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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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So, yeah, Romeo comes to the rescue.Not that Indigo really needed rescuing since Kieran would probably have taken her home anyway.He was a bit weird and seemed to have a lot of difficult reading people, convinced that Indi liked him and failing to see that he was scaring her, but hopefully Charlie's chat will help him realise how he's been acting.Glad Sid pulled Romeo up and told him that playing the hero doesn't change what he's done.

Well, the situation with George is as messy as we all thought it would be and no-one knows how to handle things.Nicole doesn't seem to know whether she's a mother or not, the Walkers don't seem to know whether to treat him as part of their family or treat Nicole as his mother.Marilyn just stands around looking bewildered that things haven't turned out like she expected.And pretty much everyone's suffering.I was annoyed that Dexter hid the letter and hope Gina follows up on it quickly: It's about time that Marilyn and to a lesser extent Sid realised the effect their choices have on other people.

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Well, the situation with George is as messy as we all thought it would be and no-one knows how to handle things.Nicole doesn't seem to know whether she's a mother or not, the Walkers don't seem to know whether to treat him as part of their family or treat Nicole as his mother.Marilyn just stands around looking bewildered that things haven't turned out like she expected.And pretty much everyone's suffering.I was annoyed that Dexter hid the letter and hope Gina follows up on it quickly: It's about time that Marilyn and to a lesser extent Sid realised the effect their choices have on other people.

The scene where Nicole holds the baby and it stops crying seems quite prophetic. I think Marilyn will eventually realise that she's not meant to be George/Ben's mother and hand the baby back to Nicole.

It's my fond hope that Nicole and Angelo will raise the child.

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The scene where Nicole holds the baby and it stops crying seems quite prophetic. I think Marilyn will eventually realise that she's not meant to be George/Ben's mother and hand the baby back to Nicole.

It's my fond hope that Nicole and Angelo will raise the child.

Hopefully! The poor baby needs his real mother.

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The scene where Nicole holds the baby and it stops crying seems quite prophetic. I think Marilyn will eventually realise that she's not meant to be George/Ben's mother and hand the baby back to Nicole.

Hopefully! The poor baby needs his real mother.

The scenes where Marilyn is struggling with George/Ben brought back echos of Rachel and Harry. She was tense all the time and Harry picked up on that and wouldn't settle. Could it be it's because Marilyn isn't his birth mum and she's trying too hard? That was so lovely when Nic held him and he just fell asleep. :wub: I suppose Nic had to see him sometime, the longer she left it the harder it was going to be. Must have been distressing for her to lactate when she saw him in the diner. Glad her and Roo have made up and she felt able to admit she was missing him.

It may have been completely innocent and Kieran was going to take Indi home, but him grabbing her and dragging her out of the bushes was hardly going to reassure her was it, perhaps he should have called to her and asked her to come out and waited by the road. My question was answered whether Romeo could drive. How did he find her btw, did she know where she was? Liked Dex giving her a hug, then saying 'Don't get used to it'. :D Have we now seen the end of Kieran or will he still be lurking around? Going back a couple of nights how did he manage to turn up at the same place, she never mentioned exactly where she was going or was there only one gig on that night? Indi is not going to be pleased when she finds out about Sid warning Romeo off, if she wants to be friends with Romeo that is her choice as long as he doesn't make more of it than there is.

Loved Dex's blog and his wearing of the combat gear and helmet was hilarious!! :lol: Somehow I don't see Sid seeing the funny side of it though when he finds out. Liked his remark to Gina 'How about I give you $50 and we forget all about it?' I think he just bottled handing over the letter as he doesn't want Sid and Marilyn to feel under more pressure, I'm sure he will hand it over soon, as you say Red Gina will probably chase it up if she doesn't get a response. Both Sid and Marilyn did talk it over with Dex and Indi so they knew what it would involve.

Another question answered Sid obviously pops over to Angelo's to pick up the milk Nic has expressed.

It's always obvious when Ben/George isn't actually in the scene, you just see the back of his head and it's always covered by a blanket, such an old ploy, though I realise you can't have a new born on screen all the time.

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Quite a funny episode again. Loved the scene starting with Xavier doing 50 press ups, Casey jeering at him, then the tweeting about Mangrove River being cream puffs, John chasing Xavier out of the door etc :lol: Also liked Dex and Xavier just blurting out what they thought due to various reasons for them being exhausted and then Dex falling asleep in class with Xave and Casey throwing things at him to wake him up :lol: And Casey letting it slip about the blog to Marilyn, oops!

