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In todays episode, I think Ruby is finally admitting her faults & trying to find her way through it which is admirable. The way Indi found out was brutal but it was inevitable, you can never hide something like that and it wouldnt be fair to Indi for it to have been hidden but she could have found out in a less painful way.

I liked Miles trying to persuade Casey to get involved in the science competition. I had never really formed an opinion about Casey but now I think he is trying to make the best out of a bad situation.... i.e. the bad situation being his family namely Heath I think.

Brax seems to change his hand every time we see him, its hard to see whether or not he is genuine, but I think that he is genunine about Casey.

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I think I need a male viewer to explain to me exactly why all these boys fancy Ruby so obsessively? What is it about her, Red, Slade, anyone?

TBH Miranda, I’m a male and even I don’t understand at times what it is about her. OK appearance-wise I think she’s quite attractive (got a nice cleavage too) but completely the opposite in personality. She’s totally self-obsessed, selfish and thinks the universe revolves around her. And I said this last week but as a person I’m finding her completely unlikeable at the moment.

I could not believe what I was hearing from Casey in yesterday’s episode when he was obviously trying to charm Ruby - “You’re so much better than him”, “You’re amazing” - What?! Is this the same Ruby we’re talking about because I can’t see it. Although in saying that fair play if he managed to bag her. I started off thinking Ruby wasn’t that bad yesterday but after today I feel she has descended into the spawn of Satan. She harps on about being used by Romeo and even though Casey wanted it too I feel she was using him. And I don’t see how it could have been special in the back of a car. Once again she disrespects Charlie (even though Charlie was being hypocritical again) who was clearly trying to look out for her. Then when she told Indy about her sleeping with Romeo I feel that was truly borne out of pure spite and malice! In particular the way she said “I had him first” trying to rub it in. The worst thing about that was the fact that Indy was going out of her way to be nice to her again trying to boost Ruby’s self-esteem. The ONLY thing I liked about her was the conversation with April. They’re both in similar situations, not really feeling good about themselves, fairly isolated can’t be with the person who you could argue that they love so they could be conceivable as friends. At least April’s self-isolation is because she genuinely feels she guilty and is trying to protect someone though. Ruby’s attitude was if I can’t have him no one can! I now really want to see her get some major comeuppance.

On more positive note Xavier has been really good lately. Even though he’s still slipping up and getting into trouble the writers are doing it in such a way that you just have to like him. Not sure who that guy Xavier was talking to yesterday at the party but I liked the way he and Xavier bonded over cars. I also quite liked the stuff with Xavier and John and I really liked John putting his foot down with Gina. It was about time too but notice how childish she was ignoring him in the Diner later on.

I’m really liking Miles at present. The fact that he was prepared to drop the charges just for Casey’s benefit really says something. I didn’t like the way Charlie said Casey wasn’t worth it so I quite liked it when Miles said he would have a memory lapse if Charlie forced him to testify. I think Heath’s an idiot and part of me still wants Miles to press charges against him and his attitude towards Miles today proved it.

I found it interesting that Charlie was prepared to take advice from Brax. Under that tough exterior there’s a lot of logic and reasoning there.

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I think I need a male viewer to explain to me exactly why all these boys fancy Ruby so obsessively? What is it about her, Red, Slade, anyone?

Can't help you there Miranda, beats me, she was born with pedals and a push up bra. She's done it now though, I think it will all backfire on her and she'll have to go to Perth (people always disappear to Perth). The thing that gets me about Ruby is she only seems to exist as somebody elses reflection, she needs to develop her own identity apart from others.

Yes, I also found it unlikely that Charley would take advice from a 'river boy' especially after his crime of passion but stranger things happen I guess. :huh:

I like the Xavier, Casey, Dex group it's good to see them behaving like teenagers and not constantly strung up on girls. I don't think I ever got as serious as they do in Summer Bay.

Is it me or has Miles lost a lot of weight, his arms are really skinny, I wonder if he's been ill?

