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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Hmm.I was kind of up and down with the Elijah/Grace/Thabo storyline.For the first part of the episode, I thought maybe Elijah was facing up to his responsibilities and accepting he's got a family now, however that came about, even if he seemed uncomfortable by the fact Grace obviously has feelings for him that he doesn't feel in return.And Thabo seemed to be beginning to accept him.But then he went round to see Leah and offered to leave his wife for her, basically proving Thabo right about him.Good on her for telling him where to go.Thabo's death is sad but not entirely unexpected and it's frustrating that a potentially interesting idea seems to be being shunted out of the way in order to restore the status quo.Not sure the juxtaposition with the restaurant really worked, especially with Sid being magically transported between the two in a rather confusing manner.

Roo's return was pretty good, even though she did seem half cut for most of the episode(and fully cut for the rest of it).Not quite sure about the sudden animosity between her and Morag and it's got to the point where not letting someone stay in the house is ridiculous, they've had far more people than that living there recently.If Roo did run away in the past, it was generally because Morag was encouraging her to.(Maybe Roo reminds Morag a bit too much of the way she used to be, in a curious reversal of their relationship when we last saw them together?)The bit where Roo was wandering around in the towel reminded me of Miles walking in on Kirsty in her underwear and the spat between them was pretty funny.(Anyone think the lighting was a bit funny at some points?The light from the fridge in that sequence seemed way too bright and then it was the same from the light outside in the Leah/Elijah scene.Maybe it was just my television...)Roo's desperation at being the only singleton and trying to crack on to Brax was funny too.John and Gina seem to have got over their problems of last week, although that makes the "Blanking him in the Diner" scene seem even more strange.

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I really feel quite saddened at the demise of Angelo's character. He's gone from being a respected police officer to being blackmailed and treated like an employee in his own business. It's painful to see him humiliated like this.

Yes, it is sad. I always liked Angelo, particularly when he shot Jack, who really irritated me. If Angelo hadn't shot him, I might have done!

I don't remember Roo from before, I didn't watch H&A back then, but it seems Morag and Roo probably always had a difficult relationship, I expect.

I've just had a Eureka moment! I think what the writers started doing originally with Casey was to present him as struggling with his work, from the 'wrong side of the tracks' etc. He was meant to be Romeo's friend and Romeo, who obviously also had problems in the past with hopeless parents, would help him get over his problems. Then suddenly, one of the writers thought 'I know! If Casey likes Ruby, he can get involved in that storyline and make it even more messy, rather than just the straightforward love triangle.' So that is why he suddenly started kissing Ruby and chasing after her without any build up, and became Romeo's rival rather than friend. Just a thought to explain the suddenness of it all.

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I'm not the greatest fan of Roo but her return really seemed like a breath of fresh air. Hope she can keep it up.

I'm still not at all interested in Elijah/Grace/Thabo. His death was predictable and while I see what they were doing with cutting between the hospital and the restaurant, it didn't really work for me as it was a minor character in the hospital. Elijah has turned into a really unlikeable character for me, hope he leaves. I don't actually mind Grace but she's guilty of being crap by association with Elijah.

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I don't remember Roo from before, I didn't watch H&A back then, but it seems Morag and Roo probably always had a difficult relationship, I expect.

Quite the opposite actually. Morag always thought of Roo as the daughter she never had and they often spent time in the city together. She felt Roo was too good for Summer Bay (small town, small minds etc.) and wanted her to be successful, often to the point of manipulating situations behind her back.

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I really feel quite saddened at the demise of Angelo's character. He's gone from being a respected police officer to being blackmailed and treated like an employee in his own business. It's painful to see him humiliated like this.

I don't remember Roo from before, I didn't watch H&A back then, but it seems Morag and Roo probably always had a difficult relationship, I expect.

You're not wrong there Miranda, you can check out how complicated it got at times by reading either Roo's or Morag's profile.

I thought it was quite a clever ploy showing Thabu's struggle for life and the party going on at Angelo's. Thabu nearly warmed towards Elijah, but soon saw through him. His death is going to put paid to Elijah's mad idea of divorcing Grace and getting back with Leah. As Leah pointed out they will have to stay married for three years so she doesn't lose her visa, he can't really expect her to put her life on hold for that long.

Clever those veiled clues Roo gave Gina and John about how she had got on in America, about how the interested partners got what they needed. If anyone had overheard they wouldn't have had a clue what she meant. Wonder if there is more to her returning than meets the eye, Morag isn't one to be easily fooled. Roo seemed to be cracking onto anyone (male) and wait till you see tonight's episode (I think it's tonight)!!! :wink:

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Liked the chat between Nicole and Roo. That about sums up what its like being a woman. Whatever you decide about having children, the decision haunts you for the rest of your life. Its one step away for men. <_<

I thought Elijah's acting was good, very convincing. And Grace too, her face said it all. Now his marriage is consummated too, so that'll make it more difficult, won't it.

I also liked the continuing friendship between Leah and Miles, BFF or whatever.

In fact, it was a pretty good episode dealing with birth, life and death. I've been to a child's funeral. Don't want to do that again.

And of course the Miles/Roo fiasco. Where's that going to go? :huh:

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Roo/Miles was a bit of a weird addition to the chapter but that was to be expected, I think. It was good and generally well acted out from both of them. Roo seems to be fun and HAA needs more of that! :D

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Elijah and Grace sleeping together felt a bit out of nowhere.There's a good storyline buried deep in this stuff but sadly it's not the one the writers seem determined to tell.The continued harping on about Elijah and Leah's relationship feels out of place yet I get the feeling that's meant to be the whole point.Not sure if Elijah's inability to wear a dog collar is because he's losing his faith or because he feels he's betrayed his position.VJ was great again but it's a shame yet another chance to give him a friendship group has been thrown away.(Even his friendship with Dexter seems to have vanished.)

Loved the scenes where everyone, including Miles, thought Miles and Roo had slept together.Their interaction was hilarious but I'm glad they didn't have sex, it's another case where you think about how old she was when his twin sister was a little girl and go "Yikes!"(Although at least Roo was still at school in the early days.)And the stuff between Roo and Nicole was great too, Nicole seems to be less and less sure that giving away the baby is the best thing.The only real problem is Morag, who really does seem to have taken too many obnoxious pills this year:It might be explained by her losing her husband but it doesn't help that keeps being forgotten about.She was a bit sharp with Elijah but the real problem is her attitude towards Roo.I get it's been a long time since we saw them together but it's just too far of a departure from their relationship in the '80s, where they started off part partners in crime, part Morag manipulating Roo "for her own good", then Roo reformed and didn't want anything to do with Morag while Morag continued to show her rare affection.Now, suddenly, Morag's looking down her nose at Roo, giving her speeches about her reputation that are worthy of Colleen(did she say the same thing to Miles?)and having a go at her for talking to Nicole when she said exactly the same thing and her treatment of her own daughter is even more suspect than Roo, who at least went through the proper channels and made sure Martha went to a good home.(Which, sadly, is the mistake Nicole's making, albeit for different reasons than Morag.)It's like they're trying to create tension between two old characters when their history just doesn't support it, much like the Colleen/Marilyn feud.(Now I've actually watched their 1989 meeting, Colleen and Marilyn's sniping makes no sense:It's as if someone watched a couple of episodes and decided they didn't get on, not bothering to watch the rest of the storyline where they made up and parted on good terms...)

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