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Duh! didn't my name give me away, Brian :P

Today's episode, it was nice to see Dex, Casey and Xavier being silly with their science project instead of the Ruby/Romeo drama. Its obvious to me that Casey's dyslexic, he didn't use any notes, it was all off the top of his head. Plus his reaction to Heath's teasing, plus he's obviously too bright to make all the writing errors he makes, plus he is extremely charming, which is a tactic used by many dyslexics to distract people from the fact they can't do things other people can. So many parents deny things like that and think you're labelling their child as stupid. Gina would have been better calling it dyslexia, not 'a learning disability' (please tell me she said learning difficulty not disability, its got such a stigma :( ) I can't believe Gina and Miles are acting like Casey is the only student to have such problems. Is Summer Bay really so middle class that there are no others from difficult backgrounds, or so selective that there are no others with dyslexia?

Felt sorry for Dex, trying so hard to fit in and be normal but always being left behind. Meanwhile it seemed to be Casey and Xave having the bromance, high fiving each other every ten minutes :lol:

Also felt sorry for April, she is obviously suffering. Whatever she did with those chemicals, she deserves some kind of help. She looks like she might end up in Colleen's counselling group at this rate.

The 'next week on Home and Away' looked good, with secrets coming out....!

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I loved Casey in todays episode, it made me realise that having something different doesnt make you weird just unique and thats a good thing to have in your life.

Casey's presentation and comment towards Gina was funny and really charming, and the fact that he's hot really helps!

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Maybe the hospital THOUGHT he was 16 but when they got his notes, realised he wasn't. That must be it, mustn't it. Cos it couldn't possibly be an error... :P

I must admit I've forgotten the details of the Geoff Ruby relationship, I haven't got a mind like a steel trap like you Red :P I thought Ruby started annoying Geoff in some way and he told her it was over. Can't imagine Ruby annoying anyone :lol: :lol: can you? I meant that I miss Geoff as a character, he was unusual that he started out being a 'good boy' who was a strict Christian etc. An unusual character. But of course the Bay worked its evil magic on him mwah hahaha!

That was pretty much my recollection too. I seem to recall after the "race riots" Ruby started doing her "it's all my fault, it's all my fault...um Geoff that's you're cue to tell me it's not my fault" at which point he ripped her for being ludicrously self centred which caused her to storm over to Xavier's house and get him to tell her it wasn't her fault.....which is a pretty good metaphor for how she always treated Xavier actually. God, I hate Ruby.

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I must admit I've forgotten the details of the Geoff Ruby relationship, I haven't got a mind like a steel trap like you Red :P I thought Ruby started annoying Geoff in some way and he told her it was over. Can't imagine Ruby annoying anyone :lol: :lol: can you?

That was pretty much my recollection too. I seem to recall after the "race riots" Ruby started doing her "it's all my fault, it's all my fault...um Geoff that's you're cue to tell me it's not my fault" at which point he ripped her for being ludicrously self centred which caused her to storm over to Xavier's house and get him to tell her it wasn't her fault.....which is a pretty good metaphor for how she always treated Xavier actually. God, I hate Ruby.

Well, yes, that did all happen but then Geoff was a bit of a wimp and apologised and he and Ruby had a couple of tearful goodbye kisses hugging at the bus stop, so I'd definitely say they parted on good terms.

I loved all the Xavier/Casey/Dexter stuff, they sparked off each other well.Liked the way they tried to drag Morag and Colleen into their tests.I really hope Dexter's wrong about the bromance being over because I'd like to see more of those three.I think Gina did say learning difficulty but to be honest I don't really remember.I think Cheryl was going to see it as an accusation however they put it.(On the ongoing subject of what Gina's surname is, even she's calling herself Palmer now.Guess no-one's told the guy that does the end credits.)

Didn't quite buy Irene being the only person to remember April's birthday.Okay, they made a point about Bianca forgetting but did Irene really ask April for her date of birth when she moved in?Wouldn't Xavier, as an ex-boyfriend, have some idea when her birthday is?I keep jumping back and forth about what's up with April and whether she still likes Xavier or not, she seemed to be overreacting quite a bit at times.Although not as much as Bianca with her weird "So, Liam, are you going to have a drink?" thing.I mean, from the way it was brought up and the fact they used that clip in the recap, there probably is going to be something going on.But if you ignore the fact it's a television programme, we're left with Liam going to the bar and having a couple of drinks, not even getting drunk, and Bianca acting like that makes him an alcoholic!John and Sid were drinking as well, are Gina and Marilyn hitting the panic button every time they get a can out of the fridge?!

I did actually find Colleen a bit irritating with the way she kept refusing to leave the caravan park house, even though I do kind of understand it.Hopefully Morag and Nicole managed to knock some sense into her.

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Only watched up to the break just after Brax's lawyer arrived, whichever day that was on. Not too keen on this show lately. For the first time since Cassie and Henk, I'm skipping scenes. I skip the Elijah/Grace/Tharbot or whatever his name is scenes. Fed up with Elijah, which started as soon as he acted so stupid to Miles when he was trying to help. Ugh. Just take Grace and Tharbot back to Africa, and stay there. And get someone else murdered so Robert comes back.

What I'm completely uncertain on is Ruby... until the whole ending up in hospital, I hated her. Then I realised how similar her current situation is to what I've recently ended up in, so I have a kinda personal way of being able to relate to her. Without going into any detail, I ended up in hospital myself, over love. Anyway, moving on, that stopped me hating her and she's average now. But the whole not caring about Indi in all this annoyed me, and made me hate her for a while. And I'm fed up of how she's being with Charlie, and I'm starting to dislike Charlie because of how she's siding with Ruby. But of course, she's her mother so naturally would...

