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I don't think Romeo has anything to appologise to Ruby for she got what she wanted which was to break up in what her eyes was the 'perfect couple'

Ruby did not get what she wanted at all, she wasn't after breaking up Romeo and Indi out of spite or jealousy, she liked him and wanted him to like her and instead she got left with meaningless sex and being treated like Romeo's dirty little secret.She told him she loved him, he slept with her knowing full well how she felt and then he dumped her as soon as he found out he still had a chance with Indi. The whole "perfect couple" thing didn't start until afterwards, when it was abundantly clear to everyone apart from Indi that they aren't a perfect couple.

Spot on Red Ranger! That's exactly how it was.

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I really don't think Romeo and Indi should get back together just because it would upset Ruby.Never mind Ruby sort of winning, that would mean Romeo's won completely, that he's cheated on his girlfriend without any consequences other than being mildly inconvenienced.People seem to be confusing Ruby's attitude pre- and post-consummation.Beforehand, there were no signs whatsoever that she had anything against Indi, she may have been a bit jealous but she didn't mean her any harm, she didn't do anything to derail her special night with Romeo(okay, she didn't do anything to help it either), she basically didn't consider Indigo part of the equation, she was convinced that Indi and Romeo were doomed and that she could then step in.Afterwards, yes, there's been a lot of resentment there and she has hurt Indi in order to punish Romeo but that's not what was motivating her in the first place.

Episode counts this week:Roo was in four.(First week back and she's already showing the Stewart tendency to be in more episodes than anyone else.)Liam and Bianca were in two but only spoke in one of them.

Hmm, Marilyn.Despite her "I'm fine" act, she obviously does have a problem with Nicole and Angus and doesn't want them together, probably because she's worried Nicole will want to keep the baby. That said, I did feel a bit sorry for her sitting alone in the birthing class and she did seem to assume Angus knew the full story.Nice to see Nurse Julie, who hasn't appeared in yonks, although I'm not sure why she stopped Marilyn going to Nicole, surely she wouldn't have disturbed the class that much?Nicole didn't really handle it well:She did seem to be trying to tell Angus the whole story but she should have let him know about the birthing class earlier so they could be better organised.

Can't help wondering if Roo's non-hook-ups with Miles and Angelo this week are a way of sending out a message to all the fans who are convinced she'll end up with one of them.She even points out she's too old for them(there must be at least ten years between her and Angelo).I'm liking Roo, she's a livewire.Are we meant to assume Brax is embezzling money through the restaurant?That definitely seemed to be the indication.

I am loving April and Dexter as friends and hoping they stay that way.I've liked Dexter for a long time now, once he got over his Marilyn fixation.April definitely seems to have OCD tendencies(note the way she rearranges the items on the table so they're in line)but is that all she's got?(There definitely seem to be self-esteem issues as well.)Even Irene's twigged something's up, although given her recent track record with noticing something's up with one of her charges it might be a while before she gets any further.

Oh-and is April meant to be sleeping upstairs now?She was in one of the downstairs rooms last year, although I guess she has moved out and moved back in since then.

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I think you'll find my version is closer to the truth, it all came out on the beach when she was with Nicole watching Romeo and Indie frollicking about. She knew going after Romeo was wrong but just had to do it. It was better for both Ruby and Romeo for it to have been kept a secret not just Romeo as we have now seen. Yes, Romeo and Indie were only a 'perfect couple' in Rubys eyes, they are just a normal couple to everyone else. I don't think Ruby knows what she wants she just throws herself any available (or unavailable) male and doesn't care about the consequences!

I don't think Romeo has anything to appologise to Ruby for she got what she wanted which was to break up in what her eyes was the 'perfect couple'

Ruby did not get what she wanted at all, she wasn't after breaking up Romeo and Indi out of spite or jealousy, she liked him and wanted him to like her and instead she got left with meaningless sex and being treated like Romeo's dirty little secret.She told him she loved him, he slept with her knowing full well how she felt and then he dumped her as soon as he found out he still had a chance with Indi. The whole "perfect couple" thing didn't start until afterwards, when it was abundantly clear to everyone apart from Indi that they aren't a perfect couple.

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I think you'll find my version is closer to the truth, it all came out on the beach when she was with Nicole watching Romeo and Indie frollicking about. She knew going after Romeo was wrong but just had to do it. It was better for both Ruby and Romeo for it to have been kept a secret not just Romeo as we have now seen. Yes, Romeo and Indie were only a 'perfect couple' in Rubys eyes, they are just a normal couple to everyone else. I don't think Ruby knows what she wants she just throws herself any available (or unavailable) male and doesn't care about the consequences!

