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(Oh yes, Forum Member Miranda, I kept meaning to post:They did change the script producer, which I think roughly translates as head writer, near the beginning of the year which might explain some of the changes.)

There you go. :)

Oh thanks for that :) Couldn't see the wood for the trees.

Gina was out of order joining Facebook to spy on Xavier and friending That Woman Who Stole My Name! I hope I don't sink to that level when my daughter's older :blink:

Yes, I don't remember Nicole and Sid's relationship being like that either. I guess she was trying to cover it up from Roo as it was a pretty sordid time for both of them.

Defo something brewing between Roo and Sid, AND Roo reminds me of Sid's ex wife, what I remember of her anyway.

I hope Bianca and friends do something to help April at last.

Loved Dex's motivational speech to Xavier on the beach. Those two are becoming a real double act :lol:

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just caught up with last wks episodes and I loved everything about it, it was a very good wk for sure, I didnt even mind Ruby. Every conversation just worked, really liked Rubys and Leahs. I am such a big shipper of Angelo and Nicole, its a shame they havent interacted before now. Really enjoying Aprils ocd. Am loving Charlie and Brax, there snog was pretty hot. My favourite bit had to be the dinner party. Topless Romeo, yum. There wasnt enough Xavier, liked his conversation with Dex and Palmer though. Lack of Elijah which was a good thing. OMG Nicole and Angelo ahhh. lol.

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I suppose Nic could have been referring to the time Sid was advising her over Penn, though that was a long time after Liam. I guess she had selective memory loss over her crush on Sid. There is definitely 'something' between Roo and Sid, hope Roo keeps true to her word about not zoning in on another woman's bloke. Going to be awkward for Sid if Maz should ask why he didn't let her know about Nic's phantom contractions, let him be diplomatic please.

Loving the friendship between Dex and Xav. Seeing as we all know M gives a talk to Xav's class tonight, got me wondering if Gina did 'speak' to M and she discovered just how old he was and they cooked it up between them. :wink: Loved it when he was about to walk into the diner and saw M with Gina and John. :D

At least John was more sensitive this time round regarding Nic's designs and gave them the go ahead.

Not sure if Bianca's methods were the right way to go about getting April to admit her problem out loud (apart from Dex), but at least adults are now aware (no offence Dex) and can make sure she gets the help she needs, as long as they don't push her too hard. One good thing Irene, at least you can find things in the cupboard now without turning the whole thing out. No offence meant to anyone who is/has suffered from OCD. I like things with the labels facing to the front, much easier to put your hands on and things (like my spice jars) in alphabetical order.

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I am such a big shipper of Angelo and Nicole

Aha! Another fan, welcome :D

Re: Xavier. At the moment he's definitely the centre of the teen boys' group. He's friends with Romeo AND Casey which must be difficult, and Dex as well. Xavier is the link between them all. Whereas the girls have split into Ruby/April and Indi/Nicole, it seems, with no central figure holding them together. Considering April and Dex are so close, its surprising Indi hasn't interacted with April, as far as I know.


Yes, H&ALover, I think it was a script misprint- Sid tried to split Nicole up with Penn, not Liam. Which was completely understandable. But I don't think Sid's ever had a father figure relationship with Nicole, its more like a concerned ex boyfriend IMO. One of those 'sort of' relationships which happen sometimes.

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Oh no...although inevitable it looks like Xavier and Miranda are over before they've even really started. I have to admit I loved Dexter's reaction when he first saw Miranda after Gina announced her to the class. Xavier's reaction was funny too. I really like Xavier and Dexter together. They're becoming quite a duo. Presumably Gina invited Miranda over as an excuse for befriending her on Facebook. Can't imagine that she invited Miranda over just to see what would happen with her and Xavier because if she did, that's low! Even though he probably shouldn't have spoken to his mother like that I actually enjoyed Xavier giving Gina a serve. I don't like the way she went spying on him behind his back. I'm glad John can see things from Xavier's point of view.

April was a bit better today, apologising to Dex then Bianca for her outburst and I also felt progress was made with Sid. I think Dexter still sees her as a friend but I think certainly from April's perspective they are getting closer and she's taking a liking to him. If she did like Dexter and he started to feel the same way about her so there was a mutual attraction, I wonder if he would actually go through with anything or whether he would stick to the code of conduct out of loyalty to Xavier.

Found Marilyn quite annoying in that episode. As Roo said she's paranoid but she's also extremely insecure and quite childish. First she blew off at Sid then went round to see Nicole then when she didn't find her very subtlety told Morag about the whole thing -"Roo's taking over my place" - Grow up! After that she had the audacity to rock up at Roo's to have a go at her then order her to stay away from Nicole. Excuse me Marilyn but you don't call the shots here. If Nicole wants to see Roo and wants Roo to be involved then tough. What does she thinks going to happen anyway? When Nicole gives birth she's going to keep the baby for herself or decide to give it to Roo or something. Or is she just jealous she's not getting enough attention? Seriously Marilyn get a grip woman!

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There was absolutely nothing likeable about Marilyn in that episode.She was paranoid, she was selfish, she was only interested in getting her own way and stamping on anyone who might be a threat to it.I found it incredibly frustrating that Sid and Morag pandered to her instead of telling the stupid woman to go away and even Roo seemed to put up with her "Stay away from Nicole" pronouncements.I think Roo's giving her too much credit by saying she wants what's best for the baby, any thoughts for anyone else are well and truly out the window.God help any kid who ends up with her as a mother if this is how she treats her supposed friends.Morag was a complete cow towards Roo as well, their relationship has been appallingly badly written and completely illogical, it's almost as if someone thinks that because we haven't seen Roo for 20-odd years Morag hasn't either, even though we know that's not true.Morag seemed to conveniently forget that she encouraged Roo to take up with a separated(not married)man and it's 22 years too late to pretend she gave a damn about how it affected Bobby(who was fine with it anyway).At least Roo called her on it and hopefully that's the end of it.

