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Personally, Ruby has been let down by the writers, it is okay to have flaws in a character but she doesnt seem to understand the consequnces about going after boys that are unavailable or just barging into a situation that has its problems anyways without her adding to it. She knew once Nicole had told her Indi had a special night planned and yet she still interfered. She had no right and I think that the writers need to remedy that quite quickly because otherwise she isn't going to last in the Bay.

I like the idea of her getting with Casey but only once she has sorted out her problems and she does have them. If Casey was to help her sort them out it would be better but I think he has enough problems of his own to sort out before he gets embroiled in Rubys.

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I think the best thing Ruby could do is back off, tbh. It would probably be impossible at her age, but if she said 'right, I''m not speaking to Romeo or Indi again,' they would soon notice something was wrong and Romeo would have to tell Indi what happened. Ruby at least had him the first time, if only she could be satisfied with that. But I suppose she lerves him and I don't think he dislikes her, so... But I just wish she'd have some dignity :(

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@Slade Yes, Rubes and Romes are an item outside the box.

Rubes and Romes – I like that.

Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned, aye Rubes. Ruby mentioned to Charlie if she knew Romeo was still with Indy she wouldn’t have slept with him – I don't believe her! Romeo said he wasn’t sure if he still had a girlfriend but he never mentioned that they’d actually broken up. Furthermore she knew Indy had planned something. It seems I must have underestimated Charlie’s ability to remain calm. I thought she handled the whole thing really well and what she said was absolutely right however when she said to Ruby that she slept with someone else’s boyfriend I kept thinking to myself May. Pot calling the kettle black perhaps but at least she wasn’t friends with May and as her mother she has to offer Ruby guidance. Ruby annoyed me with her attitude towards Charlie. It just seemed like typical Ruby behaviour towards her when things weren’t going her way. Just because Charlie told Ruby what she didn’t want to here, Ruby dismissed her yet again.

The way Indy’s acting is typical for a soap. Boyfriend is having difficulty with his relationship with his girlfriend, boyfriend sleeps with someone else and feels guilty, girlfriend starts being overly nice to boyfriend, boyfriend feels even guiltier. I found it quite funny seeing Romeo’s facial expressions in that episode, each time wondering if Ruby was going to tell Indy. He was bricking it! The talk with Liam was serious but it made me laugh when Liam said that Ruby had a habit of taking no for an answer and Romeo would be doing her a favour if he was straight with her.

I thought Elijah was really harsh with VJ but at least he apologised afterwards.

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great to see this storeyline arousing so much interest. Perhaps we will never know the real reason Romeo decided to call on Ruby that evening. I think that he must have had some romantic intention. But when he comes out with "it was only sex" !!!!!!, it makes you wonder.

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Ruby and Charlie's discussion was at least realistic if not a bit strange, Charlie was however surprisingly calmer than I thought she would have been. Ruby is in the wrong but not all the blame lies at her feet, some of it has to be accountable to Romeo, he must have known it was a bad idea to go to Ruby's when he was contemplating the future of his own relationship.

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It might not be a fashionable viewpoint but I do feel sorry for Ruby.She does seem to have genuinely fallen for Romeo and I do believe 100% that she only slept with him because she thought he and Indi were going to break up.Yes, she knew what Indi was planning but I really think she'd put that completely out of her mind and was only seeing what she wanted to see, Romeo turning up on her doorstep and saying he and Indi were over.It's no excuse, even if she did believe that she shouldn't have slept with him until he was single, but it does feel like she's being constantly kicked in the teeth throughout all this.Despite what some of the posts on here have suggested, sex obviously means something to Ruby, she's only slept with two boys prior to this and she was in a committed relationship with both of them.(Of course, Romeo hasn't slept with anyone prior to this so you'd expect it to mean something to him too...)I'm surprised Charlie hasn't had a go at Romeo, considering how she went after Alexander for doing a lot less.Maybe she realises she handled that badly and possibly stopped Ruby learning something from it.Although if she was going to do it, I don't think she'd have done it when Romeo came round the house, that would have just made things worse for Ruby, she'd be more likely to do it in private.I think Charlie's been well characterised throughout this, she wants to help Ruby but doesn't know how, due to her inexperience both as a parent and with regards relationships.(When they first turned up, it'd be more likely for Charlie to be in that sort of state and Ruby to be helping her out...)