In fact the male actors did generally well this episode!

Another love triangle developing! This time between Miles/ Leah/ Elijah. Hooray for love triangles! I've always thought Miles and Leah reminded me of Vinnie and Leah, always giggling and messing about.

The baby thing is so upsetting. Poor George wants his mum, Nicole wants her baby but so does Marilyn. Colleen is right about swaddling babies, wish I'd done that with mine.

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Xavier and Romeo. I loved their little bromance in todays ep, it was a welcome change from all the baby drama that seems to have taken over the screen these past few days.

I feel for Dex more than anyone, he is struggling and he is hiding it, I hope that Sid sorts it out and realises that it cant carry on the way it is, it isn't fair on Dex who has his HSC or Indi with her degree. Marilyn seems oblivious to everyone else apart from her and Nicole's baby. She needs to wake up and see that she needs to give Nicole her baby but she wont do that because she is so stupid!

Aside from that, haha John on twitter :lol: I couldn't stop laughing.

Colleen and Keith 'poke' each other on Facebook. Haha before she said facebook, a strange disturbing image came into my head *shudders*

I loved the torturing of Xavier.

This episode was a good and funny one! :) I hope there is more of it :D

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I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’ve found Ruby quite likeable this week and really enjoyed the match making stuff with Charlie and couldn’t stop laughing when Charlie realised what was going on and tried to take the laptop off her. I found it funny Brax was wondering what Charlie’s type was because I was thinking she would go for any bloke within a 10 mile radius under the age of 50.

Really disappointed the writers have decided to go down this route with Liam. They’ve been through all this before and I’m wondering if there’s anything else to add. I have to give Bianca more credit that I thought as I thought she would have broke up with Liam at the drop of a hat.

It was obvious Sid’s feelings towards Romeo by his disapproving look when Indy thanked him from rescuing her from Kieran. He didn’t even say thanks and the only reason he said he was grateful the next day was so he could warn Romeo off Indy. I’m glad George instinctively took to Nicole. Marilyn was feeling pretty much redundant especially after Dexter’s latest entry on his blog but she seemed to pick herself up afterwards when she settled George down.

Once again enjoyed the stuff with Xavier and John and also with Dexter/Casey/Xavier and loved Miles’s handling of the situation in the classroom when Dex fell asleep.

Not really sure what to make of Miles and Leah kissing. I did smile especially when they seemed awkward at first but it did seem like the kiss was forced, almost like they were doing it because there were no other options for either of them. It will be interesting to see what happens next week.

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Roo's episode count this week:Four and she was credited on Tuesday for no appearance.

Loved all the lighthearted stuff to do with the surf carnival.Slash moment between Xavier and Romeo ("Miranda always made out with me afterwards"/"I said I'd help you but I won't go that far").Casey jokingly taunting Xavier who's too tired to disagree.John's reaction to being given a Twitter account was pretty much what mine would be.Xavier really needs to not help people, although he did manage to reawaken John's sarcastic side.

Glad that the stuff with Dexter struggling at school came to a head quickly.Much as I find Marilyn annoying, it was nice of Dex to reassure her although it's a shame he felt he had to take the blog down.Loved the father/son chat between Sid and Dex, with Sid actually being fine with the blog. (Forgot about the hug with Indi in the previous episode, loved that as well.)

Miles and Leah...Hmm.At least their kiss was done with a bit of humour but I much prefer them as friends.The bit where Miles hands his coffee to one of his students before waking up Dex felt like much more of a Miles moment than him suddenly deciding he wants to cop off with one of his best friends and I suspect it was Josh rather than the writers who came up with it.Personally, I'd rather he remembered Nicole exists and went to see her rather than delegating responsibility to Roo.

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The bit where Miles hands his coffee to one of his students before waking up Dex felt like much more of a Miles moment

How could I forget that! That was funny, for some reason I wanted Miles to pour it over Dex's head but that's abuse :lol:

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Slash moment between Xavier and Romeo ("Miranda always made out with me afterwards"/"I said I'd help you but I won't go that far").

Firstly, no I didn't! Secondly, haha! Now we've got you noticing all the slash moments! Thirdly, the writers must have been reading your fanfics to write that dialogue. This Is Proof :lol:

Pouring coffee over poor Dex's head, Zetti! What's the poor boy done to annoy you? :lol:

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