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Good old Gina telling John and Garry to stop behaving like children :lol:

I loved the bit where Garry calls out "Letting the little woman boss you around, eh?" and then quickly shuts up when Gina turns around.

Yes, that was very amusing. Amazing the power of a headteacher and a pointing finger :lol:

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Oh Gina telling off John Palmer :lol:

From what I saw, Ruby deliberately rammed her and if Miranda hadnt fought back then she would have fallen so yep I agree with the decision of no foul against SB but Miranda was a bit curt with Xavier, and to some extent I got it but it just seemed to be a bit harsh as well.

Dex and Xavier! Comedy gold! Such a shame it will inevitably be blown apart with April...

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What on earth set the 'riot' off, I've put it in like that, because apart from some pushing and shoving and throwing of what looked like fruit it soon died down. Did we see Brax trying to clam things down and stopping Heath Was Charlie hit by a bottle?

Yes, Charlie was hit by a bottle.It seemed to be her and Brax trying to break the scuffle up, it largely seemed to be a case of a bunch of the Mangrove River boys seeing a bunch of the Summer Bay boys and deciding to take their frustration out on them.It was all fairly brief but it didn't look like Heath was actually involved, he seemed to be heading off in the other direction with Casey and Ruby at the time, although I'm not 100% sure about that one.

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What on earth set the 'riot' off, I've put it in like that, because apart from some pushing and shoving and throwing of what looked like fruit it soon died down. Did we see Brax trying to clam things down and stopping Heath Was Charlie hit by a bottle?

Yes, Charlie was hit by a bottle.It seemed to be her and Brax trying to break the scuffle up, it largely seemed to be a case of a bunch of the Mangrove River boys seeing a bunch of the Summer Bay boys and deciding to take their frustration out on them.It was all fairly brief but it didn't look like Heath was actually involved, he seemed to be heading off in the other direction with Casey and Ruby at the time, although I'm not 100% sure about that one.

From what I remember and bear in mind I watched it yesterday on Fiver, wasnt Heath in the car already?

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What were Dex and Xavier saying? I think my recording managed to miss that bit :( It always starts too late.

Unless you mean the day before when Dex was giving Xave motivational speeches all the time. It is a shame they will probably not stay friends, they are so hilarious, I think they are the funniest pair.

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Did we see Brax trying to clam things down and stopping Heath

It was all fairly brief but it didn't look like Heath was actually involved, he seemed to be heading off in the other direction with Casey and Ruby at the time, although I'm not 100% sure about that one.

From what I remember and bear in mind I watched it yesterday on Fiver, wasnt Heath in the car already?

Yeah, that's what I thought, he seemed to be by the car and call Casey and Ruby over, nowhere near where the fight was.

Well...where to start.Brax gets more and more unlikeable by the minute.Even if he was just bluffing when he, or one of the others, took a shot at Angelo and then implictly threatened him, it's clear that he's up to something.Even his interaction with Charlie came across as more creepy than anything else.And he almost certainly knows more than he's saying about who hit Charlie.Charlie herself is incredibly ineffectual, she seems to be saying "There's no evidence so we'll just give up" quite a bit recently.It really did feel like Georgie was the senior officer and she was the novice.Although I thought Ruby was being a bit of a madam in that episode, I don't think she'd lie if she knew anything about who attacked Charlie.Casey might, and his attitude towards Georgie wasn't particularly endearing, but I don't think he is.Brax's justification to John about the riot felt pretty hollow and I'm glad John stood up to him.

Shame Marilyn's decimation of Nicole took place off screen.Maybe they're hoping people will still like her?Too late.Once again she came across as pretty selfish and manipulative.One minute she's jealous of Nicole and trying to put her off the idea of being a mother, the next she's using her as a reluctant babysitter and then she turns on her when it goes wrong.I get the feeling she isn't finding this as easy as she thought she would.Nicole really needs to take George back quick instead of letting Marilyn dictate all the terms.

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Now yesterday at the surf carnival, was I imagining it or did Xavier make the sign for


at Casey when they were saying which team would win beforehand? :o

I think Watson was a bit unfair going for Casey in the Diner. Altho I suppose he does have a reputation.

Brax is probably getting the treatment from Charlie that he's given to girls in the past...

I liked the mess Marilyn's house was in, that is so realistic for a new mum, and the way she looked a mess, and hurried off for a rare shower in desperation :D Nothing gets done and nothing's the same every again! The baby takes all attention....

Aw, Nic holding and breast feeding her baby :D Best thing for him.

Has Angelo gone insane? Going off with Brax and co? But then again he did used to be a cop and he's been around lots of criminals, he should know better. That was a horrible scene though, very sinister.

Good old Watson 'going over Charlie's head'.

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Sooo todays episode: Lots of Heath which was a positive. I am quickly going off Brax though, he just comes across as a jerk to me and he isn't as clean as people may think as he threatened Angelo. It may not have come across like that to some people but it definitely did to me.

