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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I was just thinking myself that this thread has been a lot more active as of late. I used to post here quite frequently but I’m more of a lurker nowadays. However even I feel compelled to post a little more often now. It’s interesting how a storyline that’s so clichéd (I’m tempted to say trivial as well but considering how differing the opinions are I guess it can’t be that trivial) has generated so much attention and debate. I think the vast majority of posters in this thread are at the agreement that the only person who is completely innocent is Indy and that Ruby and Romeo are both to blame. What appears to have divided the camp is who is most at fault. As Miranda put it the Reds believe the fault lies with Romeo, whilst the blues believe it is with Ruby so I guess I’m in the Blue corner. I’m curious to know what our Australian counterparts made of the whole thing. I don’t like going into the Australian discussion very often as I don’t like to encounter spoilers but I’m going to hazard a guess and considering that a small number of people in this thread read spoilers or are already aware of what’s happening in at Australian pace(I’m guessing that because the term “hate” has been used to describe people’s feelings towards Ruby more than once here even though nobody in this thread has actually said that they hate her) that the vast majority of people believe Ruby is responsible.

I agree with Brian certainly from Romeo’s point of view it was about lust but with Ruby I’m more inclined to agree with Miranda i.e. it was more than that. Not sure about the 2.4 kids as I’ve mentioned before Ruby does have a tendency to develop intense feelings for people rather quickly.

Sid should have insisted on a more detailed examination:

"I can't see anything wrong with your neck, April, but I'd better take a look at your breasts to be on the safe side."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I don't know who I put at the most blame but I do think that it's unfair on the amount of grief Ruby is recieving whilst no-one seems to care that Romeo cheated on his girlfriend. It takes two to tango after all!

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Sid should have insisted on a more detailed examination:

"I can't see anything wrong with your neck, April, but I'd better take a look at your breasts to be on the safe side."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You naughty boys! I'm shocked (because I'm easily shockable like that :wink:)

Maybe not the 2.4 kids but I was a young, romantic girl once you know, I can remember what romantic thoughts I thought. And the way she came skipping out of the bedroom with him saying 'Leah can be the first to know' etc. Whereas he was more like 'I'll just put my clothes on as quick as I can and get out of here.'

I think I'll be in the 'Indi' camp from now on. Red is right: who is on her side apart from Sid? I'd have thought Dex would be slightly annoyed with Romeo at least, for hurting his sister. And Marilyn should be more loyal to her 'step daughter.'

I don't like this new board lay out!! I can't see everyone's posts :(

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Well, I guess as Roo pointed out to Romeo "it takes two to get that thing going" (!). I think if Ruby had carried on being just a friend to Romeo, e.g. like Nicole is, then it would never have happened but then Romeo is stupid for taking part in it... I think Indie should just get some new Uni friends and a boyfriend who isn't a pushover...and has worn a dress.

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Had just finished a long post last Wednesday when my PC turned against me and locked me out and was only able to get back in yesterday. Forgive me for repeating old news.

When Angelo slept with Charlie on the day of Ross' funeral people had a go at him for taking advantage of her, but they had been in a relationship so to me it seemed it seemed quite natural. He did ask if her if she was sure. Whereas with Elijah and Grace, although she made the first move, so to speak, he could have stopped her and just comforted her. He doesn't love her and I'm not totally sure she really does love him though she has said she does.

Ruby/Romeo/Indi - Ruby did know about Indi's special night, she didn't need to spill the beans and say what exactly Indi had planned, but she should have encouraged Romeo to go and see her. I agree with you Slade Ruby does get very intense about a guy even before she has been out with him. In her defence her and Xavier had been going out for a while before they slept together, but she did seem to think it was compulsory to lose your virginity as soon as you hit 16. Luckily both of them got cold feet and waited. As far as I can remember the same thing happened with her and Geoff. It's only lately she seems to have gone off the rails. They were both to blame, as Ruby herself said it takes two to tango. She was wrong to seduce him the way she did and he was wrong to cave in as easily as he did. I suppose Ruby is getting most of the flak is because he was someone's boyfriend at the time (whatever he thought) and she knew this. What no-one has seemed to ask is what if it was the other way round? Ruby is going out with someone, hasn't slept with them yet, she has a feeling the guy is going to finish with her, has a 'friend' Romeo, who has the hots for her, he knows her guy has a special night planned, doesn't say anything to her, tells her the same line Ruby told Romeo and wham! Who would be getting the blame then?

I'm glad that Indi and Romeo finally got a proper conversation at last. She is at least willing to admit he may have made an honest mistake, it wasn't deliberate after all. I think that they can get through this.

I knew Romeo didn't set up that cartoon, it's not his style. I did initially think it was Dex, he is the computer whiz, but the fact he was going to set up the double standards blog persuaded me otherwise. I don't think it is Xavier or Casey either, neither of them are that computer savvy.

