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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I really like the idea of Angelo, Roo & Liam. I think Roo is a key character in the group and hopefully she'll bounce off the lads well.

I like the sound of that alreetlike, is that one at a time or both at once?:wink::blush:

Oh I think she could handle both at once. :lol: :lol:

Is that a fanfic I hear calling? :wink:

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Found the episode a bit frustrating.I mean, it was obvious that the whole private adoption storyline was going to be dragged out a bit longer but having Nicole and Marilyn forget about how ridiculous the situation is just because Roo gave them a pair of baby booties felt like rather pat.I was glad when Sid refused to back down with Marilyn at the start but then he did anyway.I know there are reasons to sympathise with Marilyn, I know she's desperate for a baby, but I'm still praying for Nicole to tell her where to go.

As for the other storyline...Charlie did seem to be making an effort with Casey and Ruby, although in the end she gave up and started laying down the law anyway.And Ruby's typically pig-headed responses didn't help either so I ended up not liking either of that much and actually feeling rather sorry for Casey, who Charlie seemed to end up accusing of all sorts without any proof.Mind you, I'm beginning to feel that Casey isn't particularly good for Ruby, just not for the reasons Charlie thinks. When Ruby says he's the only person that's supported her, what she means is he's the only person who doesn't think she's done anything wrong.He seems to have put her up on a pedestal somewhat and his naive if well-meaning encouragement of her just seems to be feeding her delusions about her own part in things:When she says Charlie's on Romeo's side, it isn't even debatable, she hasn't been on Romeo's side for a second.

Nice to see some more of the friendship between Xavier and Casey.Xavier's probably a bit presumptuous to think Gina would be fine with him riding a scooter, it's not too long since she was trying to sell his car.Nice chat between Charlie and Angelo as well.I am finally beginning to see a bit of chemistry between Charlie and Brax but I still don't really care and she was out of line laying down the law to him about Casey at the end.Finally we see Brax and Casey talk to each other.Can't help wondering if Brax not wanting Casey there is just so he can concentrate on his schoolwork or because he wants to keep her away from some dodgy stuff...

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Charlie is the most erratic police officer ever. I can't imagine why she is in the police force, all the police officers I've met tend to be sensible and reliable. Not that I've met many, she said hastily. She obviously likes Brax though and he's shrewd enough to know.

Ruby was totally wrong. Charlie's never been on Romeo's side. Okay, Ruby probably didn't know she'd told Romeo off in the diner that time, but I'm sure Charlie's never told her she supports Romeo. I suppose Ruby thinks everyone's on 'perfect Romeo's side. Hm...

Yes, nice to see Xavier and Casey being friends. They are funny together.

I'm glad Marilyn admitted shes' acting crazily and desperate for a baby. I still think she should go the normal adoption route, it is a bit weird just nabbing Nicole's baby. I can see why Angus thought it was weird.

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As for the other storyline...Charlie did seem to be making an effort with Casey and Ruby, although in the end she gave up and started laying down the law anyway.And Ruby's typically pig-headed responses didn't help either so I ended up not liking either of that much and actually feeling rather sorry for Casey, who Charlie seemed to end up accusing of all sorts without any proof.Mind you, I'm beginning to feel that Casey isn't particularly good for Ruby, just not for the reasons Charlie thinks. When Ruby says he's the only person that's supported her, what she means is he's the only person who doesn't think she's done anything wrong.He seems to have put her up on a pedestal somewhat and his naive if well-meaning encouragement of her just seems to be feeding her delusions about her own part in things:When she says Charlie's on Romeo's side, it isn't even debatable, she hasn't been on Romeo's side for a second.


I think that Casey will be good for Ruby. They certainly have a lot of chemistry together, which is more than Ruby ever had with Romeo. Yes, Casey has put her up on a pedestal (he can certainly turn on the charm - been taught well by his brothers?) and that is what Ruby wants - someone to tell her how wonderful she is. They will get on very well together and I think that they will grow closer in their relationship and realise each other's strengths. Casey can be equally determined. Be interesting to see if Ruby gets to go to the music festival - where is Casey going to get 400 bucks from (and Xavier 200), if they're only going to do the occasional pizza delivery? How much is Angelo going to be paying them?

Unfortunately I'll have to miss it, as I'm leaving for a holiday in Croatia for 2 weeks in the morning. Going to be a long session when I return, watching 2 weeks' episodes on Demand 5 (and Neighbours as well!). Happy Easter everyone!

PS Thanks Miranda

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As for the other storyline...Charlie did seem to be making an effort with Casey and Ruby, although in the end she gave up and started laying down the law anyway.And Ruby's typically pig-headed responses didn't help either so I ended up not liking either of that much and actually feeling rather sorry for Casey, who Charlie seemed to end up accusing of all sorts without any proof.Mind you, I'm beginning to feel that Casey isn't particularly good for Ruby, just not for the reasons Charlie thinks. When Ruby says he's the only person that's supported her, what she means is he's the only person who doesn't think she's done anything wrong.He seems to have put her up on a pedestal somewhat and his naive if well-meaning encouragement of her just seems to be feeding her delusions about her own part in things:When she says Charlie's on Romeo's side, it isn't even debatable, she hasn't been on Romeo's side for a second.