So those are the two storylines I'm not enjoying, and has pretty much been the central two of this week. I can't really think of anything else going on... the river boys. I quite like Casey, and the main one... Daryl, is it? Charlie arresting him was ridiculous. But yeah, besides those two characters, I wish the river boys would leave.

I don't really have anything else to say... but my character rankings in my sig need a redo... See you right at the end, Elijah.

EDIT: Oh... forgot about Xavier and April... Why do I get the horrible feeling they're going to put Dexter and April together...? For some reason, though... I don't hate that as much as I expected. We'll see, I guess. I suppose we'll get a new girl soon for Xavier, unless they're going to put him with Indigo.... which would be odd.

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Casey was brilliant in his presentation, with Dex and Xav kind of in the background. No wonder Gina didn't want to take the test, we know where her true passions lie as regards cars. :wink: Talking of which what happened to April, Emily and ?'s test? Casey looked really pleased with how it went and as you said Miranda it did seem Dex was left out again.

I'm sure you're not implying there Miranda that no middle class pupils could have dsylexia, because it is a classless disability (if that is even the right word for it). Perhaps Cheryl's overreaction may have been because she feels Gina was looking down on her and blaming her in some way. Do hope she doesn't decide to take Casey out of school because of it.

Xavier probably has remembered it is April's birthday but seeing as they are not together I don't suppose he will be sending her a card. The look of horror on Bianca's face when she remembered was good. I can get April's dad not bothering to remember, but I would have thought her mum would have. Maybe her panic attack was an psychological after effect from the chemical thing, any chance Bianca will have gone in to see how she was?

I felt quite sorry for Colleen feeling too proud to admit she was scared to go back to her caravan and trying every trick in the book to avoid doing so. Luckily in the end she did admit it and will be getting some help.

I'm sorry to bang on about Ruby (again) but it has been mentioned I think that she is doing what she does, flinging herself at men/boys as she has low self esteem because her dad wasn't her dad, her mum wasn't her mum and her sister wasn't her sister and her biological dad raped her mum. All of that would be understandable, BUT, she was like that when she first came to the bay and before she knew any of that. She tried to get Pat to sleep with her, who thankfully was old and experienced enough to say no as she was only 15 at the time. She threw herself at Xavier when he first came to town and couldn't wait to sleep with him. Then there was Geoff, Liam of course and Alexander although that didn't go very far. I'm not making excuses for Romeo, but he was a virgin and therefore didn't have the experience of either Pat or Liam to put a stop to it before it got to the point of no return.

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Argh! I wrote a post then the internet crashed :angry:

Fed up with Elijah, which started as soon as he acted so stupid to Miles when he was trying to help. Ugh. Just take Grace and Tharbot back to Africa, and stay there. And get someone else murdered so Robert comes back.

Thats exactly what I think Comfan93! And most of us have hurt ours own health because of love, don't worry ((hug))

H&A Lover :), what I was trying to say in my muddled way was that 1. I can't believe Summer Bay is so middle class that Casey is the only student from a disadvantaged and low income household.

2. Then separately, I hope Summer Bay High isn't one of those schools which ignores students with time consuming learning difficulties and concentrates on the high achieving, 'easier' students. Or a school that has selection procedures which put off those with learning difficulties. Those sort of schools make my blood boil, I've worked in them (before I changed jobs and went to more forward thinking schools) grrrrrr :angry:

God, its hard to post things with internet crasing and family running round :rolleyes:

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I'm sorry to bang on about Ruby (again) but it has been mentioned I think that she is doing what she does, flinging herself at men/boys as she has low self esteem because her dad wasn't her dad, her mum wasn't her mum and her sister wasn't her sister and her biological dad raped her mum. All of that would be understandable, BUT, she was like that when she first came to the bay and before she knew any of that. I'm not making excuses for Romeo, but he was a virgin and therefore didn't have the experience of either Pat or Liam to put a stop to it before it got to the point of no return.

EDIT: Oh... forgot about Xavier and April... Why do I get the horrible feeling they're going to put Dexter and April together...? For some reason, though... I don't hate that as much as I expected. We'll see, I guess. I suppose we'll get a new girl soon for Xavier, unless they're going to put him with Indigo.... which would be odd.

I agree that Ruby's always been a bit relationship/boy-obsessed.Arguably when she found out about her parentage and everything was the point when she started to go off the rails, although even before that she was dragging Xavier off to Martha and Hugo's farm when they should be at school so she could sleep with him.But I don't think Romeo's exactly an inexperienced innocent either, he's older than Ruby and I think he's been in that sort of situation with Indi enough times, without going all the way, to be able to say no(as Charlie kind of pointed out in her caustic way).

I'm not sure about Dexter and April, sometimes I think they're going to get together, sometimes I think they're going to stay friends, sometimes I see the faint glimmer of hope for her and Xavier. Sometimes it reminds me uncomfortably of Jai and Annie.(At least it's not Romeo she's hanging around...)I don't think I'd like April much if she hooked up with Dexter when she dumped Xavier in a fairly cruel manner and he's obviously still a bit cut up about it, although oddly I don't think it'd affect my opinion of Dexter.If it happens when there's a bit of distance and Xavier's moved on and is happy, I probably won't mind that much.

Oh-Miranda, I find it sometimes help when the internet crashes to back space to the previous page and/or try and cut and paste what you've written somewhere safe.

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