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Liked the bit about "blood in his veins, not seawater", Miranda.

heh heh heh... Its the first time I can remember Romeo doing anything impulsive and passionate, I didn't think he had it in him :lol:

I thought it was indiscreet of all of them to talk about Romeo in that way, if I was Indi I wouldn't have told anyone or sworn Nic to secrecy, its none of their business. If I was Romeo I wouldn't want people discussing my sex life, but maybe that's just me.

"is/was/ would have been a virgin" indeed :lol:

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April and Dexter going to the cinema together...hmm...I really don’t like the sound of that even though presumably it's not a date it only means that they are probably getting closer.

Really, really don’t want to see Ruby and Romeo together. I just don’t like the way Ruby’s been hanging around him and manipulated the situation to her advantage. Even when she kissed him she knew damn well that Indy had arranged a “special night” for herself and Romeo. In saying that Romeo’s been just as bad. He’s acted like a jealous immature idiot at times. Indy’s the one I feel sorry for. Romeo doesn’t deserve her. I actually wouldn’t mind seeing Ruby with Casey though.

Oh and I found Sid’s reaction and awkwardness about the whole Dex dressing up as a woman thing hilarious.

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April and Dexter going to the cinema together...hmm...I really don’t like the sound of that even though presumably it's not a date it only means that they are probably getting closer.

Yeah, that was kind of my reaction too...I'm hoping it was just a case of Dexter needing to be somewhere else for the sake of the plot and April being the only person he seems to hang out with.I like them as friends but I really don't want them to be more than that.

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I can't decide whether I'm more annoyed with Romeo or Ruby at present. Ruby is really a lost cause to me, so I've decided I'm more annoyed with Romeo, which is unfortunate given my current fic! :angry: He obviously went round to see her wanting something and had some idea what would happen didn't he? But I suppose at least he's actually doing something and acting like a normal teenager for once :unsure: Just goes to show: never leave your boyfriend unattended for too long, especially with Ruby around :lol: Poor Indy is the one I feel sorry for.

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I am the same about Casey & Ruby, I would have preferred to have seen them both flirting and not having Ruby go with Casey when it is blindingly obvious she wants to be with Romeo (even though that probably would be doomed as well!)

No way, Romeo & Ruby will be great together, when Romeo plucks enough courage to tell Indi.

Liked the bit about "blood in his veins, not seawater", Miranda.

I cant see it working especially since Romeo will pine after Indi constantly.

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Ruby did know Indi had something special (as well as the dinner) planned because Nic told her. Not sure if Romeo not going round was a bit tit-for-tat when Indi let him down when he planned a dinner for her! I was surprised though when Ruby leapt on him, she had been restrained before by not letting her feelingd for him show, then she went and spoilt it. She was surprised about Romeo being a virgin, did that have something to do with her actions? Agree though Nic shouldn't have told her. To give her her due though she didn't lead Casey on, she did tell him she would think about going on a date with him.

Romeo decides to stay with Indi, which for some reason doesn't go down well with Ruby.

I do hope they were careful, if you know what I mean. :wink: Did they actually get it on on the sofa, bit risky Leah, Charlie could have come back, not forgetting VJ who I assume was asleep in bed?

Poor Sid didn't have a clue did he when Indi was trying to get him out the way. :rolleyes::D Thank goodness Marilyn was able to explain, lovely natural reaction from a dad about his 'little girl' planning a night of passion.

I like April and Dexter as friends rather than a couple, anyway what's wrong with friends going to the cinema together? She may help him get on better with girls who he would like as a girlfriend.

John and Sid were funny trying to help Liam write his song and yes Miranda why was Bianca so uptight about finding out the sing was about Nic, it was last year, not last month, they've both moved on since then.

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Those of you who watch Neighbours as well might have noticed the similarity of the current teenage relationship storeylines. Ruby and Summer both declare their love for Romeo/Andrew, sleep with them and then cannot be with them, either due to a love triangle (Natasha) or quadrilateral (Casey/Indi). Be interesting to see how the storeylines play out. Also interesting than none of the teenagers lives with their mother and father.

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Those of you who watch Neighbours as well might have noticed the similarity of the current teenage relationship storeylines. Ruby and Summer both declare their love for Romeo/Andrew, sleep with them and then cannot be with them, either due to a love triangle (Natasha) or quadrilateral (Casey/Indi). Be interesting to see how the storeylines play out. Also interesting than none of the teenagers lives with their mother and father.

Ruby lives with her mother and Indi lives with her father.

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'love quadrilateral' :lol:

Yes, that is interesting Brian. I often notice how storylines run in themes. I was just thinking the other day how when Lucas, Ric and Drew were around, they all had affairs with older women, it was an epidemic. Even that other boy, Jules? He had an affair with Jaz, didn't he? But since then, there hasn't been any of that with the next lot of teenagers. Its all been about the boys being reluctant to have sex i.e. Aden cos of his abuse, Geoff cos of his religious convictions and Romeo cos of... who knows why. Soaps seem to pick up a theme and do it to death, then move on to another theme :huh:

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Blimey! That was the first H&A episode I've rushed to watch for a while. Really good acting from the love triangle, Ruby, Romeo, Indi, I'm actually a bit shaken. At last they get a juicy storyline.

I actually felt sorry for Ruby for once :o I thought when Romeo left her at her bedroom door and was being all evasive, its the same old story: boy has his way then sneaks out into the night. And the way they were looking at each other while the unaware Indi was rushing up to kiss him. And now Nicole and Miles know too, and looks like Liam will know soon too.

What sort of advice was that Miles gave Romeo? Its not a choice between love and lust? Well, it is actually. And Casey isn't stupid at all, is he? He picked up more or less exactly what was going on, as he was hanging around Ruby all day, and more or less gave Romeo a warning.

I loved the way Romeo strode into the house and went straight to the fridge for a bottle of water: he was a bit dehydrated then? Whyever would that be? :lol::wink:

Its all going to explode in their faces...

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