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Perhaps the invite to meet was to both of them? If it was just for Indi why did they both turn up? Romeo can't keep avoiding Ruby that would make Indi suspicious, well it would me. Wonder if the reason Ruby was so cool towards Indi was because she felt guilty, it didn't help Romeo being there either. Charlie was put on the spot when asked by Sid asked if there was anything bothering Ruby which would maker her forget to eat. She could hardly tell him the truth could she!! Then he asked Indi who of course has absolutely no idea - yet! May have been over the top Charlie suggesting she is depressed, Ruby may have low self esteem as you said Red, which may explain her need to be loved by the current guy in her life which I don't think is the same thing. I said the other day that when Ruby said she wanted to hurt Romeo the way he had hurt her, thing is she wouldn't just be hurting Romeo, but Indi as well, not forgetting herself.

On your point Miranda about Romeo wanting it to be perfect and his first time to be with the girl he loved, Annie was never going to be ready (did she ever know he was a virgin), him and Indi nearly did a few months back but Indi felt they were going to be doing it just for the sake of it and they both decided to wait until they were both really ready.

Charlie's 'talk' with Romeo may have been brief, but she made her feelings well felt!

Might have known Grace saying to Thabu they could go home if his tests were OK would result in him needing an emergency operation. :rolleyes: I'm sure Elijah did what he did with the very best of intentions, but it's all backfired on him. It must be very confusing to Thabu that Elijah married his mum so soon after his dad died. Did either of them consult him and let him know why they were having to marry because there wasn't any other way.

John certainly found something in one of the lockers, and it may just be vitamins, though I'm unsure as to why he is blaming the RB's, the Braxton's in particular, didn't he ban them from membership of the surf club, does that include the gym? Would Angelo going into partnership with Brax affect his rental agreement with the surf club board? Unless someone can prove Brax's money come from illegal dealings, not much they can do is there?

Charlie did rather ask for what she got, by asking Brax to go outside, what with all those catcalls and whistles from all the other guys! This charge, is it going to be 'assault with deadly weapons'!! :wink::lol: So Brax has himself a fancy and expensive lawyer does he, he definitely has money behind him.

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That was a funny episode. I thought it would be tasteless with Xave, Dex and Casey investigating female arousal but it was actually funny, especially when Casey was revving the car engine while the others recorded it. Meanwhile John and April were mystified! And when Sid was explaining it to them in hospital. How they all kept a straight face I'll never know. And how come Sid has time in his schedule to sort out their science project? Wouldn't they ask him when he was off duty?

The trouble is, C/D/X have got it all wrong. The only people they will attract by playing car noises will be other BOYS, not girls :lol:

Charlie is turning into the Terminator re: Brax. She is o b s e s s e d with him, isn't she? I think that lawyer bloke was completely right saying she had no grounds to arrest him and would make herself look silly. And when her colleague was laughing about 'assault with a deadly weapon' :lol: :lol:

I do think Brax and Angelo are similar physically, Brax is just more heavy set than Ange. That must be Charlie's 'type'. :lol:

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Wow! Ruby/Romeo/Indi must be a good storeyline, the way your posts keep on coming. Never seen so many about the teenagers. By the way Miranda, Xavier's first love was Freya, the one I said I wouldn't mind not having any choice about.

There seems to be 2 different views about Ruby amonst you all - condenm her or feel sorry for her. But what about Charlie's responsibility as a mother. She is pathetic and always has been to Ruby! Has no time for her, just the occasional badly thought out chat, that usually makes matters worse. She needs to acquire some serious parenting skills- fast, especially as she has no father around or father figure she can talk to.

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That's the one, Freya! All these blonde women just merge into one, I'm afraid.

Perhaps Leah and Charlie should get together and become a family unit :lol: Then Leah can use her parenting skills on everyone while Charlie is the breadwinner. I think my husband's head would explode if that happened, he's always liked those two ladies.

