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Alright Changelo, alright, I'll reply :wink:

I meant slag, slapper, slut, yes they do all start with sl... funny that.

I think when Casey talked about taking 'girls but not Ruby' to the car rally, he meant the sl... girls. He kept trying to put her off going cos he said things could get rough, or whatever his words were. I can't believe the River Boys aren't womanisers, a big gang of men like that just would be, it would be a macho thing for them to do. What were those girls in bikinis doing at the car rally anyway? Don't think it was innocent. I thought the same as you about the wolf whistling at Charlie, it was nothing.

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Alright Changelo, alright, I'll reply :wink:

I meant slag, slapper, slut, yes they do all start with sl... funny that.

Oh well now you mention it I guess they do. I was thinking of sl*t but I guess that longer one works too. Anyway we'll stop talking about that now.

It's good to know when someone's on the same page as you though! :)

I think when Casey talked about taking 'girls but not Ruby' to the car rally, he meant the sl... girls.
Agreed. But he just doesn't know Ruby yet obviously. I mean now he kinda does but then he didn't know that she actually is one of those sl... girls.
I can't believe the River Boys aren't womanisers, a big gang of men like that just would be, it would be a macho thing for them to do. What were those girls in bikinis doing at the car rally anyway? Don't think it was innocent.
Oh you've got me there Miranda. No I don't think those girls there at the rally were innocent either but erm... I guess I just never thought of it in quite that way. But you know though I think that Casey does genuinely like Ruby so he wants to treat her differently than being a womaniser. Although just jumping straight to that when they barely know each other isn't exactly er... promising is it but then again that is what Ruby does best isn't it? She just always rushes things.

I thought the same as you about the wolf whistling at Charlie, it was nothing.
Yeah. If it was me I'd probably be a bit intimidated that there were so many of them but if you are you can't let them see that. I think Charlie's taking it all in her stride though. She's O.K.

I did actually like it when Ruby called Heath's bluff completely and he lost his nerve :lol:
Yeah that was kinda fun! Even if it does kinda mean that I have to admit something good about Ruby. :o

Re: his feelings for Ruby, either he sees her as a way out of the River Boys prison, or he just knows with a few nice words he can have his wicked way.
Umm... I think he's genuine. He's got to know her a little better than he did at first and now he has for some reason unbeknown to me Casey actually genuinely likes Ruby now.

Do you know what the worst part was for me today? When Casey was telling Ruby to never change. NO NO. Ruby doesn't take Charlie's advice on how to improve her life either but she really should start listening to her Mum. Maybe it was kinda cool that Ruby didn't listen to Xavier at the rally but Casey was generalising and in every other aspect of Ruby's life she does need advice on how to live it better/how to have negative effects on other peoples lives' less. You just know that what Casey said to her is gonna cause a big problem. Oh dear. :rolleyes:

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Actually am gonna interrupt and just state this, I do believe now that Ruby is moving on from Romeo, she shouldnt have slept with Casey yet but it was going to happen and I want to see more of her admitting her faults like she did today.

I loved Xavier in todays episode, because he made Heath look stupid on the topic of cars :P

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Yes, Changelo, I think we had a good discussion yesterday :D

I think what would be really nice would be if Ruby and Casey were just friends, like April and Dex. They didn't fancy each other particularly, or just maybe a bit, and they could sort out their problems before jumping into bed/ the backseat of the car/wherever. You can bet that it was Ruby's suggestion, and he just said 'oh, okay then if you're asking', can't you? <_< He'd never say no, would he?

I'd love it if she realised she can exist without a boyfriend and became a strong woman, not just a sl.. woman.

Yes, it was funny when she scared Heath like that. He isn't as tough as he makes out, is he? :wink:

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When Xavier didn't mention Ruby by name, just saying it was him, Casey and a 'friend', I don't suppose for a moment he thought they would find them in the position they did!!! It wouldn't have taken a genius to work what was happening by the way the windows were all steamed up, why didn't they think to lock the car door btw? On a slightly different point wasn't it only a few weeks ago Sid told Gina that Xavier may suffer long term damage to his heart from the effects of the chemical accident, yet there he was running along the highway with no trouble at all, writers suffering from amnesia? :unsure: That was brilliant the way Xavier handled himself when Heath was taking the mickey and came out with all that stuff about the car. :D Ruby handled herself pretty well too, liked the way she shot Heath down in flames. Did you notice that Heath referred to the boys having a skank with them, wonder if Charlie will remember that? Casey did know who Ruby was talking about (he confronted Romeo on the beach about it), perhaps he was sparing Ruby's feelings by pretending not to know. It was a good chat they had, pity it ended the way it did.

