows her life - daily routine, work, VJ, she's got good friends etc. I particularly like her because she doesn't need to ask advice form Miles every 2 seconds and she can give advice, good advice to other people too! But when she moons over Elijah/just generally has scenes with him I just switch off and it's upsetting. I just don't like Elijah. I think he's really pathetic and boring and annoying. I'm really really not looking forward to him coming back.

I liked Romeo and Indi's little scene on the beach too! I'm glad they're gonna make more of an effort or so it seems! I really like them and I hope they stick together so Ruby can just see what a great couple they make. Not that being in a relationship matters to Ruby mind you - going after Geoff when she was with Xavier and Liam when she was with Xavier plus Liam was her teacher too and then there was all the problems she seemingly threw up for Charlie and Angelo which I believe caused them to break up - Ruby should've just known better then and played her role of daughter more responsibly etc.

You know I'm getting really sick of saying I hate Ruby and why etc. I mean I don't want to like her... possibly ever but I just don't want to hate her anymore. I just want her to stop doing things that make me hate her. My hatered for her is saturated if that makes sense? Well I just want her to take some steps to properly aknowledge that Charlie's her Mum and that there are consequences to her actions. Then I wouldn't be so mad at Ruby all the time.

One last point: The stuff with Dexter and his video camera - when he was filming Casey - He was kinda asking for that wasn't he? I mean I hope they don't hurt him and stuff but I'm not really that surprised that they've taken Dexter.

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Changelo I think Casey told Romeo their mum wasn't around and their dad had died and Heath and Brax helped bring him up. Glad we now know where they come from, which also explains their name (Mango) River Boys! Yet another pupil expelled from Yabby Creek and foisted onto Summer Bay High, seems like SBH is the dumping ground for all troublesome youths. Do we know for sure Gina knows it was the Braxtons who attacked Miles, that might explain her attitude and her asking Miles to mentor Casey? It does seem a repeat of Johnny Cooper and his younger brother as someone mentioned earlier, wilder, older brother(s) bringing up younger brother who now feels obliged to stay with them even if he wants to change. There is definitely something strange about Romeo seemingly being friendly with them.

Ruby's reputation must have spread further than we thought if Casey called her a skank!! I'm still undecided as to if she is trying to break up Romeo and Indi, she did genuinely seemed to be concerned about their relationship.

Elijah's secret is revealed later this week when he arrives back in the Bay and believe me it's a doosie!! Miles obviously knows what it is, but not his to reveal. Is it me or is Miles' hair darker?

Did anyone else notice in the 'coming up' piece that they showed the scene between Miles and Leah when she was saying 'he's on his way home' which we had already seen in that night's episode? :huh::blink: Continuity slip or what? :rolleyes:

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today's episode felt way too rushed, and i'm sure i won't be alone in thinking that.

we start with Dexter being bundled into the boot and Casey doing nothing about it. much later Marilyn, Sid and Romeo/Indigo wonder where he is.

the immediate next scene is the morning after, Sid and Charlie at the school asking if the other students know his whereabouts.

then one scene of Dexter struggling through the bush, before Charlie finds the guys responsible and brings them out on the search.

Dexter then finds a track, but clearly doesn't know which way to go, next thing Charlie tells Sid that the light will get too low for the search to continue.

And then Dexter has been found and walks through the front door of the farm after flagging down a car. :huh: i honestly thought that scene was going to turn out to be a hallucination of Dexter's, and he would suddenly wake up in the bush, but no they were serious.

i forgave it all though after he strained to drink from the tap whilst in Indi's embrace :lol:

too much time was focused on Romeo trying to find out what Casey knew, and Colleen being terrorised by the river boys (although we find out more about that later in the week i believe).

there should have been more dialogue between Sid/Marilyn/Indigo the night before with them panicing about his whereabouts, but we had nothing. i felt as though this could have easily been spread onto two episodes.

i don't know, we were complaining about the drama being too slow last year! they need to find a balance.

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Do we know for sure Gina knows it was the Braxtons who attacked Miles, that might explain her attitude and her asking Miles to mentor Casey?

Ruby's reputation must have spread further than we thought if Casey called her a skank!! I'm still undecided as to if she is trying to break up Romeo and Indi, she did genuinely seemed to be concerned about their relationship.

