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Casey's punch wasnt as dramatic as I would have liked it but I just cant get one thing out of my head. I would have personally thought that Romeo would have spread that news. Doesnt that just make him look really bad even if its about Ruby who seems to be in the wrong about everything! I just cant fathom this personality change.

Casey & Ruby are kind of cute together, I hope it does blossom into something!

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Yes, Casey could have at least punched him on the edge of a cliff or something :lol:. I think Romeo has now officially gone mental and I've lost interest in him. Sorry, Romeo, but... He and Indi deserve each other, she's gone as dull as him.

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Yes, Casey could have at least punched him on the edge of a cliff or something :lol:. I think Romeo has now officially gone mental and I've lost interest in him. Sorry, Romeo, but... He and Indi deserve each other, she's gone as dull as him.

Yep! Totally agree! :)

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Xavier did redeem himself a bit in this episode by being reasonable with Ruby and Casey.I'm not sure why everyone's making such a fuss about the news being spread, the past few episodes it's seemed to be common knowledge that Ruby and Casey slept together(Didn't Nicole know all about it in the previous episode?)but suddenly it's all "Xavier must have told someone!Romeo must have told someone!"I thought Xavier might have been responsible for the video last episode but now I don't, it's not Romeo's style as Ruby pointed out and Indi wouldn't be that petty, it's more likely to be some random like Emily.

I gained a bit of respect for Romeo when he tried to apologise to Ruby.I'm kind of glad she didn't accept it, she's probably got a point that he only did it to make himself feel better, but I'd have preferred if Indi had been the one to tell him where to go, instead of meeting him for a dull heart to heart.I suppose we're meant to see Romeo as sincere but it's hard when he seems to have gone from "What I've done is unforgiveable" to "So can we get back together then?" in the space of a day. Sadly, it seems as though it is a case of "when" rather than "if" they get back together, which means Romeo really has "won" and Indi's on her way to being yet another doormat girlfriend.It's as if, having spent the first part of the year and arguably a fair chunk of last year demonstrating that they really aren't right for each other, the writers are belatedly trying to turn them into the new Golden Couple, hence their insisting they love each other about every five minutes.

As Miranda said, for the first time Ruby and Casey actually felt like a believable couple and I do think she has genuinely fallen for him:They're never going to be soul mates but they might manage an uncomplicated, quasi-innocent teen romance, which would probably do her good.I liked April and Dexter trying to help her and, although Ruby wasn't exactly grateful, I'm hoping it will actually do her good and she'll change her mind, some of the replies seemed to get the right idea.Nice to know April and Ruby's scene last week wasn't a one-off and they had a brief chat here.

Charlie's once more using her job to try and get revenge on Ruby's behalf, failing to realise she's going about it completely the wrong way and probably making things worse for her.I really wish Ruby had put her foot down a bit more.Can she even proceed like this without Ruby's say-so?Has a crime been committed even?(Okay, there's probably laws about posting someone's image without permission.Of course, Ruby broke them herself a few years back, which makes Charlie seem like a bit of a hypocrite as well as abusing her position.)Gina handled things quite well I thought, I could feel her frustration at being confronted with RoboCharlie.

April's problem continues to bubble away in the background:I'm not sure what it is but she clearly has one.She seems to have some sort of hypochondria, as well as image issues and maybe even some sort of OCD with the list making.Couldn't tell if her ignoring her lunch was a sign of how busy she's making herself or indicative of an eating disorder.And perhaps most notable of all...when did she start wearing a bow in her hair?!At school?!

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RoboCharlie! That's exactly what I thought! Or Terminator Charlie :lol:

Well, I'm not sure how Charley got to be a sergeant, first of all arresting Brax for a crime of passion and now storming into school using her position to harrass Gina. It's pretty insulting to Gina like saying she can't address the problem herself.

I think Romeo is dumb but not scheming like Ruby, she deliberately set out to spilt him and Indie up. I expected Indies friends to lynched him but I guess they know Rubys reputation :ph34r: ! I don't think Romeo has anything to appologise to Ruby for she got what she wanted which was to break up in what her eyes was the 'perfect couple' - it was pure jealosy because she was knocked back by Liam and the driving instructor - and didn't she play off Geoff and Xavier? If Romeo and Indie get back together she'll always have his indiscretion with Ruby to bring up in every argument :wink:

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I don't think Romeo has anything to appologise to Ruby for she got what she wanted which was to break up in what her eyes was the 'perfect couple'

Ruby did not get what she wanted at all, she wasn't after breaking up Romeo and Indi out of spite or jealousy, she liked him and wanted him to like her and instead she got left with meaningless sex and being treated like Romeo's dirty little secret.She told him she loved him, he slept with her knowing full well how she felt and then he dumped her as soon as he found out he still had a chance with Indi. The whole "perfect couple" thing didn't start until afterwards, when it was abundantly clear to everyone apart from Indi that they aren't a perfect couple.

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I think Romeo's 'won' in this situation. Everyone seems to sympathise with him now and you could say he chose to have a 'practice run' with Ruby before sleeping with Indi, it was certainly less pressure on him. If Indi had suddenly surprised him with 'the perfect meal, the perfect evening, the perfect first time', it would have been a bit too much pressure! It was probably better for him to sleep with Ruby for the first time, instead of having to be perfect with Indi.