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I feel like as a mum I must stick up for Charlie and Gina. Charlie is using the 'don't do what I do, do what I say' technique, which is actually the right thing for children to do i.e. don't copy your parents' actions! If my daughter does some of the things I've done in my life, I'll have hysterics and a fit all at once. Charlie doesn't want her daughter to make the same mistakes as she did, same here, so at least Charlie and I are trying to point our daughters onto the right path. But of course, as Brax said, they have to make their own mistakes and learn for themselves... <_<

Re: Gina. Yes she was childish ignoring John, but she was just trying to do the best for Xavier, her baby. I don't agree with her trying to get John to sell the car, but she's only doing her best. There's no Parenting Manual, remember. Or maybe Brax, Charlie and Gina should get together and write one :lol:

Thanks for your male opinion Slade. I suppose its impossible to know why people fancy people, its all subjective :huh: But I just noticed yesterday, Ruby said to Casey something like 'everyone's against us, its impossible, its too hard' so that is a classic reason for young romantic kids to want to be together, isn't it? The 'Romeo and Juliet' syndrome: star crossed lovers torn apart etc.

Oh, just realised that Psychic Wombat posted the same time as me. Thanks for your opinion too :) I thought maybe Ruby was irresistible to all men or something but obviously not, phew!

There is one thing I want to get in before I forget and before anyone else says it. I reckon Casey's father is not the same man as the father of Heath and Brax, that would explain why Casey is so different to them. Just sayin.

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I think Gina's 'sell the car' was a knee jerk reaction and it is John's car so she can't force him to sell it. Surely she isn't going to go into silent mode to 'punish' John? How very adult!!! I think Xavier has learned his lesson and won't be taking the car out again soon anyway. They all need to sit down and agree a suitable punishment for Xavier.

Good point there Miranda about contraception, does Ruby carry some around with her, from the way Brax reacted, it doesn't sound likely Casey is that experienced so he didn't probably didn't. Btw Romeo definitely hadn't slept around, he was an innocent in that respect. :wink: That's the problem when a parent has had a less than perfect past, are you really entitled to come down on your child/children when they do the same thing? Don't forget when Charlie was confessing all to Ruby in the past Ruby thought it was her older sister telling all, perhaps Charlie even forgot that, it wouldn't normally be something a mother would tell her daughter is it? I realise she doesn't want Ruby to make the same mistakes, but there must be other ways to put her point across. Brax made some very valid points and Charlie was willing to listen and maybe act on them. It sounds like he has been both a father figure as well as older brother. I see the old 'keep away from each other' phrase come up which has been mentioned before bit tricky when they go to the same school. All academic anyway as Ruby has told him there is not going to be any them as a couple. At least she had the decency to break it to him gently.

Not sure if Miles should have caved in or not as regards Casey and the science project, he really wants Casey to have a chance in life and Brax at least is ready to back him. Heath threatening to punch Miles would really have helped his case wouldn't it? :rolleyes::wacko:

Well Ruby certainly didn't hold back on telling Indi about what had happened between her and Romeo did she!! Talking about letting her have it with both barrels. Not only that but in a crowded diner so the world and his wife will now know about it. At least Romeo didn't try and deny it, that look on his face screamed pure guilt.

I know it doesn't happen until tonight, but as we saw on the trailer Indi discovers Nicole knew all about it. I'm guessing she realises from Nic's reaction (or lack of). Nicole was placed in a very tricky position and, did she tell Indi and risk being told she was a liar and lose a friendship or not say anything (as she has done) and still be in the wrong. She was damned if she did and damned if she didn't. If ever Indi calms down she may think what would she do if it had been the other way round.

:offtopic: As I thought at the time, no-one (especially Leah her best friend) has mentioned Rachel, Tony or Harry since they went to the States.

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Who exactly came prepared, so to speak? Does Ruby keep something in her draw or does Romeo have something in his wallet?

Now that sounds like the beginning of a joke if ever I heard one! I reckon its Ruby with all the contraception around here.

