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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I am gonna be really shallow for a few minutes and just say that topless Romeo is a hit with me :wub:

Miles was a bit dumb though with his comments, he needs to be simple and say that someone will be hurt and that he needs to be sure whatever happens, is that someone will get hurt, I have been in that position, someone will get hurt. Its not an easy situation but then he let himself get into it.

Casey was a pointless addition to the episode, it didnt really seem like he needed to be in that episode, personally.

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I think everyone's been in that situation, sadly :(

I thought Casey was quite good actually, he knew exactly what was going on. Can't really believe he likes Ruby though, what is it about that girl? All boys seem to fall for her instantly :lol:

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The whole episode seemed to revolve around the one storyline.

I wasn't expecting Ruby and Romeo to go all the way that quickly. What really annoyed me about that was the way Ruby was bragging to Nicole about it the next morning and the fact that she totally ruined Indy's "special night". Meant to be together - Yeah right! Romeo is certainly at fault but I felt Ruby played on his insecurities regarding his relationship with Indy to seize the upper hand. I'm glad Romeo felt bad but it's too late now. When Sid finds out he's going to be extremely annoyed and who would blame him. Marilyn's also going to be disappointed as she was fighting Romeo's corner. Casey's going to be annoyed with Romeo because he warned Ruby off him and he already suspects he's the person Ruby was referring to. Nicole's already unhappy about what happened so it will be interesting to see how she approaches him about it. I suspect Charlie's going to go in all guns blazing especially after Romeo said to Ruby it was a one off. It seems as though quite a few people will have a genuine reason to see Romeo as the bad guy in all of this. I wonder if that had been Annie whether he would have done things differently.

Although I'm annoyed I find that I can't hate Ruby because I knew something was going to happen eventually (I presume most people here did) and so was mentally prepared. I will say that I enjoyed Ruby storming off upset as she only has herself to blame for all of this. I thought she and Indy were friends. Also Indy lost her job doing her a favour and covering for her that time. But considering that she wanted to broadcast to the world at the beginning of the episode that they were an item does Romeo seriously expect her to keep quiet about this. The other thing I liked and was how Miles handled things. He gave advice without passing judgment.

Incidentally aren't Luke and Rebecca an item in real life?

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I agree with you exactly alreetlike, even about Jack :lol:

'Mentally prepared' :lol: Slade. Your post is a good summary of who will hate who.

I forgot Indi lost her job that time for Ruby, that makes it even worse!

I bet subconsciously Romeo knew Ruby would sleep with anyone, he might have had that in the back of his mind when he went round there.

So, bring on the rest of the storyline, can't wait :D

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I find...I actually don't hate Ruby at all.I think she's done the wrong thing but I can see her point of view and maybe even sympathise with it a bit whereas I don't really sympathise with Romeo at all. As Slade said, I think it's down to being mentally prepared and, actually, Ruby's behaved nowhere near as badly as I was expecting.Okay, she knew about Indi's special night.But I'm kind of putting that to one side because frankly I think that's what Ruby did.Her main "crime" here is tunnel vision, she just hasn't given any thought as to how other people will be affected, notably Indi.We saw that in the casual way she dismissed Casey, fair play to her for being honest but it didn't even seem to occur to her that he might be hurt by the rejection(as he clearly was).When she spoke to Nicole, it didn't seem to cross her mind that Nicole might not like the fact she'd just slept with another of their friends' boyfriend.She liked Romeo and thought they were going to get together, which isn't unreasonable after he'd just slept with her. She was obviously expecting him to break up with Indi the next day, which again I can understand, but when she realised he hadn't I'd have expected her to have a few more questions for him, rather than expecting him to call her over for round two as she implied in that last scene.She did seem... uncomfortable at seeing him and Indi together, I can't tell if that was guilt, jealousy, embarrassment or a combination of the three.

My opinion of Romeo seemed to get lower and lower as the episode progressed.At the start, he seemed as happy as Ruby over what had happened, even prompting her to tell him it was amazing, although he did seem more worried than her about people would react.(By the way, I don't think it was premeditated on the part of either of them;Ruby clearly didn't know Romeo was coming round and I don't think he'd really thought it was an option before then.)I get the feeling at that point he was still expecting Indi to break up with him the next day then he could carry on seeing Ruby.Then he found out she wasn't planning to break up and things got a bit out of control.By the way, pretty much the only decent thing he did in the episode was not sleeping with Indi as well when she basically offered it to him on a plate.Anyway, next morning he went round to see Indi, made a self-pitying speech and seemed to be trying to get her to break up with him and save him the trouble, which I found incredibly cowardly:If he'd really wanted to do the right thing, he should have told her the truth and seen if she still wanted to be with him then.Then he seemed to spend the rest of the day torn between the two girls.I was hugely disappointed in Miles;I know his style of parenting is rather laidback but his attitude to the whole thing was annoyingly casual.Even when Romeo clearly needed some advice, he just made a flippant and slightly smug comment which he apparently thought was profound.So far as I can see, Romeo summed up his dilemma as loving Indi and having a lot of history with her but not feeling the same physical connection to her as he did with Ruby.At which point Miles, so far as I can tell, basically says "Hey, Indi's hot too, isn't she?"At which point Romeo watches an old video of Indi being a bit provocative and showing him what's on offer if he stays with her and goes "Oh yeah."Shallow.Very shallow.

