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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think the problem I have with the Billy storyline is that the explanation for what happened to him in the past is so vague as to be non-existent.We know something happened, we know lots of people did it to him...and that's about it.When it was, whether it was before or after he became homeless, whether it was physical, sexual, emotional or a combination of the three...anyone's guess.Elijah was crazy to go and confront him the way he did, if he wanted to talk to him it should have been in a controlled condition, not in a situation where it could have gone badly wrong and almost did.But I guess it worked so that's a plus.And there is a feeling Billy will get the help he needs now and it's also helped Elijah work through a few issues.

And that's a very dangerous message for a TV show to send out. Both with Elijah dropping the charges and confronting Billy.

There should probably have been a warning at the end of the show advising people that in real life public safety comes before playing the good samaritan.

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I think the problem I have with the Billy storyline is that the explanation for what happened to him in the past is so vague as to be non-existent.We know something happened, we know lots of people did it to him...and that's about it.When it was, whether it was before or after he became homeless, whether it was physical, sexual, emotional or a combination of the three...anyone's guess.Elijah was crazy to go and confront him the way he did, if he wanted to talk to him it should have been in a controlled condition, not in a situation where it could have gone badly wrong and almost did.But I guess it worked so that's a plus.And there is a feeling Billy will get the help he needs now and it's also helped Elijah work through a few issues.

And that's a very dangerous message for a TV show to send out. Both with Elijah dropping the charges and confronting Billy.

There should probably have been a warning at the end of the show advising people that in real life public safety comes before playing the good samaritan.

I take the point about what Elijah did bordering on craziness but I think from his point of view that’s what he’s trained to do and his actions were more instinctive than anything. He didn’t have much time to react. Compared to some of the other things characters in the past have gotten away with I don’t think Elijah dropping the charges was that bad to be honest. But I think it's an excellent point about H & A setting a dangerous precedence having Elijah take on Billy in the first place (despite what I mentioned above). So it would have been a good idea to have some sort of message after the program for the younger viewers. I’m sure had that been Miles he simply would have talked Billy into putting the knife down.

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I suppose at least Elijah was outside within reach of others, not in some small confined room somewhere, but I do agree with all of you that it was a completely stupid thing to do. When Billy pulled out the knife, Elijah should have backed right off.

This vagueness of Billy's abused background is yet another argument for some kind of 'Home and Away Late Nights' spin off series. Like they do on Hollyoaks with their occasional deeper look into the characters' lives, dealing with more adult issues. Liam's drug use/ Heath's dealing would be ideal for that sort of series. They could also put a bit more about Billy's life in it; or put a long anticipated gay character in the series; just generally go deeper into subjects they can't mention in the daytime series. But we'll see...

I think Miles's sudden change of heart stems from when Leah I think said to him that he shouldn't spend so much time worrying about his friends and do things he wanted to do for himself more. It was something like that anyway, cos he changed his behaviour after that conversation.

Re: Summer. I think whoever doesn't get together with April (out of Dex and Xavier) will end up with Summer as she's been involved in various ways with both of those boys. How nice and neat :rolleyes:

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Agree there Miranda about Miles and Leah, also I think when Elijah said he had felt a lot better than he had for weeks after confronting Billy Miles decided to tell Leah how he felt about her. She didn't seem that displeased judging by the smile on her face when she went into the Diner. Perhaps they are now both at the same point in their lives to be a couple.

Elijah may have been rash to confront Billy the way he did (at least he remembered his jujitsu training this time) but luckily it turned out OK. As for when Billy problems began, maybe it started at home, abused by a stepfather, then once he was on the streets, certain people just honed in on him as they do. Hopefully we will see an outcome to this story. True it was unwise,as we now know, for Elijah to invite Billy to share his caravan, but Billy obviously thought he would be staying there alone, plus Elijah didn't know how vulnerable Billy was. If it had been someone like Miles when he was on the streets there wouldn't have been a problem.

Liam could have been a lot kinder to Summer about her music, he could (and probably would have if he wasn't in the state he is) said not to let music be the all and end all in her life but to keep up her education so if the music doesn't work out she would have something to fall back on unlike him.

April may be getting counselling, but her foisting her new found knowledge onto others was a bit much, how many sessions has she had?

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I'm not sure about Miles deciding he liked Leah again because she told him to get a girlfriend, I think we first started seeing signs of it when they went to see Elijah in hospital after he was beaten up and Miles clearly didn't want Leah spending much time with him.I guess that at least she does seem...not entirely opposed to the idea, that's possibly a bit abrupt in itself although I guess she did have feelings for him long after he had feelings for her and she was always a bit jealous of him and Kirsty. I did rather like the bit in the last episode where Charlie says she loves Miles but not like that and finds the idea of a relationship with him hilarious, I just wish that was Leah's attitude as well.

I have to say...I really liked Ruby in that episode.I mean, she displayed all the character traits I've criticised for her in the past but somehow she was still likeable.The bit at the start where she muscled in on Charlie's chat with her colleague like some sort of force of nature and still kept pushing them together when she found out what was really going on just made me smile.The whole "Trying to find Charlie a guy" thing felt like something the old Ruby would do, which is probably why Charlie didn't really seem to mind that much.It's a shame that we get episodes like this where they get their relationship so right but they never manage to keep it up, but that didn't stop me enjoying it.And not only do we get a quick reference to Charlie being Ambiguously Bisexual, there's a very subtle moment when we see Ruby checking her blood sugar level.Viewers who complain about the way her diabetes is handled take note.