Actually now I think about it, Leah/Charlie is quite a good idea for a storyline, hopefully the writers are reading this :P

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There seems to be 2 different views about Ruby amonst you all - condenm her or feel sorry for her. But what about Charlie's responsibility as a mother. She is pathetic and always has been to Ruby! Has no time for her, just the occasional badly thought out chat, that usually makes matters worse. She needs to acquire some serious parenting skills- fast, especially as she has no father around or father figure she can talk to.

Hmm...part of me agrees that she is new at being a mother but I feel Charlie is in a position where she can’t do anything right. Anytime she tries to offer her advice and she tells Ruby something she doesn’t want to hear then it’s toys out the pram and then she dismisses Charlie in typical Ruby fashion. Let's not forget how she behaved during the whole business with Grant.

I thoroughly enjoyed the interaction between Dex, Casey and Xavier. I didn’t think those three would work well together but they did. Kind of like the three musketeers. And all three characters seemed quite likeable too. I found it really funny when they went to visit Sid in the hospital and Dexter was there with the notepad taking notes and I liked their experiment with Xavier and John’s car and the way firstly April and John looked totally bemused.

I’m not sure what to make about this whole thing with April. Presumably stealing the chemicals has ostracised her from everyone and she’s clearly feeling lonely as was indicated by her wanting to stay with Irene whilst Irene was still at work but I still don’t understand why she’s so insistent that she doesn’t want to give Xavier the wrong impression. I still feel part of her wants to be with him as I felt was indicated by when he quizzed her about Dexter and it felt like she was trying to reassure him that nothing was happening between them. I do think Dexter only sees her as a friend at the moment so I’m glad in that sense. Not really sure what the writers are trying to achieve by isolating her but I’m sure we’ll soon find out.

I found Watson’s amusement about the whole Charlie/Brax kissing thing quite funny. I knew she was going to ask Charlie what Brax’s kiss was like. I did wonder why Brax would waste so much money on a solicitor about something so trivial. There was no way he was going to be convicted of anything but it does beg the question as to how much money he has stashed away.

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To be fair to Ruby, although she and Geoff had their problems it was him who walked out on the relationship(although she did rebound straight to Xavier so I guess she wasn't too devastated...).I definitely think her self-esteem's pretty low at the moment, with that bit where Charlie gave her the depression leaflet and she said something like "I don't need you to tell me how pathetic I am."

I loved Georgie Watson in that episode, we do seem to be seeing a lot more of her this year after a very lean 2010(especially the second half).I liked the way she found Charlie's arrest amusing yet was the one to solve the mystery of where the liquour came from.Charlie's insistence that Brax is Mr. Big seems a bit silly(although Angelo was sort of right about Hugo...).If we take the guy who gave him the liquour at face value, then it seems to be perfectly legitimate.Even if it was some sort of scam and he somehow bankrupted the guy to get his stock, that seems a lot of effort to go to for very little reward.(Although it does raise the question of how long he's going to be able to supply Angelo if he's only got a limited supply.)I can't decide if he's dodgy or if he's just the world's most casually dressed entrepreneur.Loved John turning up at the station blowing hot air and getting short shrift from Charlie and Georgie.

The teaming of Xavier, Dexter and Casey is brilliant, they really do seem to be Geeks United, it's great that they've got three boys on the show who don't seem to fit the show's typical alpha male stereotype.They bounced off each other really well.If I were suspicious, I'd wonder if Gina teamed April up with Emily as a punishment but probably not since Gina was in Pleasant Mode this episode. (By the way, I think that's the first time we've seen Gina taking a class, well over a year after she started work there.)Emily seems to be shaping up to be the resident mean girl, I can't remember the last time we had one of them, might even be as far back as the mid-90s, it's mostly been male bullies and characters like Nicole or Matilda who are obviously going to turn good in the end.I sort of feel sorry for April but part of me's glad she's having a hard time because she did get off lightly over the chemical thing.I did think maybe she was interested in Dex when she didn't seem to want him to leave the Diner but after her chats with Irene and Bianca I think maybe she just wanted company.I think she does still like Xavier, she was very quick to tell him she and Dexter aren't a couple.She seems to be another one with low self-esteem and she seems to think she doesn't deserve Xavier and/or he's better off without her.(In fact, her wanting to hang around with Irene at the Diner reminded me of the way Ruby was behaving during her obsession with Liam last year.)As implied a few weeks back, it seems she's not quite seventeen yet, which is plausible, certainly more so than Xavier still being sixteen(I'm ignoring that one since he should be about eighteen).

