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so it's mostly his own dumb fault.

Yes, he and me both <_<

Hope you didn't take that as a criticism.I don't know all the ins and outs of your situation but given that Romeo's basically thrown away his future twice for nothing, he does seem to be a rather extreme example.

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No, of course I didn't take it personally. Just having a good old moan :D I've got over my bout of self pity now. My friend said in two years companies will be so short of staff they'll be recruiting any old person so me and Romeo just have to hang on til then :lol: :lol:

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Loved the scenes with Marilyn, Irene and Colleen. :lol: They both got hold of the wrong end of the stick when she asked if it was OK to 'you know' on the first date. :wink::blush: Those looks between Maz and Irene when she was going through her outfits was funny. See she still managed to wear her Stewart scarf, though how Miles had managed to confuse it for a tea towel was a bit beyond me? She did look a bit crestfallen when she first arrived at the homeless centre, but found she actually liked it. Liked her quip about having lunch as long as it wasn't soup.

Agree that Leah shouldn't have gone to Elijah's place of work, she should have waited until he felt able to talk to her, though a text, phone call to her wouldn't have gone amiss. Would have stopped her bothering him.

That thought struck me too Red about Brax 'chatting up' Roo to make Charlie jealous. If they do ever have a relationship, I can see it being pretty fiery. She did come across as pretty judgmental about Brax's mum, though I suppose her reputation as a bit of a recluse preceded her. Plus a bit of snobbery came in I think seeing as it was a Braxton barbie!! Believe it or not I thought she may ask to be un-uninvited!! I actually liked those scenes between Charlie and Ruby, lighthearted banter between them and Ruby's little dig about Charlie being a rubbish cook.

How come such a fancy and expensive mansion, which looked pretty isolated, had no secruity, CCTV, alarms or anything!!! Not the first time Ruby has scaled a gate, but when and how did she learn to break in like that!!!! :huh: Didn't take a huge step of imagination to guess where she dragging him off to. :wink:

It all goes pear shaped next BTW.

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Yeah, Leah spends ages pushing Elijah away so when he does go away to get some perspective she goes and hunts him down. Typical! She has to let the dust settle Grace has only just been deported and taboo boxed and buried, she can't ask questions like 'where do we stand'.

Agree that Leah shouldn't have gone to Elijah's place of work, she should have waited until he felt able to talk to her, though a text, phone call to her wouldn't have gone amiss. Would have stopped her bothering him.

Hmmm, I have a feeling Angelo is go to go ballistic this week :-/

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Oh god, Xavier, what are you like? Not a good episode for you.... Pretending to be someone you're not to impresse That Woman Who Stole My Name. And Dex saying 'you might look a bit more sophisticated with your mouth closed' :lol: And John knew exactly why he wanted to know about philosophy :lol: Although what Gina was saying was really interesting :)

The party of Ruby's... dear oh dear. That look Casey gave Heath was really 'I'm going to kill you". Heath was terrible to April, what a barsteward. Moral of the story: if you're 18, don't let your 22 year old brother know you're having a party. Of course, soon Casey will be as big as Heath so he'll win in the end... Casey/Lincoln is a good actor, he went easily from being all soppy with Ruby to looking pretty mean and hard when Charlie confronted him, I could see how people could be scared of him :o

Dex was nice to help Summer, shame she threw up on him. And Sid was actually impressed with his big macho son doing macho things like going to a wild party and having a girl throw up on him etc. :lol:

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For me personally Xavier is one of the best characters at the moment. Why does he manage to get all the nice ones? (OK he hasn’t got her yet) I really enjoyed the scenes with Gina and John. I especially liked the way Gina thought Xavier was genuinely interested in wanting to learn philosophy and sat him down and explained everything to him whilst John remained cynical and had some idea as to Xavier’s motives. Miranda is hot and she’s got really nice eyes too. Xavier lying from the offset is destined to fail (even though I liked the way Dexter reluctantly went along with it). The sad thing is I think if he had simply told the truth about his age Miranda might be OK with it. April really annoyed me when she made a remark about Xavier being immature to Dexter and then again to Xavier at the party. She was the one who didn’t want to get back with him so she should just mind her own business unless she’s jealous that is. I was a big fan of April and Xavier before but considering how she’s acted towards him since he was hospitalised from inhaling the poisonous fumes I don’t really think she deserves him anyway. And I would like to see if anything happens with Miranda. In saying that I did feel sorry for her when Heath and his mates threw her into the swimming pool and I did quite like the way Xavier squared up to Heath in her defence and comforted her afterwards. Hopefully Miranda won’t read too much into it.

Ruby hasn’t been as annoying over the last week but she’s still doing things without considering the implications and still showing her selfish side and although Casey went along with everything he’s probably going to cop the flack for her.

I liked Charlie trying to make the effort (even though it was for Ruby and not because she was sorry about misjudging Casey) by baking the cake for the impending dinner at the Braxton’s but it looks as though it’s all going to be in vain now.

Quite liked the interaction with Charlie and Leah and their hug. I really like these two as friends so more stuff like that would be good

I like it whenever they show scenes of Dexter pursuing females on his own and they sort of did that today. Anyway I hope she remembers him.

Overall quite a good episode especially with the younger characters and as much as I hate to say it seemed to work especially well with the absence of two of the other younger characters.

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I actually really enjoyed that episode, even though there were some things that annoyed me about it. Casey and Ruby are beginning to feel like Xavier and Ruby should have been, ie she's eating him alive.He might be able to act tough with Charlie but basically, he's putty in her hands and far too weak-willed to pull her back when she's doing crazy stuff.It is a shame that, after Charlie seemed to be making an effort with them, this is probably going to put them back to square one and, judging by the promo and what I've heard elsewhere, I'm not liking the way I think it's going to end up going.I agree though it was nice to see a bit of her and Leah.

