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I can't say that I feel sorry for him. I just think he's an idiot. That's two girls he's bottled it with now (including a goddess like April).

How was Xavier to blame for what happened with April?He treated her right and she suddenly went crazy and behaved like a total cow towards him!

I agree Marilyn was incredibly annoying and selfish.Who in their right mind would trust her to look after a baby?That's been the major flaw of the whole storyline.They seemed to be trying to play it for laughs, and the little bit with her using the hair spray on herself was genuinely amusing, but she just came across as a bully.I was glad Morag called her on it but unfortunately Marilyn's sudden about face and being nice to her seemingly stopped Nicole from telling her about her doubts.It was nice to see Romeo actually helping Nicole out, probably helps he doesn't want to sleep with her.

Brax is a curious case of contradictions.He seemed quite cocky with Charlie but there did seem to be a vague hint of sincerity underneath.Not sure about the storyline about the down-on-her-luck mother, Charlie probably did have a duty to report her although Brax helping out would probably help her case.So Brax's mother has a job?Doesn't really fit with what little we've seen of her, she just seemed to be lounging around the house all day.Was it me or did Charlie look a bit unwell during her first scene at the Diner?She seemed paler than usual.Despite all her protests, she goes to Brax's restaurant, kisses him and probably does more.Classy.Ruby was a bit rude to her at the start but after that I don't think she deserves her respect.

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As far as I could see Ruby wasn't doing anything wrong, by being in Angelo's, it is a restaurant after all, as long as she wasn't drinking alcohol, which she wasn't, she wasn't breaking any laws. Liked Brax's little jibe at Charlie doing the coffee run. :D

You're right Red, Brax does seem to be a multidimensional character. He puts on this really tough persona when it suits him and then he helps that mother to sort out her car. At least he's not boring, we don't know what side we are going to see one day to the next. So Charlie has decided she does fancy him (for now at least), how long is that going to last?

Is this story with the mother and her two boys, who did look well fed and nicely clothed btw, going to be ongoing or just a one off? Could understand Elijah's reluctance to get involved after the last time he tried to help a mother and child.

Marilyn just can't help herself sometimes, she gets so carried away she forgets other people, mainly Nic, are part of the equation too. I know Nic is doing fashion design but can't quite see her knitting somehow. For someone who was so concerned about Nic, it took awhile for Marilyn to notice Nic had disappeared. So glad Morag had a word in her own indomitable way. Nic certainly looked so relaxed when she was on the Blaxland and soon put Marilyn in her place when she said she would be back when she was ready. Angelo was really supportive and reassuring about the fact she could cope if she decided to keep her baby. Pity then just as she decided to bite the bullet and tell Marilyn she apologised and thanked her for what she was going to do for her.

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Hang on, wait a minute. Isn’t Elijah supposed to be a black belt in Jujitsu? In fact that was how he and Leah met so he certainly shouldn’t have taken a beating like that. I know Elijah’s intentions were good but I just didn’t like the way he pressured Miles into letting that guy stay in his caravan. Leah’s still obviously into him and is not going to give up especially now that Grace has gone she thinks she’s in there with a chance.

So we have Romeo acting like a jealous control freak re Indy and Keiran. Regardless of whether Indy goes out with Keiran I still think it’s inevitable she and Romeo will reunite. She only appeared to want to go on the date to make Romeo jealous again like she did when she kissed Keiran at the party last week. If she’s not into Keiran then she really shouldn’t use him like that.

I was smiling at the way Charlie and Brax were with each other when Ruby and Casey set them up. I can actually understand Charlie’s reluctance to go public. I think she would actually lose credibility with her colleagues considering that she is the head the local police station. Ruby was actually OK in that episode she didn’t really do anything annoying.

Note on yesterday, Marilyn seriously did my head in. She was soooooooo annoying especially the way she imposed herself on Nicole and when she said “Only me”. A royal pain in the backside she was.

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Episode counts this week:Roo was in four.In fact I'm thinking of renaming it Roo's Episode Count...

Leah does seem to be following Elijah around again, although by the end of that episode it's probably a good thing.Assuming he's not a complete red herring, Billy did seem extremely twitchy and slightly unstable, which I'm surprised Elijah didn't pick up on.I wonder if he attacked Elijah because he was going to contact his case worker, maybe something he's hiding?Whatever Elijah's self-defence credentials, I think he could still be beaten up if he was taken by surprise and the attack was ferocious enough.Can't really fault him here, apart from another case of naivety, he was trying to do right by Billy and frankly if he's renting the caravan he can have whoever he likes stay there.Nice to get a brief follow up on the woman from the last episode, sounds like Elijah did find her somewhere to stay after all which should get Charlie out of a difficult position.

Romeo was a bit of a jerk to Indi, playing the jealous ex-boyfriend.Kieran didn't seem any more aggressive than most guys who've been warned off a girl by some random who's nothing to do with her anymore.I think Indi probably likes him as a friend but it'll be interesting to see where it goes. I'm guessing Irene going off to Queensland is Lynne's panto leave but once again it sounds like everyone's forgotten that Gypsy's got a family of her own who could surely help her out.Miles' reaction to learning Kieran was an agriculture student was the funniest part of the episode and the most Miles thing he's done in weeks, along with his cheer at Elijah cancelling their hike.

