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Oh by the way Thanks Red, I did re watch the episode to see John mouthing 'you owe me' at Xavier and Xave bowing to him. You're right it was so funny :D They really work well together in funny scenes.

I agree with you about Indi probably changing her mind soon <_< I think if what I said about Romeo was true, that would make her change her mind, that's why I think they might do that if they want Romeo and Indi to be some 'super golden couple'. How the hell would she trust him again otherwise? Silly girl if she does, she needs a new shiny university boyfriend :D

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Never thought we'd see the day Irene and Colleen were fighting over a bloke.(Well, okay, they weren't exactly but the comment was irresistible.)Morag acting as an agony aunt to Colleen was rather fun but I think she's on a hiding to nothing there:Keith came across as even more of a sleaze in that episode than in his first one with the way he was eyeing up those two girls on the beach.

Disappointed that Indi went along with Romeo's date idea.Wish Sid had stuck to his guns instead of letting himself be stopped by Marilyn's smug "Once a cheater, always a cheater" comment:I

I liked those scenes with Irene and Colleen, though quite where Colleen got the idea Keith was her private masseur is a mystery. Morag was really sweet (Morag and sweet I know! :rolleyes: ) when she was advising Colleen. I spotted the way he was eyeing those girls as well Red, definitely something iffy about him. Perhaps there is more to this all over body massage than meets the eye. :wink: I'm not sure he was actually planning a date with Colleen, but that looks like what she thinks he wanted.

I think it was a good idea that Indi went, she would have always been wondering 'what if' otherwise. Now she knows that even if she had been able to forgive, she wouldn't have been able to forget. May have been a smug remark, but Sid could hardly play the innocent card in the cheating game could he?

So who do we think dubbed Elijah and Grace in to Immigration? We know from the trailer Elijah believes it's Morag, but that is not her style and she had already told them she wouldn't report them, but help anyway she could. The only other ones who know the truth are Miles and Leah, unless there is someone I've missed. :unsure:

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I’m now in two minds about Romeo and Indy now. Whilst I definitely really, really don’t want Ruby winning (especially now that she’s happily moving on with Casey after having Romeo first, that’s right she had him first) when I saw Friday’s episode I could sympathise a lot with Indy especially with the flashbacks and that did put an element of doubt in my mind. If it had been anyone else then I would definitely say that Indy was right to break up with Romeo but Ruby can’t win. TBH I don’t think he deserves her and as far as I’m concerned this is a lose-lose situation.

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At first I wanted Romeo and Indie to stay together but now I think she can do better. I hope Casey knows what he's getting into with Ruby he seems a bit innocent according to Brax.

It's pretty ovbvious April has some sort of behavioral OCD, so I guess it will be therapy in a clinic for her pretty soon. Wonder if anyone on H&A has had Tourettes yet, they must be running out of ailments for characters by now...I guess Alf is borderline :lol:

Colleen is great, the real gem of the show!

I’m now in two minds about Romeo and Indy now. Whilst I definitely really, really don’t want Ruby winning (especially now that she’s happily moving on with Casey after having Romeo first, that’s right she had him first) when I saw Friday’s episode I could sympathise a lot with Indy especially with the flashbacks and that did put an element of doubt in my mind. If it had been anyone else then I would definitely say that Indy was right to break up with Romeo but Ruby can’t win. TBH I don’t think he deserves her and as far as I’m concerned this is a lose-lose situation.
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Colleen is great, the real gem of the show!

Personally I can't stand Colleen. If there's one character I could get rid of it would be her. She's twice a bad as Ruby. As much as I can't stand Ruby at the moment at least the character is bringing drama and entertainment to the show.

Strange as it may sound I was actually quite satisfied with the outcome of that episode. Morag was harsh with Elijah but I think she was absolutely right. I don't think either he or Miles were fair to try and blame her. Although I did raise an eyebrow when she claimed she wasn't going to lie and spent 40 years upholding the law (although in that instance again I thought she was quite correct). Aren't lawyers economical with the truth to some extent and also Aden, Justin, Kane anyone. Elijah needed to be told and I'm glad Morag was the one to tell him.

What really bothered me was the person who reported them but we'll probably never find out and I don't think it matters anyway.

I really didn't like Elijah trying to get Leah to lie for him either and was glad she stuck to her guns. I really don't think took her feelings into consideration and appreciated the position she was in. And he was completely in denial when Leah basically said he wanted her to lie for him and he denied it.

I'm really surprised by how much Elijah has changed. Abandoning his faith, getting married under false pretences (even though he was trying to help someone), lying and even trying to pressure other people to lie for him. I think he's a lot less likeable than before as I've mentioned more than once.

