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ello ello ello... Nicole rubbing fake tan over Angelo after seeing him half naked :wub: Nothing dodgy there then :lol: And of course the Cop and the River Boy finally giving in to their lust...That story will run and run.

EDIT: it just occurred to me. Nic didn't actually need to rub Ange with cream all over his back and front- the outfit he wore only really showed his arms, didn't it? I think she was taking advantage of him :lol: And also, I liked the way Charlie felt she had to subdue Brax before kissing him, very dodgy.

Loved Marilyn's comment to John about not eating properly and adding wheatgerm to the drink :lol:

Not sure about the pink colour of Nicole's outfits...!

I agree with Red and others saying Casey isn't strong enough to stop Ruby doing anything. I don't know if anyone can control her TBH. She needs someone stronger as a boyfriend and as a parent, she's going out of control. Again.

And I agree that John was particularly horrible and annoying today.

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That did seem strange Red, perhaps 'private viewing' has a different meaning in Summer Bay! Mind you nobody seemed to be taking any notice which seemed odd as well! That bright pink would look OK on the women, but not on blokes, agree with John there, but he definitely could have put it a lot better, but then that's John all over, tact was never his strong point. I though Indi looked good in hers, but not so sure about Angelo's.

What can you mean Miranda by Nic taking advantage of Angelo by rubbing fake tan over his body when it wouldn't be seen anyway. :wink: Obviously hasn't got total 'baby brain' then.

The aftermath of the party turned into a damp squib really, as there was only Casey and a few drunk stragglers left and no-one was going to be dubbing anyone else in there was nowhere for the police to go. I don't suppose Charlie would have any idea Ruby had even been there if not tipped off by Brax. She hardly 'tricked' Ruby into admitting she had been there, who give her her due she did admit it and said if Casey was going to be charged so she would have to be too. Considering the party was her idea, quite right too. If push had come to shove would she have though? If charges could have been brought then Charlie's 'cover up' would have been wrong and you're right Red it should have then been turned over to another officer - Georgie!

Miranda, on your point about Casey not being strong enough to stop Ruby doing what she wanted, wasn't it him who told her to be herself and do what she wanted?

Perhaps manhandling guys turns Charlie on, Brax certainly seemed very OK about it. Agree Red, she definitely can't take the moral high ground now, is she going to smuggle him out before the rest of the house are up and about the next morning? :P

I hope when they took the statement from Mr. Marsden, the owner, they advised him about getting some decent security.

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What can you mean Miranda by Nic taking advantage of Angelo by rubbing fake tan over his body when it wouldn't be seen anyway. :wink: Obviously hasn't got total 'baby brain' then.

:ph34r: I'd never do such a thing as that of course.

Miranda, on your point about Casey not being strong enough to stop Ruby doing what she wanted, wasn't it him who told her to be herself and do what she wanted?

Consult with Mr R. Ranger, he said it first :P

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Miranda, on your point about Casey not being strong enough to stop Ruby doing what she wanted, wasn't it him who told her to be herself and do what she wanted?

Consult with Mr R. Ranger, he said it first :P

Oh, is my name being taken in vein?Well, yes, Casey did say that which kind of proves my point that he's not going to stop her doing crazy stuff.Then again, he did make a rather feeble attempt to stop her holding a party at a house they'd broken into and have it on a beach instead, which also proves the point.

I don't know which of the Buckton women I find more frustrating.On the one hand, you've got Ruby, who's suddenly spouting off the L-word about Casey on the grounds that he's the only boy in town who'll touch her with a barge pole.On the other hand, you've got Charlie, who's slept with some guy she barely knows and doesn't really like.And who we're apparently supposed to believe is serious about her, given the stuff he was spouting when he came round to see her.But frankly, he's such a player and it seems to have come from so little that it's hard to see him as sincere.Charlie was incredibly annoying throughout that episode, doing a typically poor job with Ruby by firing off mixed signals all the time and stressing about Brax.Frankly, she is the sort of woman who does that sort of thing without it meaning anything.(And again, there seems to be a mixed message from the writers who seem to portray Ruby thinking she and Romeo are an item because they slept together as deluded and Brax thinking he and Charlie are an item because they slept together as reasonable, in fact you could practically cut and paste lines from their "after sex" scenes.)Actually, Brax does come across as rather deluded:He appears to be coping with sleeping with a police officer by pretending Charlie isn't one and expecting her to do the same.