I think John did the right thing actually, he'd tried to find Xavier by himself and Charlie and co would have had better luck, they were only looking for the car, partly to make sure he hadn't had an accident. John's little side remark about 'frightening' Xavier but not nicking him or anything. Just as well then Ruby was driving being the only fully fledged driver amongst them. Another mystery solved at least, John said to Gina that Xavier was nearly 18. Can understand her concern about him maybe having had an accident, the car is pretty powerful and he wouldn't be used to handling it. As it is half his, it wouldn't be theft, maybe taking without permission? Plus the fact he only has his P's, I assume that means he wouldn't be allowed to drive a car over a certain engine size for about a year? Anyone know?

I guess the girls at the rally may have been River Girls and as such had a certain rep anyway.

It was only given a brief mention but it looks like Charlie did drop the charges against Brax.

I liked your line Red, about the RB's and their shirts, perhaps they don't have that many between them and they wear them in turn.

Felt sorry for Xavier when he turned up at April's party and she blanked him again! She really liked his present and was wearing it then to rub salt into the wound handed it back to him. There is definitely something wrong with her and the only one to notice it and the only one she seems be able to talk to is Dex, who was lovely btw.

Not too sure about this new guy Keith (?), that Colleen met at the support group, he did seem to come across as genuine, but I have a feeling there's more to him than meets the eye. Did my ears deceive me or did Colleen tell him on the phone she doesn't like to pry into her neighbours business? Liked Morag's line to Miles - "We've created a monster"

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I think I need a male viewer to explain to me exactly why all these boys fancy Ruby so obsessively? What is it about her, Red, Slade, anyone?


You haven't mentioned me, but I am a male, so here goes. Ruby is really gorgeous, very attractive and turns boys' heads.

Always dresses well and speaks OK. She's very aware of what going on around her, especially with boys and older guys, looks at them, cocks her head to one side as if you say "what are you waiting for then?" When she does speak to them, it's usually something challenging, that makes them want to respond and find out a bit more about this chick. Casey got drawn in and had her sussed pretty quickly.

Indi is no way like that, April a bit but too serious, Nicole is the nearest. Then there was Freya.......

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I find Ruby's attitude rather interesting compared to some of the comments on here because there do seem to be a certain amount of double standards:Ruby gets the sl word thrown in her direction, in real life, not in the show, yet Romeo slept with a girl who wasn't his girlfriend and Casey had sex with a girl he hardly knows in the back seat of a car and no-one's labelling them sluts.Just one of society's quirks, I guess...I find it odd that people would assume sleeping with Casey was Ruby's idea, even though he was the one turning on the charm.I didn't really think about it, to be honest, but I think it was probably a mutual thing.

Awful lot going on in that episode.Gina decides on a unilateral and slightly harsh punishment for Xavier.I really liked the little scene between Xavier, Romeo and Indi that followed, not often we see those three hanging out, but I'm not sure how I feel about Xavier trying to get round Gina by going to John.Although it was John's car and he clearly wasn't happy about Gina laying down the law like that.Their last scene, with her blanking him at the Diner, felt very odd, like something else had happened or was going to happen but...didn't.The way it was pitched I actually thought John had found out Gina had got rid of the car behind his back.

And to think that people thought Ruby liking Romeo was ridiculous or a sign of mental instability.The whole Ruby/Casey thing is even more ridiculous.At least Ruby had known Romeo a while and he'd been nice to her.Casey has apparently decided he "really likes" Ruby on the basis of exchanging insults with her a couple of times and giving her a surfing lesson.Okay, he apparently likes that she's "fiery".And, given Miranda's comment about Casey seeing her as an escape, I am wondering if he's drawn to her because she's different to the girls he usually meets.But now we're meant to think Ruby "really likes" him as well?!It's obviously a rebound thing, she's been treated badly by one guy and now another one's being nice to her and she's reacting to that.Getting together with him would be a really bad idea for both of them, especially since it seems he likes her more than she likes him.

Brax's attitude towards Casey was interesting:He's jokey and acting as though the whole thing's nothing serious in front of Charlie, then becomes strict and responsible when he and Casey are alone. Heath was completely out of line and, although I understand why he did it, Miles was wrong to drop charges against him.If Heath's guilty, and we've been led to believe he is even though we didn't see it, then he hit a man over the head with a bottle without any provocation and he needs to be punished for that.He shouldn't be let off the hook just because he won't let Miles help Casey otherwise.

Charlie handled Ruby all wrong, I kind of wonder who gave her the silly "Be strict and break her" idea.Sadly it was probably Irene or Leah, it's the sort of thing they'd come out with on their worse days.Keeping Casey away from Ruby isn't going to help the problem.Brax's advice to her was actually pretty spot on, hopefully Charlie will listen.

