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Haha! Marilyn and Dex likening Romeo to Donald Trump! :lol:

For gods sake Marilyn! Nicole is going to bond with George whatever happens. In normal adoptions surely the mum wouldn't see the baby ever again. This is such a messy situation, how did they think it would work out?

Superlactater :lol: But poor Nicole. Can't Sid see how its affecting her? He's a doctor ffs. In fact, what did Sid think would happen with this situation? I wish Angelo had been there to tell Roo and Sid where to get off.

I love the way they are writing this though, making it all complicated and as it would be. Not simple and straightforward.

Hm, Liam, you are dreaming if you think you can forget being a musician. He's depressed. But that assignment is fraught with danger for him and the students :o

Ugh, sending that pig to scare Angelo. Hm, wonder who did that? <_<

More funny Indi/Dex conversations, love it. Oh dear, she's flirting with Romeo online, its downhill from there...

Didn't like the sound of Angelo's scores to be settled...

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Okay. This is a review of yesterday episode, was gonna do it last night but things came up so anyways.

I felt for Nicole when Sid said indefinitely, I mean does Marilyn seriously expect her to lactate and not see her own son? I get the feeling that even Sid is sick of it, I just hope that he wakes up and sees the situation for what it is 'a great big bloody diaster'. Marilyn cant even see that it is a disaster, I mean she is too wrapped in how it affects her. She is never going to redeem herself not in my eyes anyways, she is far too annoying for that <_<

Ergh, I had to cringe at the pig head's. It doesnt look like Angelo is going to leave it alone neither, which just annoys me even more because I really can't see a good ending out of it at the moment. <_<

Oooh Romigo... I am not liking this but I am resigned to the fact they will get together, maybe their break up has done them both some good?

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Freudian slip there by Nic, though I think the remark 'her baby' was intentional! Sid did indeed look very uncomfortable, he is kind of in the middle. Shame he chickened out of what he was going to say to Marilyn. Told you it would be impossible for Nic to avoid Sid, Marilyn and Ben/George if they were out and about. From the looks of the trailer Morag's advice has been asked for.

The RB's are hardly subtle are they? Would that be enough proof that they are up to something to take to Charlie? His and Nic's talk about running away may have started off as a joke, but could turn out for real. His wanting to 'settle a few things first' is bound to end in tears.

Liam is trying to do something to get the students interest (why is he filling in for Miles btw)? Though considering they had for real riots not long ago, maybe he should have run it by Gina first. It doesn't take a lot for SBH parents to get their collective knickers in a twist.

Liked those little scenes between Dex and Indi and him teasing her about Romeo, can't always make out what is written on people's mobiles, laptops though, will have to sit nearer the TV to find out.

Rather sweet those glances Dex was giving April. :wub: Hope he doesn't say anything too soon and she is just not interested, it would spoil the lovely friendship they have.

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Episode counts this week:Roo was in all five, Colleen didn't appear at all, so that's the three top billed cast members missing.

I am rather worried about what this storyline is doing to Miles.I wasn't too happy with the way he basically told Elijah "Leah's mine, back off."I can see why Elijah would feel betrayed, when he's been confiding in Miles and taking advice from him all this time and Miles has...shall we say a vested interest.The fact that neither Miles nor Leah is willing to admit to actually being in a relationship is kind of telling.

I'm getting a bit tired of rolling my eyes at Romeo and Indi.Romeo seems to switch between keeping his distance, wanting to be just friends and flirting with her almost at random.And Indi was pretty annoying with her tantrums.Seriously, why would she want to get back with him?Nice chat between her and Roo.(Dare I say, Roo behaved like more of a mother figure to her than Marilyn's ever been?)

Aside from taking drugs at school and indeed at all(which, I accept, is a pretty big "aside"), it's hard to see what's so bad about what Liam's done.The assignment got the kids excited and interested in the subject.It's not going to turn them into terrorists(well, okay, April's halfway there already but...) and Gina acting all sanctimonious about real-life victims of terrorism was just ridiculous.I can understand Miles being unhappy that Liam didn't give them the assignment he set but I found him a bit cold as well.

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The assignment: hmmm I wasn't sure at first but it doesn't seem that bad to me. It's not like it's actually going to happen but I can see why they would be wary.

Miles and Elijiah: this is another reason why I didn't want Leah to get with Miles. It's too strange.

Romeo and Indi: urgh why do they even want to be together?? I predict disaster.

