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I loved the episode, yay for Angelo! :wub: I loved the fact that he was there for Nicole. It was so sweet and loved the awkwardness when 'sex' came up. I dont know if it was possible but I fell more in love with the idea of Nic/Ange :wub:

Billy was a bit of weird in that episode, dont really see the point of him attacking Elijiah storyline wise?

How clever is VJ? He needs to be more scenes!

Angelo cries at Toy Story 3 :lol: Sooo cute! :wub:

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Now where was I when I had to break off transmission? Oh yeah, VJ, he was so sensible when he was talking to Colleen, her remark about people not getting attacked in the diner was a bit odd, doesn't mean it won't happen, it can happen anywhere.

Elijah may have been rather blunt with VJ about his attack (and his being a black belt at jujitsu was brought up), but he was honest with him which VJ respects people for rather than being lied to and treated like a young child.

I wondered that Miranda about whether Angelo ever went into his Italian heritage with Charlie, if they did it was certainly off screen. The only time it was mentioned was when he talked about growing up and working in his parent's restaurant, but it was only briefly.

I was wondering if Miles is getting feelings for Leah again, the way he was going on about her and Elijah getting involved again so soon. At least after her visit to him she agreed with him. Then when she said he ought to get himself a girlfriend, he had a funny look on his face.

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So...Nicole's finally given birth.Although I think she could cope with the baby, I actually think she'd be okay if she was giving the baby away to a stranger, she'd be sad and miss him but she'd be able to pick herself up and get on with her life.But seeing him with Marilyn is just going to be impossible for her.Again, I really felt like giving Angelo a hug when he said he'd stay with her;regardless of whether anything happens between them, he does just seem to be being a really good friend.Much to my surprise, I didn't mind Marilyn in that episode as much as I have in others.It annoyed me that she just took the baby off Nicole without checking she was okay and I wasn't keen on the way she stopped Sid going to see her at the end, but she did go and see her and thank her so I think I'd mainly describe her behaviour as "thoughtless".Although calling the baby George does seem like a bad Bugs Bunny joke.I was pleased Sid stopped to talk to Nicole and he seemed rather uncomfortable with the situation at the end.Did Roo's little chat get to him?Indi disappointed me, she's been really supportive to Nicole throughout this but she didn't even talk to her here.I was glad that someone messaged Ruby because I like her and Nicole's friendship and since we haven't seen them together since they had that argument at the lookout point I thought it might be over.I wish we'd actually seen them together though, as Ruby implied she was going to go and see her but that's Nicole's three episodes so we'll probably have to wait till next week.

More nice stuff between the teens, with first Xavier/Ruby/Dexter and then Xavier/Ruby/Casey.Even though Gina wasn't bad in that episode, I liked Xavier coming out sort of on top by muscling in on her chat with her wild friend and getting the blackmail material.Not too sure about Ruby and Casey being let off the hook, I think what they did with the party was a lot worse than Xavier getting a fake ID that he didn't actually use.

Bit worried about the way the Kieran storyline is going.Chiefly, I don't want Romeo to be right.Indi isn't into Kieran, that's enough, they don't need to make him into some sort of crazy so Romeo looks good in comparison.I'm hoping that he simply happened to be passing and phoned her to see if she was telling the truth, rather than following her around as was sort of implied.Just making him a bit socially inept and liking her more than she likes him would be better than a psycho stalker.

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I actually think she'd be okay if she was giving the baby away to a stranger... But seeing him with Marilyn is just going to be impossible for her.Again, I really felt like giving Angelo a hug when he said he'd stay with her;regardless of whether anything happens between them, he does just seem to be being a really good friend.

... the Kieran storyline is going..... they don't need to make him into some sort of crazy so Romeo looks good in comparison.I'm hoping that he simply happened to be passing and phoned her to see if she was telling the truth, rather than following her around as was sort of implied.

Yes, I was in tears when Nicole gave the baby to Maz, he should be with his real mum. I think Angelo is really being redeemed: why couldn't he show this side of himself far, far earlier in the series? At least he's getting his time of being the hero.

