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I think Romeo has got this idea in his head that love has to be all pure and perfect, which is what he thought about Annie, and seems to think about Indi. Basically if he really fancied Indi he'd have gone to bed with her ages ago, I can't really believe those two have been dithering about for so long. He thinks its just lust with Ruby, maybe he thinks he should be above all that. Or something. But obviously love doesn't have to pure and perfect, it should be full of lust etc. But as he isn't religious like Geoff, I can't really understand why he's been avoiding sex til now. I've always wondered if he's been abused or something, TBH.

How awkward was that when Ruby was left in the hospital room with Romeo? Yikes. I wonder if not just Indi but Sid has got some idea of what's going on, especially after the 'first night fiasco' when Romeo turned up late.

Glad Charlie gave Romeo a brief telling off, as she didn't have much time.

Slade, you're right about Romeo/Luke's facial expressions. He's really got that 'oh god, I'm just about to be found out' expression down well. Although it does seem to be his normal expression, maybe he's just naturally guilty :lol:

And how funny was that when Brax kissed Charlie and she arrested him :lol: Perhaps she just wanted to handcuff him :o

Yes, poor Thabo. He thinks Elijah 'forced' his mother to marry him, no wonder he dislikes Elijah. Elijah has always annoyed me for some reason.

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Can't see how Indi hasn't worked it out by now. Romeo is negative and morose the whole time he's around her, since his tryst with Ruby. She reckons she can get it out of him, but she hasn't done a very good job so far. She just accepts his pathetic excuses, because she'e so in love with him. Love is blind alright!. What excuse is Romeo going to have for not going on this romantic weekend? Wake up girl! Sid will work it out before you do!

By the way, did you all work out that it was going to be Romeo knocking at the door? They kept us waiting just long enough so we could majke up our minds. Same thing happened a few weeks ago with Neighbours when Andrew was knocking at Summer's window.

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great to see this storeyline arousing so much interest.

Yes strangely I am finding this storyline compelling for some reason.

Ruby annoyed me for the third straight episode. I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt though and assume that her collapsing was the result that her mind wasn’t focused on eating properly and not an attempt at crying out for some attention. In saying that I’m just finding her so unlikeable at present. And I still stand by what I said previously that I feel this current situation is more her fault than Romeo’s which (although I can understand her falling for someone like that) is why I have so little sympathy for her. I don’t have much sympathy for Romeo either TBH but I’m finding him far less annoying. It does appear as though he’s more worried about himself than he is about either Indy or Ruby at present though.

I hated the way Ruby was acting towards Indy out of pure resentment. Indy was being so nice to her too and was prepared to completely put aside how Ruby’s acting towards her. Her attitude towards Charlie was even worse. I hate it whenever she uses Charlie as an emotional punch-bag like that. Just because Ruby doesn’t get her own way like some spoiled brat has to take it out on the person that is supposed to be closest to her. It was extremely frustrating when she ripped up the leaflet Charlie brought her and threw to booklets back at Charlie. And you could tell Charlie was visibly upset.

Apart from the end I did think for the most part Charlie did come across quite well for the second episode running. You could see that when Sid was quizzing her in the hospital about Ruby’s state of mind and when Indy was asking her when she came to check up on Ruby that Charlie wanted to say something but kept quiet for Indy’s sake. Even when she saw Romeo later on at the surf club, I still thought she did well to remain calm and could see where she is coming from but for the second episode running had to raise an eyebrow to one of her remarks - “You were just too weak and pathetic too say no”. Now that really does come across as hypocritical. How many people has Charlie slept with since she’s been in Summer Bay? Her track record is such that Martha, Nicole or even Tony would have been proud. The end was the part I wasn’t sure about although I did find it funny when she arrested Brax for kissing her and he asked what he was being arrested for and she said “assault”. Perhaps she did that as she didn’t want to give the impression that she liked the kiss, which I think is a possibility.

I thought John was pretty full on with Brax and co in the surf club but I can see where he’s coming from. Especially after finding drugs in one of the lockers and seeing one of Brax’s henchmen pass an envelope to him in exchange for cash. Also it must seem pretty intimidating to other people who use the surf club to see a group of them hanging around like that.