To be fair, Gina probably didn't know the full story, I think she asked Miles if he knew the family, but she did cut him off twice when he tried to explain.I don't think Ruby is actually trying to break up Romeo and Indi but I do think she wants them to break up, she seems to be taking an interest so she knows whether they're getting on well or not.

I actually didn't find the episode rushed at all, I thought it was quite nice the way it bounced along and trusted the viewers to be able to fill in the gaps or pick things up from a few lines of dialogue. The only time I really thought we were missing anything was when we didn't see any reaction from anyone to Dexter being missing until the following morning.

Canny of Romeo to pick up on how Casey was hiding something, he still needs to turn the aggrometer down but starting a row with Casey in front of everyone did seem to work.(Interesting that Casey called Gina "Mrs.Palmer", she's still credited as Austin.)I think we can assume Casey told the police what happened since Charlie went straight out and arrested one of the guys responsible. (Fair play to the guy for actually showing them where they left Dex, by the way.)Another subtle touch with the way Casey picks up Dexter's shoe and bag after the guys take him(which he still has later on, wonder why Romeo and especially Indi didn't notice...)but at the end Sid and Dexter are watching the footage from the camera we last saw lying on the beach, suggesting Casey returned Dex's belongings to Charlie and Sid off screen.

Although John and Colleen made a few good points, I also think they were being unfair to Charlie. She's actually handling the River Boys well, she can't go around harrassing them for being a bit boisterous but she is responding when they cross the line and break the law, as with the abduction of Dex here.The Rivers are still a bit of a faceless bunch though.I spent most of the episode trying to work out who the guy who had all the lines was, the one who was with Casey at the Diner near the end, until I realised we haven't actually seen him before.

Sid's sudden aggression towards Dexter's oddball attitude felt a bit awkward, he's always been at worst tolerant of his eccentricities, although I guess it's understandable given they've just got Dexter into trouble.Although Dex proves he's more capable than Sid thinks;while Sid is claiming he won't survive another night out there, Dexter's getting home without any help from the rescuers.Love Indi literally hugging him so hard it hurts as well.

CURS:The Nicole/Morag clip felt like a recap for the recap, since the episode makes no mention of Morag or the fact Nicole's in the city.

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I think that April’s been quite lucky that the police aren’t going to press charges. I really thought Bianca made a very good point and it did seem as though April was trying to punish herself. First there was the way she reacted when Gina issued her a month’s worth of detentions (and repeated to Bianca in their conversation later on in that Gina was too lenient). Bianca was quite correct that it would have been like a holiday if she had been suspended for a month but then when Gina had a change of heart about banning April from seeing Xavier she thought Gina was right initially. In the Diner when she finished with Xavier and was quite cold with him I found it hard to believe that she was being genuine because she’s never struck me as being that sort of person. Especially after the way she struggled out of Irene’s after they were both knocked out by the fumes when Xavier very stupidly poured the acid down the sink and the way she was in hospital when Xavier was in a life threatening condition. It was almost like she either wanted to protect him from herself or she felt she didn’t deserve to be with him. If she is serious then I’m gutted as I really like April and Xavier as a couple and I hope she does a U-turn. I also really don’t like her getting on with Dexter so well. I wouldn’t go as far as saying they were bonding but I can see it reaching that point especially if they are both social outcasts ATM.

Romeo hasn’t bothered me as much as of late and I certainly liked him today. I thought he handled the River Boys really well and made really good progress until John intervened and went in all guns blazing. I can’t really blame John though and understand his concerns. Even if they aren’t causing trouble when they are hanging around like that in a group they can come across as quite intimidating. I would have liked to see how Alf would have handled them.

Oh and Ruby seems to be hanging around Romeo like some lost puppy.

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I actually forgot to watch Home and Away yesterday, yikes! What is happening to me? :blink:

Anyway, to recap over the last two episodes:

Heroes: Dex for escaping the bush; Possibly Heath, for getting VJ out of the surf. Sid for not giving up on Dex, even though it turned out he didn't need to be worried. Colleen for giving that River Boy a piece of her mind.

Idiots: Obviously the River Boys for dumping Dex in the bush. Romeo for leaving the beach to question Casey and then trying to save Xavier, who is old enough to look after himself, instead of little VJ, who shouldn't have been in the water. Isn't it Romeo's job to stay on the beach and save people, not leave it? John for using heavy handed methods with the River Boys after Romeo had just sorted them out. Sid for having a go at Dex when he'd just nearly died.