Xavier is one of the best things about the show and so is his relationship with John.I love that even when Gina's being "good cop", John's still the one that gets Xavier better than her, instantly realising he's just learning philosophy to impress a girl.I like Miranda and kind of want something to happen between them but, to be honest, I think he's punching above his weight.I was prepared to put my Xapril glasses on and think she was just being catty about him and Miranda because she was jealous but, oh my god, then he's putting his coat around her and hugging her and she's letting him and I'm on the verge of squealing like a girl and punching the air instead because it's more manly.I'm fully prepared for them staying apart but it's kept the dim flame of hope alive for me.Having said that, I did come close to cheering when Heath and his mates threw her in the pool.

Dexter was great as well, I loved that little bit when he finds Summer and wants to walk away but knows he has to do the decent thing, mainly because that's probably what I would've done in that situation.He did seem pretty smitten with her for a moment there so I kinda want something to happen there too.Loved the way Sid seemed to be thinking "Girls are throwing up on my son?Result!" Had to laugh slightly when Dex seems to forget about calling April when he finds his phone covered in vomit.Kids today really have never heard of a landline, have they?

I agree the episode worked better without Romeo, who's fast proving to be the weak link in the teen group.I think a certain other character would work without him but is being dragged down a bit.

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Oh god, Xavier, what are you like? Not a good episode for you.... Pretending to be someone you're not to impresse That Woman Who Stole My Name. And Dex saying 'you might look a bit more sophisticated with your mouth closed' :lol: And John knew exactly why he wanted to know about philosophy :lol: Although what Gina was saying was really interesting :)

I loved that scene and :lol: when John said he'd read philosophy back in the day 'to impress a pretty young girl'. Gina didn't seem to twig it at all. Actually Xav did make some good observations, maybe he will get into it. Can't be too long though before Miranda realises how young Xav is, hasn't someone tried this before and failed? He was very kind to April by making sure she got home OK.

Dex was another knight in shining armour with Summer (didn't take her long to get plastered). I know he kind of abandoned April, but he couldn't have known what was going to happen. She did say she thought he was rather sweet, before throwing up on him, hope it wasn't just the drink talking. :wink: Sid did seem rather impressed by the fact Dex had sort of pulled.

How did everyone get into the party, had Ruby and Casey found the keys to the gate? How did Ruby think she was going to have a 'quiet' party and the neighbours not hear the noise? She said to Casey in the diner that no-one knew they had been there, um that's because it was just two of you and were being quiet, cos you shouldn't have been there!

Trouble with today's technology, you can't keep a party exclusive.

Nice scenes between Charlie and Leah, she really is a rubbish cook isn't she? I suppose Leah has gone to a lot of trouble finishing off the cake for nothing after last nights events. Casey was a good guy as well for going back for Ruby's bag then dumping it when Charlie (it had to be her who went to investigate didn't it) collared him. Going by what I saw in the preview she won't be able to get away with claiming she wasn't there for long. If she really does like Casey, like she says she does, she'll do the decent thing and admit her part in it. Can see Brax being on Casey's side rather than Heaths, he wants Casey to do better than either of them.

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Okay okay, don't all jump on me! I was only criticising Xavier for that episode, I love him really :lol: He was the knight in shining armour with April, I wish he'd pushed Heath into the swimming pool or something.

Really got to change my name..... :blink:

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Okay okay, don't all jump on me! I was only criticising Xavier for that episode, I love him really :lol: He was the knight in shining armour with April, I wish he'd pushed Heath into the swimming pool or something.

Really got to change my name..... :blink:

Oh sorry, did you criticise Xavier?I actually agree with the point you made, it is dumb of him lying to Miranda.(

Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be gone soon...

)But, hey, teenage boys do dumb things to impress girls.Or so I hear...

Sadly, most of my fears about the aftermath of the party were realised.Despite her making a token attempt to stand by Casey, I really wasn't impressed with Ruby and do wonder just how far she'd have been willing to go for him.I don't want Charlie to split them up because it's far from being as simple as Casey being the bad guy leading Ruby into trouble but I am finding the whole "Romeo and Juliet" thing a bit tiring.Charlie, sadly, lived down to my expectations.Given that she handled Ruby buying alcohol underage so well last year, it's a shame that she handled this so badly.At best she was unprofessional, at worst corrupt, withholding information to protect her daughter, although in her defence an off-the-record confession and a bag left by a guy who wasn't willing to make a statement isn't really enough evidence to charge her.But if she really did have reason to suspect Ruby, she should have done it officially and handed the case over to someone who wasn't involved, not tried to deal with it over the breakfast table.Pretty much the only thing she did right was call Brax's bluff.

Ah, Brax.Well, again it's nice to see him trying to keep Casey on the straight and narrow, even though his interaction with Charlie points to their differing code of ethics(his main loyalty is to his family and friends, whereas she has the law to consider).That ending...Oh dear.Too much, too soon. (And I think it's not too much of a spoiler to say from the promo that it's way too much too soon.)If Charlie's going to take the moral high ground over Ruby's relationships, she can't be just as "easy" herself.Can't she ever go on a date with a guy first?

As for the other storyline...well, it had some nice bits but Nicole's baby brain must be worse than she thought:Whatever possessed her to make the uniforms pink?!(And...why was she rubbing fake tan all over Angelo's chest and back when you couldn't see it?Or is that a stupid question?)Not to mention that the "private showing with just John and Roo" is conducted in the surf club in front of Marilyn(who actually leaves her job to watch)and a bunch of extras.Whilst I usually find John amusing, I thought he was a bit insensitive here:His initial reaction to Nicole crying was okay but having him wander off and leave her like that was just a shade too callous.

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