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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Dexter's blog was quite amusing, although it was starting to get a bit irritating by the time we'd seen it three times.Be interesting to see where it goes.Nice brief confrontation between him and Casey by the way.

(Anyone else think they should have been doing more than crouching by him and saying his name at the end, like checking his breathing or something?)

I was getting a bit sick of seeing that blog! I think some "padding out" was going on there.

Not impressed with the attempts to revive VJ either, Romeo didn't come across as a very competent lifeguard there.

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I for one don't think the River Boys had any part in VJ coming off his board, guys their own size more than likely, but I think even they wouldn't go after children. I reckon he just fell off, which he will confirm (hopefully) when he comes round. He was in pretty rough water, despite being warned by Romeo not to go near it. It was pretty stupid of Romeo to get distracted by 'saving' Xavier when he should have been getting VJ out of the water. I guess he stopped Ruby going in after him, because it's his job rather than risk another bathers. Did wonder why no-one was trying CPR? Agree with other posters, Romeo had just calmed down the River Boys, then John had to step in with his size tens and stir them up again. Wonder why he can talk to them when no-one else can?

Ruby certainly did a turn round, in the morning she was slagging Casey off then in the afternoon she was taking his advice and finding he knew what he was talking about. Is this the start of something?

Charlie was right when she told John and Colleen the River Boys haven't broken any laws (apart from kidnapping and abandoning Dex that is). All they've done is be rowdy and all she can do is advise them to keep the peace as she did at the park. I'm like you Red, getting very confused as to who is who in this gang. One I thought was a Braxton said to Casey about Brax so he obviously wasn't. Is Heath still in custody or is he out? Was that him who saved VJ or Brax? :unsure:

It wasn't that bright of Dex to keep on filming when TRB's were right on top of him. :rolleyes: Casey seems to one person on his own and another when he's with them, though he did try (half-heartedly) to stop them, he could have made an anonymous call to the cops, I assume they do have phone boxes in the bay? I did wonder about Dex's bag and shoe after we saw them left by the road, did Casey return them somehow? Good exchange between Dex and Casey at school the next day (day after)? He went missing after school let's say on Monday, all that night and turned up the next day - Tuesday, obviously late on because of the failing light, so it was Wednesday when he returned to school. I thought he was quite smart following what looked like the more well used path to get out of the bush, very logical, very Dex. :wink: Proved Sid wrong when he said he was a city kid not a country kid. The way he just strolled in at the end was so like him as well, and loved the big hug he got from Indi and his trying to get to the tap was super. His blog was great, but they did over do it, we got the message first time round.

Wondered if we would get a follow up to the great chemical theft story. It was the Boards decision to press charges and how would being suspended not be punishing April and prevent her from getting an education in her HSC year, they could have given her work to do at home. It's not as if they haven't done it before. The library detention seemed pretty light to me. Her breaking up with Xavier did come across as pretty pointless.

I picked up that Casey called Gina Mrs Palmer as well Red, everyone else still calls her Mrs. Austin.

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I agreed at first with H&ALover that the River Boys had nothing to do with VJ's accident. Surely even they wouldn't rough up a little boy. But Heath and Brax's conversation at the Juice Bar place seemed a bit odd, as if they were covering something up. :unsure:

Charlie and Brax were definitely awkward around each other, I got the feeling they were chatting each other up at Angelos and I also thought how similar Angelo and Brax's face shape is. Just silly things I notice! I think Charlie and Brax definitely like each other, and I think he genuinely didn't know Charlie lived with Leah and VJ.

Loved Leah and Charlie's conversation about what they'd do if they split up i.e. Leah would make her favourite food etc. So funny :)

However, I nearly threw up at Bianca and her teenage snooping into Liam's laptop. He's had girlfriends before: GET OVER IT! And then, he has to make it worse by saying all the songs were inspired by her. Where's the bucket???? How old are these people?

But of course, the big shock.... Elijah is married and has what seems to be a step son......!!!!!

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Loved Leah and Charlie's conversation about what they'd do if they split up i.e. Leah would make her favourite food etc. So funny :)
Yeah I enjoyed that too! I really like Charlie and Leah's friendship! :D

But Heath and Brax's conversation at the Juice Bar place seemed a bit odd, as if they were covering something up. :unsure:
Really? Are you talking about the bit before you know who came down and made things a whole lot worse? Brax was just saying that to Heath because they didn't want the police on their backs again wasn't he?

However, I nearly threw up at Bianca and her teenage snooping into Liam's laptop.
Yeah that was bad.
He's had girlfriends before: GET OVER IT!
Well maybe she's still insecure about what happened with Vittorio? But I agree, come on Bianca! But do you know what I particularly didn't enjoy? The bit when B said about what if she wrote a song about Vittorio - oh dear. Don't bring all that up again Bianca. Oh do you know something else I noticed? That song - the Melinda one - that was one that he wrote with Nicole in 2009 iirc. I was watching some old eps. the other day. I don't have that good a memory/I'm not that sad to remember a little thing like that.
And then, he has to make it worse by saying all the songs were inspired by her. Where's the bucket???? How old are these people?
Oh I thought that was O.K. actually but when you put it that way...