Funny bits: Dex trying to reach the water tap while Indy was cuddling him; Dex asking April back to his place to show her something and April saying 'as long as its not something attached to you'; Casey showing Ruby how to put her feet on her surf board while kneeling in front of her and practically shoving his head in her boobs. Casey telling Romeo to shut his mouth or he'd shut it for him. As if anyone could make Romeo do anything he didn't want to, being the size he is.

Other thoughts:

I think Dex and April should get together. I loved Dex's blog- who hasn't felt like that when a teenager, or in fact, ever? Casey is definitely hiding something and/or really unhappy. I think Casey knows terrible things and has the potential to cause a lot of trouble....

Can't think of any others. There is a lot of Dex in this post, he seems to be taking over Home and Away at the moment, which is a good thing :D

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Anyone help me with a puzzle please? I often have to pre-record both Neighbours and Home & Away onto my recorder, either 13.45 to 14.45 (formerly) or 18.30 to 19.30, if I am out or working then. Worked well up to this Monday 7th, when I now only get a blank screen for an hour on playback. Is this sometime to do the time slot being moved to 13.15 to 14.15 this Monday, or due to the fact that Home & Away is shown before Neighbours then? Anyone else had that problem? Any ideas?

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So, a week after we last saw Xavier and April, we finally catch up on their storyline...and they break up.I'm not happy with the way April's storyline has been resolved.Okay, it was the Department who decided not to press charges but even then, she was guilty of conspiring to cause criminal damage, why hasn't she been charged over that?And I think Gina should have given her the suspension, which would likely damage her future, instead of punishing her for stealing chemicals, planning to make a bomb and indirectly nearly getting people killed by giving her detention.Yet another example of someone effectively getting away with a fairly serious crime.No wonder April doesn't think she's being punished enough but I really hate the way she then went and broke up with Xavier, seemingly in order to punish herself, because she's punishing Xavier as well.Fair play to Gina for letting them see each other again but I can't help thinking this is partly her fault and if she'd let April see Xavier at the hospital everything would have been all right.I really don't like the fact they've split up because they've instantly become less likeable characters, Xavier is suddenly all agressive again and April seems to have had all the fun sucked out of her.Whether she was genuine or not, I really didn't like her when she was being nasty to Xavier.Worse, she then starts flirting with Dexter and they appear to have a "moment".It feels like they're trying to turn her into an oddball outcast like him to pair them up but she's never been like that before this year, the only time she and Dex interacted last year she was giving him advice on girls and unable to believe he was really that clueless.Ideally, I'd like Xavier and April back together.Otherwise, I don't object to Dexter and April in principle, but I really don't want them to be all happy and couply while Xavier's left on his own, he'd have to be happy too.(Campaign to bring Mink back starts now?)Otherwise, he's going to be punished twice over when he's the innocent party which is completely unfair:Gina tries to make out April's hospital trip was punishment but she seemed to be fully recovered the next day while Xavier's apparently only just back on his feet.

Dexter's blog was quite amusing, although it was starting to get a bit irritating by the time we'd seen it three times.Be interesting to see where it goes.Nice brief confrontation between him and Casey by the way.

I thought Romeo was on a hiding to nothing when John asked him to keep the River Boys in line but he was actually making progress until John charged in making threats and put their backs up again. At least we've got a sort of explanation for what they're doing in the Bay and, on the face of it, an alcohol ban doesn't seem a bad idea.Heath seems to be becoming a bit more three-dimensional:He's still aggressive and prone to kick off but he seemed receptive to Romeo's talk and apparently saved VJ.(Anyone else think they should have been doing more than crouching by him and saying his name at the end, like checking his breathing or something?)Was it me or did Romeo look jealous when Casey was showing Ruby some surfing moves?They had some nice banter when they were coming back from the beach, I think if they were both single they would actually make a good couple.Not happy with the way they went after Casey, who'd tried his best to sort things out and couldn't do any more, and, as Miranda said, it was dumb of Romeo to abandon his post and leave the beach unsupervised to wander off and have a go at him.I can understand why Romeo would stop to keep Xavier from having his head kicked in when VJ didn't seem in any immediate danger.But, given Ruby offered to help VJ before Romeo said he'd go and she could clearly see he'd been waylaid, why did she just sit there instead of helping out?

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