I think that Casey will be good for Ruby. They certainly have a lot of chemistry together, which is more than Ruby ever had with Romeo. Yes, Casey has put her up on a pedestal (he can certainly turn on the charm - been taught well by his brothers?) and that is what Ruby wants - someone to tell her how wonderful she is.

Personally, I don't think Ruby has half the chemistry with Casey that she did with Romeo.They're more sweet than bristling with sexual tension.Yes, Ruby does want someone to tell her how wonderful she is, but that's not what she needs, she needs someone who'll keep her in line.

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Personally, I don't think Ruby has half the chemistry with Casey that she did with Romeo.They're more sweet than bristling with sexual tension.Yes, Ruby does want someone to tell her how wonderful she is, but that's not what she needs, she needs someone who'll keep her in line.

Perhaps that's what best for Ruby at the moment, having a relationship without any sexual tension.

Exactly where were all these people that had to jump out of the way when Casey was trying out his scooter??? Far as I could see it was only Charlie. I think we will find that there are other reasons why Brax doesn't want Casey delivering the pizza's. :wink: You're right Red, about Xavier merrily assuming Gina will give him the OK to deliver pizza's on a scooter, she flipped when he took the car and mums are even more worried about their sons (and daughters to be non sexist here) riding motorbikes and scooters. John will probably be on Xav's side, but I think this time Gina will have the final say.

How did Charlie make the leap from Ruby helping Casey with his project to her actually doing it for him???? No problem as far as I can see with any pupil helping another with their homework etc as long as it is just helping. Romeo was accused of the same thing and it turned out it was nothing of the kind. She has obviously decided to ignore Brax's advice and ban Ruby from seeing Casey which as we all know from having seen this before (many times) has the reverse effect and just gets them closer together. I can understand her concern though about letting Ruby go away for three days to this music concert. There was very nearly a moment there between Brax and Charlie, and she could hardly arrest him this time could she!

So a few words from Roo (who has been there after all) and Marilyn and Nic are all friendly again, till the next time that is. They do need to voice any concerns about how the other is acting as soon as it occurs, not let it fester.

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Unfortunately I'll have to miss it, as I'm leaving for a holiday in Croatia for 2 weeks in the morning. Going to be a long session when I return, watching 2 weeks' episodes on Demand 5 (and Neighbours as well!). Happy Easter everyone!

PS Thanks Miranda

Have a nice time Brian. You'll probably find yourself watching some old H&A episodes on Croatian TV from 1990 or something :lol:

I think Ruby shouldn't have any boyfriend but needs to 'find herself'. I can't help wondering if Rebecca got fed up with Luke and Samara canoodling and said she wanted a boy toy to canoodle with as well, which is why Casey/Lincoln suddenly was thrown in her direction :lol:

I think Brax is right. Charlie keeps finding excuses to come and speak to him about something, doesn't she? She was grinning naughtily after leaving him anyway....

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It's hard for me to get a handle on Ruby and Casey, they're kind of like friends with benefits except they don't realise it.(And sadly "no sexual tension" doesn't mean "no sex".)I can see it going the same way as Ruby and Xavier, with Ruby falling for someone else and hurting him.On her part, it feels more like a case of a guy being nice to her and making her feel good and she's interpreting that as having feelings for him.

Charlie didn't really have any right to make unfounded accusations to Gina like that and I wasn't happy with the fact that, even when Miles told her she was mistaken, Gina still ended up having a go at Casey.Maybe she felt she had to defend Charlie as a fellow mother/adult but she was out of line.I really wanted Miles or Gina to tell Charlie she'd got it wrong and shouldn't use the school as a weapon to break up her daughter's relationship.Instead it was left to Ruby.Thankfully she didn't blow her top and start hurling abuse like she did in the last episode, which is what I was afraid would happen, and I actually ended up quite liking her in that scene.Glad Xavier seems to have got past his hatred of her as well and they seem to be getting on all right.Curious to know when Casey took the dyslexia test, Cheryl was supposed to be dead against it.

Well, not surprisingly Gina wasn't completely okay with Xavier riding a scooter.I did rather like all the family's scenes though, especially the reluctant camaraderie between Xavier and John.(John's mouthed "You owe me" was a brilliant moment.)Not really a surprise that Gina's an ex-Hell's Angel given her past.John fantasising about her in leathers while Xavier clearly wishes he was anywhere else was very amusing.

Nice continuity with the return of Bishop Pitt.The more I see of Elijah and Grace the more I wish she'd stay around and they'd continue their marriage, however unconventional it might be, rather than constantly bringing up the idea of him and Leah.Morag was a bit brusque when telling Elijah he needed counselling but I liked how supportive she was of Grace later.

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Argh! :angry: Dyslexia isn't a learning disability, its a specific learning difficulty (SPLD)! Words make all the difference to people's view of themselves. At least its called that in England, not sure about Oz.

Gina riding that bike- yay! However, she must have a good memory if she hasn't ridden a bike for 30 odd years. Although she was checking out the bike controls earlier. No wonder she's so stuffy now, she looks back to her misspent youth and doesn't want Xavier following her. Yes, the 'leathers' moment was classic teeheehee. They are a good family. I missed the 'you owe me' moment though, when did that happen?

Elijah/ Grace/ Leah... blah blah blah....

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