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Oh-Miranda, I find it sometimes help when the internet crashes to back space to the previous page and/or try and cut and paste what you've written somewhere safe.

Yes, thanks mate. But that was just a particular time when I was trying to do too many things at once and it all went wrong :wink:

Re: Romeo. I expect he's been fending girls off for years TBH. That's why I don't understand why he's the way he is.

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Well, April's neuroses become a bit more confusing.There does seem to be some lack of self-esteem there, perhaps with a touch of paranoia or maybe she believes she's going to get cancer as a "punishment"?At the moment, the idea of her and Dexter getting together seems a bit remote, it's obvious that April still loves Xavier and Dexter seems pretty keen for them to get back together. Maybe she considers Dexter safe somehow?Irene seems to have been lobotomised a bit, she doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on with April, Xavier and Liam seem to have a better idea of what she is and isn't going to like.

I am starting to absolutely love Xavier.I like that he did remember April's birthday(well done, H&Alover!)and seemed to know that she wouldn't want him around.And I'm glad they've kept his friendship with Casey going and that Dexter hasn't been entirely excluded.His pushing to Casey to better himself, coupled with some more prodding from Miles, was good too.It's a shame that, after being fairly sensible, he once again dealt with rejection by doing something dumb.

Bit up and down with Colleen's storyline.Despite Morag's withering looks, I thought she actually handled herself well at the meeting.The guy running it seemed a bit smarmy though and I'm not sure about his asking for compensation:Who's she going to get it from?The River Boys?The caravan park? There was a bit too much silliness at times and Morag seemed a bit up herself, especially in her chat with Miles about Casey, but I guess that's in character for her.

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Irene seems to have been lobotomised a bit.

I am starting to absolutely love Xavier.I like that he did remember April\'s birthday(well done, H&Alover!)and seemed to know that she wouldn't want him around.And I'm glad they've kept his friendship with Casey going and that Dexter hasn't been entirely excluded.His pushing to Casey to better himself, coupled with some more prodding from Miles, was good too.It\'s a shame that, after being fairly sensible, he once again dealt with rejection by doing something dumb.

Lobotomised a bit :lol: I think its either you are lobotomised or you aren't :wink:

I'm starting to love Xavier too, he's really becoming an interesting and good character, the most normal teenage boy of the lot. He was obviously devastated when April rejected him, he had tears in his eyes :( He and Casey are a good pair of friends, he is more low key than Romeo so doesn't wind Casey up. And I agree Xavier was nice to push Casey to better himself, without annoying him. Xavier has the knack of helping people without winding them up, whereas Romeo just irritates everyone. I've really gone off Romeo, in case anyone hadn't realised.

I'm glad at least Xavier tried to make it up with April, didn't just leave it. I knew as he stormed out of Angelo's that he'd get the Interceptor or do something else silly. But he's acting like a teenage boy, quite right! Incidentally, if the Interceptor is his car, how can he steal it?

It looks like Casey and Ruby will be stranded out on the road for hours while Xavier fetches petrol... Whatever could happen there, I can't possibly imagine :rolleyes: I just want to say 'run, Casey, run now, before she drains your life force!'

Dex was really good too. He really helped Xavier and April speak to each ohter, even if they didn't 'have make up whatever on the beach all afternoon' I think April's heading for a breakdown, I feel sorry for her.

I liked the Colleen scenes. I thought when she heard all the other people's stories (which were much worse than hers), she would realise she was being silly. Which actually, she isn't, it must have been terrifying when Brodie drove off with her caravan. I'm not sure who was chatting up the man in the shawl, Morag or Colleen!

Also loved Colleen's reaction when Casey went into the house. He loomed in the doorway and she scurried away. He did look quite sinister, I can imagine a tiny old lady like Colleen being scared of him. Then he looked normal again when he went to speak to Miles.

Off at a tangent, when I was skimming a few old episodes for research purposes, in search of the fabled Episode 4990 :lol: I watched some old ones of Romeo and Xavier. Romeo used to be so funny and smiley and nice, not the miserable git he's been recently. I think its the influence of Indi, sadly. She and he make each other boring, no passion. Maybe he would be better off withr Ruby.

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I’m glad Xavier gave Irene the present to give to April but I kept willing him not to go anywhere near April’s birthday lunch. I had a feeling she’d push him away. I felt sorry for him as that must of really hurt and unfortunately I have to agree with his initial thoughts in that he really should just stay away from her from now. She may still be harbouring feelings for him but she doesn’t want anything to do with him at present and he can’t force her. What April did was cruel but given her present state of mind, I find it hard to condemn her. I can even sympathise with what appears to be hypochondriac behaviour. I liked that Dexter tried to get them back on track as it shows he was being a friend to both of them and not really interested in April right now. Can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m actually starting to quite like Dexter now. At times I find him really funny and he hasn’t done anything to annoy me as of late. I really enjoyed the interaction with Dexter and Casey. I actually much prefer Xavier with Casey (and even Dexter) than I do with Romeo. Miles is still coming across quite well and I really like that in spite of his assault he’s doing his damndest to help Casey. Was there any point to the scenes with Coleen? Morag is always welcome of course.