I can't believe H&ALover, that I forgot about Romeo's pure, virginal state pre Ruby :lol: Yes, his expresion of guilt was well worth seeing, he couldn't have looked worse really :D

So if Brax is correct, it might have been Casey's first time too. So Ruby has possibly 'deflowered' two boys in one week. Almost admiring her now :blink::lol: :lol:

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Who exactly came prepared, so to speak? Does Ruby keep something in her draw or does Romeo have something in his wallet?

So if Brax is correct, it might have been Casey's first time too. So Ruby has possibly 'deflowered' two boys in one week. Almost admiring her now :blink::lol: :lol:

Sounds like a bit of jealousy Miranda

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Well...Slight letdown, maybe because we were all expecting a huge load of fallout, but hopefully the repercussions are going to be felt for a while.Don't feel one ounce of sympathy for Romeo, once more it's clear that he's only really bothered about how this affects him rather than the two girls he's hurt.Nicole was right that he was lying to protect himself(shame that when she finally has a go at him she apologises...)and Bianca was right that he should have told Indi himself instead of trying to duck responsibility and causing her to get hurt more.And he's still trying to wriggle his way out of it;I loved the way Sid faced him down and made him realise that actually he hasn't got any excuses.Nicole's assessment of their relationship was pretty accurate, it was on the rocks even before he cheated.I'm glad that, despite being understandably angry at first, Indi does recognise deep down that Nicole was in a difficult position and trying to do what was best for everyone.In hindsight, even though I know why she kept quiet, Nicole should probably have told Indi and saved her from the humiliation.Shame Ruby was absent so we didn't get to see any repercussions for her:Her text to Nicole, whilst typically melodramatic, does show a touch of self-awareness in how she realises she can't count on Nicole's unconditional support but I hope that's not the end of their friendship as Nic seemed to believe.(By the way, I don't think you can really say Ruby sleeps around either:She might have made up for it these past few weeks but up till then she hadn't had sex in over six months, maybe over a year, depending on whether she and Xavier were sleeping together after they reunited or not.)

Marilyn seemed to seriously cross a line in this episode.I found her irritating throughout most of it but then I find her irritating a lot of the time and that was just standard Marilyn fare.But by the end it seems like she's trying to sabotage Nicole's relationship for her own selfish reasons:I suspect she's worried that if Nicole has a boyfriend she'll want to keep the baby.Nicole should never have agreed to this deal in the first place and really needs to get out of it before Marilyn becomes any more controlling.Loved Nicole's flustered phone conversations with Angus, especially the fake door knock, and Morag and Indi's reactions to them.

I was annoyed by Bianca's prima donna moment and somewhat misdirected anger to start with, although I understood it a bit more when I remembered what she went through with Vittorio and how it would feel to have Liam effectively condoning Romeo doing the same.All the same, sitting through another of their spats was a bit wearing.

Loved the interaction between VJ and Thabo, they seem to have a good friendship and it's nice that VJ seemed to encourage Thabo to accept Elijah as his stepfather even though he ended up putting his foot in it.Elijah and Grace's little bonding moment was good too.Thabo's tantrums towards Elijah are starting to get a bit repetitive though and, although shouting at a critically ill pre-teen is a bit out of line, I don't really blame Elijah for losing his temper.

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I did laugh at some of that episode. I so wished that Sid had just opened the door and punched Romeo without speaking to him. I loved Liam and Bianca getting into an argument about Romeo, he said 'can I say something' and they both shouted 'no!' :lol:

I can see why Liam gave him the advice he did, as he has suffered from Ruby stalking too, but I don't agree especially with him.

I just hope Indi tells Romeo to get lost and gets a boyfriend at university, she deserves one. Romeo should just sort his life out and leave her and Ruby alone.

I'm glad Nic had a go at him, but I can see why she didn't tell Indi, it wasn't her place to. And he is kind of her 'brother', she does have to live in the same house as him.

But anyway, making mistakes is part of life, I just hope as Red says, this has a lot of repercussions and doesn't just get all forgotten within a fortnight or something e.g. Romeo suddenly leaves town and they forget who he is, as often happens in soaps.

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