I can understand Nicole not telling Indi what had happened but I expected her to have a go at Romeo for treating one of her friends, arguably two of her friends, that badly.Casey's obviously got his suspicions.Bit disappointed at the lack of respect Indigo and especially Marilyn showed Sid's understandable concern at a boy messing his daughter about.Wonder if anyone will remind Marilyn of her rather childish "Romeo's not like that, you should be pleased your daughter wants to sleep with him" attitude once it all comes out?(Yeah, she'll make a great mother, she's clearly too busy playing the cool auntie to actually be a role model.)I think Nicole summed it up:Romeo and Indigo have been having problems for a long time, long before Ruby took an interest, and it'll take more than endless declarations of love or sleeping together to sort it.And, given Romeo and Ruby are both pretty shallow and self-absorbed, it probably would be better for them to hook up rather than latch onto someone else.Certainly Indigo deserves a lot better than she's got from either of them.

Still, if Romeo and Ruby really is just a one-off, I guess it makes a change for a character to lose their virginity in a pointless, impulsive one-night stand rather than have them and their partner planning it out for three months in advance.(As he and Indigo have been doing...)Even if he does still say it was "special".About six times.

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Well, Romeo, what a plonker. I think his act of weakness has really sealed his fate with Indie. I don't understand the guy, it's no brainer between Indie and Ruby, but then I guess brains are what he's short of :lol: Ruby is set on a course for another spell in re-hab, won't be long before she breaks out the Fosters under the pier. BTW what an earth was Indie wearing in the house, looked like some sort of date bait garment, not really appropriate I thought. as for Nicole I think shemust be a little jealose of non pregnant Indie because I can't think of why she doesn't tell her about Ruby and Romeo, I thought they were better friends than her and Rubes.

@Slade Yes, Rubes and Romes are an item outside the box.

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as for Nicole I think shemust be a little jealose of non pregnant Indie because I can't think of why she doesn't tell her about Ruby and Romeo, I thought they were better friends than her and Rubes.

Hmm, I'd kinda dispute that, Nicole's been friends with Ruby for a lot longer than Indi and I don't think Ruby's suddenly been knocked down the pecking order because Indi and Nicole are at college now.Ruby was one of the first people she told about her pregnancy, after all.I think it's partly down to a reluctant loyalty to Ruby and partly down to not wanting to hurt Indi's feelings, she did seem to be trying to encourage her to break up with Romeo in a subtle sort of way.Like I said, I think the real issue isn't why hasn't she said anything to Indi, it's why hasn't she said anything to Romeo, by the end of the episode we're about 24 hours on and they haven't even had a scene together.

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BTW what an earth was Indie wearing in the house, looked like some sort of date bait garment, not really appropriate I thought.

Yes, that is what I thought, it was just weird. She might as well just have worn a bikini without bothering with the other thing whatever it was :huh:

I thought Nic would give Romeo a real telling off, maybe she still will. I hope so, but as she is pregnant, tired and sick, she might not be her usual self. As someone said, he was the one in a relationship, not Ruby. He and Indi weren't officially 'on a break' as they say in Friends. So he should have been more thoughtful.

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Ruby was Ruby, though as a couple of you have said she had no idea he was going to be coming over. He caught her when she was vulnerable (again) and he wasn't in that much a better place. If he'd chosen to go to Indi's or somewhere else, none of what happened would have happened. She may have decided to go out with Casey and found out she did like him after all. Romeo was stupid in what he did, but he thought - wrongly - Indi was going to dump him so probably thought he would lose his virginity to Ruby. Imo he did the right thing by saying to Ruby not to say anything until he spoken to Indi, of course the first thing she does is tell Nicole, who has been put in a horrible position. At least he had the decency to tell her face to face. I don't know how much Casey could hear when they were talking in the Diner (where anyone could overhear), but at least he left before her big reveal. One point in Ruby's favour at least she let Casey down gently. He may not be all that bright academically but he soon put two and two together when he heard Ruby asking Miles where Romeo was. His, maybe, not too subtle hint to Romeo he knew what had happened was quite good. I was glad he felt able to tell Miles what had happened, otherwise he would have been stewing away about it. Not a lot Miles could say to him, Romeo is 18, I think. At least Miles asked the question, was he safe. So now Romeo is worrying that if he and Indi have sex whether there would there be the same connection as he and Ruby had. Even if he had slept with Indi first there is/was no guarantee they would click so to speak. Problem is, in my mind anyway, if Romeo does now sleep with Indi, will he be thinking of Ruby and be able to carry it through. It's not that strange Nic hasn't approached Romeo, she's not supposed to know is she. Going by tonights episode she wants to hurt him as much as he hurt her, though I'm sure that wasn't his intention, he certainly didn't go round there thinking 'right I'm going to sleep with Ruby as Indi doesn't want me'.

Agree with what you guys are saying about what Indi was wearing that morning, what was it supposed to be? :rolleyes: Did like what Nic was wearing though, she always has style.

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