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I’m glad Xavier gave Irene the present to give to April but I kept willing him not to go anywhere near April’s birthday lunch. I had a feeling she’d push him away. I felt sorry for him as that must of really hurt and unfortunately I have to agree with his initial thoughts in that he really should just stay away from her from now. She may still be harbouring feelings for him but she doesn’t want anything to do with him at present and he can’t force her.

I agree with this.I don't blame Dexter because he was just trying to help his two friends but Irene really should have known better than to try and pressure Xavier to attend and her silly, reductive "It'll all be all right if you two get back together" attitude is starting to grate.I didn't think April's reaction was that bad, she was clearly upset and torn between her feelings and whatever crazed logic makes her want to stay away from him rather than the cold rejection when she broke up with him, but I can see how Xavier would be hurt by it.Her behaviour there and the way she was with him last week do give me a glimmer of hope but I agree he needs to give her a wide berth until she's sorted through whatever issues she has.Xavier seems to be torn between the fact he'd get back with her in a heartbeat if she wanted it and the fact that every time he puts himself on the line he gets stomped on.

Off at a tangent, when I was skimming a few old episodes for research purposes, in search of the fabled Episode 4990 :lol: I watched some old ones of Romeo and Xavier. Romeo used to be so funny and smiley and nice, not the miserable git he's been recently. I think its the influence of Indi, sadly. She and he make each other boring, no passion. Maybe he would be better off withr Ruby.

I agree up to a point but I think Romeo went wrong way before Indi.I think the rot probably started to set in as early as the latter stages of the love triangle with Jai and Annie when we first saw what a selfish jerk he could be.He improved enormously when they brought in the double act with Xavier but then the whole first half of last year, with Mink and Annie coming back and then Jill, he devolved back into an annoying self-righteous self-centred character.He did actually show some spark of life when he and Indi got together but unfortunately it didn't last, the cute moments got fewer and further between and they were soon mired in relationship troubles.This year I think the relationship's been damaged beyond repair and I agree he'd be better off with Ruby, from a plot stand point if not a "moral" one, but sadly it's looking unlikely at the moment.I think she'd be better off with him too, Casey's not really right for her, he's not a strong enough character and I can see her going the same way as when she was with Xavier and becoming rather passive and lifeless(which some might see as an improvement but not a very interesting one).Romeo's not a particularly strong character either but at least he and Ruby have a bit of spark between them.

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But what about Charlie's responsibility as a mother. She is pathetic and always has been to Ruby! Has no time for her, just the occasional badly thought out chat, that usually makes matters worse.
I feel like I have to stand up for Charlie. It's Ruby that doesn't want to spend any time with her Mum and Ruby that won't take Charlie's advice. I bet Ruby loves the fact that Charlie works like all the time. It means that Ruby can do whatever she wants and act up and have sex with "the man of her dreams" because her Mum's not around to bust her for it.

I think Charlie is a good Mum. She really loves Ruby and really cares about her for some unknown reason - I mean obviously Charlie's her Mum but I meant even though Ruby keeps messing up really badly all the time. Ruby always throws it back in Charlie's face whenever Charlie tries to parent Ruby and give her daughter much needed advice.

It's Ruby who's the bad daughter and not Charlie who's the bad Mum. Ruby's not making any effort at all to be Charlie's daughter and have Charlie as her Mum. Ruby has absolutely zero respect for Charlie.

You know when Charlie gave Ruby those leaflets the other day - that totally wasn't her being a bad Mum was it? That was Charlie realizing that her daughter needs professorial help and trying to get her to realise it too but as per usual Ruby just tore up her Mum's advice (literally this time) and threw it straight back in her face. You know, to be completely honest I don't know why Charlie keeps on trying to do the right thing by Ruby. It's pretty clear that Ruby doesn't want Charlie to be her Mum. Charlie keeps trying to do the right thing by Ruby but Ruby just doesn't want it. Ruby just wants to be a free spirit and live her life her own way doing stupid and wrong things all the time but when Charlie pulls her up for all her c**p and tries to be a good and responsible Mum to her kid then Ruby won't allow that. Well I'm sorry Ruby but life just doesn't work that way. I mean if anyone needs a Mother in her life it's Ruby right?

