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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Some more excellent Ruby/Charlie stuff, loved that bit where Charlie's trying to procrastinate over her date and Ruby just goes "How's tomorrow night?"And Ruby actually calls Charlie Mother, albeit sarcastically.Maybe they might be moving them forward at last?Sadly, that was as good as it got with regards Charlie.She should probably have stuck with her blind date instead of going to Brax, who I am rapidly going off.He was incredibly smarmy during his confrontation with Angelo and I was glad that Angelo seemed to cover off better and leave him worried.Whatever's going on in the woods, illegal or not, he obviously doesn't want Angelo or Charlie knowing about it.He blatantly just met up with Charlie to find out what she knew and their chat at the restaurant, which felt like it was meant to be an intimate moment, felt rather cold and lacking in feeling;Charlie seemed to want a proper relationship on some level but all they could offer each other was clandestine sex on the beach.And I've a worrying feeling that she's going to ignore Angelo's concerns because of her involvement with Brax.

Re Ruby and Casey:I don't mind them together but I wouldn't care if they broke up.It feels like a sort of faux-innocent teen romance, which I guess is understandable if she's Casey's first girlfriend, rather than anything particularly deep and they'd probably be better off forgetting about the other stuff and just being friends, which is probably what they'll end up doing.But I don't think there's any harm in it for either of them at the moment.

Anyway...Kieran.Aargh.Only saving grace is that, while he's obviously a bit unhinged and has difficulty accepting a girl isn't interested, he hasn't done anything too bad so far and did let Indigo go when she asked him to.(The promo doesn't look too good but I'm hoping it's misleading.)It was nice to see Nicole and Indi hanging out, shame it went a bit pearshaped.(Shame they gave them such an appalling make-up job that completely ruined their natural beauty too...)Just how long was Indigo arguing with Kieran for Nicole to get that drunk?In the circumstances, I guess accepting a lift off Kieran was their only option.They probably took the bus there or something.

Found the way Roo and Angelo seemed to try and pressure Nicole into going to see the baby very odd.She's obviously struggling with her decision and that would only make it more difficult.(Of course, she's going to have to see the baby some time, given they live nearby, but that's always been a problem.)I can't decide if they were just being a bit thoughtless or they're hoping that Nicole will decide she wants the baby back and they were trying to nudge things along.Smart move to have Marilyn dressing down as if she hasn't been getting enough sleep rather than her usual glamourous appearance.Dexter manages to steal the scene with just a couple of lines again.

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Shame they gave them such an appalling make-up job that completely ruined their natural beauty too...)

Yes, I thought that as well. Indi's lipstick was really, really awful, it made her mouth look huge and I'm not into make up at all so it must have been awful for me to notice :lol: Didn't notice Nicole's so much. Maybe they were trying to show that these two are innocent young girls who don't know anything about make up :lol: Hm... Nicole was maybe out of practise after so long not going out? But even so...

Loved Nic's put down of Kieran when he noticed she wasn't pregnant anymore!

I think Roo and Ange want her to keep the baby. I think Roo is regretting the Martha situation, Nic was correct.

Yes, I've gone off Brax too, but then again I was never on him, so to speak. He is smarmy and a control freak. He and Charlie are two control freaks together and Angelo is better off without them. Charlie suppressed Angelo, he is much nicer since he split up with her. She was more like the man in that relationship :angry:

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Agree as well about the make up, Nic's was OK, it was Indi's lipstick that was way too OTT, it just didn't suit her at all, much too old a colour for her. They are both stylish young girls so ought to know what suits them and doesn't. Good point Miranda aka Christina, I must admit I didn't give a thought as to how Indi and Nic got to the bar. Nic doesn't seem to like Kieran, but that could be due to his attitude towards her. I'm guessing Indi rang Romeo as she couldn't get hold of Sid, Dex probably wouldn't have had access to a car (not that would have stopped him if he had), so Romeo was next on the list, does he drive? It could look more than it actually is form the trailer, maybe he just went back simply to take her home. He certainly hadn't got the message before that she wasn't interested.