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I've thought for a while but forgot to say that I think April is heading down into depression, judging by the way she's acting. Her father's opinion on her stunt with the chemicals was the last straw, she is feeling about two inches tall at the moment, poor thing. Just had a thought: Casey seemed pretty interested in her environmental escapades, didn't he...hm... Maybe she can save him from the Vampire Ruby :lol:

Is Xavier really still sixteen? He can't be surely, he has been sixteen for years while Romeo must be heading for nineteen :blink:

Re: Ruby/Geoff. I think Geoff just saw sense for once in his life, I was quite pleased he did that. He was probably obsessed with her but his obsession broke first. I miss Geoff, I never thought I'd say that.

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Is Xavier really still sixteen? He can't be surely, he has been sixteen for years while Romeo must be heading for nineteen :blink:

The line was mumbled a bit, maybe they realised the mistake and tried to cover, but they said he was sixteen when he was taken into hospital after the chemical spill.But like I said, I'm ignoring that, he was seventeen near the beginning of last year so he's probably just eighteen now.Romeo's about 18/19, he was seventeen when he first came in near the end of 2009.

I don't think it was a case of Geoff "coming to his senses", the way it was written it seemed as though he and Ruby were still "in love" when he left, he just wasn't in the right place to commit to a relationship and felt he needed to go off and find himself.Although I liked the character, I do think he'd run his course a bit and wouldn't really hit into the show with the characters that are there now.

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Maybe the hospital THOUGHT he was 16 but when they got his notes, realised he wasn't. That must be it, mustn't it. Cos it couldn't possibly be an error... :P

I must admit I've forgotten the details of the Geoff Ruby relationship, I haven't got a mind like a steel trap like you Red :P I thought Ruby started annoying Geoff in some way and he told her it was over. Can't imagine Ruby annoying anyone :lol: :lol: can you? I meant that I miss Geoff as a character, he was unusual that he started out being a 'good boy' who was a strict Christian etc. An unusual character. But of course the Bay worked its evil magic on him mwah hahaha!

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I think Charlie has realised she made a mistake by arresting Brax for kissing her as even Georgie teased her about it. His lawyer made a valid point as in why did she take him outside for a talk, as I mentioned the RB's were making catcalls and whistling. I suppose the only way she may be able to save face is just to give him a caution. So when did Brax become a furniture importer? Anyone else spot said furniture came from Indonesia (not again). Every inquiry they make seems to meet a dead end so either he is genuine or they've been paid serious money to keep quiet. I ask again if Brax has so much money why is he still living in a caravan park in Mangrove River, I thought he told Leah he wants to get out of there? Why was she having a go at Angelo, so far he hasn't done anything wrong.

Loved the teaming up of Xavier, Casey and Dex, once again two unlikely people bond over a car (echo's of John and Xavier) this time Xavier and Casey. Looks like it could be a long term friendship between the three of them. Gina and Miles certainly looked bemused judging by the trailer for tonight's episode. April kind of disproved their theory about girls being turned on by a guys car, but then they would need a negative to balance the positives. Looked interesting the fact Xav and Dex have decided Casey is to be their spokesman, he didn't look too happy.

I spotted that April seemed particularly keen for Xav to know she and Dex were just friends. Definitely not convinced when she told Irene she didn't want to get back with him. She did seem kind of lost, maybe she wanted to ask Bianca's advice, but got the brush off. Emily and her mate are real cows, you're right Red we haven't seen a girl bully for a while. If they are going to exclude April, how are they going to get their project done. I think Gina should have said something when Emily made that snide comment about using chemicals in their project, but perhaps she didn't hear it.

Don't see Casey actually speaking to his mum about meeting with Gina (about his being dyslexic), I suppose the only solution will be for Gina to call round there.

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