Given that Elijah is supposed to be a man of the cloth I’ve kind of lost respect for with this whole getting married to Grace thing. I’m just not finding him as likeable this time round either.

Not sure if it was today’s episode or yesterday but I love the way Thabo says – “I HATE it!”

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I don't know, I get the feeling people have gone into this storyline determined to hate Ruby and I don't.I've heard it said that she doesn't feel any guilt unlike Romeo, that she's being horrible towards Indi out of spite or resentment...and that's just not how I see it.Although "depression" might be going a bit far, I think Ruby's self-esteem is at an all-time low, she thought she'd got the man of her dreams and instead he's left her feeling like something worthless that he can just pick up and drop at his own covenience.(I don't think that's how Romeo is but I think that's how she sees him.)I thought she was oozing guilt when Indi was around her, she knows deep down that she's done wrong but she's got Indi being nice to her and sympathising with her and she genuinely can't stand it, hence she's pushing her away.Romeo, on the other hand, does obviously care about her, as the way he reacted when he heard Irene on the phone demonstrates, but he thinks he needs to keep his distance to avoid enflaming the situation.I was disappointed that his and Charlie's brief spat was cut short, the conversation seemed unfinished.Romeo was pretty pathetic trying to worm his way out of responsibility, acting as though it's Ruby's fault because she made the first move when they clearly made the decision to have sex together.I don't think Charlie's comment was entirely straight, it seemed more a case of "Well, if it's all Ruby's fault, then you're just too weak and spineless to think for yourself" and cutting through his excuses, showing him that he's in the wrong whichever way he looks at it.(Was Alexander really that much older than Romeo?I'd have thought they were about the same age.)It's a shame that, with Ruby, Romeo and Indi having been in three episodes this week, it'll probably be next week before we catch up with them again.(They even seemed to set up the gap with Romeo's "We'll wait until Ruby comes to us" comment.)

John's attitude towards the River Boys does seem a bit out of proportion, there's no evidence that they're linked to drugs and it looked like that guy was giving Brax some sort of papers rather than anything else.I'm surprised Brax brought the guys along for a mini-protest after he seemed to be fairly conciliatory before but maybe he was making a point that John can't have it both ways, keeping them away and blaming them for everything goes wrong.Guess we know where Casey gets his habit of randomly kissing pretty girls standing in front of him from.Either that or the Buckton women just have that effect on the Braxton men and not just because their surnames are only three letters different.I wonder if Charlie arrested him to prove she's not interested, hard to see them taking her seriously down at the station.

I find it hard to drum up anything to say about Elijah's storyline.I mean, I like Elijah and I think he's well-motivated and trying to do the right thing here.But without other characters getting involved, the three of them just seemed to be going over the same ground as the previous episode, even though there was some plot development with Thabo's deteriorating health.

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Guess we know where Casey gets his habit of randomly kissing pretty girls standing in front of him from.Either that or the Buckton women just have that effect on the Braxton men and not just because their surnames are only three letters different.

Oh you are funny! (haha I mean, not peculiar)

I just keep thinking I hope Ruby and Charlie don't marry Casey and Brax. That old rhyme: Change the name and not the letter, marry for worse and not for better. :lol: :lol:

Hopefully someone knows that rhyme about marriage!

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I don't know, I get the feeling people have gone into this storyline determined to hate Ruby and I don't.I've heard it said that she doesn't feel any guilt unlike Romeo, that she's being horrible towards Indi out of spite or resentment...and that's just not how I see it.

Could the same logic not be applied to some of your previous posts regarding certain characters/pairings? I haven't seen anyone in this thread say that they actually hate Ruby with regards to this particular storyline (unless I’ve missed a post or two). Personally I think that she does resent Indy. She decided to ignore Charlie’s advice and if Romeo hadn't told Liam and Liam clocked onto to what she was about to do and talk her around she might have gone through with telling Indy that she and Romeo slept together (I say might because she still could have backed out at the last minute without Liam to guide her but the intent was there nonetheless). As Miranda mentioned previously this is not the first time she's developed such feelings for someone, which is one of the reasons why I find it so hard to have any sympathy for her. And I personally find her to be an extremely selfish, self-centred and manipulative individual - but I don't hate her. Well, not yet anyway.

