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Yes, as I said before on this thread (probably to everyone's boredom), Romeo used to be so much nicer years ago but has just got more and more annoying and boring over time <_< But even Xavier annoyed me today. He's got nothing to complain about re: Ruby either. He was just as happy to jump into bed with her as Romeo was, he's just as bad.

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I feel really sorry for Ruby as well. She cops all the blame and Romeo gets hardly any. I hope Casey and Ruby stick together, I think if they make a go of things then they really can be a good couple together :)

Ruby knew that Indi wasn't breaking up with Romeo. Nicole told her that Indi was planning a "Romeo's First Night" special evening.

Ruby could have told him about that and cleared up the misunderstanding instead of coming on to him.

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I feel really sorry for Ruby as well. She cops all the blame and Romeo gets hardly any. I hope Casey and Ruby stick together, I think if they make a go of things then they really can be a good couple together :)

Ruby knew that Indi wasn't breaking up with Romeo. Nicole told her that Indi was planning a "Romeo's First Night" special evening.

Ruby could have told him about that and cleared up the misunderstanding instead of coming on to him.

Exactly. Ruby knew damn well that Indy had her “special night” planned but she took advantage of Romeo’s insecurities in his relationship and manipulated the situation to her advantage.

There’s a perfectly valid case that Ruby has been effectively ostracised and unfairly treated like the bad guy and Romeo hasn’t but to be honest I don’t care. I still don’t have one iota of sympathy for her. Xavier was out of line but the way I see it, Ruby didn’t exactly treat him well re the stuff with Geoff and she got him to lie to Robertson. I don’t think she was pleasant to Nicole either but again it did feel like a case of the pot calling the kettle black but for me the main difference is I can’t think of a single time where Nicole has cheated on anyone or slept with someone else’s boyfriend although she did go after Sid that time. What bothered me was the way Ruby was towards Indy again. Indy’s actually the one I feel sorry for. When are Nicole and Indy going to realise that Rubes just isn’t worth it. I wasn’t expecting Dexter to be so restrained with Ruby (and he even supported her re the video). I mean he was never going to act like Xavier did but I was expecting him to say something but maybe he wants to keep out of it or feels Romeo’s equally to blame. Objectively speaking the video was harsh but I remain completely unfazed by Ruby’s suffering.

I think Elijah has become less likeable since he returned from Africa but it’s interesting to see how lost his faith.

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The way Ruby's being treated is absolutely disgusting.I really didn't like Xavier in that episode, his pro-Romeo/anti-Ruby stance makes no sense whatsoever, I was hoping he'd have a go at Romeo but instead he's acting as though he's an innocent party who's been led astray by evil Ruby who forced him to cheat on his girlfriend.His cruel bullying of her in the Diner was unforgiveable, I really wanted Roo or Irene to go over him and his friends and tell them what nasty little boys they are and how they should take their custom elsewhere.

Ruby's her own worst enemy though.She's not as innocent as she claims but nowhere near as bad as people make out.As Roo pointed out, Romeo gave Ruby every reason to think he wanted to be with her, telling her he and Indi were breaking up and sleeping with her.I think far too much is being made of Ruby knowing about Indi's "special night".I don't think that affected her thinking at all, it's a case of her seeing what she wanted to see, which was Romeo going to see her, although she still knew he was dating Indi and still should have waited until he was single.She isn't making things easy for herself now.Although there's probably some truth to her belief that Indi wants to find a reason to forgive Romeo, she did seem to want to give her a fair hearing, which is more than most girls would do, but Ruby just answered her with hostility and gave her another reason to hate her. Nicole's done a good job of not taking sides(as did Roo here)and was actually trying to help Ruby but she pushed her away.Charlie did a fairly good job of coping with her, she had a point about Ruby ruining her reputation further by hooking up with Casey but laboured it a bit too much, although by the end she seemed to have taken Brax's advice about choosing her battles to heart and decided to support her. I'm still not keen on Ruby and Casey though, it feels like a complete rebound relationship, that the guy she really likes has hurt her so she's latched onto a guy who's being nice to her and probably doesn't have any real feelings for him.She's got every right to be angry and bitter towards Romeo but she needs to let go of it because she's only hurting herself.