Again, I rather liked Ruby.I was pretty much cheering her on against Charlie, she's right that Charlie was being a hypocrite and, whilst sleeping with Casey isn't going to help her reputation, Charlie shouldn't have tried to make her feel small because of it.And she was actually being pretty responsible with Casey, noting that she's not in the right place for a relationship given that she's got a lot of unresolved issues over Romeo(I don't think she wants to date him anymore but she's clearly still thinking about what happened a lot)and it's not worth more trouble with Charlie.And I loved that scene between her and April, they do have a lot more in common than either of them's willing to admit.I always thought they'd make good friends, I was disappointed more wasn't made of them living together, and I really hope they have more interaction rather than it just being a flash in the pan.

And then the ending.I think it would be very hard to argue that Ruby did the wrong thing.She did it for the wrong reasons probably, part jealousy at Indi being happy with Romeo when she's miserable and part wanting to punish Romeo who's escaped their encounter unscathed.But, frankly, Indi needed to know.And she definitely needed to know before she went off on a romantic weekend with Romeo and slept with him, which Romeo seemed quite happy for her to do.Romeo's brought it on himself, first by sleeping with Ruby and then by trying to cover it up and get away with it.I don't know, it was wrong of Ruby to want to hurt Indi, which she apparently did, although I understand why she did it, Indi was unknowingly saying all the wrong things and pushing her to breaking point.I feel sorry for Indi finding out like that but in the long run it's probably for the best.

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Firstly, I personally did say Casey was as bad as Ruby and I have been calling Romeo an idiot and all sorts of other nasty names (maybe not on this thread though). With Ruby, we've seen her throw herself at no end of boys whereas we haven't seen Casey doing anything like that before (obviously, as we hardly know him) or Romeo for that matter. I don't think Romeo usually sleeps around, never seen that anyway.

If it had been Indi, Nic or April in the car with Casey I wouldn't have called her a slut, I would just have been shocked by totally unusual behaviour by her. Its just that Ruby is behaving more and more like one, its becoming her natural behaviour :(

However, as Ruby pointed out today, there is this double standard which I don't agree with, where boys are admired e.g. Brax's comment 'didn't know you had it in you' to Casey, and girls are sneered at. Romeo acted worse than Ruby as he was in a relationship but equally, she knew for definite that Indy was not about to split up with him. R and R are pretty even in sluttiness! :lol:

And the other thing of course no one I think has mentioned: did Casey and Ruby use contraception? If it was totally unexpected, would they even think of it? Miles was quick to check Romeo did, but no one, even Charlie, has mentioned it unless it was offscreen (pointless really). That would be my REAL worry if Ruby was my daughter. Will she soon be in Nicole's situation?

Ruby was quite nice this episode, I felt sorry for her. She was kind to April and up front with Casey. She was obviously being horrid to Indy, but why should Romeo get away with his behaviour and pretend he's innocent and it was all evil Ruby's fault? Indy deserves to know. Initially I despised Romeo, I feel like I'm going back to that.

Really glad its all come out, now the s will hit the f, won't it? :D I do like to see drama in a drama series.

I liked the scene with Brax giving sensible advice to Charlie about teenagers, he was really nice about it.

And I liked John putting his foot down about HIS car with Gina. You can't tell a man to get rid of his car, or bike FFS! Its like de-manning them :lol: I LOVED Xavier's discussion with John about the car, his voice went all emotional and upset. But obviously it got to John, proving John isn't totally hard hearted :)

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I find Ruby's attitude rather interesting compared to some of the comments on here because there do seem to be a certain amount of double standards:Ruby gets the sl word thrown in her direction, in real life, not in the show,

Not sure what you meant here, Red. In real life? Has someone called her a slut in real life? :o :o Some crazed fan, obsessed with Romeo :lol:

Oh, Brian, sorry. Thanks for explaining why males like Ruby, its interesting. I notice that men like challenging girls, for all their moaning about girls being 'too high maintenance' for them. I always thought Ruby was the most boring of the girls, I thought Nicole would be the one the boys all went for.

Just had a really funny thought. If Brax and Charlie got married, Casey would then be Ruby's step uncle :lol: :lol:

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And the other thing of course no one I think has mentioned: did Casey and Ruby use contraception? If it was totally unexpected, would they even think of it? Miles was quick to check Romeo did, but no one, even Charlie, has mentioned it unless it was offscreen (pointless really). That would be my REAL worry if Ruby was my daughter. Will she soon be in Nicole's situation?

I did kind of wonder about that "Romeo and Ruby were safe" thing:Who exactly came prepared, so to speak?Does Ruby keep something in her draw or does Romeo have something in his wallet?

Just had a really funny thought. If Brax and Charlie got married, Casey would then be Ruby's step uncle :lol: :lol:

The thought I had was that if both the Bucktons marry the Braxtons, Charlie and Ruby would be both mother/daughter and sisters-in-law...

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