Romeo didn't annoy me quite as much as in the previous episode.He did seem to be trying to be as gentle as possible with Ruby at the start and, in fact, I'm even more convinced that if Indi had broken up with him as he expected her to he'd be with Ruby now.Then, for the second episode running, he acted on some dubious advice.I can see where Liam was going, if Romeo's serious about Indi he needs to draw a line under what happened with Ruby and make it clear to her that nothing else is going to happen.But his hardball "It didn't mean anything, it was just sex" speech, which I don't think he wanted to say and I don't think he really meant, just hurt Ruby more and made her more angry.Romeo really does need to be honest with Indi, she deserves the truth and too many people know for him to be able to cover it up.It'll be interesting to see if he goes through with her "romantic weekend" plan, he seemed happy to make innuendos about "the full package" when they first spoke but he seems very reluctant to sleep with her now he's slept with Ruby.There's an interesting perspective in that, if some guest character had slept with Ruby and then announced he was sticking with his girlfriend, it'd probably feel perfectly acceptable if Ruby got her own back by telling his girlfriend, after which we'd never see either of them again.But the fact that it's Romeo and Indigo and they'll all have to keep seeing each other afterwards makes it awkward.

Miles' parenting credentials took a further knock with his chat to VJ, where he seemed to fuss about nothing for a bit and then go off at a tangent, although in the end what he said did probably help.It was interesting that VJ and Thabo actually got on well which I wasn't expecting.Noticed VJ can't pronounce Juventus(Thabo got it right)but as several adults of my acquaintance have trouble with that one it's perhaps to be expected.Elijah was harsh on him but it was understandable and it was good of him to not only apologise straight afterwards but go round to see him afterwards to clear the air.Thabo is obviously missing his father and not comfortable with the way Elijah's just stepped into his shoes so be interesting to see how that goes.(Did anyone else think, when Elijah gave Thabo his phone and told him to call him if he felt unwell, "Call you on what?You've just given him your phone!"?)

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Noticed VJ can't pronounce Juventus(Thabo got it right)

(Did anyone else think, when Elijah gave Thabo his phone and told him to call him if he felt unwell, "Call you on what?You've just given him your phone!"?)

Noticed both of those. :lol: The Elijah line was particularly stupid, it would've taken about 2 seconds to specify another phone.

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I think Romeo thought: I'll go and see someone who is sympathetic to me and a girl would be better, who can it be? Ruby is the best one at the moment. He MUST have had some ideas about what would happen, otherwise he'd have talked to Nicole and had a sensible conversation. I think he has been fancying Ruby cos when he's seen Casey chatting her up, he's looked jealous and he did say to MIles it was electric between him and Ruby. I think possibly he was not thinking with his brain at that point if you know what I mean.

Ruby did know Indi had something special planned, so I expect when Romeo turned up she thought all her Christmases had come at once and all her thoughts went out of the window because she wanted him. Trouble is, I can't sympathise with her too much, cos we've been here so often with her before. She wanted Xavier, Geoff, Liam, all of those she felt she was 'destined' to be with, then after something happened with them, she got bored and moved onto the next man.

I am glad Liam was there to advice them both, he genuinely meant well after his experiences with Ruby, but he is a lot tougher than Romeo and actually didn't fancy Ruby whereas Romeo does, and he's a lot more soppy. I think also when Liam asked her for coffee, he suddenly realised that she could end up crying on his shoulder and all that leads to, and that's why he backed off.

It is all a tangled web...

On a tangent, my husband pointed out how many of the characters sound like police call signs: Indigo Romeo Charlie Alf(a) come in please! :lol:

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Trouble is Red, Ruby has 'genuinely' cared for both the guys she has slept with before. She still hasn't mastered the knack of taking things slowly and plunges straight in. Even if Romeo and Indi had broken up it wouldn't have been very tactful for Romeo to suddenly take up with Ruby. How come Ruby could give Charlie all that good advice about guys and yet is unable to follow it herself. :unsure: You mentioned Alexander Red, but he was a lot older than Rubes so understandably Charlie (or any parent) would be worried. Quite liked Liam giving Romeo advice, he does know what he was talking about regarding Ruby and her feelings and all she did with him was kiss him! Methinks Romeo was maybe not mature enough to put it across to Ruby in a less harsh way. Charlie I felt did a pretty good job, and I think she did point out it takes two when Ruby said Romeo had used her, er, didn't she make the first move? True he could have left, but he didn't as, and this may sound flippant, he may have thought 'what the hell', thinking as he did Indi was going to dump him. Liam was just as good with the advice he gave Ruby too, especially liked 'they shoot the messenger'. :D I'm guessing the reason for her collapse was because she hadn't eaten that day?

Strange little talk between VJ and Miles, rather a neat trick to turn it round to Thabu and how he must be feeling. They did seem to be getting on well until Elijah threw a wobbly. OK I can understand him feeling responsible for Thabu as he brought him there, but he did so overreact, I doubt Grace would have done that. At least Elijah did have the grace (no pun) to properly apologise later. Thabu knew his own limitations and I could be wrong but surely a little exercise must be good for him? It would be good for them to be mates, there doesn't seem to be any other lads VJ's age in the bay or nearby. Do we know how old Thabu is?

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I feel really sorry for Thabo, he was dragged into this situation and doesn't seem to have any choice so he just reacts in the only way he knows how by rebelling against Elijiah and his mother.

Indi is edging towards the truth, I really do think Ruby will tell her out of spite, I hope she doesnt but she probably will do.

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