I was very impressed with Dexter.He's the only person who's got any right to be nasty to Ruby, since Indi's his sister, but instead he was the only one not joining in with the bullying.He was civil and even sympathetic towards her.And I liked the way he was undercutting Xavier trying to plead Romeo's case to Indi by pointing out Xavier doesn't actually know what he's talking about.It's good that the boys' new friendships haven't been forgotten:Although it's subtle, we see Dexter hanging out with both Xavier and Casey here.

Not sure what to make of Romeo's apology to Indi.The way it was written and played it just came across as insincere and false.No-one talks like that at eighteen, unless they've been rehearsing it for a long time beforehand.Maybe it was meant to be taken at face value but to me it felt like him putting on a wounded puppy/self-flaggelation act so Indi will feel sorry for him and take him back.

Hard to pay attention to Elijah's crisis of faith in the midst of all this.He and Leah should really stay away from each other, permanently, so portraying them as star crossed lovers is a bit annoying, especially when he's got a grieving wife who needs him.Morag still seems to make everything she says sound like an insult.I liked the suggest that Nicole and VJ had been hanging out though, reminding me a bit of their interaction during Roman and Leah's five minute relationship.Maybe she's better with kids than she thinks...

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I think Romeo's 'won' in this situation. Everyone seems to sympathise with him now and you could say he chose to have a 'practice run' with Ruby before sleeping with Indi, it was certainly less pressure on him. If Indi had suddenly surprised him with 'the perfect meal, the perfect evening, the perfect first time', it would have been a bit too much pressure! It was probably better for him to sleep with Ruby for the first time, instead of having to be perfect with Indi.

But obviously it wasn't good for Ruby, Indi or anyone else e.g. Casey, Xavier and Dex are all at loggerheads now.... I did like the way Xavier patted Casey on the shoulder after they nearly came to blows, like a kind of 'don't worry mate, I know how you feel' or something.

Yes, I wish Irene or Roo had sent those boys packing....

Yes, Elijah and Leah should keep apart. I actually hope Grace stays in the series to add a bit of interest rather than something cropping up to whisk her away so Elijah and Leah can fall into each other's arms. This isn't a spoiler by the way, I'm just imagining.

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I feel really sorry for Ruby as well. She cops all the blame and Romeo gets hardly any. I hope Casey and Ruby stick together, I think if they make a go of things then they really can be a good couple together :)

Ruby knew that Indi wasn't breaking up with Romeo. Nicole told her that Indi was planning a "Romeo's First Night" special evening.

Ruby could have told him about that and cleared up the misunderstanding instead of coming on to him.

Its wasnt Ruby's place to say that Indi's got a night planned. She IMO didnt know anything about their split. Romeo is as much to blame as Ruby. Fair enough she kissed him but he could have said no. It takes two like Roo said. Romeo doesnt seem to get any hate or bad feelings towards him and yet Ruby gets loads! I dont think that is fair!

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I don't think anyone should have been talking about Romeo's first night, its none of their business. If I was Indi I'd have kept all that to myself about his virginal status and defnitely not mentioned a first night thing happening. Despite me saying things online, I don't say anything about things like that in real life. But I suppose normal girls gossip <_<

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Quite disappointed they trailed the Casey punching Romeo incident, it wasn't half as good once I'd seen it three times. An obvious false punch but good on Casey, being gallant and protecting the 'damsel in distress' Ruby :lol: And calling Romeo a tosser :lol: x 100!

I can see why Ruby and Casey like each other now, it is 'them against the world', 'teenage lovers, misunderstood by society who only have each other' :rolleyes: They are swept away on a romantic fantasy. It was funny when he went to kiss her at the end, he was leaning in at such a strange angle I feared he was going to fall over :lol:

So, Romeo is now the evil supervillain upsetting everyone. WAS it he who told everyone about Casey and Ruby? It must have been, what an immature and mean thing to do. At least Xavier redeemed himself this episode by being nice to Ruby, but he probably feared Casey was going to hurt him if he wasn't!

April and Dex's blog was good, so, so true! Ruby doesn't deserve to be treated like that, it was Romeo who was in the relationship at the time! I bet if it was Ruby in the relationship and Romeo single, it would still be her getting the bullying :angry:

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