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I like Brax and the way he approaches things, it might not always be conventional but then it works in most situations. Leah and Brax are not that suited personally, I would rather have Brax and Charlie together, although I dont know how that will work out

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So Elijah didn't tell Grace (who I like btw, she is a lovely woman) anything about him and Leah? Rather dumb that considering he was going back to the place where she and VJ lived. Going by what she said to Elijah at the BBQ they aren't actually a couple in the full sense yet. :wink: Colleen was being very genuine towards her, she is an innocent at times, her mentioning Leah and Elijah once being engaged wasn't done in any nasty way, she obviously thought she knew. Colleen's remark to Elijah about him being a saint must have made him squirm a bit. Morag definitely susses something, but I think she would want to help them rather then report them. That was an awkward moment between Elijah, Grace, Leah and VJ, Grace isn't daft she could tell there were still feelings there.

So Brax's cheap drinks were legit, not sure if Charlie was relieved or disappointed? There is definitely an attraction, she was miffed when Brax asked Leah out, though she would say it was because she was worried about Leah. And yes Miranda he did ask her out in front of Charlie, nice ploy on his part. Maybe he started surfing when he was young and that is why he believed VJ would be OK doing it. VJ is bound to get some cuts and bruises surfing and he didn't seem that bothered, but Leah as a mum obvioulsy would be worried. He does come across as trying to be all things to different people. As for the RB's always walking around topless, it's probably to show off their bods and tats and to show they're meant to be tough.

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Finding it increasingly difficult to defend Elijah's position.He is very obviously well-intentioned but he seems to be creating a situation that isn't fair on anyone and almost trying to keep a foot in both camps, so to speak.His talk about "principles he won't compromise" feels a bit hollow in the circumstances and Grace's belief that a marriage of convenience should be a permanent and fulfilling arrangement isn't hard to accept(although, given that it's apparently not long since her first husband died, you do have to wonder slightly about her state of mind).Bottom line, Elijah needs to decide whether she and Thabo are his family or not.Morag came across as a bit condescending and interfering but made some good points.

Charlie's constant "They're Braxtons, they're bad news" refrain is starting to get wearing, after a few weeks of being fairly even-handed she's coming across as snooty as Colleen and John did.Although it does feel like over-compensation for the fact she clearly fancies Brax.We haven't really seen any interaction between Brax and Casey before and arguably we still haven't, since Casey didn't say a word while he was around.But it is beginning to feel as though Brax is trying to get himself out of the dead end of Mangrove River and wants Casey to do the same.Not sure if he considers Heath a lost cause or not but that's the impression here.Hard to form an opinion of their mother from about half a line but the implication seems to be she's a bit of a drunk and not really interested in her sons. Something else Casey has in common with Romeo...

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Thanks H&ALover, I thought so. My digital reception seems to play up in the spring and summer and I end up watching episodes online, otherwise I\\\'d never know what\\\'s going on :(

Yes I don\\\'t object to seeing the RBs shirtless, I am just trying to read a deep subtext into it which probably isn\\\'t there :lol: I did a Sociology course last year so I\\\'m always reading deep subtexts into things.... :rolleyes:

Grace does seem nice. I just thought \\\'typical man\\\' with Elijah not telling her anything, hoping it would all go away if he didn\\\'t talk about it. Sorry guys, you tend to do that!

EDIT: now I\\\'ve watched today\\\'s episode.

Hard to form an opinion of their mother from about half a line
Red did you mean that as a double entendre?? I\\\'m sure that\\\'s what she was doing on the kitchen table :o

That was scary seeing the Braxton\\\'s homelife, it was exactly what I feared it would be like. Poor Casey must have taken so much abuse in that household. He obviously isn\\\'t stupid, but has just always been the smallest, youngest, vulnerable to Heath and co. Poor guy, felt really sorry for him, seen that sort of thing so often :( Great actor though, he was really convincing. I did laugh though when Heath said \\\'what\\\'s pretty boy doing here?\\\' referring to Romeo, who could probably deck him.

Brax was so obvious when asking Leah about Charlie, I felt really sorry for Leah, what a horrible date. She looked beautiful too, as always. Charlie obviously fancies Brax, the way she was looking at him while driving by... Dear oh dear.

Yes, Charlie is getting really boring going on about the Braxtons. I actually felt sorry for Ruby with her rabbiting on. However Charlie is just pushing her into Casey\\\'s arms by going on about how bad and terrible he is. I could see Ruby drooling when Charlie was talking about how dangerous they all were....

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I thought the shot at the end of Charlie driving by the river boys was really funny :-) could she make it any more obvious. Wonder what constable Watson thinks of her flakey sergeant! Actually, now Angelo is not on the force can we have a storyline for Watson please.

Elijah has made his bed and has to lie in it, and anyway I have a feeling that Leah is going to end up with Miles eventually with a big soap wedding. I always thought she and Tony would have made a good couple but alas that never happened.

Was looking forward to seeing some surfing at Wilsons, anyone remember little Sams surfing scenes?

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Hard to form an opinion of their mother from about half a line
Red did you mean that as a double entendre?? I\\\'m sure that\\\'s what she was doing on the kitchen table :o

Good one Miranda, I like it!! That's what I thought she was doing as well, good example to set her sons, but perhaps that's the way she gets through the day. Had to smile when I saw Heath (the supposedly tough one) carrying her shopping. :D Felt sorry for Casey, he has Brax on one side encouraging him to do well and Heath on the other telling him he's rubbish and his mum not seeming to care one way or the other. It did occur to me after why didn't Romeo take him back to the caravan park, it certainly would have been a lot quieter.