So, Brax and Heath, along with Brodie who we haven't seen in ages, definitely seem to be up to something dodgy or at the very least something they don't want people knowing about.Unless it's another put-on for Angelo's benefit but that seems very unlikely since we're privvy to private conversations where they know he isn't listening in.Angelo should probably have learnt about carrying out private investigations because they never end well.Be interesting to know what it's all about.Probably not drugs since Brax seemed to disapprove of Heath doing that, or at least doing it so near to where his semi-legitimate business is.

Liam's still hitting the self-destruct button.(And Heath called him "Wolverine":I take it you smiled at that too, Catherine Formerly Known As Miranda?)It was good that Angelo and Bianca both seemed to be looking out for him.I was kind of disappointed when Bianca walked out on him after being a bit sympathetic and glad she came back but if he is lapsing into old habits I think it'll take more than that to sort him out.

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Oh I laughed and laughed at Ruby and Casey setting up Charlie's internet dating profile. Especially Casey reading out the men's descriptions in funny voices. And I agree Red about the references to Charlie once having a girlfriend and Ruby checking her blood sugar. Very good writing.

Yes, Wolverine :lol: You're far too late Heath, we've been there done that.

Angelo is turning into psycho cop again and pursuing things he has no hope of coping with. He should tell Charlie and ignore it. Its then up to her to follow it up. Or not, as we know she won't. I've got a bad, bad feeling about this :(

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Leah does like Miles, she certainly jumped to his defence quickly enough when Charlie was laughing at the suggestion she date him. If only Ruby (who was like her old self) and Leah knew Charlie doesn't need any help in dating, thank you very much! That was hilarious when Ruby and Casey were setting up Charlie's profile page, she got replies pretty damn quick. The guy all of them seem to like (forgotten his name already) seems OK, as both Ruby and Leah said he was honest to admit it was his first time as it is Charlie's, though she didn't know it. Can't wait to see how she is going to explain it to Brax. Ruby and Casey were both really good last night, proper boyfriend and girlfriend, perhaps, just perhaps Casey is the right one for her. Agree with you guys about her checking her blood levels and not being shy letting Casey see her doing it. Just because it isn't mentioned every five minutes doesn't mean she hasn't still got diabetes. If it was there would be people complaining it was being mentioned too much!

Although it may have seemed harsh for Bianca to walk out when Liam came in as high as a kite, you can't really blame her, it must have been a shock. At least she came back later following his text to her, just how he or if he will be able to keep his word about keeping clean will have to be seen. I'm pretty he would have made the same promises to give up last time. So far it doesn't look as if Heath is pushing the drugs on him, Liam is the one pursuing him.

So what were Brax, Heath, Brodie and co up to? Agree with you Red, doesn't appear to be drugs (I know these deals have to be done out of sight of prying eyes), but in the bush in the middle of the night!! :rolleyes: Angelo didn't hear anything, true, but his cop instinct must have kicked in just by watching their behaviour which decided him to follow them. Plus earlier he had seen them with those guns. Very frustrating not being able to see what was going on. Yes, I know it was nighttime, but it doesn't help us poor viewers. Do hope he is going to get that dog bite attended to. Going by the trailer Miranda, he does mention it to Charlie in tonight's episode. We'll see then if she is in cop Charlie mode or not.

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I dont like the sound of the 'deal' not considering what I heard.. I don't want Angelo to get involved.. damn him. He gets me liking him and then he does something as stupid as this, he has grown on me since he split up with Charlie. He is a much better character and his moments with Nicole when she was in hospital was really cute as well, it doesnt bode well for them tho. H&A love creating drama! <_<

Haha I loved Casey/Ruby, I am falling in love with them both as a couple!

Finding Charlie a man (already got one :lol:)

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Ah, so they are doing what Red Ranger feared: making Kieran into a psycho to make Romeo look good. Well... I suppose it does happen, you do get psycho boyfriends....

Poor old Indi, she is just too polite and worried about people's feelings. I just wondered how she and Nic got to the party in the first place if they needed Kieran to take them home? Did Sid drop them off?

Poor Nic too. Obviously wants her baby :(

I am rapidly going off Brax and Charlie. I just find them annoying now, especially him. Ruby was funny again though. Maybe Casey is doing her good after all :blink:

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I dont like the sound of the 'deal' not considering what I heard.. I don't want Angelo to get involved.. damn him. He gets me liking him and then he does something as stupid as this, he has grown on me since he split up with Charlie. He is a much better character and his moments with Nicole when she was in hospital was really cute as well, it doesnt bode well for them tho. H&A love creating drama! <_<

Agree - I don't want Angelo involved, but I was surprised when he accused Heath of laundering money through his till. He must realise that the money is not legit and there are dodgy dealings going on. He was a cop after all. Why does he allow it?

Ah! Romeo to the rescue of sad Indi. Will he be her knight in shining armour and be rewarded?

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