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Oh Indi, put Romeo down, please! Why are you chasing after him as if it was you who has to make it up to him? It should be the other way round :rolleyes: Godsakes woman, have some self respect. But as Red says, I'm resigned to the fact they will get back together and become the dream couple. Must admit I fast forwarded over their scenes <_<

The Elijah/Leah/Miles triangle of lerve rumbles on... Good on Miles for being honest with Elijah tho. Loved the 'you've had your chance and you blew it.' Which is entirely true. Altho Miles spoilt it afterwards by saying 'we don't want to feel guilty about you.'

I'm glad Liam did the wrong thing and got told off. He was never suitable to be a teacher in the first place, they'd never accept a teacher with a drug record, that's how it is <_<

Like Roo's role as counsellor to everyone, she seems very wise.

How unprofessional was it for Elijah to barge into Miles's workplace and start arguing about a girlfriend? Grow up Elijah.

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Episode counts this week:Roo was in all five, Colleen didn't appear at all, so that's the three top billed cast members missing.

RedRanger, I've been following your posts for a while now. Could you explain your weekly episode counts? Is there a significance in Roo and Alf appearing in more episdodes than other characters?

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Episode counts this week:Roo was in all five, Colleen didn't appear at all, so that's the three top billed cast members missing.

RedRanger, I've been following your posts for a while now. Could you explain your weekly episode counts? Is there a significance in Roo and Alf appearing in more episdodes than other characters?

Well...that kind of is the significance.It all started way back in the day when I pointed out Alf appeared in more episodes than anyone else and started keeping a weekly tally of how many he was actually in.As a rule, regulars only appear in two or three episodes a week so their increased count is somewhat above the norm.

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Hi folks, haven't posted for a while, as I agree with (nearly) everyone has been saying and can't think of much more original to say. Except perhaps for Ruby/Casey - another potential disaster? Enjoy the weekend everyone.

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I really enjoyed the Surf Carnival on Tuesday’s episode and although I was disappointed that Miranda had moved on still liked her “You were amazing” remark to Xavier before kissing him. I think the fact that she was going out with someone else quite quickly showed that she wasn’t really into him anyway. I really enjoyed seeing John get into Twitter even though I don’t personally use Twitter myself and quite liked the stuff with him and Gary. Ruby wasn’t as annoying at the Carnival as she had been during the stuff with Romeo and Indy but it did bother me the way she used Miranda and Xavier’s relationship to psyche them out before the competition.

Although Marilyn’s reaction was understandable when she saw Nicole feeding George, I feel that Nicole never should have given the baby to Marilyn in the first place and really hope eventually she puts her foot down and demands George back. And as she (Marilyn) admitted legally she doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Sid’s facial expression clearly showed his objection the whole thing and I seriously wonder if he feels that George belongs with Nicole and is going along with it for the sake of his relationship with Marilyn. I definitely think there’s something between he and Roo and should Nicole get George back I think that would put his relationship with Marilyn in serious jeopardy.

If I was a pupil I would have found the - planning the terrorist attack on Summer Bay - assignment Liam set great and although I really liked the reaction of the class (particularly April) it’s hard to argue with Gina on this one. I believe Liam when he said he was trying to motivate the students but as she mentioned Australians have been the victims of terrorism so she had a responsibility to put that one to bed. Rather than planning a terrorist attack perhaps it would have been better to have an assignment examining the root causes. I actually think Liam was quite lucky Gina only sent him home and gave him time off. She could tell he was under the influence of drugs and would have been within her rights to formally suspend him. If Liam carries on like this he’s going to throw his life a away and lose everything. As I mentioned before one reason why I don’t like this storyline is because they’ve already been down this road before when he befriended Belle and ended up losing his wife and kid.

I have very little sympathy for Elijah regarding this situation with Leah and Miles but do have mixed feelings overall. I agree with what Miles said in that he had his chance and feel now it is too late (especially considering he married someone else and just expected to pick up where he left off with Leah) but as Elijah mentioned it did seem like Miles wanted him out the way to improve his chances of getting together with Leah i.e. not thinking it was a good idea Elijah stay at Leah’s after he was attacked by Billy. So in one respect you would have to question how Miles views their friendship considering he knew Elijah was still in love with Leah.

Really not liking Brax. I don’t like Heath either TBH but at least with him what you see is pretty much what you get. Brax is a lot calmer, more controlled and quite calculating. Although there is no doubt he’s attracted to Charlie and wants to go out with her part of me wonders whether he’s also subscribing to the theory - Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

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