Marilyn is definitely going OTT with Nicole, if she's not careful, she'll have her changing her mind again. Having said that Angus could be just as bad but the other way, he seems determined to be a 'partner' to Nic and the baby.

Could Brax be using the restaurant as a money laundering service?

I'm with those of you who think April is developing signs of OCD, her sudden thing about being things in the right place, just one mistake compelling her to throw her work away over and over. I think Dex suspects something and may mention it to Sid as in 'I have a friend' kind of way. As long as Sid doesn't jump to the wrong conclusion and think it's him. Plus of course her hypochondria.

Roo moving in with Angelo should be interesting, I'm guessing she must be quite a few years older than him, she is what in her 40's and him in his 20's?

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Roo moving in with Angelo should be interesting, I'm guessing she must be quite a few years older than him, she is what in her 40's and him in his 20's?

Ooh, here we go again...Angelo is late 20s, Roo is early 40s or at a pinch very late 30s, so guess there's 10-13 years between them.

I am liking Roo.I mean, she's a force of nature but hard not to like.Her banter with Miles was brilliant, he hasn't had much chance to show off his eccentric side this year but she seems to bring that out of him.I hope they really have put any idea of romantic entanglements between her and either him or Angelo to bed.(Or not, as the case may be.)Not sure if Roo's going to make much money as an event organiser in Summer Bay but she seems to be making a good start.Brax is getting more and more difficult to get a handle on, he seems about as far from being a redneck surfer guy as you can imagine at the moment.

I know April's situation is serious but I couldn't help finding her irritating in that episode.Odd that only Liam seems to have noticed something up with her.Unless Jase has as well, it would explain his rather random stirring.The question of why exactly Liam and Bianca are still living in the middle of nowhere(and indeed, why they're living there at all)is one most of us have had since the beginning of the year-it's the sort of setup that would be great for a couple of weeks then get very annoying-but at least Bianca finally seems to be tiring of it.Not sure why Liam's so attached to the idea.

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Had just finished a long post last Wednesday when my PC turned against me and locked me out and was only able to get back in yesterday. Forgive me for repeating old news.

God, that is a pain, isn't it when that happens. glad you managed to return :)

I think Brax was expecting Angelo to be the silent partner or something, he doesn't take his views into consideration at all. I think he's a bit of a psychopath i.e. charming but completely self serving.

Angelo and Roo moving in together should indeed be interesting. I really like Roo, she is a mover and shaker who will turn the Bay upside down :D

Felt really sorry for April, she has really lost it. Why doesn't her sister do something? Or why doesn't Dex tell someone?

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Hey, computers were supposed to set us free from menial tasks, yeah right :(

I too found April's behaviour a bit irritating, not say weird, I'm not sure what symptoms she's supposed to be displaying it comes across as hyper precocious middle class kid. Maybe Miles would be the best person to counsell her since he's suffered with mental issues Donny Darko stylie. I'm sure Dex will ask his father about it all.

Undecided whether I like Roo or not, she's a skanker/hustler but very charming with it. Maybe I was being bit harsh saying she was leathery more chamois :wink: I wonder whether she's into men...perhaps they just have to be richer than Angelo. Can't help feeling it's only a matter of time before she's seen in a bad light for something she's done or about to do.

Had just finished a long post last Wednesday when my PC turned against me and locked me out and was only able to get back in yesterday. Forgive me for repeating old news.

God, that is a pain, isn't it when that happens. glad you managed to return :)

I think Brax was expecting Angelo to be the silent partner or something, he doesn't take his views into consideration at all. I think he's a bit of a psychopath i.e. charming but completely self serving.

Angelo and Roo moving in together should indeed be interesting. I really like Roo, she is a mover and shaker who will turn the Bay upside down :D

Felt really sorry for April, she has really lost it. Why doesn't her sister do something? Or why doesn't Dex tell someone?

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Thanks Miranda, glad to be back. The very nice lady at Orange (Indian branch) sorted it out for me.

I just can't warm to Roo, she always seems to be putting on a front, perhaps Morag has got it right when she said she is running from something. She does know her very well after all.

I must admit April's symptoms are a bit erratic they also in some ways seem a bit autistic . Dex definitely realised something is badly wrong, I'm guessing he denied anything being wrong to Bianca out of some sort of loyalty. What April said to Dex in the trailer (if she didn't do things a certain way something bad would happen) pointed to OCD. Thank goodness Liam didn't just dismiss her behaviour as a teenage outburst and spoke to Bianca.

Somehow I don't think Brax is going to be as easy to get rid of as Angelo thinks, even John is changing his mind about him, which is really saying something.

Agree Red, that little lean to/hut/shed/caravan or whatever it is would be great in the summer, but they are coming up to their winter now and with unreliable electrics you can understand Bianca wanting to move, not sure why Liam is so anti the idea.

Sorry Red, for being a bit dumb, but I had a lot of reading to catch up with and may have missed your explanation about Roo's age. :blush:

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