I think Charlie should just take Ruby to the psychiatrist one day after school. If it means that Charlie has to miss some work time because of it then so be it. This is really important and it really needs to be done. Ruby's never gonna have a responsible adult life until she gets some professional help. Then she'll finally realise that she needs to let Charlie be her Mum and Charlie and Ruby can both have much better and more normal lives once Ruby's therapy is taking place. I think it'd help them to have better relationships with each other too. I think it would be really interesting to see a good/normal Mother/daughter relationship develop between these two! It's about bloomin' time right?

I agree he'd be better off with Ruby, from a plot stand point if not a "moral" one, but sadly it's looking unlikely at the moment.I think she'd be better off with him too,
No, no. Ruby has to get herself sorted out before she has another boyfriend. All this throwing herself at boys etc. that's all part of her issues. In fact that's the main thing that gets her in trouble with Charlie but then Charlie tries to parent and Ruby's not having any of it etc. That's all part of it.

Anyway my rant is over.

I found yesterday's ep. really boring actually.

Nothing happened.

Bianca's being all quiet atm. She's lost her edge which I'm quite annoyed about. She's not different and exciting anymore which really sucks.

Then I thought April and Xavier might get back together :D :D but that sooooooo didn't happen and yeah I was just really bored throughout the whole ep. :(

I thought Miles had dropped the charges against Heath actually.

I can't even get passed the fact that Casey went round to his teacher's house to tell him he'll do the science comp. I know it's H&A and everything but I don't have anything else to focus on instead so I can't get over that fact.

Oh things had better start improving really really soon or else I quit this rubbish. I want to see

Angiepantsâ„¢ leave

but that's all really. Until then I could only watch the eps. with him in. And Charlie coz I like her too and maybe Romeo and Indi as well but that's it. Everyone else is officially not worth it anymore for me which is a real shame because at the end of last season "Home and Away" was one of my favorite shows, if not my favourite! :( :(

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Off at a tangent, when I was skimming a few old episodes I watched some old ones of Romeo and Xavier. Romeo used to be so funny and smiley and nice, not the miserable git he's been recently.

(oops I messed up the quote tags)

Red Ranger:

I agree up to a point but I think Romeo went wrong way before Indi.I think the rot probably started to set in as early as the latter stages of the love triangle with Jai and Annie

He improved enormously when they brought in the double act with Xavier

He did actually show some spark of life when he and Indi got together but unfortunately it didn't last, the cute moments got fewer and further between and they were soon mired in relationship troubles.This year I think the relationship's been damaged beyond repair and I agree he'd be better off with Ruby,

Romeo's not a particularly strong character either but at least he and Ruby have a bit of spark between them.

Yes, perhaps I was being too harsh on Indi. She was a good character before she got together with him, but all they do is talk about 'their relationship' and don't actually have one (as I've said a million times before). She would be better making a clean break and finding a boyfriend at university, like Eduardo :lol: :lol:

As you say, Romeo and Ruby do at least have a spark, for obvious reasons.

I really was shocked when I saw him in the episodes around 4990. There is no other word for it. He was smiling, laughing, funny, happy, I didn't recognise him TBH. I also wonder if Luke is working on some other show as well as H&A at the moment, cos he always looks so damn tired these days :huh: Whereas all those episodes ago, he looked bright and light hearted. Dear oh dear, the trials of being a busy actor and model, poor chap :lol:

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Another episode with a very small cast.And Xavier is still well on the way to being my favourite character at the moment.He was incredibly cool in that episode, I loved the way he stood up to Heath and managed to embarrass him instead of being stupid and losing his temper.Shame he came on a bit strong when he saw Heath chatting to Ruby but he was well-intentioned.Good episode for Heath too, he came across as really caring about Casey but just not getting him.And he wasn't too obnoxious with Ruby and Charlie either.Gina won the title of Most Annoying Person in the Episode hands down.She just has no faith in her family at all, does she?First she has a go at John for not instilling responsibility in Xavier(yeah, cos that's not her job as his mother?!), then she jumps to the conclusion that Xavier would get involved in a police chase.Once you get past the idea of him taking the car(especially with an empty tank), he was actually pretty responsible, keeping an eye on Ruby and keeping his head when the car broke down/ran out of petrol.John came off well:Calling the police in was a bit extreme but fairly logical and again he seems to understand Xavier better than Gina does.And his comment to Charlie about losing respect by arresting people for silly reasons was spot on, even if she did brush it off.

