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Completely Unrelated Recap Sequence.At least it has been since I made it up.

Caught the episode at lunchtime today.Elijah coming back with a new family was a potentially fascinating idea but not sure about the revelation it's only to get Thabo medical treatment, even though that is a noble idea.But I can't help thinking he'll just end up back with Leah once it's all sorted.Noticed that Elijah is now supposed to have been in Zimbabwe rather than Some Country We Made Up.I actually found Leah to be a bit annoying and self-centred in that episode, I get why she'd be upset that Elijah put his missionary work ahead of her and VJ and has now thrown it in for another wife and stepson, but he's a free agent, they've been split up for months, she doesn't really have the right to come down hard on him for marrying someone else.(Although the kiss was a seriously bad move.)Not sure what he's done to make Irene think he deserves violence, even in jest.

I keep hoping Nicole will change her mind but it doesn't look like happening soon.She announces she wants Marilyn and Sid to have the baby for the umpteenth time, curious that it seemed to be prompted by Morag saying Marilyn was looking into other options, was she worried about the decision being taken out of her hands?Sid seems as sick of Marilyn's baby obsession as I am.Nice reference to Roman becoming a grandfather:I remember when he went to jail, Kirsty said Nicole would be a mother herself by the time he got out and I commented that would probably happen the following year.Not far wrong...Liked the Nicole/Indi interaction, after her initial reaction she's been a good friend.Still waiting for some response from Miles, he and Nicole haven't had any scenes together since she found out she was pregnant.

So, is that the first episode since the River Boys were introduced when they haven't appeared?

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Why is Miles surprised that Elijah doesn't know what he's doing? He's always been like that, he never knows what he wants :angry:

Also, why was Charlie standing behind Brax like that? He had to turn his head and look upside down at her, very awkward. Is this a police tactic or something? :lol:

Felt really sorry for Colleen being towed away in her caravan. I assume it was that River Boy who was harassing her, and his friends. The thing is, I think what she should have done was be nice to him and laugh. He wasn't really harrassing her, he was just being a boy, probably wants a mother figure or something. Been there, got the t shirt. Its best if you just laugh it off TBH

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Alf's episode count:Is suspended until he comes back.But I'll still note down anomalies.Rather strange one this week, as Nicole, Ruby, Xavier and April all only appeared in one episode each.Were they all doing something else that week?

I feel rather sorry for Elijah, aside from kissing Leah I don't think he's done anything wrong.Yet he's got Leah being cold towards him and Miles giving him the cold shoulder.I get that Leah and VJ are upset at being replaced but, bottom line, he was single, it was over months ago, he doesn't really owe them any explanations especially when Leah isn't interested in listening to them anyway.Having said that, I did like his chat with VJ, who once more seems to be showing more maturity than the adults.Not sure about Morag giving him the Twenty Questions bit either.

So, that makes twice the River Boys have been accused of something they haven't done.On the strength of which, I am wondering if it was actually Brodie who towed Colleen's caravan away or whether he's going to turn out to be innocent.Although if it wasn't him I don't know who it was.I did rather like his teasing of her and Colleen was silly going to the police over something minor.It looked as though Charlie was struggling not to laugh when she said "They called me a mad cow!"

The sudden drop in business in Angelo's restaurant, when last year he was running himself ragged trying to keep the place running and Charlie was worrying he didn't have time for anything else, seems a bit extreme.I also thought Charlie was a bit harsh on him, just because he organised an event that seems a bit ill-advised in retrospect doesn't mean he deserves to have his business vandalised.I'm not sure if Brax has an ulterior motive for helping Angelo or not, be interesting to see where it goes.

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I can't believe Elijah, what an earth did he expect from Leah. He's supposed to be a man of the cloth and as Miles pointed out believe in the sanctity of marriage not use it like a tool to save whoever he takes a shine to. He must have known how it would affect both Leah and VJ but went straight ahead and did it, ok Leah and Elijah aren't an item but we don't know how they got on in 'Africa'. Quote of the episode was when he told Leah it wasn't her fault, of course it wasn't her fault you great lump! And going in for the kiss he was lucky he didn't get a slap, start reading your bible rev!