But of course, the big shock.... Elijah is married and has what seems to be a step son......!!!!!
Please I so don't even care. I wish he'd never come back. I know that I'm going to be fast forwarding a lot of scenes now that Elijah's back. Why did Leah have to make a fuss over him too? They've broken up for crying out loud and he never told her he was coming back. She's been far better to him than he ever was to her. It makes me mad that she's still kinda obsessed with him and still good to him after he treated her so badly last year. :angry:
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Aha Changelo, so LIam was lying about those songs all being inspired by Bianca. What a wimp, he should have told the truth and not made it up to please her. She will eat him for breakfast and spit him out, you mark my words :lol:

Not really sure myself what Brax and Heath meant now about VJ. Did Brax give him the surf board so he wouldn't tell about what happened?

I must admit to people, I have been very naughty and read ahead about the episodes.

As far as I can tell, the S is about to hit the F as regards the present teenage group in H&A.... Oh, I so hope so


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I picked up that Casey called Gina Mrs Palmer as well Red, everyone else still calls her Mrs. Austin.

Just to make it even more confusing, in the next episode April called her Mrs.Palmer when they were chatting in the classroom but Mrs.Austin later on when she was talking to Bianca!(Apparently, at the moment she's Mrs.Austin on location and Mrs.Palmer in studio...)

Actually felt sorry for Heath at the start when he was clearly being friendly to VJ and everyone was having a go at him.I assume he's still facing charges over what happened with Miles but he was released(on bail?)pretty quickly, he was on the beach the next morning.Odd that he disappeared for most of that episode, they gave a lot of scenes that felt like they should be his to Brax.I don't think they had anything to do with VJ's accident-wonder if Leah's ever going to apologise or, heaven forbid, thank him?Whilst I sort of saw Charlie's point in asking the River Boys to keep away from town, she doesn't really have the right to do so and I think both groups are going to have to learn to deal with each other.Brax does actually seem to be trying to keep the others in line and build bridges with the locals, which I think was why he gave VJ the surf board.John may have had a point about them hanging out at the surf club when they're not members but he could have done it a bit more diplomatically rather than getting their backs up.

Liam and Bianca's storyline felt a bit odd, it's like they're not sure what to do with them at the moment so they keep giving them throwaway storylines like this one and the "We didn't have sex last night" one last week.I did notice that some of the Melinda song seemed to be from the one he wrote for Nicole(the "she once kissed a girl" bit was a dead giveaway)but I didn't realise it was the whole thing.I noticed there was also a file on Nicole on Liam's computer, wonder how she feels about that...

So now we know where Miles got his beard from:He's taken Elijah's!The cleanshaven look kind of suited him.Kind of intrigued about his new family, I'm guessing Miles knew about them.

CURS:What was that clip of Xavier and April breaking up doing in there?There was no mention of them.

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I thought that as well Miranda that Charlie is attracted to Brax, he likes her. No reason why Brax would know Charlie lived with Leah and VJ. Good that VJ remembered what happened and it was indeed an accident. Did you spot that Brax called the kids in his area grommits (that's what VJ has fitted to help him hear). Leah should have apologised to Brax. What is it with tiramisu all of a sudden, first Romeo makes one for Indi, then Leah offers to make one for Charlie if they ever 'break up'!!

No wonder Miles was getting his pants in a panic when Leah offered to bring food over for when Elijah came back!! It looked like to me Leah was dressed up to stay for dinner even though she was saying she wasn't staying. So Elijah has a wife, I know he believed he and Leah were over, but it seems very quick for him to have married especially someone who has a son. Rebound thing or something else? Leah is bound to have a go at Miles for not telling her, but it obviously wasn't his secret to tell. Though how was Elijah going to break it to Leah anyway, that would have been a tricky conversation.

John was being John when he fired off at Brax and Heath, being diplomatic isn't his thing really is it. not sure how Alf would have handled it. Brax does seem to be the one who is more reasonable and wants to keep the peace as much as he can.

The song Liam was writing was definitely inspired by Bianca "high maintenance girlfriend"?! Bianca to a tee!


What's CURS?

No evening episode of H&A tonight because of footie (again), but two tomorrow night.

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Moral Issue Of The Week, everyone! Pay attention. Marilyn and Morag discussing the morals of adopting children from overseas, each presenting a different viewpoint. Hope you noticed the well signposted scene :lol:

I can see why Elijah did what he did with Grace and Thabo, unless there's something we still don't know. He was in a desperate situation, a nice man like him would want to whisk the unfortunate pair away on his white horse. Did feel sorry for Leah though :( Especially as he snogged her and made it worse!

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