Aww poor Nicole. My heart went out to her. She really misses George/Ben. I hope that she gets him back. Marilyn is no longer a character that can be redeemed. She is far too annoying for that to happen. I will never like her again. The writers have ruined her character

Re yesterday's 5 ep... It didn't look like Heath started it ir got involved but then we didn't see much of it.

And back to today's ep, I didnt like the way Watson went for Casey either. A tad unprofessional I think personally and that is about it

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Was Angelo joining them to get more evidence that they were up to no good? That shot at Angelo was at shoulder height so unless they have very tall pigs out there or it was on it's hind legs then no way was that shot accidental. Was all that to get Angelo to stick with Brax until Brax says he's done? See the River Boys got some digs in at Angelo about him knowing how to handle a gun. :wink: Was it me or did Brax and Heath look surprised when Angelo said he would join them?

Unless my hearing is going I can't always make out what is being said at times, it does seem some of the cast mumble a lot.

In one way Charlie was right, as there were no 'witnesses' to the bottle throwing there wasn't a lot she could do. Unless my eyes (like my ears getting on in years) deceived me I thought Charlie got hit on the back of the head, yet her wound was on her right temple. :unsure: It must have come across to Georgie that she wasn't as interested in getting an arrest as much as she should have been. Rather brave of her to contradict Charlie the way she did in front of a civilian.

Agree Red, if push came to shove Ruby would be on Charlie's side, just because the bottle came from the direction of their car, doesn't mean it came from the car. In fact it was better that Georgie did question Casey and Ruby, we know how objective would Charlie be about it, case in point being the party and her covering up for her. Casey was, I imagine, being a River Boy at that point, immediately being on the offensive. He's probably seen Heath and Brax enough times to learn the game. Funny how he is a River Boy when it suits him and wants to put them behind him when it doesn't. I dread to think what may happen between Ruby and Casey if things got really serious crime wise. Would they let their feelings for each other override family loyalties?

Catherine, I've never been a mum but yes it was nice to see a realistic new 'mum' and the mess a place can get into because you have to work round the baby sleeping. I know everyone is slagging Marilyn off for being OTT with Ben/George and her treatment of Nic even before he was born, but I feel sorry for her in a way, she has already lost two children and must have felt envious of Sid having Dex and Indi. She herself pointed out they would have been too old to adopt the usual way so when Nic said she was having doubts about the abortion (off screen) she must have thought it was meant to be. I put her behaviour down to worrying herself silly Nic would change her mind and just leave. She did have her more calmer moments when she realised (or someone pointed out) she was becoming mumzilla. The look on her face when Nic was holding Ben/George and seeing the look on her face proved she is scared Nic will change her mind, nothing has been signed (has it)?

Nic must have felt really torn as to whether or not to give Ben/George the expressed milk or seeing as she was lactating to let him have it on tap as it were. Did Marilyn just throw Nic out or let her finish feeding Ben/George? That would have been distressing for them both. Going by the trailer Nic has been banned from seeing Ben/George indefinitely, does that mean just going to the house or to avoid him entirely which seeing as they only live in a small town is virtually impossible. Roo has got to be careful because really it has nothing to do with her and as she obviously has feelings for Sid (and vice versa) that will be bound to cloud her judgment, plus of course her old feelings regarding Martha being revived. Morag is the one to approach regarding this, though hopefully it won't come to that as it could get very messy.

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I think Brax and Heath were taken by surprise when Angelo agreed to go pig shooting but they soon turned it to their advantage, giving him a clear if indirect message that they want him to stay out of what they're up to.And now they've sent him a dead pig's head.Very Mafia-like.

I can see they're trying to make Marilyn a bit sympathetic and I can see where she's coming from but I still don't like it.It was pretty cowardly of her to send Sid to tell Nicole to stay away, it's like she wants to keep everything that interferes with her fantasy away from her and live in her own little bubble.Sid seems very unhappy about the situation and I think Nicole's words hit home.I really hope someone stands up to Marilyn soon.Preferably Nicole.The last scene of Nicole and Angelo planning to run away together was downright weird.If Angelo does want to do that, he should probably do it now rather than trying to take on the Braxtons, which is only going to lead to trouble.

The portrayal of Liam in that episode was very odd.It was like we were supposed to think there was something wrong with him but I'm not sure what:Keeping the class on topic seems fairly reasonable teacher behaviour and his assignment, though potentially controversial, seems a legitimate way to get the class involved in the subject.But then that's pretty much been this whole storyline, Liam being portrayed as in the wrong when, aside from the drug taking and the clash with Summer, he hasn't been.Dexter looking longingly at an oblivious April was interesting but I hope it stays one-sided.And Indi still mooning over Romeo?So the next guy you went out with was a bit weird.Doesn't mean he's the guy for you.(Her costume changes throughout the episode were a bit amusing though:She seemed to go from a top and short skirt to some sort of red dress thing almost at random.Think they were meant to be her work clothes but it just looked strange.)

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