Although it's understandable she's emotional, Nicole was being a bit precious not expecting Roo to beg her to stay when she threw in the towel.Marilyn's back to pursuing her own agenda again, now she's making Roo out to be the villain of the piece because she feels threatened by her since Roo's got more in common with Sid than she does(like the fact their mental ages are in two digits).The more obsessive her behaviour is, the more I wonder why on earth Nicole would trust her with her baby.

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I thought John was quite brutal with Nicole but honest. I think I made a comment a while back about how the words John Palmer and tact don’t go into the same sentence.

Anyway Charlie didn’t waste any time with Brax did she? She didn’t even bother to go on a date with him first. I agree that Charlie was extremely annoying in that episode and I’m starting to lose all respect for her. How can she possibly expect Ruby to take her seriously? That really seems to be one of her biggest weaknesses and in some respects she seems to epitomise hypocrisy. Ruby will have a field day if she finds out especially if she discovers that Charlie tried to cover the whole thing up. I really didn’t like Charlie throwing the cake Leah made into the bin. They could have at least eaten it and it seems like such a waste. It’s a shame she opted out of dinner at the Braxton’s as I think the interaction between the characters would have been interesting. I imagine Charlie would have felt really awkward and would have struggled to make conversation with Heath and his mum and occasionally Brax would have thrown the odd sentence here and there to break the silence. I almost burst into laughter when Ruby mentioned the L-word. Please. Wasn’t Romeo supposed to be the one about 3 weeks ago, still that’s Ruby for you.

I have to admit I had a wry smile on my face firstly when Marilyn went to fight Nicole’s corner even though Nicole had already resolved the situation with Roo earlier on in the afternoon regarding her job and also when she got paranoid about Sid and Roo talking about her, outright accused them and was made to look a fool when they confirmed they were in fact speaking about Nicole.

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I need to stop vanishing, because whenever I come back I have lots of stuff to catch up talking on. I'll use my signature to help me.

Really liking April's storyline, and felt sorry for her when she was thrown in the pool. I don't understand why Irene and Bianca aren't getting her help or something. I mean, do they not see her except when we see them together on screen? They live together, and April's not just like that when we see her, it'd be all the time. So unless Irene and Bianca are completely blind... April should've been professionally diagnosed AGES ago. I'm actually really liking her friendship with Dexter... it's hard to believe he used to be my least favourite character, he's now one of my top favourites. Now he's not being so much of a... strange and obnoxious character, and actually acting mostly normal.

Xavier... Although I'm disappointed there seems to be no chance for April and Xavier again.. well... not really anything but that to say. I am disappointed. xD Don't like where the whole lying about uni thing is going... I can see him ending up at the actual unviersity pretending to be a student with Indi and Nicole as back-up... hope not. I actually like Casey and Ruby together. Shock horror. Forget the rubbish about Casey being a bad influence on Ruby from Charlie, it's far more the other way round. Okay, it was Casey's original idea to trespass on the house... but seriously... you'd have thought from the life Ruby's had, that every soap teenager seems to have, that you'd just KNOW it'd end badly. Then again, I guess that's just taking soap operas too seriously. Anyway, back to actual Casey... he's already high in my favourites list, and I list his relationship with Daryl too.

Daryl's awesome, as is his tendency to say 'eh' at the end of everything. xD I'm not quite sure what his plan is with Angelo's, and I'm hoping there's not some big sinister plot to it. I actually predict the 2011 finale to be based on something to do with him... hopefully he won't be another Hugo. As I said, I like his relationship with Casey. And I quite like him and Charlie together, despite Charlie's massive drop from 2nd favourite down to right near the bottom in the space of 1 1/2 years. Right. Talking about the whole Romeo/Indigo/Ruby thing here. Ugh. Romeo... ugh. I can't believe I've ended up disliking him more than Ruby. He went about it the complete wrong way, and has just been pathetic about the whole thing since... Glad Indi rejected him, thank god that storyline seems to be over.

Marilyn is just annoying me now... she's gone in a circle with me. I started off disliking her because of how she completely took control of the house with her vegetarian food, then I liked her when she first got with Syd and such. Now the whole adoption thing... ugh. Like someone said, if she's this obsessive... why on earth does Nicole trust her? I think Nicole would make a great mother, and I'm hoping she ends up keeping it, but thats doubtful. And new parents on home and way always seem to leave shortly after the baby is born, except with Leah and Sally. Colleen and whatshisface... can't even remember the name... this is just a hilarious storyline, and its good to see Colleen finally getting a story. When she completely dressed up and then was taken to the shelter, that was just... lol. Haha.

