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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Well, that was a hm.... episode. I didn't know whether to cringe at Xavier or say 'aw bless'. He and Dex were so funny though, espeically when Dex was trying to make the ID card with Xavier hassling him and when Xavier was changing into the life guard uniform and trying to do it subtly. He really should have told That Woman.... before now about his age etc.

Haha, Romeo sleeping around came back to bite him after all. I hope he apologises to Emily. I didn't quite get why he didn't like helping the homeless though.

Apart from that... not much else. Nice to see Miles actually doing some school marking, teachers spend most of their lives doing that in real life and I've never seen him doing any before :rolleyes:

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I am hating Romeo more and liking Ruby less. Way to pass the buck writers :lol: but he annoys me. The way he walks around acting like he is so perfect all the time! <_<

I like Xavier, I am not chuffed that he is chasing Miranda (:lol:) because I dont think they work well, I cant see the chemistry...

Oooh Gina found the ID... more crap parenting on the way then! Why do parents assume they know best! I mean sometime they do but sometimes they are wrong!

And also I am liking Roo more and more! :)

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Oh yes, forgot to mention the subtle slash moment at the end of the episode.Xavier:"I just walked her home."Gina:"Her?"Xavier:"Would you rather it had been a guy?"

Whatever could he be implying...

Oh Red, we've turned you to the Dark Side now (me, Jen and Zetti I mean :P) You'll be seeing slash everywhere now.... I wonder if the writers read our stories on this site, I read that BTTB is the biggest H&A fan site now days....

Comfan don't worry about it :)

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Well, that was a hm.... episode. I didn't know whether to cringe at Xavier or say 'aw bless'. He and Dex were so funny though, espeically when Dex was trying to make the ID card with Xavier hassling him and when Xavier was changing into the life guard uniform and trying to do it subtly. He really should have told That Woman.... before now about his age etc.

Haha, Romeo sleeping around came back to bite him after all. I hope he apologises to Emily. I didn't quite get why he didn't like helping the homeless though.

Apart from that... not much else. Nice to see Miles actually doing some school marking, teachers spend most of their lives doing that in real life and I've never seen him doing any before :rolleyes:

At least Xav did try and admit the truth to M, (note only initial used here 'our Miranda') before,as you said Red, he got distracted. It would have been so much better coming from himself.

Events rather overtake him next week.

:wink: He can certainly think on his feet though can't he? As Xav is only 17 I can understand why Gina was worried, especially after his last escapade. It wouldn't have taken long just to ring her or just leave a message. She looked relieved when she found the leaflet for the exhibition, then had to look further and find the fake ID. Oops, careless of you there Xav.

John is pretty savvy on picking up Zav's signals, though I dare say he will make Xavier pay for it in some devious way.

Miranda, He said to Keith (I think) he had been on the other side of the table, guess he was referring to his drifting days. He looked unsettled when he saw that young lad, reminding him of his old self or what he may become even.

He actually laughed for the first time in ages.

It did seem Leah was stalking Elijah, wonder how long his 'staying away from her (and everyone)' will last?

It's OK comfan, all's well.

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I can kind of see where Gina's coming from but the woman's just so damn annoying and it's frustrating that once again she's thinking the worst of Xavier when all he's doing is lying to his girlfriend about his age.Quite liked John getting fed up of her constantly moaning to him about it and Xavier shooting down her attempt at reverse psychology.(Her side of their phone call was vaguely amusing as well "Okay, I won't invite her to dinner...Or talk to her.")Although, as John realised, even Xavier's "nice" girlfriends seem to get him into trouble.It has to be said, though, Xavier is digging himself a deeper and deeper hole.It's got to the point where, instead of hiding round corners, he really needs to tell Miranda before Gina or Oscar does.Another nice bit between him and Dex, especially Dexter's "You wouldn't have got this far with her if you hadn't lied" when Xavier was wondering how he'd got into it.

Bianca was a bit rubbish in the early part of the episode, I actually thought she'd fallen for April's "I'm fine" act.At least Irene finally seems to have opened her eyes about a few things, possibly she'd worked out something was wrong but she was waiting for...something?(No, doesn't really make much sense.)Bianca's confronting of April, whilst effective, did seem like it was going to backfire at one point, I was half expecting Irene to come storming in asking what the hell they were both doing when they started getting hysterical.Frustrating that when Dexter goes off to talk to April Xavier just stays on the beach, why don't those two talk anymore?

There seems to be a nice relationship building between Nicole and Roo, Roo seems almost maternal towards her or at least sisterly.Glad that John accepted her, rather more sensible, designs and did it without being too cuddly.Nicole's description of her history with Sid and Liam seems a bit difficult to reconcile with what we actually saw happen:Sid wasn't even in town when Nicole was seeing Liam (although he did try to stop her going off with him that time)and it's a bit odd to hear him being described as a "father figure" when she was trying to sleep with him...

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(Oh yes, Forum Member Miranda, I kept meaning to post:They did change the script producer, which I think roughly translates as head writer, near the beginning of the year which might explain some of the changes.)

There you go. :)

Nicole's description of her history with Sid and Liam seems a bit difficult to reconcile with what we actually saw happen:Sid wasn't even in town when Nicole was seeing Liam (although he did try to stop her going off with him that time)and it's a bit odd to hear him being described as a "father figure" when she was trying to sleep with him...

My memory isn't the best where H&A is concerned but I certainly didn't recall it being anything like what Nicole was saying. Pleased to hear I'm not going mad just yet. :lol:

Even though his lies are bound to come back and bite him in the arse ( :wub: ) I've really been liking Xavier lately (in common with a few on here, I think) and his efforts to impress Miranda. It's good to see him basically acting like a teenage boy and digging himself into a deeper and deeper hole. Gina is coming across as mildly annoying but I can see why she's concerned, with Xavier having got himself into trouble in the past. I did cringe a bit with all the sudden talk of Facebook, it's like they're suddenly trying to be "down with the kids".

Getting a little bit tired with the number of times Roo needs to pop over to see Marilyn/Sid for a 'chat' to sort things out and vice versa. Aside from this though I'm actually really liking Roo lately, she's a good mix of fun (having a drink, throwing random dinner parties) and sensible (offering advice to Nicole) which is nice to see.

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