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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Bit of a cluttered episode, so much so that I almost forgot April and Bianca were in it.Whilst it's nice to see April actually in counselling rather than it all being magically sorted out straightaway, the sessions weren't exactly insightful and it was probably the weakest part of the episode.

So, Kieran shows his...intense side.I dunno, he seems to be a bit, I don't want to say obssessed, serious about Indi, acting as though he wants to get married and have kids already.It'll probably be too much to say he's harmless but I'm hoping they're not going to take this too far and have him turn violent or kidnap her or something silly like that.Indi and Dex's banter was great fun once again.

Don't know what to make of Marilyn acting as though she's given birth to George, hopefully it's just a case of her being embarrassed rather than anything more psychotic.Nicole has the sense to realise staying with the baby is going to be difficult although I'm not too happy about her choice of bolt hole: I like her friendships with Roo and Angelo but I hope they're not going to focus on those and ignore her surrogate family.Whilst the show's to be commended for not making her stick thin straightaway, it meant she actually still looked pregnant when she was examining herself in the mirror.So, Nicole got a fourth episode.But she still didn't have any scenes with her friends so I don't know when/if they're coming.

Charlie learns the pitfalls of sleeping with a guy who's borderline dodgy and has some family and friends who are definite dodgy.Although Brax was surprisingly reasonable about her unofficial interrogation and did seem to try and keep Heath in line.So, as with Hugo, John makes what seem to be unfounded allegations and actually turns out to be right, he was accusing Heath and the River Boys of bringing drugs into the club quite a while back.Liam going back there is incredibly dumb and I hope that's not going to go on too long, he seemed to have moved on from that point.

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Oh, loved the Indi/Dex interactions and Dex's general funniness. A bit rude of Kieran to say Dex was strange to his own sister! He sounds a bit like a Nazi, talking about when she should have her children and not leaving it too long. He's definitely a bit mad... Although Dex seemed to like him a lot...

Poor Nicole, I felt so sorry for her being overloked and ignored like that. How awful to have your baby taken away, it is good she's got Roo (and Angelo of course). Red, she probably would still look a little pregnant for a while. I can't believe she'd be wearing those tight leggings either, not comfortable after giving birth, I won't go into any more detail than that!!!

Can't believe poor April had to have counselling in the school classroom! Couldn't she have gone into a private office or something?

Nice to see Heath actually speaking more than one word for once. I think the only person he's scared of is Brax. It was interesting to hear Heath's viewpoint on how Brax and Liam have turned respectable, or whatever his words were. Heath obviously doesn't want to do that.

But Liam! What are you playing at getting mixed up with him?? :o

H&AFan- it occurred to me last night that Gina's name must be Georgina, hence Georgie Girl. I am a bit slow sometimes... :lol:

Re: Nic/Ange both wearing white when the baby was born. It occurred to me that it was very symbolic of new life, a new start, and they were almost being set up as a pure couple with a baby, almost in a religious way :blink:

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Episode counts this week:Roo was in all five, Nicole was in four, Xavier was only in one.Irene didn't appear at all, so presumably she's in Queensland/Cinderella.

So, we learn, um, absolutely nothing about Billy.Well, okay, we're told he's suffered "psychological and emotional abuse"(but no indication that it's physical/sexual as has been suggested).But we could have pretty much guessed that he's a bit unstable.Elijah might have a point that sending Billy to jail won't help him(and it's kind of ironic that Miles made a similar choice about Heath not so long ago... how's that working out?)but just dropping the charges is unlikely to help either.As Miles said, he could have lashed out at anyone who offered him a place to stay and they can't just have him wandering around behaving like that.How old is he meant to be anyway?They're talking like he's a teenager, rather than someone who seemed to be well into his 20s, maybe even early 30s.

And Charlie's acting like a randy teenager while Brax looks a bit bored by the whole thing, at least when he isn't getting any.Again I wondered if he was hanging around Roo to make her jealous. Charlie's speech about not being able to compromise herself is a bit hypocritical given that's exactly what she has done.

Nice scene between Bianca and April, it's good to see them doing something other than worrying about April's psychological problems.Actually quite liked Bianca in that episode.Liam's relapse into old habits is a bit frustrating and feels like they don't know what else to do with the character.

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Loved Bianca's reply to Casey when he was cheeky in class: 'we can conjugate some Italian verbs if you like' :lol:

How come there are 4 people living in Leah's house, but whenever one of the girls has a man over, no one is ever at home e.g. Romeo/Ruby, Elijah/Leah, Brax/Charlie. Its the first time I've seen one of them i.e. Leah interrupt a housemate with her secret boyfriend. Poor old Brax. Never seen Charlie that wound up before :o

I think Elijah was mental to invite Billy to stay in his van as a completly unknown person, but he's the last person ever to be suspected of sexual propositioning!

Liam's on the downward spiral again :( He's got so much to lose. Again. And Bianca making it all about herself.

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I guess when guys are unshaven and scruffy looking it's hard to judge their 'proper' age. Miles looked older than than he was before he had had a shave and had cleaned himself up. Billy could be in his early twenties which doesn't make his having been abused any less distressing. He's probably met guys like Elijah before who appeared to be genuine but then turned out to be anything like it. I see your point Miranda, he (Billy) could have turned out to be an abuser, but then that is what makes Elijah who he is holding out a helping hand to people.