But finally... onto Leah and Elijah... THANK GOD THE GRACE/THARBOT/ELIJAH STORYLINE IS OVER! I skipped every scene. Okay, it's not as if I hated Grace and stuff, I mean, it was a good storyline... I just can't stand Elijah. He and Leah have absolutely no chemistry, I don't think I've seen more than one person on this site who actually likes him... just looking at my poll 'Best Partner for Leah' shows that... The ONLY part of the storyline I liked was the fact it stopped Elijah getting back with Leah. Elijah has a very secure spot at the bottom of my character rankings, really really don't like him. Even worse than Dexter was, seeing as I never felt the need to skip Dexter's scenes.

Anyway, rant over.

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Marilyn did seem to be trying her very best to get out of going to Roo's dinner party, is it just because she has a feeling that Sid and her have a connection or just because she doesn't completely like her? To be fair to Marilyn she was only standing up for Nic and didn't know she and Roo had already sorted out their problem. She came across as feeling out of step with everyone else about the 80's, but so what, Marilyn was a 80's person, thank god we're not all the same, how boring would that be?

Charlie and Brax, hm, very interesting. She did seem to enjoy herself, :wink: then started getting all paranoid again. He made a very interesting comment about her deciding to be either a cop or mother and she replied she couldn't do that (or something like that). I think she does like him, it's just his lifestyle she doesn't like and all the problems getting involved with him could bring. At least Charlie took on board the fact she can't stop Ruby seeing Casey even though she doesn't approve. Wonder if this will take the shine off Ruby's attraction to him or maybe, just maybe this will last the course?

It was very rude of her just not to turn up, I know Ruby passed on her excuses, but she could have easily have rung and made her apologises. Seems even 'lowlife' like the Braxtons have certain standards and expectations. As for throwing the cake away after Leah had gone to all that trouble of making it for her, I would be furious. I agree Slade, they could have eaten it themselves or taken it to the Homeless Shelter.

So Ruby is in lurve again!!!! :rolleyes: Not even going to say anymore, we will have to wait and see. See my comment above.

Angelo and Nic, possible future perhaps? They did kind of look good together

and as both are leaving, could it be together?

Wonder what Maz will say about that, after all Angelo is more mature than Angus and does have his own business (well sort of).

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I think Nicole and Angelo would make a brilliant couple, because 1) She likes older men and he can only be at most 10 years older than her, so that's not too weird like Sid (40 something) and Penn (30 something) were 2) He's actually a grown up man and therefore knows more about life than all the uni boys do e.g. he seems to know something about babies and pregnancies. 3) She's known him for years so knows his past and he knows hers.

So, I'm jumping on the Nic & Ange love boat :wub:

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Lovely bit of interaction between Indi and Dex at the start, they really do bounce off each other well. Dex trying to tell Liam about April without telling him about April was amusing.I'm glad he knows, he's actually seemed more on the ball about this than Irene and Bianca.(Did Irene really not do anything after seeing the cupboards had been rearranged?What the heck's she playing at?)Has to be said, for someone who's meant to be obsessive compulsive April isn't particularly good at it.She needs to write a text message exactly 200 characters long.Fine.I could do that in about five minutes and I'm not obsessive compulsive...much.She's apparently trying to do it for hours.Or am I missing the point here?

Marilyn...aargh!In fact, I'm sorry to say this but Miles...aargh!It really hasn't been a good year for him.He's got Marilyn in front of him, being irritating and making nasty comments about Roo behind her back that she's done nothing to deserve.What she needs is someone to tell it to her straight.What she gets is Miles pandering to her for a quiet life.(Even though he was straight with Roo at the beginning.Maybe she's less scary than Marilyn.)Not sure about Sid being won over by her Stepford Wives routine, he's beginning to seem as tired of her as I am.

And as for Romeo...what the heck?So, basically he's just used Emily for sex and then given her the brush off afterwards?I think any excuse he had for what happened with Ruby just went flying out the window, apparently she got off lightly in the "brutal rejection when she thinks they're an item" stakes.Indi surely can't go anywhere near him after this.

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I am not going to rant about Romeo incase his biggest fan attacks me :lol: but come on! What an idiot! Did he learn the first time? You dont sleep with someone and then reject them like that! Stupid boy!

Marilyn comes across as really annoying and paranoid over the whole baby saga, she really needs to relax and get over herself. I honestly want Nicole to have the baby and then eventually

leave with it leaving Marilyn alone


I love Dex in this episode! I love him fullstop! Such an epic character :)

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