Miles seemed quite supportive of Elijah and Grace even though he knew the marriage wasn't for real. I wasn't surprised he defended them to Morag but was a bit surprised he said Leah shouldn't lie necessarily but not tell the whole truth. I don't see how should could have done it without getting caught out.

It's disappointing Grace going but I liked the way she tried to broker a deal to protect Elijah. She obviously loved him and wanted him to be happy with Leah. Shame he didn't love her but that's just the way it is. I'm glad she made a conscious decision to go back to her homeland. It's what Thabo would have wanted.

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I've got very mixed feelings about that episode.I thought it was well-written and acted and everyone involved did the best they could with the storyline.It does feel as though, once again, HA has been too quick to dump some characters and restore the status quo.Having Elijah come back with a wife and stepson was a brilliant idea, except that he hasn't really, he's only married her so the boy can get medical treatment and we'll get rid of them as soon as possible.As a result, I nearly threw something at the set when Grace told him to be happy with Leah near the end, although thankfully she did then qualify it and add a note of ambiguity.

I agree Elijah hasn't been as likeable this time round but I don't think he's been as bad as some people claim.He's been well-intentioned throughout but also extremely naive.The main problem is the fact that he hasn't been able to stay away from Leah, which was arguably his undoing.I did suggest in the spoiler section a while back that Thabo would be responsible for leaking the information so that didn't surprise me.I liked Miles sticking up for them, although he was out of line accusing Morag.I also liked how Sid was willing to go to bat for them even though he isn't that close to them.Morag was fair in her own way and probably right to not risk lying to immigration when they already knew the truth.I did think she was slightly harsh on Elijah with her scorn about the "better life" he'd given Grace.Is she seriously suggesting, as she did with her blinkered "taking people out of their native habitat" speech a few weeks back, that Grace will be better off with no friends, no family, disease and poverty?

Ultimately, Grace gets to leave with a bit of dignity, making a noble sacrifice for Elijah's sake when there's no other option and taking comfort in the fact it's what Thabo wanted.She deserved better but at least she got that.

Although I'm surprised no-one was a bit more suspicious of Leah, given that the investigating officer appears to be her ex-fiance.(Yes, okay, it's the same actor...)

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Although I'm surprised no-one was a bit more suspicious of Leah, given that the investigating officer appears to be her ex-fiance.(Yes, okay, it's the same actor...)

Who? What? When? Explain, oh purple one.

The guy that played Officer Morris, Harry Pavlidis, appeared in the show in 2000-2001(so, yeah, you have to have a good memory for names or faces to notice, although the episodes were repeated here in 2007 which is how I remember)as Ted, the guy Leah was engaged to when she ran away from an arranged marriage.I didn't realise until I saw his name on the credits and thought "Hang on, wasn't he the guy who..?"Given Ted was a police officer, it's a shame Morris had to mention his first name was Graham to stop saddos like me coming up with complex theories where it's the same person.

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Well, I couldn't believe Miles last night when he was interviewed by the immigration officials, he knew it was a sham marriage but when asked directly he just blatantly lied. Then Elijah trying to pressurise Leah into lying which thankfully she refused to do, I thought that gave out a bad message. I hope now Leah finally sees Elijah for what he is, she (like Indie) deserve a lot better. I agree Grace is the only one who came out of it with any dignity sadly she'll never be allowed in Australia again even for a holiday. Must be terrible coming to a new country with your new husband and son full of hope and return without either! :(

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Different tack for H&A having a whole episode dedicated to one storyline. Well handled by all, Morag couldn't possibly have lied when asked a direct question by the immigration officials she didn't have a choice. All the other questions and answers would have just been conjecture (posh eh) on her part. Especially the one about did she know if they more than slept together - if you know what I mean. :wink: The IO did get one thing wrong, Leah and Elijah weren't engaged.

Miles did look nervous when he was being questioned, the way he was drumming his fingers on the table.

Morag bent over backwards trying to help Elijah and Grace so well done to her.

Well done Red on your prediction, I must admit at one point it crossed my mind it may have been VJ (slaps wrist). I guess Thabo did it thinking he would be going home with Grace poor lad.

Agree Elijah did have a nerve asking Leah to lie for him, thankfully she was never put to the test, I guess that's put an end to any rekindling of their relationship. For someone who is supposed to be a well traveled man he is quite naive at times. He did do what he did with the best of intentions, but obviously didn't think it all the way through.

I'll miss Grace, she would have been a good addition to the community. She won't even have Thabo's grave to visit.

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