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I suspect she's worried that if Nicole has a boyfriend she'll want to keep the baby.

My thoughts exactly Red, though it does seem to be jumping the gun a lot, Nicole hasn't even been out with him yet!! Marilyn did manage to calm Indi down though after she had a go at Nicole so that is something in her favour. It may just be me but the way this Angus keeps calling Nic has alarm bells ringing with me. :unsure: I hope he doesn't turn out to be another weirdo, that's all she needs.

You're right Red, Ruby does seem to be making up for lost time in the last couple of weeks. :wink: She did only just kiss Liam and Alexander.

Well done Sid for being a good dad by protecting Indi, after all he does know a lot about cheating, :wink: I'd like see Dex have a go at Romeo as well. As understandably Indi is refusing to answer his texts, how about this idea and it may be radical and seem old fashioned but why doesn't Romeo write Indi a letter!!!! We know he is good at putting things down in actual writing (he did pen those love letters to Annie for Jai). Why on earth was Ruby sniping at Nicole, she didn't do anything to warrant it? I suppose Nicole can't stay angry that long with Romeo because as you say Miranda she does have to live with him.

I guess Bianca was seeing it from a woman's point of view, whereas Liam was seeing it from a guys side. It got so heated with the both of them arguing they forgot all about Romeo. Bianca does appear not to want things to advance, whereas Liam is more grounded and realises the honeymoon period has to end, though it doesn't mean they can't still have fun. :wink:

VJ and Thabo do get on well, hopefully if Thabo comes through his latest crises, they can be really good friends. I don't suppose Thabo realised that such a short time has elapsed between Elijah wanting to marry Leah and him marrying his mum. It may not have been the wisest thing to do for Elijah to shout at him, but so far he has been very patient with him, especially lately when Thabo got really nasty with Elijah. It certainly didn't seem to have caused his collapse, because he was sleeping when it happened and had been playing on the Ipad before that.

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By the way, I don't think you can really say Ruby sleeps around either:She might have made up for it these past few weeks but up till then she hadn't had sex in over six months, maybe over a year, depending on whether she and Xavier were sleeping together after they reunited or not.)

Aha, you snuck that in. Yes, I admit, I have been rather harsh on Ruby, but she does seem to have had most of the boy characters in the Bay in some form or another, except Dex, even though he did try and befriend her :o I hadn't kept count on when she last had sex, I don't really think about her sex life! :lol::P

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My name is Laura and I'm new here but I've got some things to say about Marilyn! I think she is trying to stop Nicole having a relationship for her own selfish reasons...if anything does happen between Nicole and Angus, she's scared that Nicole will keep the baby. She's self-centered and only cares about herself! She doesn't give a stuff about Nicole or her happiness all she wants is her hands on that baby! It's Mama Rose all over again. I hope Nicole does keep it, she'll be an awesome mum!

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Yes welcome Laura always nice to have a new voice.

Now I know you all are gong to say 'yeah, yeah', but I honestly did mean to post this this afternoon. How obvious was it that 'drugs deal' was going to be a set up???? As soon as we saw Brax overhearing Angelo talking to Charlie I knew that something was going to be planned. Are we now seeing his true colours now he has Angelo just where he wants him?

How lovely did Nicole look when she was going, not going, going on her date with Angus. That was a beautiful dress, not quite so sure about the way she had her hair though. Angus seemed nice enough, but I still have this funny feeling about him and how true was that story about his mum and little brother? Marilyn did have to stick her nose in didn't she, Sid wasn't that bothered when she told him and though she denied it he twigged that she was worried about Nicole getting together with someone and keeping the baby. Good for her deciding she wants to start reliving her life now, go girl!!

Fingers crossed for Thabo, Leah was right to tell Miles she can't get involved and that yes he has counselled and helped other people when something like that has happened to them, but when it's a family member it's a whole lot different.

