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Although it's going to get a bit confusing with her around, eh, Forum Member Miranda?)

Yes, do you think Dan or someone would let me change my name? Much as I'd like to be Xavier's girlfriend, I don't want people thinking I'm some kind of obsessive fan! :o

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Although it's going to get a bit confusing with her around, eh, Forum Member Miranda?)

Yes, do you think Dan or someone would let me change my name? Much as I'd like to be Xavier's girlfriend, I don't want people thinking I'm some kind of obsessive fan! :o

Am sure you can change your name or just put in your signature that you are not Xavier's gf and never will be :P We know who you would rather have :wink:

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Imo both Indi and Romeo were acting rather childishly at the party. Indi's remark to Nicole about what was Romeo doing there when it was a uni party was a bit petty, seeing as it wasn't exclusive, then Xavier explained it was Miranda who had invited him and he asked Romeo along. Seeing as she was the one who broke up with Romeo she did seem to spend a lot of the time seeing if he was watching what she was doing.

So it was Pete chatting up Nicole was it, his comparing her to a heavily pregnant cow was clumsy, but at least he didn't ignore it.

Kieran seems OK, just hope Indi doesn't use him as a rebound, he had good manners by wanting to meet Sid, rare these days.

Marilyn seemed out of her depth at the dinner party, poor love, can't see why though she has travelled as much as Sid and Roo, just not as well read as Sid or business minded as Roo. Her acting childish shouldn't stop her adopting a baby, she did have one of her own remember.

Miranda's 'my brother's the ugly one' was a bit random, so it could have been Kieran.

Yes, well done Dex, for being bothered about April enough to look up OCD, at least you'll know if that is what it is and how to help, if she'll let you. We all have it to a certain extent, it's when it takes over your life it becomes a huge problem.

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Am sure you can change your name or just put in your signature that you are not Xavier's gf and never will be :P We know who you would rather have :wink:

Oh feck off (in a good way) :blush::lol:

Dan implied there's not much point changing my name really :wink:

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I really didn't like the way Miles pressured Indigo into going to talk to Romeo, it was out of line and nothing to do with her.And then she goes anyway and gets a mouthful of abuse in return.And she'll probably still end up taking him back because that's what the girls do on this show, take back the guys that treat them badly and dump the ones that do right by then.If it ends up with Romeo and Indigo back together and Xavier and April staying split up, then someone really does have no clue how to write relationships on this show.I'm not entirely convinced Kieran was as nice as he might have seemed, I thought the "wanting to meet the parents" thing was just an excuse and he was hoping for something else when he walked her home.

Charlie really hasn't got the hang of this parenting thing, spending most of the episode coming down hard at the wrong times and backing off at the wrong times.I actually didn't think it was that unreasonable of Charlie to want Ruby to attend school instead of going off to some science comp, even if it was school related and, given Bianca's later comments, the school had presumably approved students attending.Having said that, Charlie did seem to have an ulterior motive in stopping Ruby spending time with Casey but Ruby didn't pay any attention to her anyway.Angelo acting like a jealous boyfriend is getting a bit tired:He's got plenty of reason to mistrust Brax but Charlie's a big girl and not really his responsibility anymore.

Good that April and Dexter have raised the OCD issue, although it felt like we've missed an episode: They've obviously had a conversation about it beforehand and the "I'm busy washing my hands" comment would probably baffle anyone who doesn't remember Sally's storyline(or isn't an expert on OCD).At least April's willing to admit to it, to Dex if not Bianca.

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I'm not entirely convinced Kieran was as nice as he might have seemed, I thought the "wanting to meet the parents" thing was just an excuse and he was hoping for something else when he walked her home.

I agree, he said 'the night doesn't have to end here', then he saw Sid and quickly added 'I'd like to meet your family.' Hm.... methinks that isn't what he meant at first... And when he said to Sid 'nice to meet you SIR' I cringed. That is what Americans call people's dads, I didn't know they said that in Australia.

Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) I feel a bit of empathy for Romeo. I know he's being an idiot but I feel like I'm in the same boat as him at the moment. I got so distracted by my True Love that I didn't bother getting qualifications and a career for myself. Now my TL is zooming ahead of me in life and I'm looking for a job but no one's interested in employing someone with no useful qualifications. I'm always warning young girls about doing this, they should get a career before getting bogged down in marriage, kids etc. <_<

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Miles did kind of bully Indi into trying to talk to Romeo, why did he think Romeo would listen to her? Romeo was way out of order when he all but blamed Indi for him failing his HSC the year before, she certainly didn't ask him to do it or expect him to, it was his decision!!! Why doesn't he just finish the year, take his HSC and pass, then he can do what he likes after. He can either go to uni or defer until he feels ready or is that too simple? He was rather nasty to Nic as well about her studying design.