Oh, Ruby.Again, she seems to be looking at her role in things through rose-tinted glasses:No way did she think Romeo and Indi had broken up, as she makes out when talking to Casey, even if she did think their relationship was in worse shape than it apparently is.But again...Tom Fletcher help me, I actually think I like her, possibly because she's obviously a complete mess rather than a complete monster.And she even acknowledged she'd treated Casey badly, even though she treated him nowhere near as bad as Romeo's treated her and Indi, which seems another nail in the coffin of the "Ruby doesn't feel any guilt" claim.Don't know what to make of Casey.In the promo at the end of the previous episode, he actually came across as pretty sleazy but that didn't seem the case in context.I think we're meant to believe he genuinely likes Ruby but I'm not really sure where it's come from, he'd barely spoken to her and yet suddenly out of nowhere he's meant to have feelings for her.It feels a bit shallow and I can't really invest in it.I don't think Ruby particularly likes him, I think she just likes the idea of someone liking her.I think her experience with Romeo has damaged her a bit, it's hard to imagine her having sex with some boy she barely knows even a few weeks ago but he seems to have left her with the impression that it's something casual.Xavier did seem to keep the fact Ruby was with them from Charlie for a little bit too long in order for her to be shocked at the end, did he really think she wouldn't recognise her?

By the way, when Casey said the River Boys would literally give a friend the shirt off their back, it did make me wonder about how often we've actually seen them wearing shirts.Maybe that explains it...

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By the way, when Casey said the River Boys would literally give a friend the shirt off their back, it did make me wonder about how often we've actually seen them wearing shirts.Maybe that explains it...

Hahaha :wink::lol:

Sorry Ruby, there's a name for girls like you but I don't want to say it. Having sex with a boy you hardly know in a car in the middle of nowhere??? (at least thats what it looked like they were doing) And Casey, you're no better! Going on and on about how you're different to the River Boys then acting exactly like they do :huh:

I really didn't realise how temperamental and easily thrown Casey is. When he suddenly started having a go at Ruby for not much reason at the car gathering, I thought he was going to flip out, but luckily didn't. I think it actually helped him when Heath turned up. I did actually like it when Ruby called Heath's bluff completely and he lost his nerve :lol:

Surely Casey knows its Romeo that Ruby was talking about? He seemed to work it out last week. Re: his feelings for Ruby, either he sees her as a way out of the River Boys prison, or he just knows with a few nice words he can have his wicked way. He called her a skank when he first met her, then as Red says, suddenly seems to be besotted with her. And another thing I agree with Red: Ruby just likes Casey liking her 'its better than being alone' as she said to Romeo That Night.

I think I need a male viewer to explain to me exactly why all these boys fancy Ruby so obsessively? What is it about her, Red, Slade, anyone?

Yes, Xavier seems to have had an injection of cool. Everything you said about him Red was true, shall we form the Xavier Fan Club? I just LOVED the way he outmanoeuvred Heath and made him look an idiot about the car engine discussion; the way he kept Ruby's identity secret from Charlie until it was too late; the way he told them all to calm down and kept calm himself.

I can't agree that Gina was the most annoying character. She was simply being a mum and panicking about her child, hitting out at anyone nearby in a totally illogical fashion, as you do. My daughter ran away yesterday from the park and we lost her for five minutes, which seemd an eternity. God knows what I'll do in ten years when she's going out in cars with boys like that :o

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which seems another nail in the coffin of the "Ruby doesn't feel any guilt" claim
Well she never ever feels guilty about anything she does that really matters does she? I'm talking about things like: Going to the Informal when she was grounded, using Angelo to fight her battles with Charlie when she should've just accepted her punishment and sleeping with Romeo when she knew full well that Indi had no plans to finish with him like Romeo thought, to name but a few of the many examples of times when Ruby's just played the victim instead of accepting responsibility for what she's done wrong. :angry: :angry:

Sorry Ruby, there's a name for girls like you but I don't want to say it.
Do you mean worse than skank Miranda? Is that quite mild is it? I'm thinking of a word that begins with sl... is that the word you were thinking of too Miranda? I don't use this language as a rule but I'll make an exception for Ruby because that's exactly what she is. I don't mind about being rude where she's concerned because I really hate her and she just makes me want to be rude to her/about her/not care that I'm being rude/derogatory to her/about her.

Going on and on about how you're different to the River Boys then acting exactly like they do :huh:
Well we don't actually know that that's how they are do we? They're loud and they like to cause trouble and stir things up and they like to party but we don't know that they're womanisers or anything like that do we? Are you talking about because they wolf whistle at Charlie all the time? So? That's what guys like that are like. It's harmless. And you know, Charlie's a big girl. She can handle it.

I actually thought it was kinda funny how Heath was kinda taking the Mickey out of her at Angelo's at the start of the eppy! And all the others were kinda laughing too. I mean I really don't like Heath but that's just what they do. It's harmless. Charlie gave as good as she got though didn't she?! :lol: What do you suppose Charlie wanted to speak to Angelo about anyway? - "A personal matter". To see if he has anything on Brax yet?

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