I think Nicole was referring to Sid trying to stop her going off with Liam after Belle's funeral last episode but that's not how it sounded.(Sid probably did see his relationship towards Nicole as fatherly but she didn't take it like that...)

Gina was incredibly annoying, perhaps even more so than the previous episode, although it's interesting that she seemed to be digging herself just as big a hole as Xavier with her prying.(Her conversation with John about needing to find a way to cover it up was rather reminiscent of Xavier's chats with Dexter.)It did seem like Gina brought Miranda to the classroom to expose Xavier's secret, given the smug looks she kept giving him, but that's not really logical so I agree it was probably an attempt to cover her Facebook stalking.I did wonder why they took so long to notice Xavier was hiding behind his folder.I didn't mind Xavier and Miranda but I've found Gina so unbearable these last two episodes I'm kind of glad everything's out in the open since now she might shut up.

Whatever skills the new writers have, they've made a complete mess of April's character.The scene where she acts as though Bianca, once a neurotic wreck that needed April to keep her in line, is some sort of perfect older sister that she has to live up to was cringeworthy, although they did eventually take it back and admit April used to be the strong, independent one.And that scene with Dexter where she makes the "I can't talk to anyone but you" comment felt worryingly like someone setting up romantic complications and I really don't want their friendship to be spoiled.Frustrating that Dexter seemed to go straight from visiting April to seeing Xavier but they didn't say a word about what was going on with her.Nice Sid/Dex scene even if he did leave Dex feeling a bit down.

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I thought Sid put Dex right down and it wasn't fair that he did. Dex is only 17 or whatever, he didn't know the best thing to do about April!

Yes, Xavier and Dex are probably the funniest double act so far. It is so nice to have comedy in H&A, I'm glad the writers have realised and put them together. I agree, Dex's face when he saw That Woman, and Xavier's face too, was absolutely priceless! :lol: I think Xavier/David is getting better and better at comedy. He was good with Romeo, John and now Dex (probably Casey too but I can't remember).

I really hope Gina didn't get That Woman over to school to let Xavier's secret out, that would indeed be low :angry:

As for Marilyn! Who is actually pregnant and hormonal here, Marilyn or Nicole? :blink: She appears less and less suitable for Sid, I think Roo would be much better for him, there is obviously chemistry between them. Maz was ok when she only wanted a casual relationship with Sid, but now she's got into babies and being high maintenance, its fizzling...

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I honestly really want to slap Marilyn, she is such a cow! I cant stand her and she is being so unreasonable towards Nicole.. I mean Nicole has a right to have who she wants there. I honestly want Nicole to have the baby herself. Marilyn needs to split up with Sid cos I want Roo with him. They sound and look better.

Miranda and Xavier... I want them to fix things... I am liking Xavier more now than I did before to be honest!

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That scene when Gina (innocently as it turned out) introduced M to the class was so funny, Xav hides behind his book and Dex manages to look shocked and amused at the same time. It did seem to take a while for anyone to notice him hiding, thought Gina may have said something. Xav's turning Gina's behaviour against her, backfired in a way, (liked the 'I'm going to buy my own underpants' bit), and her loosening the apron strings before she strangles him with them. :lol:

I think April is probably relieved in a way now the news is finally out as long as Bianca doesn't try and intervene too much, this is April's problem not hers! She may be trying to make up for the fact she didn't spot anything earlier, though as Sid said people get very clever at hiding things like that. I thought her outburst about Bianca being the smart, strong one was a bit odd, who used to give who advice? At least once April had calmed down Bianca did tell her it was more than likely the other way round. Liked April and Dex's scene where she patted the seat beside her to show he was forgiven. Sid was a bit unfair to him, as you said Miranda he is only 17 and was abiding by April's wishes not to say anything, he didn't do too bad under those circumstances. Not that strange that Dex and Xav didn't talk about April, they aren't together any more and Dex wouldn't be doing the right thing telling anyone else (including Xav) about it.

Slade, as Xavier and April are no longer together I can't see a problem with Dex and April becoming a couple as long as Dex runs it by Xav on the lines of 'would you mind if I dated April?' It may be best though to wait until she is more her old self and he doesn't feel he is taking advantage and she knows for sure what she wants and not just being dependent on Dex. Wasn't sure like some others if I wanted this friendship to become a romance, but it does seem it could work.

Oh Maz, what has happened to you!!!! She was bound to go off the deep end by finding out about Nic's false labour scare second hand and from Colleen to boot!! All Sid had to do was mention it when he saw her or rang her about it after. There wasn't a lot she could have done anyway. It was just chance it happened while she was at Roo's, nothing sinister in it, though to Maz there is of course. At least she was with someone rather than being on her own somewhere.

I suppose Roo doesn't want to rock the boat any more and knowing what the old Roo was like she is being very restrained. At least she was able to unleash her feelings with Morag, who to give her credit did admit she has hardly been faultless in the past.

Any arguments about who is going to be Nic's birth partner are all going to be academic any way, as we will see next week


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Er... have we missed an episode? How come Indi was being so nice to Romeo, or even speaking to him, when the last time she saw him was the Emily fiasco. Oh, she's going to go back to him :angry:

Xavier, honestly :lol:

Marilyn is going to be like a kid with a new toy when the baby comes :blink: I feel sorry for the baby TBH. I'm wondering if Maz is right in the head sometimes, she's like a Stepford Wife.

Poor Nic, she's getting mum feelings and trying to suppress them. I'm glad Angelo is there for her :wub:

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