I don't think Romeo has anything to appologise to Ruby for she got what she wanted which was to break up in what her eyes was the 'perfect couple'

Ruby did not get what she wanted at all, she wasn't after breaking up Romeo and Indi out of spite or jealousy, she liked him and wanted him to like her and instead she got left with meaningless sex and being treated like Romeo's dirty little secret.She told him she loved him, he slept with her knowing full well how she felt and then he dumped her as soon as he found out he still had a chance with Indi. The whole "perfect couple" thing didn't start until afterwards, when it was abundantly clear to everyone apart from Indi that they aren't a perfect couple.

As I mentioned in my last post and in that one, I think you're confusing Ruby's attitude before and after her encounter with Romeo.Before, as you said, she wasn't really thinking about the consequences, she liked Romeo and went after him without any thought about how it would affect Indi or how people would react.The scene I think you're referring to is the one with April right before she tells Indi, where she's upset about everyone thinking the couple, and by extension Romeo, are perfect when she knows different.Yes, you could argue she hurt herself as much if not more than Romeo by spilling the beans but she was in a bad place already and better that than let Romeo think he can go around treating girls like that without any consequences, cheating on one and using another.

By the way, I think I need to clarify my take on Xavier's behaviour on Wednesday a bit, after some of the other comments.Obviously Xavier isn't as bad as Romeo when it comes to sleeping with Ruby, he did it when they were in a committed relationship and had been for several months and was serious about her, it was her who decided a few weeks later that she liked Geoff more.So, yes, I get that he's been burnt by Ruby and would be angry with her, even though they seemed to be friends. As I mentioned before, my main gripe is how pro-Romeo/anti-Ruby he is, to the extent of encouraging Indi to blame Ruby for everything and take Romeo back.I was expecting him to be furious with Romeo given his history with regards Geoff and Liam, having a go at them and blaming them for ruining his relationships when one didn't do anything with Ruby until they were both single and the other wasn't interested in her at all.So, while his bullying her in the Diner was out of line in any case, especially with a bunch of mates to back him up(one of whom looked worryingly like Jai at first glance, just as I momentarily thought Grace was Martha in that head scarf at the funeral, but I digress), I wouldn't mind him being angry with her if he was equally angry with Romeo, if he said to them separately or together "You cheated on Indi, you did the wrong thing, you're both to blame." Instead he pats Romeo on the back and storms up to Ruby and goes "My mate's relationship is in tatters because you slept with him and everything is all your fault!", which isn't true at all.I was expecting him to be on Indi's side on this but in fact no-one seems to be on her side except Sid. (Nicole's on her side as much as anyone's, Dexter's maybe the same but mostly keeping his head down or supporting the underdog, even Marilyn seemed to be making excuses for Romeo.)

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Xavier is on Indi's side, he was trying to counsel her at the farm when Dex was trying to drag him away.

Well it depends what you mean by "on her side".It seemed to me he was more on Romeo's side, pleading his case to Indi and trying to get her to take him back, rather than actually doing what was right for her.

Got to say about this storyline, it's getting us talking.Can't remember the last time the board was this busy.

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In the Red corner, Red Ranger. In the Blue corner, Psychic Wombat. Fight, fight, fight, fight :lol:

Xavier is on Indi's side, he was trying to counsel her at the farm when Dex was trying to drag him away.

I think you are both wrong. It was pure sex, nothing else. Neither thought "should we be doing this?". They both got carried away with the moment. And everyone else is trying to put their version on it. I'm not sure that what teenagers would really do. They'd just move on.

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I am not getting into the ring :lol:

Romeo and Ruby both knew what they were doing and both were in the wrong but I dont think Ruby deserves all this anger and hatred people have towards her, she is human, she did something that a lot of people do and it was wrong but that is reality. Some teens would move on but others wouldnt as proven in HAA with Xavier on Indi's side and Casey on Ruby's side.

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At the time, Ruby was thinking: he's the perfect man, he'll now say he's been in love with me as long as I have with him, he'll swear undying love to me and we'll live happily ever after, we are meant to be together, we'll get married and have 2.4 children and everything will be wonderful.

Romeo was thinking: it was lucky I came round to her place tonight.

Yes, Red, its great to have everyone talking :D

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April's problem continues to bubble away in the background:I'm not sure what it is but she clearly has one.She seems to have some sort of hypochondria, as well as image issues and maybe even some sort of OCD with the list making.Couldn't tell if her ignoring her lunch was a sign of how busy she's making herself or indicative of an eating disorder.And perhaps most notable of all...when did she start wearing a bow in her hair?!At school?!

Sid should have insisted on a more detailed examination:

"I can't see anything wrong with your neck, April, but I'd better take a look at your breasts to be on the safe side."

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