Had to laugh at the birth scene. Ange and Nic were both in white, they would both have been covered in blood if it was a real birth, dear oh dear :lol:

I share your fears Red. Kieran is going to be made into the villain to make Romeo look heroic. Did you hear the scary music at the end when Kieran was watching Indi? The music tells the story... If only that happened in real life, as Eddie Izzard once said.

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Yes, I was in tears when Nicole gave the baby to Maz, he should be with his real mum. I think Angelo is really being redeemed: why couldn't he show this side of himself far, far earlier in the series? At least he's getting his time of being the hero.


I agree Catherine. It was the most heartless, selfish thing that Marilyn could have done. If I wasn't x000 miles away, I'd have gone there and told her so. Why didn't Nicole say "no, you can't hold her yet"? Why did the hospital allow Marilyn to take the baby to be checked? Why didn't Sid stop her? Why didn't Roo come in and intervene? So sad!

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I liked todays episode mainly because of Nicole/Angelo. I am falling in love with the idea of both of them. It was so heartbreaking for Nicole knowing she wouldnt be with her son who is sooo cute. I hate the name George though, who names their child George? I was thinking thats really strange... am not sure if I will get used to that or not.. only time will tell.

I liked the scene on the beach, made it more realistic to have Ruby know that Nic's had her baby. Casey was hot :wub: but thats just me :P

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I am a big Nic/Ange fan too :wub: I love them!

its funny, I know millions of kids called George, its a common name round here (Southern England).

Also meant to say that I loved yesterday's scenes between Indi and Dex talking about Kieran/ relationships/ men. Dex had some good advice for Indi, perhaps she should listen.

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Good point Miranda about Nic and Angelo being so clean after the birth, the baby was also remarkably clean for a newborn! He was gorgeous wasn't he? :wub: It did seem to jump a bit, one moment he was telling her not to push, then in a blink of an eye the baby was there! Must have been a nervous time for Marilyn having to hear it happen over the phone.

I so agree about the way Maz took him off Nic, Sid (or a nurse) taking him off to be looked over would have been one thing, but it seemed rather cold the way she did it. The look on Nic's face, when Marilyn was holding him said it all really. The only one who seemed to think about her was Angelo. Dex and Indi both seemed to be happy about his arrival and have welcomed him to the family. I think Nic is really torn, she would like to keep him, but feels so guilty as Marilyn is so grateful for what she has given her. As for the name, nothing at all wrong with the name George, it's one of those names that suits a baby as much as it does an adult, though I do feel Nic should have a say in it, perhaps let her give him the middle name of Roman, that would be a nice gesture on Marilyn's part. Ruby was genuinely pleased for her. It must have brought back some upsetting memories for Roo when Angelo was telling her about Nic, the baby and Marilyn and how upset Nic was.

Gina aka Georgie Girl a? Her old friend Vanessa the Undresser doesn't seem to have changed much (especially if what Casey heard was true), wonder if she will leading Gina astray, I'd love to see that. :lol: Maybe that is why she is so down on Xavier knowing what she was like as a girl. :wink:

I take it the photo was of a topless Gina and that is what um, persuaded her to let Xavier, Casey and Ruby go to the Festival (I wondered what had happened to that) as long as she chaperones them. Casey and Ruby didn't seem that keen, but who knows like Xav said she may surprise them all. So Xav still wants to get back with Miranda, good luck there lad.

Kieran did seem very intense on their date, asking what Indi's five year plan was, did she see herself married or in a relationship. Not the sort of things you usually ask on a first date, he seemed very keen on getting a second date and I wasn't very happy about the way he kept ringing her, it made me uneasy. Nice brother and sister chat Dex and Indi had about him, she should listen to him and just let him down gently, he does give pretty good advice does Dex. Just reread your post Miranda, great minds think alike. I suppose he doesn't have to turn out to be a mad stalker, just a guy who perhaps hasn't had a lot to do with girls before.

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