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Lol that was funny when they said they ate at each other throats but they were just not in the way that they thought :lol:

Kieran seems dodgy to me.

I liked that as well Zetti, I thought well that's a new name for it!!! :lol::wink: Rather sweet of Casey and Ruby trying and to get Charlie and Brax together (as friends at least). Charlie does have a dilemma, even if there is nothing on Brax, there is still Heath who does have a record. She did say to Brax 'isn't it more fun this way?' I hope Brax wants to be in a relationship with Charlie for the right reason and not just because she is a cop and may be able to find out any inside information.

Zetti, Looks like Romeo's instincts about Kieran may be right, though his warning him off like he did, then doing the same to Indi wasn't the wisest thing to do, she was bound to do the exact opposite and date him just to spite Romeo. Romeo and Indi had been getting on OK till then.

I dont think that Charlie realises exactly what she is getting herself into, Brax isnt going to keep it a secret for long..

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FINALLY got to watch Friday's episode after all the electrical problems lately grrr.

I thought it was so funny the way Ruby and Casey were trying to get Charlie and Brax to be friends. Little did they know.... And getting the wrong end of the stick about their relationship :lol:

That Kieran was a bit persistent. Not sure whether Romeo is very perceptive (unlikely) or just jealous of him :huh: I don't think R and I had been getting on fine til then, cos he went off in a huff when she said something about hooking up coming under the label of something or other. He is particularly touchy at the moment, e.g. when Miles said something innocently and Romeo stormed off. Actually it has only just occurred to me how very insecure Romeo is, that's why he kept jumping into bed with everyone. Never thought of that before!

I think that Billy was almost definitely on drugs, he was so twitchy, fiddling with the door etc. And was Elijah mental to say he could stay in his caravan, presumably with him? He doesn't know Billy at all, it would be highly dangerous to share a caravan with an unknown person like that. And it seems he got hurt for being so kind.

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Hmm.At first I wasn't sure about Miles seemingly trying to keep Leah and Elijah apart but after seeing how involved Leah was trying to get and how she wanted Elijah to come and stay with her I think he was probably right, they were in danger of falling back into a relationship and that's not what they both need.It'll be better for Elijah to stay with Miles.Incidentally, all the plotlines in this episode seemed to dovetail into each other a bit so it's hard for me to discuss them separately like I normally do.As someone noted, Romeo seems to have recovered his boat license remarkably quickly.Unless he's taken them out without one, which given he was teaching surfing with no insurance is quite in character.That said, it did make sense that he'd give Billy a job despite having only just met him, because he obviously needed someone who knew his stuff.Wonder if Billy called himself "Mac" because he knew people would be looking for someone called Billy.

Nice to see Morag and Roo getting along, finally it seemed like the relationship they had back in the '80s rather than the false conflict we've had up to now.Also nice to see Nicole and Romeo's interaction:Romeo seems to be at his best with people he doesn't want to sleep with so it's good that they've stayed platonic.I can understand Roo's reasons for not wanting to be involved in Nicole's mess, it's got to bring back painful memories for her and it sounds more and more like a disaster the more we hear.Does Marilyn really think there'll be an instant bond between her and the baby just because she's at the birth?Is having the two mothers bringing up the baby together for the first few days/weeks really going to work?It's a shame that Sid, who seemed to be well aware of the arrangement's pitfalls to start with, now seems so convinced it's going to work:Even in the best case scenario, I don't think Nicole would ever be 100% sure about giving the baby up.

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God, Romeo could you look more camp in that captain's hat and outfit? :lol: :lol:

I really enjoyed this episode, it seemed like the older and less seen characters were getting a lot of screen time :D I liked all the Morag/ Roo/ Colleen interaction, they really seemed like they were related.

I can relate to Roo not being able to stand seeing Nic handing over her baby to Maz and Sid :( Poor old Nicole, she was really suffering today, even if she was moving about far too fast for a 9 months pregnant woman.

Doesn't look good for Morag, Roo and Romeo going off in that boat with Mac/Billy. Although knowing how formidable those ladies are, he really doesn't stand a chance, the foolish fellow. Morag will harangue him to death while Romeo punches him out and Roo ties him up :lol:

I wasn't sure about Miles trying to stop Leah fussing over Elijah so much, has he got an ulterior motive? He looked distinctly odd. It was funny when he was making Elijah laugh at the end though.

I'm really enjoying H&A at the moment, lots of relationship stuff and fewer stalkers and explosions...

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It's a shame that Sid, who seemed to be well aware of the arrangement's pitfalls to start with, now seems so convinced it's going to work:Even in the best case scenario, I don't think Nicole would ever be 100% sure about giving the baby up.

I think Sid is in denial. He's only going through with it because he doesn't want to lose Marilyn.

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Well, the ending of the Billy storyline, if that was the ending, was a bit of a damp squib:I thought he was actually going to do something out on the boat, other than cut his finger and get a bit cross.Nice to see Morag showing the smarts and managing to get him to give himself away without even noticing it though.I actually thought Leah was a bit sanctimonious towards Elijah:Fair enough, he was a bit harsh towards VJ but what did he actually say that was wrong?VJ's mature enough not to be bothered by it, Leah could do with listening to him sometimes instead of ushering him out of the kitchen like he's just a kid.Colleen listened to him and was all the better for it.And then Leah tells Miles to stop worrying about Nicole:Excuse me?He should be worrying about Nicole, but as far as I can see he isn't.

Talking of whom...I really liked Nicole and Angelo's scenes together.I mean, I haven't been entirely convinced by their supposed chemistry, even though I like both characters, but that awkward reaction when Angelo revealed that sex can bring on labour?Seriously, one of them should have said "Okay, let's do that then."(Not actually do it, just say they should.)And the guy cries at Toy Story 3.That's my kind of person.Of course, going for a long walk probably should have come with a more detailed plan since it seems to have worked a little too well...

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Well, my digital recording thing is censoring me! The minute Angelo said 'sex' the recording stopped, so I'll have to watch it online :rolleyes:

I'll be back to report later, friends....

So, Nicole's having the baby! Hurrah! And looks like Angelo will be there for her. Its so nice to hear about his Italian heritage, why couldn't we have heard about it before? It would have made him so much more interesting and nice... I didn't realise how important it was to him, I don't think Charlie ever went into it with him, did she?

Morag was very quick thinking, but I suppose that's why she's so good at her job.

My next crush seems to be Miles, he's obviously been on some kind of fitness regime :wub::lol:

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That was so sweet, Angelo crying at the end of Toy Story Three and Nicole handing him the tissues. :wub: It was an awkward moment when he mentioned his mum suggested sex :blush: It looks like his mum's recipe of egg plant worked after all! :wink: Calm down dear, you were a cop so must have had some training in helping mums give birth. Lovely spot to have a baby (as long as there are no complications). Maz will not be best pleased though.

Well done Morag, for putting two and two together and making four!! Very calm (as you would expect) her making that call, though I half expected Billy to come up behind her! Apart from his outburst he did seem to know his job.

It was suggested on the Aussie site maybe he had been attacked and that is why he freaked when Elijah said he would be sharing a van with him.

Hope that wasn't the end of Billy, it would seem a bit pointless introducing him otherwise.

VJ is such a wise lad, Leah really should listen to him more, at least Colleen did.

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