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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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How cheap can you be Romeo? Having sex outside then telling Emily to get lost? Is he going backwards in age or something? So funny that Indi saw him acting like that :D Trying to sleep his way to the top of the courier business, perhaps :lol: Perhaps he should become a porn star :lol:

Going back an episode, I did find myself agreeing with Marilyn. The 80s were better than the 90s, no contest. The 90s were just blah. And I also agreed with her that she and Roo shouldn't go on about how terrible giving birth was in front of a teenager having her first baby. I mean, come on! That is just unfair, I'd never do that.

However apart from that, Marilyn also seems to be regressing in age. I liked her when she first came back, she seemed to have grown up, but now seems to be the same as she used to be :huh:

Also going back an episode, I liked Leah's motherly words to Ruby. I hope she has more influence over her, she knows much more about parenting than Charlie.

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Is Romeo already 2nd last on my list? He's not? Oh good. DEMOTED!

I have nothing else to say about the episode, really. Except again.. how blind Bianca and Irene both are. I mean... does Irene fall asleep in 5 seconds or something? Surely, she would've at least -listened- to make sure April followed? I mean... in any normal household where that happened, you'd notice whether she was really following or not. Seriously. April should go live with Dex, cause he's the only one who seems to have any initiative with her.

Romeo, get off the show. I thought you were annoying with Annie. You were a favourite when with Indigo and in all that time, way to kill a character. Poor Emily. I found her facebook status rather cute though. xD "Finally found her Romeo :)" did anyone else notice that? xD

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Everyone's going to jump on my head, but I actually like the fact that Romeo's becoming Evil Romeo. Its much better having a character we love to hate, rather than everyone being nice. I didn't really think much of Penn as a Bad Boy, cos he was someone we didn't know who just turned up. But its good to see a character Going Bad mwah hahaha! I bet the writers realised how boring he was and decided to make him more interesting.

I also thought the photo of him and Emily on Facebook was terrible. Talk about a trophy shot- look who I've got. I'd never post a picture of a man in that state, it was showing a bit too much of him.

Are there new writers this year? I was thinking how as Red said, the characters are actually having friendships and being more human these days. Actually having story arcs and developing rather than just doing random things.

I mean... does Irene fall asleep in 5 seconds or something?
Maybe she's turning into a goldfish :lol:
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I mean... does Irene fall asleep in 5 seconds or something?
Maybe she's turning into a goldfish :lol:

I think you will find that is their memory span.

OK, Emily was way too far ahead of herself by saying Romeo was her boyfriend on Facebook, but no way should he have slammed into her in the diner the way he did, he could have taken her outside and just told her quietly (how did he know where to find her btw)? Guess the interview is now out of the question? :P:wink: I would say any doubts Indi may have had are now put to rest.

Perhaps Irene does now realise something is up with April but not what it is. Btw I read on the Aussie thread April is more likely suffering from OCPD, which would apparently explain her desire to make certain everything is correct or bad things will happen. Thank goodness for Dex, finally telling Liam, it's far too much for him to handle on his own, though he's more than likely to have lost April's trust. Liam obviously thought he was talking about his self until he admitted it was April. So why hadn't Bianca texted April, when she had texted both Irene and Liam?

Methinks Sid won't be telling Marilyn he went to see Roo, that will only feed her paranoia even more. Roo was very honest in saying Sid was a spunk, but Marilyn's spunk, so she would in no way muscle in, as she put it. Miles was right Roo can be very forceful.

Also going back a couple of episodes, anyone else think when Charlie was talking to Ruby about the differences between her and Casey and that it would never work she was meant herself and Brax?

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I mean... does Irene fall asleep in 5 seconds or something?
Maybe she's turning into a goldfish :lol:

I think you will find that is their memory span.

Big mistake saying that. As a college student who studies fish/marine biology and other such things about aquatics, I will be a spoilsport nerd and tell you that goldfish have a memory that's in some way better than human's. :P And its at least over a year, too.

But moving on to H&A

Finally, Romeo's stopped being too much of an idiot. I still really dislike him. I'm hoping Elijah's gone again, after his conversation with Leah. I can't remember if he was in next week's preview or not. ...In fact, I can't actually remember what happened in today's episode except the Romeo stuff... talk about a five second me- OH! The Xavier thing. Again, I find myself wondering -how- soap opera characters think stuff like that ever works. You would've thought that after stealing the car with Casey and Ruby, Xavier would've learned his lesson. But I'm not sure if she would have still liked him or any of that if he had been honest from the start.

I found the scene with Xavier wearing the surf uniform and John amusing, though again I wonder how the heck Miranda (is that the name?) didn't figure something was strange. The whole going up and putting his finger to John's lips was... obvious, to say the least.

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I mean... does Irene fall asleep in 5 seconds or something?
Maybe she's turning into a goldfish :lol:

I think you will find that is their memory span.

Big mistake saying that. As a college student who studies fish/marine biology and other such things about aquatics, I will be a spoilsport nerd and tell you that goldfish have a memory that's in some way better than human's. :P And its at least over a year, too.

Oh Jeez! Just trying to make a funny, lighthearted remark. Not get into a discussion about who knows more about goldfish.... :rolleyes:

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I agree Charlie was talking about herself rather than Ruby with the "It would never work" thing.I think the problem with Romeo's treatment of Emily goes beyond where he said it and into what he said and what he did.

Episode counts this week:Roo was in all five, it's definitely a Stewart thing.Elijah was only in one and Bianca didn't appear at all, although the conference thing sort of covers it.

I loved all the stuff with Xavier today, even if he is digging himself a bigger and bigger hole.The interaction between him and Dexter was great, who'd have thought Dexter was such a good forger? (Oh yes, Forum Member Miranda, I kept meaning to post:They did change the script producer, which I think roughly translates as head writer, near the beginning of the year which might explain some of the changes.)The bit with John coming into it and Xavier trying desperately to shut him up was funny too.Miranda's comment about "schoolboys" was a bit odd:Did she really think Heath was a schoolboy?!Xavier really needs to tell Miranda the truth because Oscar will probably do it if he doesn't.He did at least seem to be about to tell her before he, ahem, got distracted.Not sure if we're meant to assume Something Happened between him and Miranda or not, given they stayed on the beach rather than going somewhere more comfortable I'm leaning towards no.I can understand Gina being worried about Xavier staying out all night even if she was slightly over the top(didn't he do the same thing with April a few months back?)but she should learn that people who snoop are never pleased about what they find.Hopefully Xavier will manage to convince her it's not what it looks like.

Oh, Romeo's wandering around looking miserable, there's a surprise, even if he was a bit better than he has been lately.Not sure what to make of Keith, his first two episodes, especially the second one, they seemed to be implying he was a bit dodgy but now he seems pretty genuine.I was practically cheering when Elijah made that comment to Leah about wanting attention and I'm glad he's putting some space between them, getting involved is the last thing either of them needs at the moment.

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I would like to announce that from now on, you can call me Miranda Hemsworth to distinguish me from That Woman Who Stole My Name on the show. Because I shall be marrying Chris Hemsworth soon after seeing him in Thor tomorrow :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I would like to announce that from now on, you can call me Miranda Hemsworth to distinguish me from That Woman Who Stole My Name on the show. Because I shall be marrying Chris Hemsworth soon after seeing him in Thor tomorrow :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not if I get there first :ph34r::wink:

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