Charlie was all over the place as regards Ruby and Casey, Leah actually voiced what I suppose a lot of us have been saying. The more she tries and keep them apart the more she will push her into his arms. Good for him (and Xav and Dex) for winning the science comp. It certainly seems to have given him a lot more confidence and belief in himself.

Agree there Red, it's a bit late for Angelo to act the jealous (ex) boyfriend, Charlie knows what Brax is like and he said as much to Angelo. Brax does seem to keep doing things behind Angelo's back though. So he has put the money in the joint, but Angelo is still the legal owner so should be consulted about what should be happening in the place. You would have thought Roo would have realised that seeing as they share a house! Hope Roo doesn't want Nic to make the costumes too raunchy, that would give the life guards the wrong image altogether.

It did seem there was a scene missing between Dex and April, last I remember she was denying anything was wrong. He's a good mate to her and hope she eventually appreciates it. Bianca obviously wasn't that bothered about her after Gina told her she was missing from school, after one (unanswered) phone call she waited till she got home.

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I loved todays' episode..

Leah was forcing Elijah to talk to her but I thought she was a bit insensitive in the sense that it was clear that he wasn't coping and that the shelter was the only thing that was keeping his mind off everything in his life that had gone wrong. I get it is not a good idea to bottle up how you are feeling but I got the feeling she was trying to force him into a discussion that he clearly wasn't ready for. What good can come out of forcing him to open up. I think he is still really raw from the fact that Grace left and he is all alone, and despite him saying that he wasnt angry that Leah didnt lie to Immigration is a bit of a red herring, I believe that was the real reason and more reason for Leah to have backed off him for a while.

Ruby and Casey were good today, she actually is growing on me, I don't forward her scenes anymore which is a bonus especially for me. I loved how her and Casey's scenes were realistic, they didnt seem to be forcing themselves on top of each other. I think they could become a very cute couple :wub: Loved how Xavier's word about the tips didnt turn out sooo good for him tho :lol:

I loved Brax winding up Charlie :wub: I hope they get it on soon :wub:

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Episode count this week:Roo was in four, yet more evidence she's inherited her father's talent for being in the most episodes.Liam was in one.

Callback to last episode, I guess Romeo does have a point about wrecking his future for Indi, given he did fail his exams partly because she was being a drama queen and insisting that she was going to fail and he was going to off to uni without her.But he did do it without consulting her, ignoring the more obvious option of getting his HSC and then deferring until he and Indi could go together(which, as it turns out, he didn't need to do), so it's mostly his own dumb fault.

Charlie and Brax were a bit odd in that episode, it felt as though both of them were going out of their way to take offence in their first conversation, especially him.Given the complete lack of interest he showed in her when she first came back, I suspect Brax was flirting with Roo for Charlie's benefit.I guess he un-uninvited her because of her honesty and it'll be interesting to see how the barbeque goes.Not sure what to make of the way Charlie and Ruby's relationship was presented.I think in different circumstances I'd have enjoyed the banter between them but, given how ineffective Charlie's been as a parent recently, turning her into the butt of Ruby's jokes, however good-naturedly, seemed to undermine her a bit.

Not sure about Ruby and Casey.I like them as individuals but I'm not sold on them as a couple.By which I mean I believe in them as a couple, I believe they would be dating each other, but I'm not convinced it's good for either of them, especially her, and they're certainly never going to be the love of each other's life.They arguably proved Charlie right here by going and breaking into the millionaire's holiday home together, even if it is fairly innocent:Ruby's been getting into enough trouble by herself without having a boyfriend who'll help her.Maybe I just picked up on it because of my view of their relationship but I couldn't help noticing Ruby defended the relationship by saying "I've found someone who genuinely cares about me" but didn't say anything about how she feels about him, it really does feel like he likes her more than vice versa.The friendship scenes with Xavier were great again.

Wondering if Keith might actually have a bit more about him than first appeared if he's helping out at the shelter.Nice to see Marilyn do something other than obsess about the baby although I'm surprised she and Irene were so scandalised about Colleen, ahem, giving Keith a good night kiss. (Didn't Marilyn sleep with Sid on their first date?)Colleen appeared to go on her date dressed as Morag circa 1989.I agree that Leah should leave Elijah alone, he's got plenty of friends who aren't too-interested exes if he wants to talk.Is she meant to have actually spoken to Immigration?I know Elijah asked her to keep the truth from them and she refused but I thought Grace's confession rendered the point moot.

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so it's mostly his own dumb fault.

Yes, he and me both <_<

Liked Colleen's date with Keith. I think he was testing her to see how she reacted to helping the homeless, but obviously being a mature woman, she didn't storm out petulantly.

I don't think Casey and Ruby have much chemistry TBH. I thought he looked distinctly nervous when she dragged him off to bed. Nice house they've got themselves though :)

I think Leah should have spoken to Elijah at his home, not his work place. She just wants to be near him, I reckon.

Loved the Xavier scenes as usual, not sure why he was showing off his muscles to Casey though :lol:

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