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I don't know, I get the feeling people have gone into this storyline determined to hate Ruby and I don't.I've heard it said that she doesn't feel any guilt unlike Romeo, that she's being horrible towards Indi out of spite or resentment...and that's just not how I see it.

Could the same logic not be applied to some of your previous posts regarding certain characters/pairings? I haven't seen anyone in this thread say that they actually hate Ruby with regards to this particular storyline (unless I’ve missed a post or two). Personally I think that she does resent Indy. She decided to ignore Charlie’s advice and if Romeo hadn't told Liam and Liam clocked onto to what she was about to do and talk her around she might have gone through with telling Indy that she and Romeo slept together (I say might because she still could have backed out at the last minute without Liam to guide her but the intent was there nonetheless). As Miranda mentioned previously this is not the first time she's developed such feelings for someone, which is one of the reasons why I find it so hard to have any sympathy for her. And I personally find her to be an extremely selfish, self-centred and manipulative individual - but I don't hate her. Well, not yet anyway.

Possibly.I try to keep an open mind and even when I don't, I like to think I'm willing to change my mind if a storyline doesn't go the way I expected.In fact, that's what happened this time.I was expecting Ruby to be scheming to break up Romeo and Indi, playing them off against each other, lying to them about what the other one was up to, manipulating events to stop them meeting up... and she hasn't done any of that which is why I'm going easy on her.She's selfish and self-centred certainly but I haven't seen any evidence of her being manipulative.I'm not really certain what that text message was all about, what I thought happened was that she texted Romeo to meet her(Indi was the one who read the text but I thought it was Romeo's phone), he turned up with Indi and that, possibly coupled with Liam's chat although she seemed to have pulled up short on seeing them together even before that, caused her to leave without saying anything.But maybe I misinterpreted it and she did call Indi to meet her for whatever reason.I guess her behaviour around Indi is open to interpretation, I see it as a kind of subconscious guilt manifested as hostility, others might see it as resentment.

Thinking about it some more, I don't think she'd tell Indi because she resented her, I think she'd do it because she resented Romeo.I don't think she's really thought about Indi at all in this, either way, she didn't think how sleeping with Romeo would affect her.So I think she'd be more likely to tell Indi about her and Romeo in order to punish him and not really think about the fact she'd be hurting Indi as well.

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I don't hate Ruby, I just feel sorry for her really, or even indifferent. I've given up on hoping she will ever change. I'd be more shocked and feel more if Indi was in Ruby's position and vice versa.

As I've said before, Ruby likes a guy, she wants him, she does whatever she can to get him, then consequences ensue. Remember how she chased Xavier down like a hunter with a fox despite his entanglement with that nymphomaniac girl, whatever her name was (Red? Help me here). Then when she'd got him, had sex with him and got bored with him, she chased Geoff, and did exactly the same with him. Then Liam, who sensibly wouldn't get involved. Also Alexander, who was just a user. Now Romeo, who, bless his cotton socks, is real Trouble.

She will work her way through all the men in the Bay before long. Dex must be next on the list, then all the River Boys. Wow.

However, the one I was really angry with was Romeo, I almost hated him. Going round to her house at night, sleeping with her then saying 'oh I must go immediately afterwards, don't tell anyone we did this' and leaving. That lesson should be taught in schools. If a boy says that after sleeping with a girl, its Bad News. So anyway, I was really cross with him but now I just think he's an idiot. He should be a man and tell Indi what happened.

But, it is a brilliant storyline, showing all characters' faults and weaknesses, dragging all us fans into twisting ourselves in knots :D

Actually the best thing that could come out of it is for Ruby to realise Romeo is weak and spineless, and realise that she can survive on her own without a man.

But it looks like poor old Casey is next on the list, what will become of him, poor lamb?

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