That's a really good analysis.

RoboCharlie! That's exactly what I thought! Or Terminator Charlie :lol:

Well, I'm not sure how Charley got to be a sergeant, first of all arresting Brax for a crime of passion and now storming into school using her position to harrass Gina.

Not to mention kidnapping, torture, trying to get her hands on illegal blood money to pay off her boyfriend’s debt…Seriously though I don't think it's a question of how she got to be a sergeant, as that was inherited by default. It's more question of how she's managed to keep out of jail. Simple because in spite of everything the residents of Summer Bay remain oblivous.

I think Romeo is dumb but not scheming like Ruby, she deliberately set out to spilt him and Indie up. I expected Indies friends to lynched him but I guess they know Rubys reputation :ph34r: ! I don't think Romeo has anything to appologise to Ruby for she got what she wanted which was to break up in what her eyes was the 'perfect couple' - it was pure jealosy because she was knocked back by Liam and the driving instructor - and didn't she play off Geoff and Xavier? If Romeo and Indie get back together she'll always have his indiscretion with Ruby to bring up in every argument :wink:

I don’t think Indy and Romeo were the “perfect couple”. I thought it was precisely because they weren’t a “perfect couple” that Ruby was able to seize the opportunity to use the situation to her advantage so fair play in that sense I guess. I’m really not sure if Romeo’s dumb TBH. I’m tempted to use the word “impulsive” but has he been that impulsive? I guess flunking his exams so he could spend another year with Indy was impulsive (something else that leads me to believe that he may love her). But his feelings towards Ruby had been building up for a while. I sort of agree there was envy present. Ruby was narked that she got knocked back (because after sleeping with Ruby, Romeo realised she wasn’t what he wanted) so she was jealous that Indy was going to have Romeo and she wasn’t so out of pure spite and malice she wanted to hurt her – Someone who was supposed to be her friend. Poor Indy hasn’t had much luck in her relationships, first her mother, then her mate. I think Ruby thought if she wasn’t going to have Romeo then Indy certainly wasn’t. I’ve never really been into Romeo and Indy as a couple and had they broken up under different circumstances I wouldn’t have minded so much but I actually hope they get back together just so that Ruby hasn’t felt she’s at least won that battle – even though she’s losing the war. I wasn’t too keen on Romeo apologising seeing as Ruby hasn’t apologised to Indy for sleeping with her boyfriend when she had her “special night” planned.

I thought Casey was out of line hitting Romeo and it seemed as though he was reverting to typical River Boy behaviour.

Quite liking the stuff with Dexter and April seeing as it’s platonic at the moment. I have to admit Dexter’s slowly starting to grow on me (although in a couple of weeks he’ll probably be back to being annoying). He sort of reminds me of a younger version of Miles - someone there to support the hot ladies without actually hooking up with them.

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Firstly, poor old Ange misreading the signals from Roo. I knew when he rushed round tidying up before she got there, that he thought it was a 'date'. :lol: Are they going to be able to live together plationically? I can see why he'd like her. She's an older version of Charlie!

Brax is very abrupt, scheming and business like, isn't he? He expects Angelo to keep quiet and ignore dodgy dealings, like some gangster's moll! He isn't used to having a partner who is suspicious and investigates what is going on.

I think Romeo's 'won' in this situation. Everyone seems to sympathise with him now and you could say he chose to have a 'practice run' with Ruby before sleeping with Indi, it was certainly less pressure on him. If Indi had suddenly surprised him with 'the perfect meal, the perfect evening, the perfect first time', it would have been a bit too much pressure! It was probably better for him to sleep with Ruby for the first time, instead of having to be perfect with Indi.

That's a really good analysis.

Why thank you, kind sir :)

I really hope that Indi tells Romeo to get lost and she gets some university boyfriend. I'd like to see there being a long cold war between the Walkers and Romeo's family (the Smith/ Copeland/ Stewart/ Franklins :lol:)

I think Romeo is more scheming than we think. Why did he go round to Ruby's house That Night anyway? I bet he thought 'oh, there's a woman I quite fancy, who seems sympathetic to me, I want some comforting.' He probably didn't think they'd end up in bed but didn't object. If he was honest, surely soon afterwards he'd blurt out to Indi what happened. He does do weird things for no reason sometimes, I often wonder what his motives are for doing things e.g. when he stayed with Nicole to help her with something instead of going round to help Ruby with her maths, then wouldn't tell either Ruby or Indi why he'd stood Ruby up. Unless he was trying to resist Ruby. He's a mystery :blink:

Quite liking the stuff with Dexter and April seeing as it’s platonic at the moment. I have to admit Dexter’s slowly starting to grow on me (although in a couple of weeks he’ll probably be back to being annoying). He sort of reminds me of a younger version of Miles - someone there to support the hot ladies without actually hooking up with them.

Hahahahahahaha! Dex is turning into the Gay Best Friend, isn't he? Not saying he's gay but he's in that role, as is Miles. I reckon April has OCD, definitely, poor thing.

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Oooh Angelo and Roo. I actually really like the idea of them two together, I dont know why I do but I really do. They seem to bounce off of each other. If they dont get together, then I want them to be good friends instead!

I like the fact that Brax is dodgy, there's something attractive about him, even though he's a bit older than me :P:ph34r:

I feel for April :(

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