I don't get what's going on between Charlie and Brax, she goes all weird whenever she talks to him...unless she has the hots for him. And I still don't know why she and Angleo broke up, I must have blinked during that particular episode! :blink: I was a bit dubious when Angelo opened his posh restaurant in Summer Bay I think he'll be doing kids afternoon parties soon but I hope he does ok in the end.

The Nicole baby thing continues to wash over my head...

Alf's episode count:Is suspended until he comes back.But I'll still note down anomalies.Rather strange one this week, as Nicole, Ruby, Xavier and April all only appeared in one episode each.Were they all doing something else that week?

I feel rather sorry for Elijah, aside from kissing Leah I don't think he's done anything wrong.Yet he's got Leah being cold towards him and Miles giving him the cold shoulder.I get that Leah and VJ are upset at being replaced but, bottom line, he was single, it was over months ago, he doesn't really owe them any explanations especially when Leah isn't interested in listening to them anyway.Having said that, I did like his chat with VJ, who once more seems to be showing more maturity than the adults.Not sure about Morag giving him the Twenty Questions bit either.

So, that makes twice the River Boys have been accused of something they haven't done.On the strength of which, I am wondering if it was actually Brodie who towed Colleen's caravan away or whether he's going to turn out to be innocent.Although if it wasn't him I don't know who it was.I did rather like his teasing of her and Colleen was silly going to the police over something minor.It looked as though Charlie was struggling not to laugh when she said "They called me a mad cow!"

The sudden drop in business in Angelo's restaurant, when last year he was running himself ragged trying to keep the place running and Charlie was worrying he didn't have time for anything else, seems a bit extreme.I also thought Charlie was a bit harsh on him, just because he organised an event that seems a bit ill-advised in retrospect doesn't mean he deserves to have his business vandalised.I'm not sure if Brax has an ulterior motive for helping Angelo or not, be interesting to see where it goes.

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I think, Psychic Wombat, that Angelo and Charlie split up during the break, it was all very sudden to me too :blink:

Ah, is Brodie his name? I think he's a bit of a lost soul actually, putting on a big front when he's quite unconfident underneath. He seems to be becoming an actual character, not River Boy #3 or something!

I agree that Leah should have slapped Elijah, I noticed she kept well away from him yesterday when she met him and said 'leave now' while he dithered around. For a reverend, he doesn't seem very happy with himself or sorted out. Most religious people I've met are very calm and sure of their place in life, Elijah never has been.

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It really annoys me when we have a character (in this case Brodie) who for some reason remains nameless yet we are supposed to know who he/she is!!! :angry: Makes it very frustrating. Wonder where they have dumped Colleen, my guess the RB's are behind it this time. How many more times are they going to be blamed for something they didn't do, but with their rep they should expect it. PW, Charlie so fancies Brax, which makes it doubly embarrassing for her to keep telling him the police got it wrong. It did seem strange she couldn't talk to Brax face on. I noticed that as well Red how she (and the other cops) were trying to keep a straight face.

Brax asks Leah out next week, but only so he can quiz her about Charlie, creep!

Of course Elijah has done wrong and he knows it! Although he didn't tell Leah the whole truth (and we all know what it is) she's not daft and has worked it out herself. Not so sure he married Grace just because he took a shine to her, they were both lonely, him because of Leah finishing with him and her because she had just lost her husband. She would have been very vulnerable and may not have fully realised what she was agreeing to (getting a better chance to help Tobo). No wonder Leah responded the way she did when he kissed her, he is married in the eyes of God, so that could be seen as cheating. Glad that Leah decided to tell VJ what had happened, instead of her usual palming him off. That was a good talk between him and Elijah. I'm sure when Elijah first went to Africa a specific country wasn't mentioned, unless it was a fictiouous one. Now all of a sudden it's Zimbabwe, was that to help explain why Elijah and Grace have done what they've done, due to the political situation out there? Shame it seems to have wrecked his and Miles' friendship. I wonder how he is going to explain it to his mum and dad!!!!

You're right about Angelo's place Red, but now the initial novelty has worn off, I suppose people can't afford to keep going out to dine every night of the week given the current economic climate, I'm guessing Australia is suffering just as we are. It looks like he is going into 'business' with Brax, hope he doesn't regret it. I see Charlie had another go at Angelo hosting the cheap night out, it didn't stop her going though did it!!! Every time they show that flash back I have to smile at Bianca's remark - " How come the bad boys are always so hot!" :lol:

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