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How lovely did Nicole look when she was going, not going, going on her date with Angus. That was a beautiful dress, not quite so sure about the way she had her hair though. Angus seemed nice enough, but I still have this funny feeling about him and how true was that story about his mum and little brother? Marilyn did have to stick her nose in didn't she, Sid wasn't that bothered when she told him and though she denied it he twigged that she was worried about Nicole getting together with someone and keeping the baby. Good for her deciding she wants to start reliving her life now, go girl!!

That what annoyed me more than ever! Nicole, and I hope she does, deserves to be happy and I want her to keep that baby! Marilyn will be a control freak and I pitty the poor kid. Seriously its not right, she's like she not only wants that baby, like now, but she's trying to control Nicole. Trust me, no one controls Nicole now and I hope she does see she is making a massive mistake!

Marilyn annoys me more than Coleen, and me bad but I laughed when she got 'abducted' becausse she deserved it! Sorry but she does my head in! So does Grace!


Ps. Thanks for the lovely comments, they mean a lot, and I hope to put in my sometimes forward views.

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Loved that opening scene of Miles and Morag teasing Nicole about her maybe-date.Shame she always does something funny with her hair when she's dressed up(and she actually looked a lot more pregnant in that dress than in the figure-hugging outfit she wore later on!).Not sure what to make of Angus, he seems nice but a bit bumbling.Halfway through the episode I was expecting him and Nicole to chalk it up to experience and us never see him again, but after the kiss I'm not so sure. It does seem as though Marilyn's fear might have come true and Angus has convinced Nicole that having a baby doesn't mean the end of her life.(By the way, on Ruby's text last episode, I don't think she was having a go at Nicole, she just seemed to be ranting about Romeo a bit.)

Miles, sadly, didn't come over as well after that first scene.I thought he was a bit hard on Elijah, I actually thought Grace went away to give Miles and Elijah time to talk so I wasn't sure why Miles was pushing Elijah to go after her.And it was unfair of him to put that on Leah when she really isn't and can't be involved.

Irene, Marilyn and Dexter having dinner together seemed a bit strange at first;it made a bit more sense when we learned Angelo had invited them there for a private tasting but it still seems a rather strange guest list.Again, Charlie has a conversation with Brax she should be having with Heath.The only way this makes sense in fictional terms is if she wants to keep talking to him.(In real terms, it seems to be because Brax is a new character and they want to give him as many scenes as possible, especially with Charlie.)I can't quite decide if his bark is worse than his bite or not, his offhand attitude with Charlie about not caring about Casey may have been an act, much as his attitude when she came round earlier in the week seemed to be, and he might be bluffing with Angelo.Angelo seemed a bit abrupt and it's hard to shake the feeling that he reported Brax because he realised Brax was interested in Charlie...There does seem to be some unresolved issues between them, at least on his side.

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Going back a few weeks (11th), I was wondering if that Friday's episode aired uncut. Colleen when speaking to Charlie says that Summer Bay hasn't been hit by a crime wave, it's been hit by a crime tsunami. It was the same day Japan was hit by a water tsunami.

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Yes, I noticed that Ryan. I thought it was a bit odd.

God, Marilyn! Give Nicole a break. She is fussing around so much, as others have said, cos she thinks Nic will keep the baby. I hope Nicole and Angus have a proper relationship now, partly because Marilyn is being so irritating and unfair, partly cos Angus seems nice :wub: I hope he isn't a loon, as someone else said, as she doesn't deserve another crazy boyfriend. She deserves a lovely life.

I again noticed how alike Angelo and Brax are physically. No wonder Charlie fancies Brax, that must be her 'type' :blink: I was annoyed with Brax for giving Angelo only ONE chance to make a mistake. Aren't people usually allowed three?

Watching the 'next time on Home and Away', I admit I cheered when Casey

punched Romeo, hahahaha. Good boy, well done


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That's baseball ;-)

I again noticed how alike Angelo and Brax are physically. No wonder Charlie fancies Brax, that must be her 'type' :blink: I was annoyed with Brax for giving Angelo only ONE chance to make a mistake. Aren't people usually allowed three?

Brax reminds me of Mr smooth Hugh Grant when he smiles. They should make his tattoos less black, they look too new.

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