So Charlie was doing 'squats' was she which explained her being out of breath when Leah came back unexpectedly - well that's another new name for it!!!! :lol::wink: She's been going on at Brax about their affair having to be secret then when he actually acts just like that - when he was with Roo at the Surf Club - she gets all narky, make your mind up woman!!! :angry:

It's a wonder Leah's pots and pans survived the bashing she was giving them. You're right Miranda, it is strange how such a house which holds so many people is empty when ever who needs it to be is (does that make sense)? Loved Leah's top btw.

Oh Liam, Liam what are you doing. It does explain why Bianca was worried about his drinking, if you have an addictive personality getting hooked on drinking can be as easy as getting hooked on drugs. Bianca was rubbish as a music teacher. :D

Btw going back a couple of episodes how handy was it that Liam just happened to have been within earshot when Brax was warning Heath about his not doing drugs on the premises???

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Sorry I didnt realise I hadnt commented... essays are taking over my life.

I hate the fact that Liam is back on drugs but then music is his life so to lose that must be a big blow. As per usual... Bianca annoyed me. She just doesnt seem to care about Liam. I just dont like her attitude but it was funny when she was talking about Casey. that was too funny :P

Haha Charlie saying she was doing squats. I need to remember that excuse :lol:

Not much else to say about the episode apart from yayyy Heath was in it!: )

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Oh, so everyone's had a personality change today. Must be something in the water.

Liam has gone back to being stoned rock star. Well done to him for upsetting April :angry:

April went back to smiley, shiny girl until Liam put her down.

Elijah's gone back to Reverend Happy, I Can Change the World. Which is good actually, I liked him today and how he dealt with poor Billy.

Miles has returned to crazy eyed pursuer of Leah. I like that too, I think he and Leah have far more chemistry than Elijah and Leah.

There isn't anyone I've missed is there?

H&ALover, what I meant was that Elijah shouldn't have invited Billy to stay to protect himself from Billy saying Elijah had done something nasty to him. Which as it turned out, he did anyway :rolleyes: You should never invite vulnerable people to stay with you cos they could accuse you of something false.

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Well I guess we now know why Miles didn’t want Elijah staying at Leah’s. I’m not sure if anything will come from this but I still think Leah is in love with Elijah so don’t think it’s a good idea that Miles pursues any romantic avenues at this current time.

It was actually good to see Elijah use his Jujitsu this time. He would have been within his rights to knock the stuffing out of Billy but Elijah’s too good a person to do anything like that.

Although Liam was harsh to the girl who was doing the music lessons I was actually quite pleased he had a go at April. She wasn’t too bad today but she’s been quite annoying as of late and she was sticking her nose into someone else’s business again.

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I found todays episode boring.

I feel for Liam but he was a jerk! :angry:<_<

April seemed a bit brighter and I liked her chat with Bianca. Its nice to see them two as sisters.

:huh: Awkward! Miles and Leah were strange, I dont think I am going to like them two which is a shame because I love Leah and Miles as individuals.

Elijah is growing on me now, he isnt as unbearable as he was which is a plus :)

Liam was a bit rude to Roo as well. Is he heading on a downhill spiral? The promo seems to indicate that. I do feel sorry for him. He's had the one thing he loved taken from him. :(

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I think the problem I have with the Billy storyline is that the explanation for what happened to him in the past is so vague as to be non-existent.We know something happened, we know lots of people did it to him...and that's about it.When it was, whether it was before or after he became homeless, whether it was physical, sexual, emotional or a combination of the three...anyone's guess.Elijah was crazy to go and confront him the way he did, if he wanted to talk to him it should have been in a controlled condition, not in a situation where it could have gone badly wrong and almost did.But I guess it worked so that's a plus.And there is a feeling Billy will get the help he needs now and it's also helped Elijah work through a few issues.

So, Miles likes Leah now.Which feels very strange, he got over what feelings he had for her, which largely seemed to be a knee jerk reaction to her being the first woman that wasn't his sister he hung out with after he got himself together, about three years ago so I'm not sure why he's suddenly going back there.(I'm not sure if he spelled "interested" right either...was there an E missing?)It makes it seem like he had an ulterior motive for keeping Leah and Elijah apart, rather than just helping out two friends, which makes him a bit less likeable.

Didn't mind Bianca in that episode, she did seem to be genuinely trying to be supportive.Interesting that April seems to have more insight into what's motivating Liam, much as he was the first to pick up on her OCD.I wasn't keen on Liam being hard on Summer the way he was, whether she's going to be a successful guitarist or not, it was something she clearly enjoyed doing and he should have recognised that rather than projecting his bitterness onto her.(Interesting she's suddenly started appearing again by the way, wonder if the writers picked up on the fact a few fans were going "Who's that new girl?She's rather nice", since these episodes would have been made around the time of her first appearance...)I didn't mind him having a go at April so much, although I do think she was trying to help and he'd have been better off listening to her.

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