Hmm, Charlie and Brax.Her reasons for not going public are valid but just underline the fact she really shouldn't have gone there and, as Brax said, it's hard to see where the "relationship"(well, arrangement would be more accurate)can go.Getting involved with someone who's a "person of interest" at best would likely not only raise a few eyebrows at the station but get Charlie thrown out of the force or at least busted back down to constable and left taking orders from Georgina Watson. It does seem a different issue to telling the family either way:Ruby has been known to keep a secret and Casey's probably used to keeping quiet about what he's seen.Brax's plan to get rid of them didn't really work, good job they did argue rather than doing something more pleasant given that they failed to notice a black car driving back to them.Nice to see Charlie and Ruby getting along if only for a bit.

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Today's episode was very good in terms of Brax&CharlieB. The writers are staying true to her character and not giving the fans IMO what they want which is good to see. I loved casey & ruby plotting to get them both sweet on each other. Lol that was funny when they said they ate at each other throats but they were just not in the way that they thought :lol:

Kieran seems dodgy to me. I liked miles getting Romeo to realise that the hurt he was feeling was the same that he put Indi through. :D But I do hope that if they do end up together that she fully trusts him cos I am going through the same thing in my life and it's not very realistic for them to not

sort their issues first otherwise its a cop out especially since Romeo slept with Emily and then treated her like dirt <_<

Ruby didn't annoys together which is good because I like casey and they both seem good together.

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Today's episode was very good in terms of Brax&CharlieB. The writers are staying true to her character and not giving the fans IMO what they want which is good to see. I loved casey & ruby plotting to get them both sweet on each other. Lol that was funny when they said they ate at each other throats but they were just not in the way that they thought :lol:

Kieran seems dodgy to me. I liked miles getting Romeo to realise that the hurt he was feeling was the same that he put Indi through. :D But I do hope that if they do end up together that she fully trusts him cos I am going through the same thing in my life and it's not very realistic for them to not

sort their issues first otherwise its a cop out especially since Romeo slept with Emily and then treated her like dirt <_<

Ruby didn't annoys together which is good because I like casey and they both seem good together.

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I've wondered occasionally whether Alf still owned the Blaxland (I know, I should get out more!). I can't remember it even being mentioned since the fishing trip with Miles, Roman, Tony and Jack when Kirsty bought them a fish to win a bet with Alf, and that must have been more than two years ago. Just goes to show how the cast changes, only Miles is still here.

Has Romeo said before that he used to have a boat licence? I can't remember ever seeing him on a boat.

I liked the talk Miles had with Romeo about Indi, it was more like the old Miles, hope we start to see more of that now. But I wish there could be just one scene of Miles and Nicole talking about the baby, I know she's an adult now but he did promise Roman he would look after her.

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But I wish there could be just one scene of Miles and Nicole talking about the baby, I know she's an adult now but he did promise Roman he would look after her.

I know!I was really looking forward to them having a talk about it when he came back but...nothing!I don't think they've even had a scene alone together, pretty much the only time they've actually talked was a 30 second chat about her date with Angus.She seems more likely to go to Morag for advice than Miles which, given that I really liked their surrogate father/daughter relationship, is a huge disappointment.

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Lol that was funny when they said they ate at each other throats but they were just not in the way that they thought :lol:

Kieran seems dodgy to me.

I liked that as well Zetti, I thought well that's a new name for it!!! :lol::wink: Rather sweet of Casey and Ruby trying and to get Charlie and Brax together (as friends at least). Charlie does have a dilemma, even if there is nothing on Brax, there is still Heath who does have a record. She did say to Brax 'isn't it more fun this way?' I hope Brax wants to be in a relationship with Charlie for the right reason and not just because she is a cop and may be able to find out any inside information.

Zetti, Looks like Romeo's instincts about Kieran may be right, though his warning him off like he did, then doing the same to Indi wasn't the wisest thing to do, she was bound to do the exact opposite and date him just to spite Romeo. Romeo and Indi had been getting on OK till then.

So is Romeo running the surfing school and the boat (guess he soon got his licence renewed)? You're right Merlin I don't remember him or anyone mentioning his working on a boat before.

Yes, Slade, I'd forgotten Elijah had a black belt, but like Red said if he was taken by surprise, like being hit from behind, it doesn't help a lot. Unless Leah mentioned it after the scene ended, how was the ambulance know where to go, all she said was 'I need an ambulance here'. OK call me picky!!!

I agree Red, the first thought I had was Billy was on drugs or in withdrawal, hence his searching Jonelle's desk. You would have thought Miles would be more understanding about a homeless guy seeing he was in that position not that long back. As for not knowing what type of guy Billy was, well, can I say one word (or name) Penn!!!!! He seemed OK at the time and look how that turned out!

No Maz or Nic on Friday, guess they are saving themselves for next week. :wink:

I see they have dropped the 'tomorrow on Home And Away' for the reporter gig.

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