Charlie totally overreacted when Ruby said she Casey and Romeo had been down at the beach. All she heard was Casey - he's a Braxton so has to be bad news - contracting temporary deafness as regards Romeo. Doesn't she realise painting Casey as a bad boy is probably going to make him seem more attractive to Ruby. Though to be fair to Ruby she didn't seem interested anyway, just likes him as a friend.

You're right Miranda, Brax was hardly subtle when he was quizzing Leah about Charlie was he. :rolleyes: Then perhaps subtle isn't in his vocabulary. Did seem pretty clued up when he asked Leah about her business though, was the fact the date wasn't a date make her tell Charlie he was a hustler have anything to to with it?

As to your question about Miles pembie, I can only assume he has been told 'off screen'.

Elijah has made his bed and has to lie in it,

That's the thing though PW, he doesn't want to lie in it! Although he has told Grace he is willing to consummate their relationship, judging by the look on his face when he was hugging her, he still isn't sure. I was wondering about that as well Red, it can't be that long since her husband died, is she on the rebound? Morag coming across as condescending is just Morag, but good to know she is willing to help them if she can.

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Thanks H&ALover, glad it wasn't me imagining things :) I couldn't believe my eyes TBH. It was so subtle as to avoid complaints I suppose.

Loved the way when Heath was throwing things at Casey, Romeo just caught them and gave him a Look :lol:

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That episode kind of felt a bit incomplete, with the whole way that Miles went to see Romeo about Casey's assignment and then Romeo told Casey that Miles thought he'd cheated like some game of Chinese whispers.I'm hoping Miles is going to talk to Casey about it, otherwise he could slide right back, but he seemed more interested in trying to work out if Casey's dyslexic.Can't see them having much luck talking to his mum about it, Darryl would probably be the one they're most likely to get a sensible answer out of but I'm not sure if that would be enough and I'm not sure if even he would react well to the suggestion.

Casey kissing Ruby was a bit "Where did that come from?", there's only really been that little scene of him giving a surfing lesson last week to suggest they're even friends, let alone anything more.Ruby's reaction felt like "Cute guy kissing me, might as well run with it", which I can believe in, although it did feel like she was trying to get a reaction from Romeo at the end.(I don't think that's her only reason for being...receptive to Casey but it's obvious she still likes Romeo.)Although his reaction to seeing them kissing here, and the similar moment last week, felt like jealousy, I'm not sure that's the reason he warned Ruby off, it does seem like he's genuinely worried about what she might be getting into.The Nicole/Indigo stuff was great as ever, the show seems to do these same sex friendship better than the romances at the moment.Nice to get a confirmation/reminder that Indi and Romeo still haven't "done it", there was a bit of debate about that in one of the spoiler threads. Their mutual "frustration" was quite amusing.

Marilyn did seem to jump to some pretty big conclusions when she saw Dexter dressed up, it's a bit of a leap to "wants a sex change".Sid trying to be as understanding and supportive as possible, whilst clearly completely uncomfortable, when talking to him about the idea was rather sweet.It's a shame he lapsed into his "You need to fit in" attitude slightly, although he was less obnoxious before and does seem to recognise Dexter's going to do his own thing.It'd just be nice for him to be a bit more accepting of him and it's going to be interesting to see where it goes.

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Oh, my Home and Away watching is Doomed! My digital reception went off again when Marilyn was talking about sex changes, then when I watched it on Demand Five, there was a loud buzzing when Romeo and Casey were arguing after surfing and I didn't hear what they said. I wondered if it was blanked out cos they were swearing horrifically :lol: :lol: But when I rewound a bit I eventually saw it all, phew.

I laughed through quite a lot of that episode. Dex's blog made me laugh as much as it did Marilyn and I thought Sid was very unreasonable to tell him he shouldn't post it, its up to Dex, not Sid. I expect lots of teenagers can relate to his 'weirdness' and difficulty 'fitting in.' 'Sheila' was a good character too. I suppose Marilyn's leap from seeing Dex in women's clothes to 'he wants a sex change' was extreme but she is rather naive to put it mildly.

I too couldn't quite see why Casey suddenly was all over Ruby, it seemed very abrupt. It was like he thought 'oh, there's a pretty woman in front of me, what shall I do? I know: I'll kiss her!' He backed away from her so quickly when Romeo turned up, I thought he'd be more like 'haha, I've got her and you haven't.' but he hurried off instead.

So Miles and teachers more or less decided that Casey is dyslexic, although if they will get him tested or not is another story. If he is, I hope they handle this storyline sensibly and don't have some miraculous cure for him, or forget about it, as they seem to have with Ruby's diabetes.

Looks like the S is going to hit the F soon, yay! I read an interview with Luke Mitchell, he said that

he, Samara and Rebecca were having great fun with the love triangle story line about to hit the series, and it will carry on for a long time through this season. Looks like Romeo is actually going to start acting like a real teenager at last!

When Nicole and Indi were talking about their frustration and Nic said it was obvious what Indi should do to solve the problem, I didn't think she meant 'stop seeing him'. I thought she meant quite the opposite, nudge nudge wink wink. But surely if a couple can't even spare time to be together at 18, that is a sign things are not right. I must say I don't understand Romeo's problem, what's stopping him? :huh:

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