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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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So, it was Brodie who moved Colleen's van. As H&ALover said, its funny how we are supposed to know these minor characters. Colleen knew his surname too. I can only assume he is from a well known family and she's probably known him from when he was young :unsure:

Feel so sorry for poor old Xavier, he never has any luck with girls :(

Brax gave Angelo very sensible advice. I know he has ulterior motives, but tapas bars never do well and he should sell more popular food.

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Yep, seems it was Brodie who moved the van.Liked the interaction between Colleen and Morag although I couldn't help wondering where Miles was while there was a big drama going on at the caravan park.Was half expecting Colleen to have to bunk down on the sofa at the end but they do seem to have a superfluity of rooms these days.Another episode where I kept thinking it was the last scene and then it carried on, I was waiting for a "Next time on Home and Away" over that last beach shot.

Brax is getting more and more interesting, he seems to operate on some sort of code that Heath, Brodie and the others don't really care about.Even more bizarrely, he seems to have $10,000 lying around.Are we meant to assume he's actually a successful entrepreneur and the whole "tattooed larikin surfer dude" thing is just an act?He seems to have even less in common with the rest of them than Casey does.Not sure if he's got an ulterior motive with Angelo or not.Nice to get a good amount of Georgie Watson, she does seem to be making an almost weekly appearance this year.

I do feel sorry for Xavier, I really don't know why he and April had to split up and I'm holding onto that tiniest glimmer of hope that they might get back together, even though Xavier seems to have given up.It was typical Xav that his French speech was completely wrong but I get the feeling that April recognised it was the thought that counted, even if she didn't want to admit it.

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Feel so sorry for poor old Xavier, he never has any luck with girls :(

So do I, but he did alright with Freya!

Yes, you're right. But I think Freya was a force of nature, Xavier didn't have a choice :lol:

I thought re: Colleen, why on earth doesn't she stay with Morag and Miles at the house while her home is being renovated? It has a seemingly endless number of rooms and she is Morag's sister for goodness sake.

I don't think Brax is that nice. He had to beat Brodie up to get him to apologise to Colleen and obviously rules the gang by fear, being the toughest. I had an idea that maybe Brax wants to take over Angelo's and run it as a 'Braxton brothers' enterprise. But you are right, why does he have 10K lying around? He MUST have some other businesses he's running, and we can imagine what....

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Well it seems the drink Brax has 'bought cheap' may not be the fact (stolen)? It's got Charlie interested. She asks Angelo about his supplies tonight oops, as we saw in the trailer. If Brax really has that much money in the bank why are he and his brothers still living at home with mum? At least I assume he is. It looks like Angelo could be getting himself into something he may regret.

Start of the plot of him leaving later in the year perhaps?

Angelo may have been reluctant to introduce pizza's but they don't have to be that down-market.

Good it was established that Brax is the eldest, then Heath, then Casey, I thought Heath was the eldest. Brax does seem the one who deals out the justice in the RB's group.

Morag did seem a bit dismissive of Colleen's fears, but she is an old woman and it must have been very scary for her, as Charlie said anything could have happened and what started out as a prank could have ended with her death. Morag's remark to John was a bit strange, how was Colleen supposed to have moved the caravan by herself in the middle of the night too? I know what mean Red and Miranda about why Colleen is not staying at the house, but she could be wearing for everyone with her actually in the house.

Did that girl who wrote out those words have a grudge against April seeing as they weren't very complimentary? Hope you are right Red about April and Xav, April doesn't look that happy. Don't think anything romantic will happen between her and Dex they are just friends.

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Did that girl who wrote out those words have a grudge against April seeing as they weren't very complimentary? Hope you are right Red about April and Xav, April doesn't look that happy. Don't think anything romantic will happen between her and Dex they are just friends.

