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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Twitter and John had to be highlight of the entire episode :lol:

Miranda and Xavier looked strained but then that was normal in that situation.

Xavier is becoming my new fav teen just behind Dex. I love how Dex pulled him by the ear to go and play pool. :lol:

*Shudders* Miles & Leah :( I really dont like them together :( I hope it doesnt work out actually!

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*Shudders* Miles & Leah :( I really dont like them together :( I hope it doesnt work out actually!

ahh, i really enjoyed their scenes today, i couldn't stop myself smiling at them. i don't think it will work out, it's pretty clear we're all supposed to be hoping she gets back with Elijiah. so if that does happen, i hope Miles isn't hurt in the process.

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*Shudders* Miles & Leah :( I really dont like them together :( I hope it doesnt work out actually!

ahh, i really enjoyed their scenes today, i couldn't stop myself smiling at them. i don't think it will work out, it's pretty clear we're all supposed to be hoping she gets back with Elijiah. so if that does happen, i hope Miles isn't hurt in the process.

I dont even like her with Elijiah neither suprisingly.

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Yeah, I'm finding the Leah/Miles/Elijah triangle to be a bit of a "rock and a hard place" as well.If I had to choose, I think I would go for Leah and Miles together, I think they've got chemistry as friends which is more than she's got with Elijah, but I'd rather they all stayed single.Not really getting the "Leah's going to end up back with Elijah whatever happens" vibe, although I guess if she doesn't it's hard to tell what they'll do with Elijah.

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Miranda is so hot I don’t blame Xavier for acting the way he does but the way he was around Dexter he still seemed childish compared to her. I don’t really like the way she’s being towards him but I don’t she’s doing it to deliberately be cold. She just doesn’t want to give him the wrong idea. I would love nothing more than those two to get together especially now that Gina really seems to have taken to her but I won’t get my hopes up. Once again enjoyed the interaction with Xavier and Dexter and especially liked Dexter’s lines. I too have quite enjoyed seeing John getting into Twitter and I couldn’t stop smiling at the Leah/Miles stuff although whether they will be a good couple remains to be see.

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Yeah, I'm finding the Leah/Miles/Elijah triangle to be a bit of a "rock and a hard place" as well.If I had to choose, I think I would go for Leah and Miles together, I think they've got chemistry as friends which is more than she's got with Elijah, but I'd rather they all stayed single.

This x 1000. There have been a few times where Leah & Miles have been on screen together and I've caught myself smiling because they seem so happy and have such good chemistry, I just hope it can continue.

In a bit of a rush at the moment so my only other comment is that the Summer Bay uniforms for the surf carnival are beyond hideous. :lol:

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So that's the surf carnival out of the way.John and Garry's rivalry did seem to be getting out of hand and, although John was obviously genuinely worried when Garry collapsed, it did feel like there wasn't quite enough regret from him over the way he'd goaded him, which was rather undignified.But very much in character so I guess it's not a surprise.His talk of spending "years" building the club up...technically it's accurate but he's very much at the lower end of that spectrum.(Incidentally, trivia fans, Garry is played by a guy called Grant Dodwell, who I believe is the real life father of Celeste Dodwell, who played Melody.)

I can understand Ruby wanting to be on the same team as her boyfriend.Not quite sure the Mangrove River crowd would be so accepting of her but the implication does seem to be she's hung out at Casey's house a fair bit.Her baiting of Miranda before the competition did seem a trifle childish and a bit of a shame given she's been okay recently.Their clash in the water seemed like six of one, half a dozen of the other:It looked like Miranda did deliberately push Ruby off her boat but only after Ruby deliberately rammed her.Possibly they should have both been disqualified, although Miranda would probably have gone over herself if she hadn't hit back.Nice that, aside from John/Garry and Ruby/Miranda, everyone was pretty sporting, eg Xavier shaking hands with the Mangrove River boy he beat.So if that's the last we see of Miranda, and I suspect it is, it's nice that she and Xavier parted on good terms and he seemed to win her respect.Her choice of Oscar as a replacement seems a little suspect though.Then again, she shares a house with Kieran(who may be her brother but probably isn't)so she does obviously keep strange company.Nice brief chat between Sid and Roo:Sounds like things aren't going smoothly with George despite Marilyn's apparent breakthrough last week.

As for the ending...hmm.Aside from Charlie getting clobbered, seemed like a fairly minor brawl rather than the "riot" mentioned in publicity, which mostly fizzled out by itself.Although understandable, Charlie probably should have been looking at the bigger picture rather than trying to get Ruby to safety, especially since Casey was looking out for her so it wasn't really necessary. Didn't look like any of the main characters were involved:Heath might have been spoiling for a fight earlier, being held back once by Garry and once by Casey, but seemed to be heading the other way when it all kicked off so he's probably innocent this time.And Brax seemed to be trying to calm things down more than anything.

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And... major soap moment: A character was actually in the toilet! I don't think any character ever has been in the toilet in H&A ever before.

There have been a lot of bathroom moments, remember when Geoff just walked into the bathroom and caught Belle in the shower! :blush: The number of times that happened at Irene's because no-one could be bothered to lock the door! At least John had the door locked.

Not sure who was to blame with Ruby and Miranda, it was a close thing, but the judges seemed satisfied it was Ruby getting too close. There were two other independent (I guess) judges apart from Sid. Ruby certainly kept her decision to join the Mango River team quiet, didn't even know she was that into it before.

Well done Xavier, he won his races fair and square. There was no aminosity between him and the Mango River guy either which is what the whole thing should have been about. Shame about Miranda and Xav, but she did give him the right advice, just to be himself and not pretend. Hopefully they can be friends. Loved the scenes between Xav and Dex, at last Dex is fitting in like he wanted while still being himself.

Liked the way Gina separated John and Gary, half expected her to put one of them on the naughty step. Despite all the aggro between them John was genuinely concerned when Gary collapsed.

What on earth set the 'riot' off, I've put it in like that, because apart from some pushing and shoving and throwing of what looked like fruit it soon died down. Did we see Brax trying to clam things down and stopping Heath Was Charlie hit by a bottle?

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Great episode! :D Great camera work too during the races in the water.

Haha, I loved Ruby's psyching out tactics of That Woman before the race teeheehee. Especially as That Woman was nasty to her for no reason beforehand.

Charlie really is between a rock and a hard place. She doesn't want to appear biased but she should really be on her daughter's side. I thought Casey was going to have a real argument with Charlie but he restrained himself luckily.

Good old Gina telling John and Garry to stop behaving like children :lol:

Mangrove River are such bad losers, aren't they satisfied with 5 years of winning? Come on...

Looks like Ruby's become a Mangrove River girl.... :huh:

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