I suppose as Nic hadn't been drinking for a while, just a couple of strong drinks would affect her a lot quicker than it would have normally. She was probably drinking to help her stop thinking about Ben/George. Roo was the main one pushing her to go and see George, I think Angelo just agreed for the sake of it. Nic was been right about Roo projecting her regrets about Martha onto her. If Nic is expressing milk for the baby how is she getting it to Marilyn without seeing him? When I first saw the Walkers, before Kieran arrived, I thought Indi was Marilyn!

Was there another little moment between Angelo and Nic when she was dressing his wound? :wink: At least he listened to her and let Sid look at it. Good show down between Brax and Angelo when he was asked what was wrong with his leg. Was Brax daring Angelo to get involved? I'm guessing Brax went and joined the gang after he and Charlie had their 'walk' on the beach. Angelo did have the sense to tell Charlie about his suspicions about Brax, Heath and co. If she follows up on it remains to be seen. I agree Red, I thought he was on a fishing trip when he popped up at Charlie's, but he can't push it too much, Charlie isn't stupid.

Lovely scenes between Charlie and Ruby, haven't seen them like that for a long time, I spotted the 'mother' remark. :D Wonder how long it will last this time? Charlie creeping in and getting caught by Ruby was funny, especially as Ruby thinks Charlie had been seeing Ryan and was going to see 'him' again. Wonder if Ryan will post on the dating site about Charlie cancelling their date and wanting to make another one, that will be her cover blown!!

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Miranda aka Christina

Argh! Why? Its CATHERINE! Why why why does everyone in the world think my name is Christine or Christina? :blink: You are not the first H&ALover and you won't be the last. Its an epidemic of misunderstanding/ misreading :huh:

I am now going to sulk in my tent, like Achilles :wink:

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Miranda aka Christina

Argh! Why? Its CATHERINE! Why why why does everyone in the world think my name is Christine or Christina? :blink: You are not the first H&ALover and you won't be the last. Its an epidemic of misunderstanding/ misreading :huh:

I am now going to sulk in my tent, like Achilles :wink:

Many apologies Catherine. :blush: Please come out of your tent, sulking doesn't suit you. Btw, considering the other Miranda was a lovely lady why did you object to her 'stealing' your name, I could understand it if she had been an Angie type?

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Thank you H&ALover (bows). I am now officially Not Sulking :lol:

It is just one of those annoying things that whenever I do anything and say my name is Catherine, I inevitably get a reply 'Dear Christine'. Even happens on the phone- 'can I speak to Christine please?! :rolleyes:

Re: Miranda. I just didn't want people thinking I am some besotted fan, calling myself after a H&A character cos I can't think of any original name, or that I have some obsession with Xavier and want to be Miranda :lol: I thought I'd chosen a boring grannyish name that wouldn't possibly be used on H&A, but... :huh:

But maybe you're right, I should be pleased she is a surfer babe type and not a murderer or stalker :lol:

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Good to hear you are now back with us! Catherine sounds nothing like Christine or Christina, I bet you got letters, emails etc spelling it with a K as well. I have the kind of same problem with my name FrancEs, people do insist on spelling it FrancIs, even my own family are guilty of it. Even when I sent emails and 'signed' it the correct way they still replied Dear FrancIs GRRH!!!

Anyway you were Miranda long before she came on the scene, so no of us would have thought that, just one of those coincidences that happens in soaps and any TV programme that has a character with our name. I'm usually rather chuffed.

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In case I forget to mention this tomorrow, I've worked out what was wrong with Indi's lippy. She has very full lips so with that red lipstick all you saw was LIPS, a softer colour would have been much better and she could have drawn attention to her eyes.

To be continued.

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Oh just lost this post, argh!

Re: Christine. I think people are deaf. I phone up saying 'hello, my name's Catherine.... can I speak to....?' and the next person inevitably says 'Hello Christine, how can I help?'

Nice to see the realistic effects of having a new born baby in the house. Sleeplessness makes you feel like dying. Poor Nic, trying to avoid George and leaking milk :( Why are they pushing her to see George? If she had given him up normally, she wouldn't see him again. Its like they are torturing her. So cute that he fell fast asleep with his real mummy, I was in tears.

I don't think Kieran was actually going to do anything to Indi, but I completely understand her fear with him acting like a maniac in the middle of nowhere. At least Romeo doesn't act like that. He and Indi definitely had 'a moment' but glad Sid told him off :)

Brian, you must read look up Achilles and his tent on Google. I think Shakespeare wrote about it :P

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