That never actually occurred to me but, while I doubt if anyone recognise her, that was actually the same girl who was having a go at April and Dexter last week, so maybe it was deliberate.I'm not sure where they're going with April and Dex.Last week, they definitely seemed to be setting them up as a couple, with the "seeing something that's attached to your body" comment and the little moment between them after he showed her the blog.But in that episode they did just seem to be friends and it came across more as Xavier reading too much into it than actually having anything to worry about. So I'm beginning to think they might keep them as friends which I'd actually be pleased about, they sparked off each other well in that episode last year when she was helping him with Adrian.

I'm kind of giving Brax the benefit of the doubt.I don't think he's the leader of the River Boys because they're all scared of him, if it was that they'd probably have all ganged up and got rid of him long ago.(He's obviously not murderously scary.)They do actually seem to respect him and even Charlie admitted he's pretty smart so I think it's more a combination of having a brain and a dominant personality.Charlie was wrong about the cheap booze coming from the robbery but it'll still be interesting to know where it does come from.Not sure about his interaction with VJ, it might just have been about currying favour with the locals(especially the way he suddenly backed down when Leah objected)but hard to tell.Ironically, Xavier was probably right about VJ not being safe, given that he came home with his arms cut to ribbons, so it's a shame more wasn't made of that.Whilst vaguely patronising, Brax's ruminations on the differences between growing up in the apparently rough-and-ready Mangrove River and the resolutely middle class Summer Bay were fairly interesting. Charlie does seem fairly flustered around him and even Leah seemed flattered when he asked her out.It is still rather hard imagining him and Charlie together, the cop and the River Boy's a real Romeo and Juliet scenario, especially with them as the leaders of their respective "factions".

I think Elijah was well-intentioned but it does seem as though he should have given the situation more thought, with regards exactly how much commitment and responsibility he's willing to accept for Grace and Thabo.Just how long is he expecting this marriage to last?I actually liked Colleen's little bit with Grace, I think she's the first person to have been genuinely nice to her, although Leah was nice to her as well when Elijah wasn't around.Not sure about Morag, it feels as though she's doing some detective work on the sly, she always did like solving mysteries.

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Feel so sorry for poor old Xavier, he never has any luck with girls :(

So do I, but he did alright with Freya!

Yes, you're right. But I think Freya was a force of nature, Xavier didn't have a choice :lol:

Wouldn't mind not having a choice like that myself!

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Wouldn't mind not having a choice like that myself!

Hahaha Brian, steady there!

So, yet again my crap TV reception strikes again. Did Brax ask Leah out in front of Charlie? I got interference AGAIN.

Yes, Brax's thoughts on the differences between Summer Bay and Mangrove River were VERY interesting. I noticed that the RBs are always bare chested in eating places like the diner, which is very uncouth, whereas the SB boys e.g. Romeo, Xavier etc. always wear tops indoors. I wondered if this was underlining the fact that the RBs are 'common' with no manners. Perhaps Brax (and Casey) want to escape the rough Mangrove River but the other RBs don't. Whatever Brax is doing with Angelo and his business now, I can quite see Brax wanting to take over the restaurant as a kind of 'step up' for himself. Especially as H&Alover says about

Angelo leaving later this year


I'm not sure what Brax was doing re: VJ. He seemed to be encouraging him to surf, just to annoy Xavier, but when Leah stepped in, he took her side. Maybe Brax doesn't know what he's doing either. He didn't seem to realise at first that of course HE would be able to surf easily cos he's 25 or so, whereas VJ is only 12 and far too weak.

In general, I think the River Boys arrival is good for the show, it is adding a bit of unpredictability and even fear. I predict that some of them will be 'tamed' but some will remain wild. Interesting....

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Feel so sorry for poor old Xavier, he never has any luck with girls :(

So do I, but he did alright with Freya!

Yes, you're right. But I think Freya was a force of nature, Xavier didn't have a choice :lol:

Wouldn't mind not having a choice like that myself!

Did Freya have a thing with Hugo or was it just one kiss they shared?

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